Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 60: The Ninja Golem’s New Dress+

Once Danielle and I were ready to go, I called upon Hama to guide us back to Greg's shop. The familiar sensation of being pulled into the Interdimensional Hamazon Shopping Reality washed over us. When the swirling lights dissipated, we found ourselves standing in front of Greg's magical shop.

"Here we are!" Hama announced cheerfully.

"Thanks, Hama. You've been a great help," I said, giving the floating TV a grateful nod.

"No problem at all! If you need anything else, just give me a shout. I'll be here, ready to assist!" Hama replied with enthusiasm.

As Hama's screen disappeared, Danielle looked around the mall before turning back to me with a face-splitting smile. "Did you really create the computer? Did you really create a device that can breach the mythical home of the true gods?!"

I frowned at this. "No, this is Hamazon's IHSR. While it is pretty crazy, I don't think it is home to true gods, but heroes from other worlds come here to shop."

At my words, Danielle grabbed me and started to shake me. "That is exactly what this place is! Hamazon is the name written in the text to be the home of the true gods you idiot!" 

"How was I supposed to know?!" I demanded, but then she stopped, and we both froze. 

Something had just appeared beside the two of us. The feeling of dread that washed over me was an ocean compared to the single drop I had felt when Aria had tried to grab my hand. 

Slowly, the two of us turned our heads in fear to see an old man with a bright smile. Then, just like that, the dread was gone, and both Danielle and I gasped for air, making the old man laugh.

"So! Another new hero, and already bringing one of your ladies on a shopping trip to the divine realm?" The old man asked, and then laughed, looking at Danielle who was blushing, but didn't say anything. 

Instead, she pulled her favorite defense move. Hide behind me.

"Ho Ho Ho! A shy one in the face of a god are you little one? Seems you have been through a lot, but it is good to have a good man at your side! I see big things in your future, little lady. So don't let your past guide you to ruin, okay?" The man said, seemingly looking through me at Danielle, who nodded, rubbing her head on my back.

"Who are you?" I asked, not sure why this being had come to talk to me. He reminded me of Garland, but much stronger. Not only that, but I didn't get the same bad guy vibes from this guy I did with the Bright Lite God.

The old man chuckled warmly. "Ah, forgive my manners. I am known by many names, but you may call me Eldros, the Observer. I watch over the threads of destiny that weave through the realms. It's not every day I get to meet a hero and his companion, especially in the divine marketplace of Hamazon."

I exchanged a glance with Danielle, and she peeked out from behind me, still a bit wary. Eldros seemed harmless enough, but the encounter with divine beings always left me on edge.

"I don't mean to intrude, but I sensed a unique connection between you two. Yet, there are more, even one inside of you now!" Eldros laughed, making Ashagan come out of my body.

However, as she did, the kunoichi golem's body formed around her shadow. This time, the bandages were gone, and she wore a slightly revealing bodysuit that looked more like a swimsuit.

Ashagan didn't seem to notice. To my surprise, she marched right up and poked a finger into Eldros's chest which was covered by a glistening white robe.

"What is the big idea, you old fart?" Ashagan demanded, and both Danielle and I winced.

"You're a feisty one for being dead! Don't you think you are fortunate to have met a man who can give you such a fine body? Not another in that world could have done this for you, right?" Eldros asked, and Ashagan turned to glare at me.

"Is that true, Leon?" She questioned with a hint of annoyance.

I scratched my head, feeling a bit awkward. "Well, I did use a magical printer to create your golem body. It's not exactly common in our world, but I suppose it's a unique skill."

Ashagan huffed, crossing her arms. "Hmm, well, I suppose I can't complain too much then. This body does have its perks."

And that was the moment that Ashagan finally looked down. Then her entire body blushed, and she ran at me.

I suppose that she thought she was going to just refuse into my body, but it didn't happen. Danielle had the sense to get out of the way, so only I was tackled by Ashagan. I was slammed back into Greg's storefront, feeling a few ribs crack from the impact.

I opened my eyes to Ashagan pounding on my chest. "Let me back in! This suit is too embarrassing! Why did my boobs get bigger?! This wasn't the model I picked!"

Thankfully, Danielle ripped Ashagan off me and then helped me back up as I coughed out a bit of blood. Those fists had hammered down like bricks on my already cracked and bruised ribs. I was thankful for Danielle stopping her, but my body had already been healing by the time she started pounding on me.

"Hold on, Ashagan! We can discuss this calmly," Danielle said, holding the blushing golem at arm's length.

"I demand to be let back inside! This body is ridiculous, and I don't want to be seen like this!" Ashagan protested, still struggling in Danielle's grasp.

I took a deep breath, wincing a bit from the pain in my ribs. "Ashagan, calm down. We can figure this out without resorting to violence."

Ashagan huffed but stopped struggling. "Fine, but I want a better body, and I don't want to be seen like this."

I sighed, realizing that the situation had taken an unexpected turn. Eldros, the Observer, was still watching with a bemused expression. "Well, I suppose we can look into making adjustments to your golem body later. Right now, we have other things to focus on."

Eldros nodded in agreement. "Indeed, young hero. The threads of destiny weave in mysterious ways, and your path is entangled with many others. Take heed of the connections you form, for they may shape the course of your journey."

I exchanged a glance with Danielle, who still had a perplexed expression on her face. Eldros seemed to be speaking in riddles, and I couldn't decipher the true meaning behind his words.

"Thank you for the advice, Eldros. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?" I asked, trying to get more clarity.

The Observer chuckled. "No need to worry, young hero. The tapestry of destiny unfolds in its own time. Just remember, the choices you make and the bonds you form will echo through the realms. There are other heroes, and with your access to the divine realm, you are bound to meet others like yourself."

Eldros turned to leave but then paused. "I will leave you with this. Not all gods are great, nor are all heroes heroic. You are a perfectly good example of someone who refused to be pressed into a mold. While that is good, be careful. Not all see it the same way."

And then I blinked and he was gone.

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