Regressed Master: Raising The Son Of Heaven Isn’t Easy

26: Li Muchen (II)

“…What do I have to do?” Getting himself together, Yuzhe spoke with caution.

“It isn’t much different from what you were about to do.” I smiled seeing his confusion. “You have to take the Three-mouthed centipede back to them.”

“T-That…” Yuzhe’s eyes widened.

He never would’ve thought that I’d let him go there after all this, however, it wasn’t as simple as it looked on the surface. I don’t want the Demonic Cultivators to think that anything went wrong with their plans, that was the only way to stop them from derailing. Why take ten steps when I can get the same result in one?

“What? Would you have stopped if I didn’t find you?” He wouldn’t stop.

While digging in the case of Iron Wood Forest before regression, I found out his name. He had run away from Sky Peak after stealing something, what he stole wasn’t specified but this time the situation became clear.

“You still stole this even after I told you it could save Elder Yu. The same woman who picked you up from the Outer Sect and made your talent blossom, she trusted you with her authority, and you betrayed her at her lowest point.” The insect did not have anything that could save Elder Yu, it was a lie made to dig away at Yuzhe’s mind so he gave in due to guilt, if he felt any.

But he deserved every bit of that mental turmoil. Before Regression Elder Yu had to take the punishment for his actions. At the end of the trial, she was banished from the Sect with severed meridians as her disciple had conspired with the Demonic Sects.

“I did not have any choice… M-My sister… I had to protect her…” His nails dug into his palms drawing blood.

“Am I not giving you a chance to do that?” I stood up, circling him with an uninterested expression. “Or would you like me to capture you as a Demonic Sect's Spy, you do know what happens to a Spy’s Family right?”

“N-No… not that, anything but that!” He must’ve already thought about it, the thought of his sister getting executed alongside him or sold off for physical labor was enough to bring him to tears. Now that the bleakness of the situation was clear, it was time to sprinkle in some real hope to catch him.

“If it were up to me, I would’ve dragged you to the sect myself, but as the situation stands, I need your presence in this case. If you do what I ask you to, I will get rid of the traitor status and help you not only save your sister but also ensure her safety from then on.” I stood in front of him, although I wanted to be harsher with him that would be counterproductive given his volatile emotions at the moment. “To be a pawn of the Demonic Cultivators till your usefulness runs out, or mine for some time, which will you choose?”

“About Elder Yu…” He seemed reluctant to speak further.

“Are you developing a conscience now? I must say it is too late.” I said, to clear Elder Yu’s name I’ll have to go through Zhao Jun who was as stubborn as a mule. “But if you listen to me well, I’ll try to do what I can.”

“Yes… I’ll do everything. So please…”

Yuzhe knew not to test someone’s patience, putting up a tough front was always better when dealing with people in his situation. He knew the consequences and the reward he’d get for following up on the promise, now it was time to set up the punishment if he didn’t.

“Lower the defense around your Dantian.” I said, placing my hand on his chest.


“I said lower the defenses around your Dantian, I need to leave a control imprint on you.” He tried to move back, but my grip kept him in place. “Did you think that I’d let you go without any sort of backup?”

“B-But that…”

“It is to track your location and keep you from betraying me. You’ve already changed sides two times so I cannot trust you with my secrets.” My voice mirrored Zhao Jun’s coldness to drive the point in.

“…I understand.” He closed his eyes and focused on his Dantian. It took a few seconds, but he had lowered all of the defenses even his Mind realm was open.

However, I only needed to place the Absolute Loyalty Imprint on his Dantian, it sunk into his body and gave me complete control over his life. With this, I can kill him with a thought if he planned to ever betray me. While studying this technique in that secret world before regression, I never thought that I would ever use it on someone.

It is not the time to ponder what is morally right or wrong, I am not strong enough to be picky about my ways. That’s why I can’t let any chance go to waste, no matter how cruel the method seems, I had to use everything I can.

The imprint carried by my Qi entered his pathway and reached his dantian, there it enveloped the unmoving fist-sized sphere in its entirety. As the clear Qi formed the barrier, the wood element Qi spread across the surface like snakes forming a pattern with thick lines along with spines that bent inwards to hold onto the Dantian. Yuzhe winched at the pain but I continued.

It took a minute for it to complete. Although called Absolute Loyalty Imprint, its real name was Absolute Control Seal, as it sounded this gave me complete control over Yuzhe, even the little anger he had for me in the corner of his heart was now clear to me. It was a hard technique to implement because of the conditions, but once it was on a person they would never be able to betray the seal owner.

“Give me the Entrapment pouch.” At my words he handed it to me without a word, taking the insect out of the pouch I stabbed it with a dagger to kill it. Yuzhe wanted to say something but with my thoughts, his lips stayed shut, the seal was working as intended.

“If you had taken this insect back alive, they would’ve tortured you and your sister on the spot thinking you were playing the double agent.” The thought of that seemed to scare him down to his shoes.

The standard practice in the Orthodox Sects was to pulverize these insects or at least stab them to death before studying them, in the past Demonic Sects have used Explosion Formations on these things to cause damage.

The only reason I kept it alive with the pouch was to trap Yuzhe, the Demonic Cultivators preferred that the insect stayed alive and intact, but getting something like that out of a Major sect was like finding a divine-grade pill in the middle of the road.

“When they ask how you acquired it, say that you scooped it up on the way to disposal, and show them Zhao Jun’s permission slip Elder Yun helped you get. Since you are out on an official mission and in a secured position in the Inner Sect, they won’t try anything on you or your sister for the time being.”

“H-How did Second Peak Master know about the slip?”

“You don’t need to know.” My stare shut him up this time, he must've been thinking if Elder Yu told me about that too, but this was a deduction on my part knowing their situations.

Placing the insect in a pouch used in the Fourth hall to store evidence, with the details added on the small wooden slip attached to the string it now resembled the actual product. With that everything was in place, as soon as those Demonic Cultivators got this insect the plan would be in motion.

“Now go, I’ll contact you when you come back.” I pushed the pouch on him.

Without looking back, Yuzhe continued down the road, his heart in turmoil that I had no interest in. Taking a seat on the log I closed my eyes, with a little focus I could see the little red dot moving forward on a mental image of a map of the Western Continent. Since he didn’t have to hide, he changed routes to go straight to Hunan Province rather than using Qingyun as a gateway.

The Imprint was working as expected, everything was already inputted in there, now I only had to wait till things came together. With the Black token in my hand, the line connected after a single ring.

[Argh! You have completed Guh! everything I take it?] Zhao Jun still sounded the same, but I know deep down he wasn't pleased with the situation.

“Don't send Ning Fan after that kid, he is working on a secret mission for the sect. You'll get an official notice from Lotus Peak before noon.” I said, ignoring the weird sounds in the background. Things on his side should’ve ended a while ago, he must be in the process of extracting information through torture.

[I didn’t plan to. Regardless, don’t you think you owe me an explanation?]

“Not at all.” I smiled.


“Now now, you don’t expect to get it for free now do you?” Roasting the fragrant meat, I laid down the groundwork to keep my word.

[What do you want, Li Muchen?] Judging from the active reply, the fish wasn’t escaping anything soon.

“Let us have a chat over tea after you come back from that Through Inspection.” Savoring the taste of the meat I awaited the expected reply.

[……Very well then.] With that conversation came to an end.

There wasn’t any need to worry, by the time he came back everything would be in place. Zhao Jun will have no place to intervene in the matter this time. Pocketing the Black Token, I took out a white one this time. It took a minute but the line connected.

[Hello Master. I am sorry, I was sleeping… what happened?] Wu Kexin’s panicked voice rang out in the silent forest.

“Come to the Outer Sect Gate.” I said.

[R-Right now?] Her surprise was understandable since it was the middle of the night.

“In exactly one hour, don’t be late. It is time for your first lesson in cultivation.” I added.

[…I understand Master.] Her voice turned serious too, hearing the sound of clothes rustling I cut the connection and called out the flying sword.

The preparations for the journey to Iron Deity’s Grotto Heaven has only started.

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