Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 7: Sharpening my Evasion Skills

"Hold on just a minute!" I said, narrowing avoiding another bouncing slime as Shelli advanced on me.

"I am just going to show you my thanks! Why are you so guarded with me?!" Shelli demanded, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Really? Do I look that easy to manipulate?" I asked, backhanding a slime coming for me, making it burst.

Shelli just stared at me with a shocked look on her face. Did I say something wrong?

"H-How d-did d-do t-that?!" Shelli stuttered out, and I frowned at her, swatting another slime. "That!"

I looked back at the two slimes, and blinked, then looked at my hand. I hadn't really taken the time to see if I got stronger or anything. I definitely hadn't gotten faster, so maybe it was just my strength?

Giving my head a quick shake, I focused back on Shelli, who was creeping closer.  "Listen, Shelli," I said, putting my hand up. "You are at least an 8/10 in my books, and that is without factoring your wings and what looks to be natural purple hair. Basically, everything I could want in a woman, and you are throwing yourself at me. If you are an 8/10 for hotness, then you are 10/10 for being highly suspicious."

Shelli's expression shifted from shock to a mix of surprise and confusion. "I... I don't understand. What does my appearance have to do with being suspicious?"

I sighed, trying to find the right words. "Look, I appreciate the gratitude and all, but you're too quick to offer yourself up. It makes me wonder if you're genuinely interested or if there's some ulterior motive. I've been dropped into this world with little information, and I need to be cautious."

Shelli's wings drooped, and she looked genuinely hurt. "I... I didn't mean to come off that way. I just wanted to repay you for saving me."

I scratched my head, realizing that maybe I had been a bit too harsh. "I get that, and I appreciate it. It's just... I need to take things one step at a time. Let's focus on our tasks and missions for now, okay?"

She nodded, looking a bit dejected. "Okay, Leon. I understand. Let's just continue with our mission."

Part of me did feel bad for having to act like this, but I had to stick to my guns. Better to be a single virgin than get wrapped up in one of stupid god's traps. I could apologize later.

With a sigh, I swatted a slime in annoyance, opening my notification about my reward. As I did, a glowing white box appeared before me. As soon as it did, the black silhouette of weapons started to appear at random on the front face with the name in writing above.

[Random Basic Weapon Reward]

The silhouettes shifted and changed, and the writing above them flickered. After a moment, the changing images stopped, revealing a simple iron dagger.

[Received: Iron Dagger]

I picked up the dagger and examined it. It felt solid and well-crafted, a basic weapon but better than nothing. At least now I had a means of defending myself in this strange world.

"Hey, Shelli, check this out. I got a dagger!" I said, holding it up.

Shelli's eyes widened with excitement. "That's great, Leon! Now you can defend yourself more effectively. Let's continue our exploration and complete the blacksmith's quest."

I internally sighed at her reaction, glad that she didn't seem to be holding a grudge. Maybe I was just being paranoid, and women in this world all acted like this, but I doubted it. This smelled horribly like some kind of control bullshit, and until I could prove there wasn't, I would just have to keep my belt tight.

The two of us headed to the next section of the cave, but I asked Shelli to let me take care of the next cave. Not really wanting to let me go alone, I finally convinced her to stay behind.

After leaving Shelli, I made my way to the edge of the next cave and looked inside. There were five little green men with assortments of weapons. They were abusively ugly like mom said no as soon as they were pushed out. She might have even tried to push them back in hoping for something at least half as hideous.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they were a bunch of goblins. Only one of them had a bow, the rest all had crude melee weapons. 

No matter how I looked at it, fighting five of these guys was going to be tough, but I didn't want to fight them all. I still had to do some running away!

Weighing my options, I looked down at the dagger in my hand. Common was not an understatement by any means, but it was still a sharp piece of steel. 

Back in my place, I had a dart board for the profile picture of annoying clients that I would print out. I wasn't great, but it was the closest thing I had to a combat skill. 

I didn't really know how to throw the knife, but I figured I could try to do some damage, if not kill at least one of them. Pulling my arm back, I stepped out of my cover and threw the knife at the only goblin with a ranged weapon.

The throw was dogshit and hit the ground right before the goblin, but that was when things got crazy. The knife shattered, tearing up earth, rocks, and dust, filling the cavern.

I looked down at my hand, and then back to the settling dust, and then winced. The goblins had been torn to shreds like machine guns had taken them down.

"Leon!" I heard Shelli call, and I turned my head back to see her catching up to me, but when she got close, she froze.

"Did you do this?" She asked, and I shrugged, walking into the cave. Looks like I would be running from these guns, but just how weak was that knife? 

"How many more caves like this do you think we have to go through," I asked as I squatted down to grab a hand ax, peeling off the little green hand still attached to it.

Shelli watched in shock as I picked up the hand ax and casually examined it, seemingly unfazed by the gory scene. This wasn't boobs or anything to do with my printer, so I just paid it no mind. I had to keep my head focused on the important stuff, like printing a woman not tainted by Grampa Lite Bright!


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