Reigning Supreme in Every Reality

65: Sexy Ada Wong

The remaining group exchanged glances.

Marvin gave the order: "Biggie, you stay here. Elliot, let's go. The survivors can rest here."

"Got it, Marvin," the heavyset officer complied.

"Uh, is he… is he really the savior?" Robert Kendo hesitated, finally speaking up. "I didn't even get a chance to thank him."

"You can thank him later when he comes back. Do it with your healthy daughter by your side," Marvin reassured him, helping to lay Kendo's daughter down on a stretcher.

"But... just the few of you heading into Umbrella's lab, are you sure nothing will go wrong?" Kendo asked, still doubtful.

Elliot chimed in, "Mr. Lyon is incredibly strong. Nothing will happen to him."

"But whether he's the savior or not… well, we're not entirely sure. It's a bit too unbelievable."

"But we trust him," the heavyset officer added.

Marvin, stepping out from behind the medical partition, said, "Let's go, Elliot. We need to catch up."

The two officers, one Black and one white, drew their pistols and followed Lyon into the underground passage.

Ada Wong, who had been silently observing from the side, finally spoke up once the officers disappeared, "It seems like you all got along quite well before."

"Of course, we were all shocked when we first saw that unbelievable suit of armor and his freezing breath, haha," the heavyset officer chuckled, sitting on the sofa.

"But you don't seem to mind being left behind alone?" Ada Wong glanced at the entrance to the underground passage.

"The station still needs someone to guard it," the officer replied, furrowing his brow. "Sounds like you have a different opinion, ma'am?"

Ada elegantly and slowly walked toward the passage. "No, I have no issues. I just need to bid you all a temporary farewell."

With a wave, she gracefully ducked into the passage, disappearing from sight in an instant.

"Hey! You can't go in there! Damn it! She's gone in—we need to follow her!" Robert Kendo shouted, his eyes wide with anger.

But the heavyset officer remained nonchalant.

"Hey, aren't you worried?" Kendo, halfway through chasing her, stopped in his tracks, suddenly realizing.

The officer shrugged. "Whether she's trying to cause trouble or investigate, she can't do anything that would affect Mr. Lyon. Let her be."

Seriously, could a regular FBI agent really interfere with someone who casually pulled the Statue of Liberty from the ground?


Lyon, along with the three officers and Jarvis, entered an elevator in the underground chamber.

The elevator descended to even deeper levels underground.

Just as the suit entered the elevator, the system emitted a warning sound, signaling an overload.

"Oops! Jarvis, you're too heavy. You'll need to fly," Lyon teased.

"Sir, I Jarvis am not, it's your suit that's too heavy," Jarvis responded, maneuvering the suit to hover in midair, preparing to adjust its altitude as the elevator descended.

"Great comeback. Next time, you're not piloting my suit, Hmph~" Lyon quipped before pressing the down button again.

The elevator doors began to close.

But at the last second, a red figure slid in under the closing doors and stopped right in front of Lyon.

"Whoa, black," Lyon commented, averting his gaze.

Ada stood up, smoothing out her dress. "That was safety shorts, gentleman."

"Only because I'm a gentleman that I boldly remind a beautiful lady when she's showing something," Lyon replied with a smirk.

"Well, I truly appreciate that, gentleman Lyon," Ada said, pressing herself up against him.

This elevator was fairly spacious for multiple people, yet Ada stood right in front of Lyon, leaning close enough to him that their breaths mingled. She provocatively extended her neck, bringing the two of them within inches of each other.

Lyon was all too familiar with this type of play.

Late-night conversations with Natasha often involved this same routine and don't forget that he is a Stark.

He could guarantee that if he gave in to lust and leaned in closer, Ada Wong would immediately pull back with a mocking, disapproving look.

Likely saying something like, "Well, that's not very gentlemanly."

At that point, any normal person would find their defenses crumbling, completely falling for her trap.

In more poetic terms, it's like a deer unexpectedly crashing into your heart.

The art of playing hard to get—one of the fundamental skills of these female spies.

But faced with Ada Wong's advances, Lyon remained completely unfazed. His heart was calm as still water....

After all, forget about seeing her in safety shorts—he had personally 'handled' a look-alike cover model in Ada's bunny outfit in the Marvel world.

Thinking a bit of teasing could sway him? Lyon wasn't someone easily rattled by such temptations.

"No need to thank me," Lyon said coolly as he subtly shifted away from her. "But I'm more curious why the lovely Miss Ada followed us down here? I should remind you, it's very dangerous below."

He moved slightly to the side, putting distance between himself and Ada.

A flicker of surprise flashed in Ada Wong's eyes. Lyon's actions almost made her believe he truly was a gentleman.

"This is my job. If I encounter danger, dealing with it is part of the work," Ada replied, drawing a handgun from her tactical vest. "Besides, Dr. Bard is going down with you. Aren't you worried something might happen to him?"

Sensing Ada's probing, the usually quiet Dr. Bard chimed in, "I'm not worried. Mr. Lyon will protect me."

Since teaming up with Lyon, Bard's sense of security had skyrocketed. He hadn't felt this safe—not even before the biohazard outbreak.

There were moments when Bard pondered how he could stay by Lyon's side permanently, serving him. Compared to Umbrella, someone like Lyon was the best kind of superior.

"I see, so Mr. Lyon is quite capable?" Ada inquired, clearly fishing for more information, though it was a bit too obvious.

"Yeah Yeah~ he's decent. You'll see for yourself," Lyon answered vaguely, not giving a direct reply.

Speaking of which, Ada Wong was also one of the main characters in the Resident Evil series. She was a freelance agent, primarily working for the HCF organization, occasionally doing side jobs for a group known as "The Family."

Compared to Natasha, Ada Wong led a far more carefree life. Of course, with that freedom came fewer life-or-death situations than Natasha had endured. At around thirty-three or thirty-four years old, Ada was still far less battle-hardened than Natasha had been at the same age.


At that moment, the elevator reached the bottom.

The sliding doors opened, and the group of people—along with the suit of armor—stepped out one by one.

Below the elevator was a long flight of stairs.

Lyon led the way down, breaking through locked doors and freezing any zombies that blocked the path.

Soon, they entered the police station's underground sewer system.

"Just follow this sewer, and we'll reach the Umbrella research facility," Lyon said.

Lyon effortlessly floated into the air.

He had no intention of walking through the filthy water. Even his sense of smell had been suppressed, or else the stench here would have overwhelmed him.

"He's... he's flying!" Marvin and the others were initially shocked but quickly shifted to a sense of wonder as they watched Lyon.

Despite their amazement, it didn't slow their actions. The group followed Lyon down the steps, one by one, jumping into the sewer. The murky water immediately rose to their thighs.

Ada Wong was the last to remain standing on the steps.

She glanced down at the filthy water, then back up at Lyon and the hovering suit of armor. Her lips trembled slightly.

Heh~ Lyon watched her with an amused expression, waiting to see her reaction.

Tsk* In the end, Ada sighed in resignation and jumped into the sewage.


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