Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 185: Filling in Blanks Pt 1

I crossed my arms, still irritated but now more curious than anything. "Alright, Eon, what's this about? Every time you pull me into one of these chats, it's because you've got something on your mind. Spit it out."

Eon's voice softened, taking on a more serious tone. "Leon, your actions have begun to ripple through the very fabric of the divine realms. You've made allies of gods who were once considered outcasts, albeit fitting for someone like you. You're altering the balance of power in ways that haven't been seen in eons."

I raised an eyebrow. "... I see what you did there. It's hilarious, but this is a problem because...?"

"It's not a problem per se," Eon clarified. "Change is inevitable, even necessary. But with great power comes great responsibility, and I want to ensure you're aware of the consequences your actions might have, not just for you but for the worlds and realms you interact with."

I nodded, understanding Eon's words. "I get it. But you know, I'm not just doing this for kicks. These gods, Apollo, Hades, they're my friends. And their worlds and heroes deserve a chance just like anyone else. It’s not like I plan on directly helping them anyway. I will just give them the tools they need, and I am sure they will all help me when needed. Considering how someone else isn't doing anything to help them other than putting them in the kids-only zone."

"You know, for a creature that doesn't like to get involved with other people's problems, you sure do poke your nose in places," Eon retorted back, and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Don't even start with me. You want me to stir this pot because you know what is coming, and I am starting to get a vague idea. Enough that I understand that I will need allies in the future, or when I finally do free my world, the other gods will come and devour me and my world," I growled back, and Eon started to laugh again.

Though echoing in the void, Eon's laughter carried a tone of admiration. "Indeed, you're far more perceptive than many credit you for. Your foresight in garnering allies is wise. The cosmos is vast, and the conflicts that brew within it often transcend the comprehension of mortals and immortals alike. Your world, and indeed you yourself, stand at a crossroads of sorts. Your choices will define the fate of not just your realm but potentially others as well."

I relaxed my stance slightly, curiosity getting the better of my irritation. "Alright, so what's the play here, Eon? You brought me here for a reason, and that isn’t just because you wanted to force the drone of your voice on someone but yourself. Is there something specific I need to be doing, or is this just a courtesy call to remind me that the universe is big and scary?"

Eon's presence seemed to envelop the space, a comforting yet suffocating feeling. "A bit of both, actually. Your journey has only just begun, Leon. The allies you've made and the powers you've acquired are merely the foundation of what's to come. There will be challenges ahead, challenges that will test not just your strength and cunning but your heart and will."

"And?" I prompted, knowing there was a but coming.

"And," Eon continued, "it's imperative that you keep forging these bonds, both with deities and mortals. As I said, your actions have started to shift the balance, but balance is not static. It's a constant dance of give and take. You'll need to be ready for the moments when the music speeds up."

I considered Eon's words, but this was just a pep talk, more blah blah about the complexities of divine politics and cosmic power plays. "So, keep making friends, keep getting stronger, and be ready for anything. Got it. Anything else?"

"One more thing," Eon added. "You can give my regards to your parents for me when you see them.”

That comment made my brain freeze, but before I could say or ask anything, I was standing in Greg’s Printing shop.

“Fancy seeing you here,” Greg said, not seeming surprised to see me suddenly appear.

What had Eon just said to me? My parents? I tried to think about my family on earth, but nothing was there. It was like there was a blank space where the memories should be. I tried to think about other things that related to them, but I kept running into walls. I was always alone because I… I just was?

“Leon? Are you feeling okay?” Greg asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah, but I think that I just need some air,” I said, putting my hand to my head as I still tried to reach for something that clearly wasn’t there anymore if the memories ever were.

“There is a bench outside the shop. Feel free to step out and get some air,” Greg suggested, and I nodded, heading out of the store.

Once I was outside, there was already a person sitting there.

“You look troubled, my son,” Eldros said from his seat on the bench.

“That is one way to put it,” I said, but then frowned. “Fancy meeting you here again. I am guessing that you are the 5th deity that I am supposed to gain approval from?”

“Is that all you guess? Are you curious to know who the other one is?” Eldros asked, waving for me to come sit down.

I did, but the moment my ass touched down, the world around us shifted, and suddenly we were both sitting across from Gachica.

“Is it time already?” She asked, and Eldros beside me nodded.

“I still don’t think he knows, so try to be gentle with him. I don’t think Eon said anything,” Eldros said as I sat stunned, but as soon as Eon’s name was mentioned, my mind snapped back into place, and I jumped up.

“You!” I snapped, pointing at Eldros and then at Gachica. “And you!” 

Unfortunately, that was all I had to say. My brain was still trying to compute what the hell was going on here.

“Yes, we are your parents,” Gachica said, and my mind reeled from the revelation. The pieces of the puzzle that I didn’t even know were missing suddenly fell into place, yet they left gaps so vast that understanding seemed an ocean away.

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