
Chapter 62 Brain Stimulation! Cast body decision!

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the practice begins.

Xingfu New Village is an old community with a dense population and a noisy environment. There are many illegal buildings built privately. Even the small garden in the center of the community is full of quilts, sauced duck and cured fish, and mothers-in-law pushing baby carriages. It is difficult to find a large undisturbed open space to practice. Therefore, after community coordination, half of the playground of Xingfu Primary School is temporarily borrowed for residents' daily practice.

This can also play a very good publicity role, so that children can understand "what is cultivation" from an early age.

In the future, the earth will inevitably enter a new era of cultivation for all. It is harmless to let them be influenced and educated, starting from children.

Together with Chu Ge, there were police officers from the Xingfu Police Station and several community workers who received Uncle Cao's instructions.

There were also some gray-haired uncles and aunts following behind to listen, and Uncle Cao did not refuse.

At first, Chu Ge thought it was strange that the square dance aunt also came to practice, but after some guidance from Uncle Cao, he was relieved.

First of all, young and middle-aged people have to go to work and go to school. They are the pillars of society. It cannot be said that they do not even work for cultivation. Then who will farm, who will manufacture, and who will provide services for the tertiary industry, will the whole society not collapse?

Secondly, the elderly are calm enough, even if they are successful in cultivation, they will not be as impetuous as the little boy, poking out the basket.

Third, most of the elderly are full of children and grandchildren, and they are the head of the family. After practicing, go home and pass it on to the second and third generations. conducive to social harmony.

"Look at those cultivating immortal novels and fantasy novels. Aren't the masters in them all gray-haired old men and women, the older they are, the higher their cultivation?"

Uncle Cao said, "So, in real life, it is very scientific to let the elderly practice first!"

After Chu Ge thought about it, it was also true that this group of uncles and aunts who danced with knives, swords and square dances all day long were full of energy, with white hair and childlike looks, and they were aggressive in grabbing seats on the bus. Their physical fitness was better than those who worked overtime all day It's not wrong to follow them to practice first, such as clansmen, wage earners, and programmers.

Of course, grandpas and aunts can only practice along with them, and the genetic medicine will not have their share. On the one hand, it is expensive and the ration is too small. Besides, the efficacy of the medicine is so overbearing. .

Only volunteers like Chu Ge, as well as police officers at the police station, are qualified to drink the genetic potion openly.

"The word 'cultivation' does not contain any mystery or mystification. It is nothing more than 'learning, exercising'!"

Uncle Cao was wearing an old military uniform, standing on the rostrum majesticly, "Throughout the ages, the industrious and intelligent ancestors from all over the world have long summed up a lot of cultivation techniques in their daily lives. It is easy to understand, effective, and greatly promotes productivity.

"However, cultivation techniques must be combined with spiritual energy to work, and spiritual energy is like a tide, which rises and falls. In the past thousand years, the earth has experienced a process of 'spiritual energy ebb tide', and the concentration of spiritual energy has gradually dropped to zero. The cultivation technique has become a useless dragon-slaying technique, and even a mysterious and mysterious deception technique.

"Then today, with the revival of spiritual energy, we need to set things right, uncover the mysterious veil of self-cultivation techniques, extract the essence and discard the dross, and combine ancient self-cultivation techniques with modern science to become the most beneficial method for people on earth. arms!

"All over the world, most of the cultivation techniques of various sects start with 'hardening the body', which is also easy to understand. You need to have a good physique for everything!

"Don't be impatient, think about running before you learn how to walk, and learn those fire-breathing, electric discharge, flying, growing claws and fangs, sending out shock waves... all kinds of weird magical powers before you can harden your body , don't worry, I have an example here.

"Buddhas often say that life is a sea of ​​suffering, and the body is a small boat to cross the sea of ​​suffering. Our practice is to turn the 'leaf boat' into a 'super battleship' with strong boats and powerful guns.

"To build a battleship, put all kinds of cannons, torpedoes, missiles, Aegis defense system, carrier-based aircraft on it...these are all secondary. First of all, you need to build a huge hull, which has The hardest keel and hull, 'hardened body', is the process of building a huge hull.

"Obviously, the stronger the body is tempered, the bigger the hull is, and the more cannons, missiles, and carrier-based aircraft can be placed on it in the future—that is, more magical powers, magic, and superpowers. If the body Weakness is equivalent to a small sampan, no matter how strong the cannons and missiles are, how much can it carry? If you barely carry too much, the boat will not move, and someone will sink you with one shot, what's the use!"

Uncle Cao's comparison was easy to understand, and Chu Ge, Police Officer Hao, and community workers all nodded their heads.

That's right, a super warship, although it doesn't mean that bigger is better, but it must have a certain size in order to carry stronger engines, cannons, missiles, armor and defense systems.

Therefore, no matter who it is, the most basic body tempering practice is essential.

At this time, a police officer raised his hand, and with Uncle Cao's consent, he asked, "I am the household registration police officer in the office. We also have laboratory technicians, forensic doctors, accountants, etc., all of whom are civilian personnel. Do we also want to quench our bodies?"

"The reason is the same. Civilian personnel such as laboratory technicians and forensic doctors, even judges and scientists, are gentle and fragile existences in the eyes of ordinary people. However, the body is the capital of battle. Without a good physique, any job will not be done well. "

Uncle Cao said, "Even if scientists don't have to go to the front line, many of them need months or even years to conduct high-intensity experiments and research day and night. Generally, all accomplished scientists are energetic and extremely strong men, but what they strengthen is computing power and endurance, which is not the same as the explosive power required for combat."

Another burly, tough-looking police officer raised his hand: "Old Cao, I have been one of the top ten fighters in the Municipal Bureau for three consecutive years. Do I want to temper my body?"

Chu Ge thought for a while, and then asked: "Uncle Cao, I have awakened the ability of 'Infinite Strength', and I will temper it with everyone?"

"Top ten fighters, of course they are powerful, but your fighting skills are all applicable in a 'low spiritual energy environment', have you ever thought that in the future, if everyone can breathe fire in their palms and their fingers are sharper than daggers, How do you use your grappling hand and close combat skills? Follow the old method, and be careful not to be cut off with a palm!"

Uncle Cao smiled slightly, and looked at Chu Ge again, "Of course your strength is greater than that of ordinary people, but you have just awakened, and you can't retract it freely. According to the division of the extraordinary association, you are still in the category of 'quasi-awakened', don't be impatient , It is better to be patient and lay a solid foundation first.

"Of course, if you have a foundation in fitness and fighting, or you have awakened supernatural powers, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and you can often improve by leaps and bounds. If you make rapid progress, don't be complacent, and don't be impatient when others see it. The road to cultivation is long. Get fat first. It's not fat, but fat will crush the kang!"

A few words, everyone was convinced.

"Not much nonsense, I'm going to teach you two body tempering secrets today. They have a history of nearly two hundred years. They are the crystallization of ancient culture and advanced technology. After billions of people have been exploring, testing, and Improvement, final perfection, it can be said that it is the strongest body tempering technique on the entire earth!"

Uncle Cao stretched out two fingers, widened his eyes, and said loudly, "There are two secret methods, one of which is brain training. In the depths of the brain, activate the potential of the brain, enhance computing power, develop intelligence, and finally surpass the limits of the human body! The second body training, called "Casting Body Jue", is a combination of our five thousand years of civilization, all the secrets of health preservation and foundation building The essence has been condensed into eight postures, known as the 'Eight Methods of Body Casting', if they can be mastered and practiced to the peak level, a flesh and blood body can also be cast as hard as steel!"

The fat old man said it firmly, and Chu Ge and others were delighted and fascinated when they heard it.

"Okay, now I will teach you the first form of "Brain Stimulation Technique"."

Uncle Cao walked up to Chu Ge and said loudly, "Rub Tianying acupoint!"

Chu Ge quickly collected his mind, pricked up his ears, and did not miss every word that Uncle Cao said.

Wait, something seemed wrong. He was stunned for a while, unable to believe his ears, and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Cao, what is the name of the first form of "Brain Stimulation Technique"?"

"The first form of "Brain Stimulation Technique", knead the Tianying acupoint!"

Uncle Cao took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the audio player software. Soon, he was equipped with a super loudspeaker mobile phone, and the impassioned and inspiring female voice rang out, "Protect eyesight for the earth, prevent myopia, and do eye exercises." Start now, close your eyes..."

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