Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 25: Getting Everyone’s Story Straight

I was surprised to see Aria over top of me along with Shelli and Lyra. She had been with the gorilla fox lady getting cleaned up. That must mean that I was out for a little bit.

“Are you okay?” Shelli asked me, and I looked into her dark void eyes with a smile.

“Better than ever!” I grinned, and pushed myself up, making all the girls pull back so I could get up.

“So, you didn't just die?”

The sound of that voice gave me shivers, and I turned around like a rusty door. Mary was standing behind me with Betty the bathhouse owner and Candi the tailor. The look on the Five Tails' face almost made it look like I had done something wrong by coming back alive.

“No, I didn't. That means you still have to hold up your end of the deal, master,” I said with a grin as I stood up. “I guess that we all have a lot to talk about, or at least you and Aria do.”

“Hah? You think so?” Mary asked curiously, stepping closer to me. “Are you hoping to lick my boots again? I can help you assume the position again if you would like?”

I didn't back down. “I do. Don't act like you're the boss either. While I get you are protecting the princess, you serve her. I don't think you need me to tell you how she feels about me.”

Mary leaned in with a dangerous look. “Then you better keep your dirty hands off her until she is ready. If you try to do something like holding her hand without my permission I will throw you off this island,” Mary scowled, but then sighed, pushing past me as the other two shop owners pushed past me to join the other women. “It is my fault that she is as mentally fragile as she is, but as my student, you will learn to court her properly! I will teach you not only how to fight on the battlefield, but within the halls of the nobles and royalty. Some of the greatest battles you will face in the future will be settled with linguistics and penmanship, rather than fighting skill and prowess!”

I sighed, not really feeling this speech right now. I had to listen to Garland prattle on just now, and we still hadn't eaten yet. 

Before Mary could go on, I put up my hand to stop her, then turned to Shelli, pulling out my gold and handing it to her. “Can you pay for everything you girls got so we can get going?”

Shelli took the bag of money with a smile, and then she, Lyra, and Aria followed Candi to the counter where there was a pile of clothing waiting.

I turned back but flinched at Mary’s glare. I missed when she was coming onto me. That was much better than her current gorilla bodyguard/psycho-teacher demeanor.

“I am watching you,” Mary growled, and I crossed my arms.

“Good, but what will you do now? You are going to follow us, right?” I asked, and Mary narrowed her blood-red eyes that matched my strange hair.

“Of course. The princess may trust you, but she is still a child. I will not let you steal her away from me. I am sure you know what will happen if you get her with child, yes?” Mary asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah, you pass to our child and Aria dies. I get it, and I don't want that to happen any more than you do,” I agreed but then smiled. “That being said, I am not looking to have kids now or any time soon. Regardless, when the time comes for that, I will figure out how we can do it without putting Aria at risk. Okay?”

Mary stared at me for a while but then shoved past me to go over to the girls who were finishing paying for everything. I let out a long sigh and stretched again.

Having Mary around would be another layer of defense, which was good. On the other hand, I felt like I was going to be walking on eggshells whenever I was around Aria from now on. 

Still, I was in no rush, nor short of attention from women by any means with Shelli and Lyra. Both of them would be more than enough to keep me entertained until Aria came around. I also hadn't forgotten about my printer, but that was going to have to wait till tomorrow.

“So, what is your plan now?” Mary asked as she stepped up beside me.

“We have to go collect the demons, then we are heading to the Crystal Cavern. Since You are coming, you can watch the girls while I clear out the cave quickly,” I explained, but then felt hostility coming from Mary. 

I slowly looked over, and she looked pissed. What had I said to upset her now?

“You would make a princess sleep on a cave floor?! Have you lost the little bit of mind that you seem to possess, or are you just stupid and ignorant?!” Mary demanded, and I tapped my chin.

“More than likely the second,” I chuckled but then stopped as I felt the hostility reach a point where I started to mentally fear for my life. It was like my body was trying to tell me if I kept fucking around, I was going to find out.

I quickly put my hands up and bowed to Mary, backing up. I needed to remember that this woman could probably end me in a single swing. I had already felt what playful was, so making her angry like this would probably put me at death's door!

“Sorry, but this is the way things have to be for a few days to a week. As far as I know, there is no way to pop up a house to fit all of us in one day. If you have any other suggestions, I am all ears,” I said, but then straightened back up. “But let me make one thing clear. You can get mad or kick my ass if you want, but one girl is not more important than any other in the group. Each of them is equal in my eyes, and I will not give preference to Aria just because she is a princess.”

“That is good,” Aria said from behind me, and I turned around to see her, Lyra, and Shelli holding quite a few stacks of clothing. “I want to be treated just like the others. Just ignore Mary. She is a lot nicer than she seems, right?”

Mary’s arms wrapped around me from behind, and all my danger alarms started to go off inside as I was enveloped in her murderous aura.

“Yes! I will play nice with Leon!” Mary said in a cheerful voice as she rested her head on my shoulder. The moment the girls looked away, I heard a barely audible whisper. “Tomorrow morning I will make you pay for brainwashing her!”

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