Reigns Saga

Chapter 15: Taking Responsibility

      When next her mind was clear, Junipor was seated at a table, and eating from a fruit basket. Her memory was hazy, but the taste of human sweat remained fresh on her lips, and the feeling of something thick and warm spreading in her gut remained. Her tail wouldn’t stop wagging from side to side, seemingly with a mind of its own, despite how gross she felt.

      When she awoke, Junipor thrashed the human away, and raced out of the room. Diving head first in the cleansing pools, Junipor scrubbed herself incessantly, even behind the ears, until she was satisfied that the smell of man sweat was gone. She was certain she had gotten rid of it, and yet…when Junipor closed her eyes she could still remember his scent.

      Even Fracesca noticed it, for the tiny fennec wouldn’t stop licking Junipors knuckles, curious about the new smells. The fruit’s were mainly winter black berries, freshly grown from the Repentou trees, and accompanied with nuts and small parcels of dried meats. Eggs were being fried on a skillet by a humble priestess, and large pitchers of wine was presented on the table.

      The temples wine was thick and dark, like a brooding syrup, but tasted rather sweet like honey. The alcohol was fairly strong, but not strong enough to dull her wits from a single cupful. Junipor was happy to indulge herself a little, letting the wine comfort her tense nerves.

      Junipor sighed after finishing another cup of wine, and leaned forward, letting her thick arms rest on the solid oak table. Her small tear-drop shaped breasts hanged loosely underneath the fabric of her silk robe, and Junipor could feel her nipples scratching against the surface.

      She was halfway through her plate when Caius wandered into the room. A look of apprehension and shame masked his quivering smile. Junipor was surprised with how he didn’t turn around and run away upon seeing her. Instead he summoned a little courage to walk slowly to the giant oak table, and took a seat. He tactfully chose a place that wasn’t too far, or too close, to where Junipor was sitting. 

      The pair sat in silence for a while, waiting for the servant girl to bring him a small sample of food. Junipor broke the silence first, opting to broach the subject of what they did last night, rather than letting it simmer underneath the surface.

      “Well…” She narrowed her eyes toward him while picking out a small berry from her plate.

      The human sat studiously in his chair, gnawing on a small piece of dried pork, while trying to feign ignorance. He was bad at masking his emotions, and Junipor took note of the way his body fidgeting in his chair.

      “Well…what?” He spoke with a dry throat after swallowing a rather large piece of meat.

      Silence descended between them. Junipor felt a lump in her throat, she was stunned by the human’s utter lack of decorum, given the situation. 

      “I want a new den, and a big one.” Junipors tail stopped wagging, and her nails were digging into the oak table.

      Caius nearly chocked on his food. “What are you talking about?” He asked in between coughing. 

      “Don’t be daft!” Junipor called out. “We’ve shared a bed! We’ve mated! That means you’re responsible for taking care of me from now on.” Whether or not humans were capable, or even civilized, enough to grasp the significance of his current predicament, that didn’t excuse him in the least. 

      Caius’s eyes froze, he dropped the small piece of jerky, and Junipor feared his heart might’ve stopped. “What!” He practically screamed.

      “Goddess I don’t know what came over me.” Junipor stood up from her seat, seething with rage. “What was I thinking! I can’t believe I was spoiled by a human, especially one as lanky as yourself.” She sighed, and her tail dropped to the floor. “But what’s done is done, and I expect you to be responsible.”

      The human nearly choked on what little he had left to swallow. “It was a one time thing.” The complaint was valid, in a sordid kind of way, for each of them were not of a sane mind when sharing the bed.

      Despite the validity of his claims, Junipor held her ground. “Theres no such thing as a one time thing.” 


      “I guess humans really are in-bred heathens, just like mother used to say. I swear to the goddess, if our offspring is deformed in any way, i’ll skin you alive, and donate your bones to the temple.” Junipor cut him off.

      The expression carved on the humans face brought a smile to Junipors lips. It was one of terror, confusion, and surprise. Even the poor serving girl squeaked from Junipors sudden malice. Francesca, on the other hand, merely continued licking her fingers, undisturbed by the temperament in the room.

      Before Caius could respond, his eyes spotted Seldie strutting into the room. Her body was clad in the same white silk robes, with some added room for her tail. The garment wasn’t able to contain the girth of her bosom, however, and thus the seam was parted down the middle all the way to her navel. With her cleavage swaying with each step, the human’s face began to burn a stark red. 

      Beside the Zakinae, Domitilla was not too far behind. Instead of wearing the robe, she walked with her tits fully exposed, showing off her red skin, and dark purple nipples. Junipor was speechless watching the spectacle as the Teifling had no less than three larger males wrapped around her finger. The male Pharine’s following her shadow like nats to a flame. 

      Junipor felt a cold sweat running down the length of her spine as Seldie hopped next to her, and shamefully nibbled on some of her left overs. The Teifling let her men sit down first, so that she could rest on one of their laps, while letting the other two massage her chest.

      “What is going on?” Junipor was clueless. 

      “My my my, the poor men here haven’t had a good lay in quite some time.” Domitilla’s voice was serene. “I couldn’t sit by and let them suffer. Besides, they were surprised to find that silly aphrodisiac mist doesn’t work on me. They intruded on my private reflections, while investigating, only to become enthralled by my…exquisite talents.”

      “So it was an aphrodisiac,” Caius stammered. “Why would they gas us with aphrodisiac’s?”

      The Teifling moaned while leaning against the males solid chest. Having their hands rubbing her warm skin seemed to sate a deep seated craving. “The good goddess Phedona is big on procreation, it only makes sense for her priests to add a bit of encouragement for all her guests.”

      Junipors ears twitched, sensing some truth in her words.

      “How did you resist it?” Junipor asked, knowing full well the blight born probably wouldn’t need any encouragement. 

      “I’m always horny,” Domitilla flicked her eyes to the Zakinae sitting next to Junipor. “And so too is our little dragon girl here.” 

      “Can you please cover your chest?” Junipor rubbed her temples with both hands. Her eyes were locked downward, looking underneath her robe, to study the tiny valley between her own breasts. “It’s unbecoming.”

      The Teifling laughed, her voice sounding giddy. She then gently stroked one of the males chests, letting his robe part down to his waist. “Whoops, would you like for him to cover up too?”

      “I’d rather…” Junipor paused while continuing to rub her forehead. “I’d rather you put your robe back on. Also, where’s everyone else?” 

      The blight born continued chuckling pleasantly at how awkward Junipor was reacting. “I’m sure they’ll join us soon. None of them got a lot of sleep last night.”

      Seldie continued to finish all the berries in Junipors bowl, while the servant girl worked to bring fresh foods to the table. Caius sat in silence, trying to ignore the Teiflings gasps of pleasure until the largest door to the shared living space opened, and a priest armored for war entered the room.

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