Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 88 - Faking Death

Chapter 88 – Faking Death
Yan Feng weakly sat on the throne. “Announce them.”

Qi Shangming shouted, “His Majesty has decreed for an audience with Commandery Prince Yan and Prime Minister Ning the Imperial Study.”

Ning Zezhi and Chiyun Nan entered the Imperial Study with heavy expression. After protocol courtesy, Yan Feng let them sit.

Yan Feng frowned. “I know you two are here to interrogate me. If I say the incident has nothing to do with me, you two won’t believe me anyway. I’ve just returned from the retired emperor’s Jingci Palace after having reassured him that the murderer will be brought to justice. I’m asking the same from you, put some trust in me, I will find the culprit.”

Chiyun Nan’s face sank. “General Chiyun shared a brotherhood with Your Majesty. Although he always did things with lack of decorum, he did not deserve to die. I don’t understand, who else can hold such a mortal enmity with him that they’d only be satisfied with nothing short of his death?”

Yan Feng replied with a pained smile, “I actually envy General Chiyun for having so many people who care about his life and death. Just this alone, he’s already one thousand times better than me. At the moment, I really don’t know how to defend myself, so I can only reuse my old words – please give me some time.”

Ning Zezhi acted much more rational. “Who does Your Majesty think would have such animosity towards General Chiyun? I’m willing to believe Your Majesty, maybe we could investigate together?”

Yan Feng still frowned. “General Chiyun’s character had been willful and fierce, the number of people he had offended isn’t small. Just during the last disaster relief incident in Yuliang alone, he already offended many high-ranking officials in the court.”

Chiyun Nan shook his head. “I don’t think any of those would dare to take such a big risk to kill him. Besides, the witness in that incident has been killed and it’s become an unsolved case. There’s longer any need to kill General Chiyun for this.”

Yan Feng sighed, “I understand your idea, and indeed, I can’t clear myself of suspicion. The retired emperor is extremely distressed now, I ask you two to spend more time accompanying him, comforting him while I try to find the culprit as soon as possible.”

Sending away Chiyun Nan and Ning Zezhi, Yan Feng collapsed on the throne. Chiyun Yuexuan’s murder was like a stone that stirred up thousands of waves and all the suspicions of which were concentrated on him. Yan Feng’s heart was full of mixed feelings. He had thought he hated Chiyun Yuexuan, but when he had heard the news of his death, it wasn’t relief that he felt, but heartache. After all, Chiyun Yuexuan and he were brothers and friends.

After spending several days in this tormented state, Yan Feng finally heard a eunuch report that Murong Zhining and Feng Wenbin had arrived at the capital. Without any hesitation, he sent people to summon Murong Zhining.

Yan Feng anxiously waited in the Imperial Study, only to be informed by a eunuch, “Reporting to Your Majesty, General Chiyun requests a meeting!”

Yan Feng thought he heard wrong and asked, “Shouldn’t it be Princess Fengyi?”

The little eunuch who informed respectfully replied, “General Chiyun is outside the study.”

Yan Feng was caught in mingled delight and anxiety. “Announce him in quickly.”

Chiyun Yuexuan entered the Imperial Study. “Your general greets you, Your Majesty.”

Yan Feng looked shocked and happy at the same time as if he was seeing a ghost. “You… why do you want to trick me? Is death something you can make a joke of?” He then sighed, “Goodness! It’s all good as long as you’re okay.”

Chiyun Yuexuan took the liberty of seating himself while still paying attention to Yan Feng’s expression. “Your expression is so complicated, how should I interpret it? Surprised, I can understand, you originally thought I was dead after all. But delight, how should I understand that?”

Yan Feng guiltily avoided Chiyun Yuexuan’s gaze. “General Chiyun suspects that I want your life?”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s tone was sharp. “I didn’t doubt you, and the expression on your face just now confirmed that you never wanted to harm me either. However, it seems like you know who did? And moreover, you’re trying to protect them.”

Yan Feng sighed softly. “General Chiyun has the skills to protect the country and the ability to govern the country, and you’re also meticulous… I assure you, this will not happen again. I’m very grateful to you for trusting me, please consider this as I owe you one.”

Chiyun Yuexuan knitted his brows and explained the event, “Even if you truly wanted my life, you’d still have concern for Princess Fengyi. However, the person that tried to harm me didn’t even want to spare Princess, that’s why I know it couldn’t have been you. On that day, fortunately I was observant and found that the food had been tampered with. Otherwise, Princess and I… In order to ensure her safety along the way, we faked my death to fool the poisoner so that they wouldn’t risk touching Princess again.”

Yan Feng was a little jealous. “Princess… Is she ok? And don’t think that I’m done with you about this. I’m still brooding about how you treated her.”

Chiyun Yuexuan said, “On the way back to Huayan, Princess was ensnared by the fourth prince of Wuli and poisoned with the Exquisite Heartwash Pill, she has lost all of her memory.”

Yan Feng looked painful. “It’s your failure that you couldn’t protect her. If Princess has memory, she’ll never forgive your mistakes. You held her hostage when she lost her memory, that’s even more despicable.”

Chiyun Yuexuan could sense that Yan Feng was jealous. “I will wholeheartedly try to make up for the mistakes I made. I will treat Princess with courtesy and never disobey her wishes. Even if she can’t regain her memory, I will put her on a pedestal and worship her for the rest of this life without a thought of impiety.”

Yan Feng’s eyes flashed with a trace of despair and pain. “You harmed to her such a state, yet you can still talk big and justify your convictions. Don’t you think it’s better for her that you stay away from her?”

Chiyun Yuexuan cupped his fists. “Even if I fail the world, I’ll never lose her again. Please stop dwelling on the past, I vow to treat her well till the end.”

Yan Feng sighed, “I can’t trust you, I’m afraid that she will be hurt again. If you hurt her again, heaven and earth shall not tolerate you.”

Just when the conversation between the two men became acrimonious, Qi Shangming shouted outside the door, “His Majesty the Retired Emperor has arrived!”

Yan Feng and Chiyun Yuexuan hurried out to greet him.

On Yan Han’s gaunt face, his bloodshot eyes gleamed with joy. “When the eunuch reported that General Chiyun had come back, I thought I heard him wrong and came to see for myself.” His eyes lingered on Chiyun Yuexuan’s face, the kindness in them virtually gushing out.

Chiyun Yuexuan knelt down in a salute. “To ensure the safety of Princess Fengyi, I faked my death and made Your Majesties worried. My sin deserves a thousand deaths, please hand out my punishment.”

Yan Han happily helped Chiyun Yuexuan up. “Get up quickly. You were only forced by the situation, I forgive you. I’ve sent people to invite your father over, he’s been worried sick about you too. In a while, you and your father follow me to Jingci Palace for a talk.”

Seeing Yan Han so excited that he was at a loss, Yan Feng was afraid that he might lose his composure and hurriedly offered tea to calm him. “Imperial Father, please calm down and have a cup of tea first. Commandery Prince Yan and Prime Minister Ning Zezhi will arrive soon.”

Chiyun Yuexuan felt a bit uneasy at Yan Han’s display of such unchecked emotions, “I’m fine, please set yourself at ease, Your Majesty. As for my father, I dare not see him right now, I’m scared he’d scold me. I’ll take my leave first and apologize to him and when he is not angry.”

Yan Feng fumed, “When you faked your death, didn’t you already know it’d upset Prince Yan? You’re only scared now?”

Yan Han gently said, “With me here, he won’t dare to be angry with you. Everyone should be happy knowing that you are all right, how can they scold you? By the way, have Princess Fengyi brought into the palace. Since you two are an item, let’s settle your marriage. I’ll send people to Shangxia and ask her father for her marriage.”

Yan Han’s attitude had Chiyun Yuexuan truly confused. “Thank you for your kindness. It’s just that… Princess Fengyi was poisoned by a drug of Wuli and lost her memory, including how I once hurt her. It’s unfair to Princess if I marry her at this time. I’d like to wait for her to recover her memory first. If she can forgive my mistake then, I’ll go to Shangxia myself and ask her imperial father for her hand in marriage.”

Yan Feng took the opportunity to trouble him. “If Princess recovers her memory and doesn’t forgive you, will you then set her free?”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s face grew dark. “Is Your Majesty trying to interfere with my family affairs? In all dynasties, there was no precedent for the emperor to take charge of his officials’ family affairs. Let me remind you, Princess followed me to Huayan of her own free will.”

Fearing to further the quarrel, Yan Han quickly acted the peacemaker. “Son, General Chiyun has just narrowly escaped his disaster, so let’s all look on the bright side here. General Chiyun has reached the age of marriage, let’s not let him be delayed any longer. My Feng’er also hopes for his best interest, right?”

Yan Feng and Yan Han exchanged glances, ending with the former being the one defeated. Facing Yan Han whose heart was set on making up for his failure as a father to Chiyun Yuexuan, Yan Feng could only compromise.

When Yan Han left the Imperial Study in his sedan chair, he said, “I’m afraid Prince Yan and Prime Minister Ning may have arrived at Jingci Palace. General Chiyun come with me, your father and I have something to discuss with you.”

Chiyun Yuexuan followed Yan Han with a restless heart. He really couldn’t imagine what kind of thing the retired emperor wanted to tell him without the presence of Yan Feng.

Chiyun Yuexuan followed Yan Han all the way to his sleeping quarter. Yan Han pointed to a chair, gesturing him to take a seat. Chiyun Yuexuan fearfully bowed in gratitude before sitting down on it.

Yan Han’s visibly happy gaze never left Chiyun Yuexuan’s frame. “How did General Chiyun escape this time? Do you know who wants to harm you?”

Chiyun Yuexuan lowered his head and replied, “I’m in no danger. It must have been a misunderstanding, no one wants to harm me.”

Yan Han sounded sad, “Do you doubt that the emperor did it and dare not say it? I’m on your side, you can speak up about anything you know.”

Chiyun Yuexuan glanced at Yan Han in surprise. The kindness in Yan Han’s eyes put him at a loss. “Your Majesty misunderstood the emperor. It wasn’t him who tried to harm me. I never once suspected his character.”

An imperceptible coldness flashed in Yan Han’s eyes. He nodded gently. “I know who it is, then. I won’t let anyone threaten your safety, General.”

Chiyun Yuexuan was extremely puzzled as he was unable to figure why Yan Han cared so much for him. “Please don’t worry, Your Majesty, I’ve been trained in the army since I was a child. Normal people can’t do anything to me. Please don’t take this matter to heart. I’m only a mere general of Huayan, I’m not worthy of such attentions from you.”

Yan Han nervously rubbed his fingers, seemingly not knowing what to do. He was waiting for the arrival of Chiyun Nan and Ning Zezhi so that they could reveal Chiyun Yuexuan’s identity together. “No, there’s something that you don’t know. You’re very important to me. I don’t even know how to say it. When Prince Yan and Prime Minister Ning arrive, they will tell you all about it.”

Seeing Yan Han so besides himself with anxiety, Chiyun Yuexuan inwardly frowned.

While the two sat awkwardly in their seats, the eunuch outside reported, “Reporting to Your Majesty. Commandery Prince Yan and Prime Minister Ning have arrived.”

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