Regressed Master: Raising The Son Of Heaven Isn’t Easy

13: First Step on the Path Of Cultivation (III)

Seated on the veranda, Wang Yang read through the first chapter. His eyes squinted as he muttered the words on the page, trying to memorize them.

“It is confusing, isn’t it?” My sudden question startled Wang Yang. But, he regained his cool soon. Maybe I should make some intentional noise while walking around him.

“Very confusing.” He said.

For a first-timer, these terms and lines would become confusing, and the methods also had a more flowery language than normal. But, even that roundabout way of describing the process of cultivation had its perks. It invokes the person’s imagination and has them interpret things, in turn increasing their comprehension abilities. But, there were more things for Wang Yang to worry about.

“Are you stuck in the meridians part?” He nodded so I continued. “Taiyin (Lung), Shaoyin (Heart), Jueyin (Pericardium), Shaoyang (Three Burners), Taiyang (Small intestine), Yangming (Large Intestine), Taiyin (Spleen), Shaoyin (Kidney), Jueyin (Liver), Shaoyang (Gallbladder), Taiyang (Bladder), Yangming (Stomach), the first half connect to your hands, while the later connect to your feet. These twelve Meridians are gateways for the Qi to move inside your body and reach the Dantian, where you accumulate it. Since you have a spiritual root, your innate Qi is already gathered at the Meridians, all you have to do is connect them with the help of natural Qi. The moment the first wisp of Qi enters the Dantian, you would officially take your first step into cultivation, entering the first stage of Qi Gathering Realm.”

“I understand…” It took him a few minutes to process the words and memorize the sequence that started in Taiyin (Lung) and ended in Shaoyang (Three Burners).

Every cultivation method had a different sequence to match the cultivators of its types. It was a tedious process at the start. But, once mastered, one could cultivate even without meditation. According to the legends at least. And even if I did simplify things, Wang Yang would achieve that once again.

“It says that I have to breathe Qi from the air, but don’t we breathe from the start? Is there something special about this method?” It seems he had reached the last part of the chapter.

“The difference between this and normal breathing would be two things. First, the breathing pattern stated in the method helps the cultivator focus and enter a deep state of meditation where they can sense the energy of the world, and move it at will. Second, you have to be in a place with an abundance of Qi. Normally it is spread out. But, in nature, this energy flows and gathers, making an intricate network like rivers and lakes. The spots where QI gathers are the best areas for a cultivator to practice because with an abundance the chances of success go up, thus they are hard to find. And without a Cultivation Method, your chances of succeeding would be one in a million.” Sects were founded at such places. However, things weren’t always that straightforward. Special Spiritual Roots and Cultivation Method required special conditions.

“Although the Qi density here is proper, this place isn’t suitable for you to cultivate.” Wang Yang needed such preparation the most because of his Spiritual Root.

His questioning gaze landed on me. This wasn’t taught this early on, but I had to go all in from the start in his case.

“Usually cultivators only have one or two dominant elements, while the others are much weaker. At the start, they focus on one to strengthen it to the peak of their realm and then work on other elements. So, after knowing their Spiritual Root and choosing the suitable Cultivation Method, the next step is to find an area with the corresponding element of yours to make cultivation easier. Unlike normal Spiritual Roots, yours gives you the perfect balance of elements from the start. On this peak, Wood and Earth elements are available in generous quantities, unlike the others. So, the imbalance will be a hindrance, especially when your cultivation method needs all five elements to be present in your surroundings. But, worry not, I have a suitable place in mind.” Such places were rare even in nature and under the control of powerful sects, but there wasn’t a way to create said environments through preparations.

“Are we going there now?” His eyes brightened.

“After you finish memorizing.” I smiled as his enthusiasm deflated. “I’ll be right here, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me again.”

With a nod, he read the first chapter with much more determination and enthusiasm. Wang Yang had more interest in moving than studying. But, in cultivation, one needed both martial and comprehension talents to succeed. If you couldn’t understand the method and ended up cultivating the wrong way, moving up realms would become a hundred times harder. Even if you somehow pushed through, an unstable foundation would fail to support the Cultivator at higher realms, bringing their progress to a halt.

I have to get him into reading again. With that thought, the wait passed by. It took Wang Yang an hour to memorize the first chapter of the Cultivation Method, which was fifty pages long. But, we were done much faster than last time.

As promised, we left the Peak on the Flying Sword. He couldn’t help but look at the distant peaks where disciples climbed up the long stairs to reach their destinations. Thankfully, he still remembered the main point.

“Where are we going?”

“The Osmanthus Peak.” I said.

Flying over the forest and lakes that filled the distance between peaks. It took only a few minutes to reach Osmanthus Peak. Unlike my own peak, a dense fog hid this Peak from the eyes. A fog so dense that seeing your hand would be impossible, even if you pressed it against your face. The token on my waist flashed green when we entered the fog, and soon it all dispersed.

“What was that?” Wang Yang looked back to notice the absence of any fog. Only the sky dotted with clouds came into view.

“Misty Abode, A Heaven Grade Formation laid down by the Grand Elder. This place makes the most in terms of money for the sect, not anyone can fly in from above.” Osmanthus Peak was the place where all things alchemy gathered in the Sect. In the world of cultivation Alchemy was synonymous with profit.

This Peak was famous across the lands, attracting disciples and buyers from every corner. It had serene waterfalls, forests and farms, and dozens of rising pagodas for alchemy, or to accommodate guests who came from afar. It could've been the face of the Sect.

It wasn’t because this peak was home to the Laziest cultivator in Azure Sky Sect.

Ignoring the hubbub on the ground, I reached the Green pavilion atop the Peak and entered the seventh room of the fourth floor through the window. A thick scent of wood and char roamed the air. The marble floor littered with books and expensive herbs. In the middle, a thick colour-changing liquid continued to boil away with a dark blue fire lit beneath it.

“Nyam Nyam, don’t lun away my wine pot, I promish to nyot drink you at onesh…” A few steps from it was Liu Zhi. Wasted in her alchemy room. If that wasn’t bad enough, she rubbed her face on the thighs of her female disciple. It was the usual mess.

“S-Second Peak Master… please help…” The poor Meng Yun had to deal with this on a day-to-day basis. How she hasn’t left is beyond me. And there wasn’t a need to move, the mention should be enough.

“…Senior Brother Li, what brings you here?” Liu Zhi turned to me, her face flat, still on the thighs of her disciple.

“Don’t think you are in the clear just because you act like nothing's wrong.” I said.

“C’mon, there was so much work, so I thought of taking a break before.”

“A break before you even start?” My brow raised

“I was just… gathering energy, yeah I swear.” Liu Zhi avoided my eyes.

Meng Yun shared a long sigh with me. We both knew she wouldn’t work even after. But, reprimanding her wasn’t the reason I came here.

“I’ll use the Five Elements Chamber for my disciple’s training.”

“No can do. I have to use that place to make these special orders that came from the Tao Sect bastards again.” She said before I left.

“I only need the chamber for a week.” It shouldn’t get in her way.

“The deadline is tomorrow.” Liu Zhi scratched her cheek.

“…We already extended it twice.” Meng Yun looked ready to cry.

“Liu Zhi, make the pills after the sun sets.” My voice turned stern. With her speed, it wouldn’t take long, but the problem was the person herself.

“I cannot do that. The night is for drinking with the moon. Everything has a time and place, isn’t that your favorite phrase, Senior Brother Li?”

“Have you ever done anything on time in your life?”

“Drinking.” Liu Zhi grinned.

Saw this coming a mile away. Right now, she needed something in return to make a compromise. And the thing she wanted the most was in my grasp.

“If you let me use the Five Element Chamber and complete your orders for two months along with the ones currently pending, I’ll give you the recipe for Fire Lily Wine.” Those words were enough to make her stand up.

“Big Brother Li, you aren’t joking with me, right?” Even her tone gained weight at the mention of wine.

Fire Lily Wine wasn’t made to sell. It was only produced by the Flaming Lion Sect of the Western Continent for ceremonies and important gifts. The reason I have this recipe is because Liu Zhi once got her hands on this wine in the future through Li Xianquan. After a single pot, she was able to remake the wine by herself. So, in reality, there wasn’t a loss for me.

“Have I ever joked with you?” A piece of paper appeared in my hand. It was like a red cloth in front of the bull, and this bull charged without hesitation. Like a violent gust of wind, she passed by me. Ruffling my robes, even my hair tie came loose as I protect Wang Yang from the impact. The paper in my hands was gone.

“Too careless Big Brother. Tis mine now!” She laughed while unfolding the paper, and soon her laughter died down. “……Curses.”

“You really know how to spoil the mood, Big Brother.” Liu Zhi showed me the paper, her face twisting as if she had eaten a purple ginseng.

Complete the terms first, or I’ll tell Xianquan to lock your wine collection with the Formation. Then you’ll have to do everything without a reward, plus a limit of one bottle a day for three years.

Those words were like a death sentence to her. Times like these make me regret letting her have a drink with me.

“Deal?” No use crying over spilled milk now.

“What choice do I have?” She said burning the paper slip. “I’ll get it all done by the end of this week. Brother can use the Chamber as much as needed, I only need it for an hour after night falls.”

Her face fell, but these were just attempts to get some pity. Won’t fall into the same pitfall twice.

“That’s great, isn’t it Meng Yun?” Tying my hair with the purple silk ribbon I saw the green-haired woman nod, tears rolling down her reddened face.

“S-Second Peak Master please come by often.” I really pity this kid for going through this all the time. If she didn’t have such a one-sided talent for alchemy, I may have taken her as a disciple long ago.

“Oho! What is this Xiao Yun? You trying to hit on my brother? You are better off giving up. You know that he is af-”

“If you keep wasting time I won’t give you the recipe.” I cut her off before she wasted more time.

“Tch, I get it, tch. Go away.” Liu Zhi clicked her tongue twice as if driving away bad luck.

“Let’s go, Xiao Yang.” This kid had stayed silent throughout. There was no blaming him as the conversation did steer all over the place, not that it could be helped. Liu Zhi had always marched to the beat of her own drum after all. Only Master had some semblance of grasp on her.

As the door to the chamber closed behind us, we found the stairs on the right and descended two floors. The main pavilion was mostly empty. Only Elders and Personal Disciples came by here a few times a day.

Without any interruption, before us was the Five Element Chamber. The metal door marked with the five-element symbols looked sturdy and tall as if built for a giant. When I touched the door with the token, the double door parted and the room inside lit up.

A golden cauldron inscribed with five dragons wrapping around it sat in the middle. It was wide enough to fit a healthy horse, carefully laid upon a connection of five intricate formations. These formations covered the dark green walls and high ceilings. The door closed behind us. Without any windows, the only source of light was the Luminous stones embedded in the ceiling. On the northern wall, there were ten slots to fit spirit stones.

The moment the spirit stones were in place, a loud thump passed through the room like a beating heart. Lines all around lit up. Drowning the room in flashes of red, blue, green, brown, and silver. Then it merged and formed a luminous white. Wang Yang followed the lines and looked on in marvel. White light pulsed through the entire room. The energies of five elements gathered, forming a faint mist along the floor.

With a simple wave, the golden cauldron sunk into the floor, and a purple velvet cushion replaced it. “It is time to take your first step.” I said.

He took the seat on the floor, his face filled with expectation. The thought of becoming a cultivator as soon as they sit down is something everyone has. But, only a few people in history have achieved that feat. Even Wang Yang failed to do that the first time, so this time it shouldn’t be that different.

“Master… I think... I got it?”

At least, that is what should've been.

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