Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 40: What Mom Wants

Once supper was on the way, I snuck off to the golem's cave. 

There was a demon in there watching my printer, and I waved to the little man as I walked into the cavern.

"How are things going?" I asked, not expecting any kind of real answer. The Printer was an alien object to everyone in this world, so I didn't expect much.

The demon, a small impish man with fiery red eyes, glanced at me and then back at the printer. It made some unintelligible noises and shrugged its tiny shoulders, clearly not understanding the question.

Chuckling, I approached the printer and examined the progress. The layers were building up nicely, and the object was starting to take shape. It seemed like the printer was handling the magical materials of this world quite well.

As I waited, I decided to strike up a conversation with the imp. "So, what's your name? Are you the guardian of the printer now?"

The imp looked at me, seemingly surprised that I was addressing it. After a moment, it pointed to itself and made a hissing sound that might have been an attempt at a name. "Zizzak."

"Nice to meet you, Zizzak. I guess you're in charge of keeping an eye on the printer here?" I asked, and the imp nodded vigorously.

"Printer valuable. Must protect because mom said we had to protect father's toy... are you my father?" Zizzak paused and then asked with determination as if understanding the importance of the mysterious machine.

I was a little taken aback by this, and I really wasn't sure what to say. there was a good chance that this demon was older than me. so it felt weird to say I was his dad when I hadn't even done anything with the woman he called Mom. 

On top of that, this demon also looked older than me, disregarding this tiny stature. 

How was I supposed to respond to this question?

I scratched my head, a bit perplexed by the imp's question. "Well, I appreciate the sentiment, Zizzak, but I don't think I'm your father, yet. I mean, if you want to consider me that way, I don't mind..." I said. my voice trailing off as I tried to think what it would be like to have a demon imp as a potential offspring.

Zizzak seemed satisfied with my response, nodding as if he understood. "Protect father's toy. Good human, good father," the imp muttered to itself.

I chuckled at the situation, realizing that I had unintentionally gained a little demon minion who considered me its father. Well, the adventures in this world were proving to be quite unpredictable.

As the printer continued its work, I sat down on a nearby rock, curious about what the final product would be. I couldn't help but wonder if the magical materials of this world would enhance the capabilities of the computer created by the printer.

Part of me wanted to sit there and watch the printer work, but I started to get a longing feeling after a short moment. I turned my body to the source and found myself staring at the cave that I had noticed this morning.

No matter how I looked at it, it didn't look any less like a vicious mouth full of teeth. Part of me knew that it was a bad idea to go exploring alone, but today seemed like a day for a bad idea

"Well, Zizzak, Thanks for watching things. I will make sure that you get something for your time..." I said, and then paused, before turning back to face the demon. "Is there something that you really want? I know you all like to sleep, but is there something I can do for you that you want?" I asked, and the demon tapped his lips with his finger.

"Sleep good, food good, shiny things good!" Zizzak replied, listing his preferences with enthusiasm.

"Well, give me a few days to get things together, and I will have a great place for you to take the best sleep of your life!" I laughed, and the demon got on the floor to kow tow to me, putting his head on the floor.

"I don't need sleep. I like food, but not important. Mom is important. You make mom happy. When mom happy, we all happy... if you can do... something... make mom happy for long time... that is good," Zizzak explained, pausing to find the right words.

The demon's words hit me, and I turned away for a moment. It was so easy to overlook the fact that these creatures, despite their demonic appearance, still had emotions and connections. Zizzak's devotion to his "mom" made me realize that even in this magical world, relationships mattered.

"I'll do my best, Zizzak. I'll try to make your mom happy," I promised, feeling a newfound sense of responsibility toward this little demon and its family.

Zizzak seemed satisfied with my response, standing up and hopping around excitedly. "Good father! Good human!"

With that, I left the cavern and headed towards the ominous-looking cave. It was time to explore and see what secrets this world held, even if it meant facing the unknown alone.

As I approached the entrance of the cave, the ominous feeling grew stronger. The teeth-like formations at the entrance seemed to almost pulsate with a faint glow. Steeling myself, I took a deep breath and stepped into the darkness.

The moment that I did, I felt a breeze blow by me, and I looked over to see Daryle.

"Looks like a place that one shouldn't venture alone, am I right?" The knight asked from beside me where he had appeared out of thin air.

"Do you really think that I will have trouble? I can fight the boss in this room without batting an eye," I smiled, but Daryle gave me a look.

"There is a large difference between the areas before a mini-boss and an actual boss, but!" Daryle laughed. "Since you are so weak, I will let you fight alone, but Mary would kill me if I let you go alone."

I looked at the cave, and then back to Daryle. Part of me wanted to just ignore the warning, but I had learned that this world was willed with invisible do not fuck with signs. If this guy was telling me to be careful, then I should probably heed his advice. 

Still, he wasn't telling me to not go, so it must not be that bad.

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