Regressed Master: Raising The Son Of Heaven Isn’t Easy

8: Chen Zh-Azure Sky Sect’s Spiritual Roots Test!


Hello everyone! I am making this announcement to let you all know that the previous two chapters, 6 and 7 have been rewritten.

So to avoid confusion please read again, at least chapter 7.

That is all, if you see any mistakes please let me know. And most importantly, give me any criticism you may have. It'll help me improve and write better stories for you guys, that's the plan at least. That is all.

Bye Bye.


The Sixth Peak Master of Azure Sky Sect and Genius Artificer born only once a millennium, Chen Zhipeng. He would supervise the Spiritual Roots test.

“Are you all ready for the Spiritual Roots Test my cute little caterpillars? It is time for you all to become a butterfly.” His smile had many females around us blushing.

I would be blushing too, if I had said that.

“That’s the creator of cola?!” Kexin enjoyed that drink a lot, me too.

“Heh, tis’ll be fun.” Even Xu Qiang seemed excited as Chen Zhipeng continued to talk.

“Now, time to reveal the best Spiritual Root Detecting machine on the continent. It’ll show you your potential without any fail, because I made it. It is my improved and enhanced, SRD ver.3.034!!” As he waved his hand five tall structures appeared on both sides of the high stage as if materializing.

At the base, there seemed to be a white marble wall that had multiple lines running across it, and above floated a black screen. I hadn’t seen something like that before.

“With the new improvements, your discomfort will lessen and your awesome results will be shown to everyone through the screen on the top.” Chen Zhipeng moved around the stage as the black flat surface that rose another two floors high, lit up. His face appeared on it giving us a wide grin while running his fingers through his hair. “The Entire Sect will know of your talent!”

“Now, I’ll officially start the ceremony. There are ten stations to get your Spiritual Roots checked out. So come forward when your name is called and get fired up!!” The disciples in yellow uniforms near the devices started to call out names and people gave ways for others, the test was shaping up to be an orderly one. At that moment I thought the process may be fast, but…

“This is taking long.” I said looking at the sea of heads in front.

Xu Qiang, Xiao He, and Wu Kexin stood with me waiting for our names to be called. After two bell tolls, it didn’t even look halfway done. Though most of the fault lay with the host of the event.

“If only they’d let us jump in front. That’d be a bold entrance.” Xu Qiang folded his arms.

“That’s misconduct. Pretty sure you’ll be thrown at the back of the line again, severe punishment in the worst case.” Kexin pointed at the disciples in pink and black uniforms. Their hawk-like gaze kept an eye on everyone to pick out any troublemakers.

“To not understand Boldness, I pity the world they live in.” Qiang shook his head in disappointment.

Kexin turned to me, her eyes asking Where did you find this weirdo? Was there anything wrong with it? After all, Qiang didn’t do it.

“Big sis, why do we have to wait in line?” Xiao He turned to Kexin, tired.

“So the cultivators can check the Spiritual Roots we have.” Kexin said.

“But, didn’t they already do it back in the city?” Xiao He should remember it. We had to stay in a long line that day too, really wish they just finished it all that day.

“That day they tested whether we had one or not, today they’ll tell us about it in more detail. Like what Grade it is, or what element we have. It is important to know so we can learn how to use it best.” Kexin crouched down to the kid’s eye level to explain.

“Couldn’t they have done this on the same day?” Xiao He asked the question that had roamed in my head. The only saving grace here was that the air felt cool and we got some free cola, only one glass every half an hour though. Should give out more in my opinion.

Yet, I couldn’t understand why they’d not do it on the same day. Some other sects did it at the same time from what we have seen. Almost all minor sects followed that style. But, Azure Sky Sect was one of the few that chose to do it this way. We didn’t know the reason either, but Xu Qing stepped in with a smile.

“The reason they do it that way is to protect the recruits with high Spiritual Roots.” Qiang said.

“Protect?” I tilted my head.

“From Demonic Cultivators of course. Disciple recruitment is a public event. Whatever happens in that place spreads across the city in no time. Many evil cultivators lie in wait to pick up the weak chicks that lay eggs of gold. Sometimes other sects would also step in to steal the promising prospects, either by force or by enticing them.” If said like that it made sense.

The stories about Demonic Cultivators kidnapping children to eat them or use them in other rituals weren’t few. Although these seemed like ghost stories before, now that we had seen them firsthand. It became more believable.

“With Spiritual Roots, the higher its Rank the more potential one has. Cultivation cauldrons, experimentation, torture, forceful double cultivation, enslavement, there are many dangers ya get into fer having a high ranking Spiritual Root without protection. Leave the poor bastards with the roots, even disciples and others traveling with ‘em can lose their lives in worse cases. The artifact used to observe the spiritual root and the spirit stones needed to run it also make fer lucrative bait. Most sects’ll use this chance to show off their muscles. But, the Second Peak Master of Azure Sky Sect made the bold choice of ending that tradition.” The mention of a familiar title drew my attention.

“Even if it does take some extra time, I guess the safety is more important.” This approach seemed much safer in my opinion, if it could help one avoid trouble it should be implemented.

If someone in our group happened to have a high-rank Spiritual Root, we might’ve had to face more dire situations. Luck was on our side this time that the Second Peak Master came in time to save us.

“Yes, that is why you should be patient Xiao He.” Kexin patted the kid’s head.

“Ok.” He agreed with a smile, two-faced kid.

“They aren’t hiding it now, what if someone spreads the information from here?” Kexin asked as they moved along with the crowd, inching towards the screen that showed a lot of varying results.

“They here in the sect’s protection now and won’t go out till they can defend their necks. After all, you can’t stop the flow of information with how people’re made. Spiritual Roots are a reflection of the person, that’s why some knowledgeable Masters can tell a person’s root by their personality, fighting style, and Cultivation method.” Xu Qiang revealed some impressive information.

The information about Spiritual Root in my head is limited, but I at least know that there can be hundreds of thousands of them. Sometimes even completely unknown ones show up, how do you keep track of that let alone guess someone else’s Spiritual Root through vague hints?

“So… is everyone here going to pass regardless of the result?” Kexin asked.

“Not everyone, there are about ten thousand people ‘ere. About one-third of them’ll pass. Even for the outer sect ya need to have a Mortal Grade High Rank Spiritual Root or it wouldn’t get ya an entry. But, if they are really serious about cultivation, they can go to minor sects under Azure Sky Sect or other ones, they have lower requirements, well most of ‘em.” The reality was much harsher than imagined. But, this was a Major Sect so nothing we could complain about.

“Big Brother Qiang, what Grade should I be for the Inner Sect?” Xiao He asked.

“Heh, trying to enter the Inner sect from the get-go? That’s bold of ya, but not that uncommon.” Everyone that lined up with us should have the same thought, they all must want a High Ranking Spiritual Root and enter the Inner sect. “You gotta have at least Heaven Grade Low Rank for direct entry, even Earth Grade High Rank would work if ya get an elder interested. But, that’s nothin’ to what you need to become a Peak Master’s disciple.”

“You can directly become one?” My surprise shot up.

“With ‘nough talent ya get everything. Them troubles don’t come without perks. But, becoming a Disciple of a Peak Master from the get-go is rare, it has only happened five times since the Sect was founded.” Qiang rubbed his chin trying to remember. “The most recent one was like… 40 some years ago.”

“They must need real high-ranked Spiritual Roots for that.” Kexin muttered holding the excited Xiao He by his hand.

“Ye. Divine Grade, anything below that ain’t cutting it.” Qiang said.

“That’s the second highest Grade, isn’t it?” We had learned of the grading system as kids, though I didn’t pay much attention which led to this.

“Just below Immortal Grade. So far only two people on the Western Continent have the top one or the only known ones at least. If ya get that, it pretty much sets the road for the Sect Leader position even in a Major Sect. But, with Spiritual Root, hard work and boldness is also important or it’ll be a waste.” Qiang smirked.

“You know quite a lot.” I said taking in the information, this was definitely news to me. But, as only two people had it on the entire continent, I doubt it’ll appear that easily.

“My family works for the Azure Sky Sect, so the education we get is different from what they teach ‘round mortal cities.” My guesses came true, Xu Qiang did seem to have an extraordinary background, if one excused his choice of style.

“Don’t cha worry. I don’t care about petty stuff. Talk ta me like usual, brothers and sister.” Though that didn’t make much of a difference really, I feel like he would’ve been the same regardless.

“You don’t have to say that out loud.” Kexin shook her head at his flashy appearance and way of talking.

At that moment a brief moment of silence came over us, even Chen Zhipeng’s voice was lost. The only thing that reached my ears was hushed whispers. It was like the air itself had become affected by the collective thoughts of the recruits, turning the sunny and clear day into a dull grey one.

No one was free from the fear of going back home without anything to show for it. My eyes landed on Kexin, her face stern like usual, but her fingers clenched at the green silk robe. There wasn’t much I could say, as everyone equally understood the seriousness of the matter.

All we could do was move forward and accept the result thrown at us.

Results that we had no way of controlling.


Lotus Hall, Lotus Peak. This marked my first time attending the Disciple Selection ceremony in both my lives. That’s why the moment I stepped foot in the hall filled with the scent of delicacies and spirit wine, the elders and my fellow Peak Masters looked at me as if they had spotted a ghost.

“Hey, Huang Bai I didn’t get drunk from just one cup right? That’s Senior Brother Muchen there right?” Liu Zhi, the Peak Master of Osmanthus Peak, and my Junior Sister pointed at me brazenly. Her unkept curly short black hair and tanned skin adding to her rough appearance.

“That is indeed Senior Brother Li. Now drunk or not please sit with your legs closed.” Huang Bai on the other hand was as composed as always. In pink robes with her black hair, it was like she had just stepped out of a painting. Honestly, that’s how every Peak Master should be. But, thinking about our roaster, it was unlikely.

“Don’t worry Bai, I am wearing pants below.” Liu Zhi waved the concern off shifting in her chair to get a more comfortable position, her thigh sitting on the armrest in the process.

Ignoring their small squabble to exchange some pleasantries with the elders who gathered at the smaller dining tables, I arrived at the main table at the elevated platform.

“You are finally here, 2nd Peak Master.” Li Xianquan, the Grand Elder showed a small smile. Even though he is the Grand Elder, this guy was younger than 90% of the people in this room

“Well, I had a promise to keep, Grand Elder.” At my words, he almost rolled his eyes.

“It is wonderful that you finally did. Please, have a seat with us.” He pointed at the empty chair adjacent to him.

I took the seat to his right, and my eyes directly went to the empty one on the opposite end.

“Senior Brother Hua couldn’t make it back from his task in time.” Huang Bai, who was next to me explained. That sounded just like him.

Adjacent to the empty seat was the man who headed the Disciplinary Hall, the Sky Peak’s Master, Zhao Jun. The blonde man’s blue eyes dug into me with sharpness and surprise at my presence, but in return, he only got a perfunctory smile from me. Elder Ning Fan gave me a bow from the table below, it seemed like he had just come back.

Nevertheless, It felt weird seeing Zhao Jun sit between two empty seats. Hua Jiahong, the Fire Peak’s Master was away on a mission, and the Chrysanthemum Peak’s Master, Chen Zhipeng was busy doing Chen Zhipeng things.

Woah! Everyone look it is the first Heaven Grade of this Test has appeared!! Not only that, it is a High Rank! Yin Heart Mirror, a spiritual Root that has appeared on the continent only three times.  Although not as impressive as my spiritual root it is still something to get happy about! Congratulations to Zhang Jun the 18th Prince of Yin Moon kingdom! Let’s see if anyone else can beat that!

With the use of a Projection and Thousand Miles Formations working in tandem, we could see the Spiritual Root test live while enjoying the comfort of good food and wine here. But, no one aside from Liu Zhi touched the cup as this was a formal event. Everyone had their eyes peeled for potential disciples they could have.

On the smaller tables, many elders talked with transmission tokens before passing a note to the disciples present. Right now their eyes gathered on the guy with purple hair who walked away from the testing device with a small smile.

This was the way the Disciple selection ceremony worked.

Whenever someone they wanted appeared, the elders would negotiate with each other in silence and write down their name with the recruit that matched their needs on a piece of special paper. This would be given to the servant who’d go out and bring the disciple in question to a waiting room. Then in order, the elders interested will visit the disciple to make their offers.

Unless the prospect was too high-leveled and matched their style like a glove, Elders would back off with ease for the sake of respect and face.

On the flip, a merciless tug of war would happen whenever a top-class talent like Zhang Jun appeared. In future that kid did a lot of wonders under the teaching of Long Lingxin from Lotus Peak, the woman sitting in the corner showing a calm and collected smile. He even had a healthy rivalry with Wang Yang for some time.

It becomes very stale when you have no interest in training many disciples.

The selection continued and a few more Heaven Grade Disciples appeared. None of the Peak Masters had shown any interest yet. The elders below seemed to be in quite a tense situation after the last one.

Although they weren’t speaking, their facial expressions and eyes were enough to tell that the competition this time was intense. As it should be. With Chen Zhipeng becoming a household name with his new invention Refrigerator a lot of attention came to the sect, of course, I was the one who gave him the concept. 

But, he still made it with inscriptions and metals available from here. Still, a good amount of profit came my way too as the item became a bit too popular in the mortal countries, alongside Cola.

Unbelievable! Another Heaven Grade. Although it is only mid-rank, Thundering Dragon Pulse Spiritual Root is one of the rare Roots that gives command over an element that is beyond the main Five!

Chen Zhipeng had a real talent for talking away, even forgetting to tell the name of the disciple that got the Spiritual Root. The guy is still the same as before regression. Truth be told, he had been that way since the first day.

But, even his self-centeredness couldn’t ignore the person who was about to step up to the Spiritual Root Detector ver. 3.034.

Here comes Miss Sun Lingling with her attempt. Would her result be as shining as her beauty or not? Let’s find out!

Not caring for his joke the young girl with long blue hair placed her hand on the white slab. The inscription on the metallic surface lit up like it was about to burst. The screen above the device flashed pure white before revealing the result.

Immortal Grade Low Rank. Sonorous Sword Body

…It looks like Azure Sky Sect has been blessed with another great fortune like myself! Chen Zhipeng roared.

No one can ignore a Spiritual Root of that level. Even in the biggest sects of the Middle Continent. Even more so when the only other person in the world who had this Spiritual Root was the Sect leader of Scared Sword Valley.

The entire lotus hall fell silent enough for me to hear someone’s increasing heartbeat.

The second reason for my appearance here today had appeared.

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