Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 177: Lunar Luxuries and Luminous Lunacies Pt 7

"Oh! That is actually really useful! So what you are saying is that I can basically help level up souls to the point where they are divine and will gain egos or sentients?" I asked, feeling excited about this information if it was what I thought it to be.

Luminara nodded, her eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and caution. "Yes, in a manner of speaking. However, the path to elevating a soul to such a state is fraught with complexity and requires a deep understanding of the soul's inherent nature. Not all souls are suited to this kind of transformation, and the process can be delicate. The emergence of sentience or a divine essence within a soul is a profound event that must be approached with respect and wisdom."

Elevating souls to a divine or sentient state intrigued me deeply. It was like being given the keys to a whole new realm of possibilities, but there was a bunch of red tape along with do's and couldn't's. I had expected souls not to be equal, so that wasn't a surprise, but I was super curious to know what it would be like to have a talking divine soul.

It would be cool to try a few tests with a few to see what would be the best method of raising the soul before it was shaped into whatever I was going to imbue it into. Bah! So many more possibilities! And I hadn't even scratched the surface of what I already had access to!

I grabbed the cup of tea and downed it, then put the cup back down, looking into Luminara's eyes. "So, how do I train my glowing motes of light? I want to set up a spirit training camp soon!" I joked, but I was only half kidding. Even less kidding if it was possible!

Luminara chuckled at my enthusiasm, her laughter echoing softly in the hall's grandeur. "Your spirit is commendable," she said, a playful glint in her eyes. While the notion of a 'spirit training camp' is unorthodox, the essence of what you're suggesting is entirely possible and in line with Lumina's teachings.

She leaned back in her chair, which seemed to adjust and mold itself to her form with a shimmering glow. "Training or guiding spirits, especially those that are just motes of light in your inventory, begins with understanding their core essence. Each soul or spirit carries with it the experiences, emotions, and potential from its existence. To elevate a soul, you must first connect with it, understand its journey, and discover its aspirations."

I nodded, soaking in every word. The concept of connecting with a soul on such a profound level was both daunting and exhilarating. "But how do I actually 'connect' with them? They're just... glowing softballs for the most part. Can't I hook them up to treadmills? Maybe throw them at monsters like weapons so they can get shared experience?"

Luminara laughed softly at my suggestions, her amusement filling the space between us with warm, light-hearted energy. "While the imagery of souls on treadmills is quite amusing, the process is somewhat more nuanced and spiritual than physical exercise or combat experience."

She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before continuing. "To truly connect with a soul, you must engage in a form of meditation that allows you to enter a state of deep empathy and understanding. Imagine yourself as a vessel, open and receptive to the experiences and emotions of the soul. Through this connection, you can begin to perceive the soul's desires, fears, and potential growth paths."

"Wait, hold the phone," I said, putting up my hand. "While I appreciate what you are trying to do, this sounds tedious and time-consuming. I am not the type that has a lot of free time that I want to use to sit around with my eyes closed. I hoped this would be something like feeding them other souls or figuring out some kind of energy to feed them. I am not really a feelings guy unless it is the feeling of an occasional fart."

Luminara's expression shifted from an amused understanding to a more contemplative demeanor, acknowledging my concerns with a nod. "I understand that the method I've described might not align with your usual approach, but soul-forging and nurturing spirits are arts deeply rooted in connection and understanding. However, considering your unique perspective and abilities, alternative methods might suit your style and constraints."

She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with the same vibrant energy that filled her realm. "For someone like you, who seeks a more... dynamic approach to soul nurturing, you might consider leveraging your experiences and battles as a form of energy to feed them. Souls, especially those in their nascent stages, are highly receptive to the energies around them. They can grow and evolve through exposure to different forms of energy, not just the emotional or spiritual kinds."

My interest was piqued by this suggestion since it sounded more like something I would be able to do quickly. It was a more practical and engaging way to interact with the souls I wanted to nurture. "So, you're saying that by exposing these souls to the energies I encounter, whether from battles, experiences, or even the environment, they can absorb and grow from that? That does sound more up my alley."

"Yes, exactly," Luminara confirmed, a smile playing on her lips. "Think of it as a form of passive training. As you go about your adventures, the souls in your care can learn and grow from the energies they are exposed to. This method allows them to evolve in a way that's more aligned with the natural flow of the universe, gaining strength, wisdom, and potentially even new abilities based on the experiences they 'witness' through your actions."

"Huh? I guess I will have to take my souls on a little field trip now and again! Doesn't sound that bad when I think about it. I basically have to stuff some souls in my pocket and my golems and go out collecting more souls. Almost sounds like a lucrative business idea, but I just want to forge them into cool stuff," I said and sighed. This had been a really good trip, and while I hated getting roped into stuff, this info made it all worth it.

"Thank you for everything, but it is about time I get going. I still have one more shop to shop by and then find someone I don't know. Basic quest bullshit, but I have honestly been having fun talking with each of you," I said, feeling every word I spoke. It was a good day, even if it was a very long one. Man, I was glad I had that nap, though, or I would have been dragging my face by this point!

As I stood to leave, Luminara's gaze softened, reflecting a mix of gratitude and a hint of sadness at the parting. "Your visit has been a beacon of light in these trying times," she said, her voice carrying the gentle cadence of a distant melody. "Remember, the knowledge and insights you've gained here are not just for the forging of souls but for the forging of futures. Your path is unique, and your impact on the cosmos is more significant than you might realize."

With a graceful motion, she rose from her chair, the light around her coalescing into a shimmering pathway that led to the palace's grand entrance. "Should you ever find yourself in need of guidance, or if you wish to delve deeper into the mysteries of soul forging, know that Lumina's gates are always open to you."

I nodded, feeling a strange mixture of anticipation and resolve stirring within me. "Thanks, Luminara. I'll definitely be back, especially with a shadowy bogeyman to tackle. But for now, I've got some souls to train and a project to work on."

Luminara smiled and then gave me a hug. In the same instant, I was sucked into a single point, then spat back out in Lunar Luxuries. I used Full Restore and dusted myself off after standing up. They really needed to work on that taxi service. The old 'stuff you in a soup can and shit you back out' was just not vibing for me.

Oh well. I just had one more shop to visit, and supposedly, the last god or goddess would find me, but I still wasn't sure who those two could be. Just one more thing for me to figure out, but for now, I had a God of the Sun to go deal with. Hopefully, he wasn't like my lite brite wannabe god, but I still had an extra slot just in case.

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