Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 42: Bonesy

I chuckled at the thought of naming my skeletal wolf companion "Bonesy," feeling a surge of excitement. It seemed like my accidental summoning had turned into an unexpected advantage.

"Alright, Bonesy, let's show this tentacled nightmare what we're made of!" I declared, feeling a newfound confidence.

Bonesy seemed to understand, and together we launched a coordinated attack on the tentacled monster. The skeletal wolf danced around the creature, avoiding its strikes with ghostly agility. Meanwhile, I grabbed one of the tentacles and started to pull. 

The creature let out a guttural roar as Bonesy continued to bite and claw at its tentacles. The struggle was intense, and I could feel the dark energy pulsating around us. It was a battle between the living and the undead, a clash of magic and monstrous force.

Despite the odds, Bonesy and I fought with determination. The skeletal wolf proved to be a formidable ally, and its attacks were surprisingly effective against the tentacled horror. With each strike, the tentacles slowed, but I could seem to get it out of the watery pit in the center of the cave.

I quickly assessed the situation, realizing that defeating the tentacled monster required a different approach. The water seemed to be the source of its strength, and if I could somehow disrupt it, the creature might weaken.

'Asha! Do you know any lightning spells that I can use?!' I demanded as I reefed on the tentacle I was holding as Bonesy fended off the others trying to attack me.

In response, Ashagon gave a sad laugh. 'Maybe if you trained really hard for, I don't know, 10 years! I am a necromancer you dolt! Why would I know basic lightning spells! You should have asked the oh-so-perfect Aria to teach you!'

Woah! That was way more whatever than I needed right now, but I could feel some jealousy radiating from Ashagan. Not that this was a time to be aware of it, but I had to focus on the task at hand. Without a lightning spell at my disposal, I needed to find another way to disrupt the water and weaken the tentacled monster.

As I continued to struggle with the tentacle in my hands, an idea struck me. I looked at Bonesy, who was still engaged in combat with the creature's other tentacles.

"Bonesy, hold on for a moment!" I shouted, and the skeletal wolf disengaged, giving me a brief respite.

I had just remembered about one of my skills, Alter. It had a 3-day cooldown, but it supposedly allowed me to change something about an inorganic object. If that was the case, then I was just going to have to make my own weapon!

Looking around, I spotted some glowing moss. It seemed basic, but that was good since it was growing everywhere. I wasn't sure how widespread the effect of Alter was, but I was running out of options. 

Rushing over, I grabbed some off the wall and focused on it. "Alter!" I shouted, and as a new menu popped up, time seemed to freeze completely.

Select from the following Options:

  1. Size
  2. Shape (Not Available)
  3. Chemistry
  4. Properties
  5. Use (Not Available)

I looked around, but after realizing that time had really just frozen for this, I focused on the screen. Two of the options were locks, but the important ones were still open. Chemistry should allow me to change the elements that make up the moss, but the properties seemed like the option I was looking for.

Properties should allow me to change the physical and magical properties of the moss. With a sense of urgency, I selected "Properties" from the menu.

Another set of options appeared:

  1. Hardness
  2.  Conductivity
  3. Flexibility
  4. Density
  5. Color

The one that caught my eye was "Conductivity." If I could make the moss conductive, perhaps it could act as a makeshift lightning rod.

I selected "Conductivity" and another set of options appeared.

  1. Range
  2. Conductivity Ionization
  3. Limits

I chose "Conductivity Ionization" from the menu, hoping that it would enhance the moss's ability to conduct electrical energy. Another set of options appeared:

  1. Low
  2. Medium
  3. High

I selected "High," hoping to maximize the conductivity of the altered moss. As soon as I made the choice, the Alter menu disappeared, and time unfroze.

I quickly grabbed the altered moss and approached the water. With a burst of determination, I threw the moss into the dark pool. 

The moment I did, a tentacle tried to slap it away, but the moment it made contact, the entire cave was filled with lightning. Bonesy, the tentacles, and I were all electrified to our cores, and I was sure that Daryle now knew what my skeletal structure looked like.

The tentacled monster convulsed in agony as the electrical energy surged through its body. Bonesy, my skeletal wolf companion, seemed unaffected by the shock, and I thanked whatever magic animated him for that.

As the lightning subsided, the tentacled monster didn't move, and I let out a sigh of relief. That was a bit more than I bargained for considering how easy the Mini-Boss had been to defeat.

With the tentacled monster defeated, I took a moment to catch my breath. The altered moss had served its purpose, conducting enough electrical energy to incapacitate the creature. I turned to Bonesy, my skeletal wolf companion, and patted its bony head.

"Good job, Bonesy! You really saved the day," I praised, feeling a sense of camaraderie with my unexpected undead ally.

I heard clapping and I turned back to see Daryle walking into the cave with a grin. "that was good, kid! You really surprised me! Thought I was going to have to jump in, but you are not pushed over when you get backed into a corner! Kind of like a rat, but in a good way!"

I decided to take the backhanded compliment and sunk to the floor as Bonesy came over to nuzzle my face. It was clear I still had a long way to go, but if there was one thing I knew about strong monsters!

Isekai Rule Number 3! The stronger the monster, the more likely they were to have great drops!

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