
Chapter 74 New Hope

Everyone in Lingshan understood Mr. Sha's meaning.

The three videos released represent three crises, and each threat to the civilization of the earth is greater than the outbreak of the fifth-level spiritual tide. How could the Supreme Council come out to help Lingshan?

The battle for the survival of the millennium has just begun, and it is far from the time when all cards are exhausted and all bets are on.

"Don't be so depressed, everyone. I'm also from Lingshan, so naturally I won't just watch my hometown be destroyed. Although I can't bring the most elite legion and the most powerful awakened to my hometown, I have won these—— "

Councilor Sha changed the topic, waved his hand, and several more pictures appeared in the video.

In the first picture, a large number of gene agents exuding dim fluorescence and stored in constant temperature and constant pressure explosion-proof containers are being packed and sent to the high-speed train. The destination is Lingshan.

The list shows that there are not only the most basic training potions, but also battlefield stimulant potions that instantly increase combat effectiveness, and even high-level "awakening potions" that can help ordinary people awaken supernatural powers. The reserves are more than ten times more!

In the second picture, also loaded on the high-speed train, there are also some advanced weapons with large size, complex structure and rich future color. From the perspective of model and power, they have broken through the limitations of gunpowder weapons. Cutting edge energy weapon.

In the third picture, there are a large number of silver armors, which are lighter than engineering power armor and more powerful than tanks and armored vehicles. This is the "psychic armor" that Yunconghu once equipped. The combat power is ten times higher than ordinary power armor!

The most powerful genetic agents and the most advanced weapons on this planet are being transported to Lingshan in a steady stream.

Everyone in Lingshan was overjoyed, and even the military chief became excited when he saw so many strategic materials.

"The meaning of the Supreme Council is not only for Lingshan, but also for all cities that have encountered spiritual tides. 'Blood transfusion is not as good as blood production'. Rather than directly supporting a large number of combat forces, we hope that we can burst out with new hope and give birth to new ones under heavy pressure. Heroes, condensed into a new combat force—only in this way can we win this battle of survival that has swept across the Three Realms and lasted for thousands of years.”

Councilor Sha said, "As far as I am concerned, I also hope that after you get these cultivation resources, you will pay close attention to the training of reserve talents and fight a few good battles—not to mention catching Nascent Soul monsters, even if you catch one or two Golden Core experts, Or a few local strongmen with outstanding strength emerge in Lingshan, and I can straighten my back in the Supreme Council, so I have reason to reach out to fight for more resources, so that Lingshan can be among the ranks of "quasi first-tier cities in the world", In the great era of spiritual recovery, it will bloom even more brilliantly."

Everyone listened, watched, and thought, with ups and downs and complacency.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sha, we will definitely live up to the expectations of you and all the citizens. The three million Lingshan people will work together to tide over the difficulties and stand proudly at the forefront!" President Yu was resolute, and the gray cat on his shoulder also stared wide-eyed. , showing sharp minions.

"Then, I'm waiting for the good news from the elders in my hometown, and the day when I will sing triumphant songs for you in the Supreme Council and serve the celebration wine. Finally... I want to remind you, everyone, the upheaval is really coming, hurry up! Throw away all fantasies and old ideological burdens, and under the sweeping spiritual tide, the future world, old politics, economy, culture, and social forms... will all be completely different or even disappear. A brand-new earth civilization will inevitably be in extreme chaos. And born in darkness, no one knows what it will become."

Councilor Sha sighed, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden, and all the energy on his face was concentrated in his eyes, making his eyes shine like a young man and full of hope, he was extremely deep Said, "However, don't be too heavy, and scare yourself to death even before you have in-depth contact with the other party. Today is far from the darkest and most dangerous moment of our civilization-the most dangerous moment of our civilization,

It should be when those monkeys just walked out of the jungle hundreds of thousands of years ago and came to the grasslands and wilderness to face all kinds of hungry carnivorous beasts.

"At that time, our situation was really precarious and precarious. We were surrounded by all kinds of wild beasts that were stronger, fiercer, larger and more ferocious than us. At the most dangerous time, perhaps our direct ancestors had only a few hundred half-human half-monkeys left. The monster shivered around the ground fire struck by the sky thunder.

"It doesn't matter if you say it's destiny, or it's a one-in-a-billion chance, or it's an inevitability of history. In short, in the hundreds of thousands of years after that, our ancestors rose miraculously and made countless people stronger. The ferocious, ferocious and gigantic beasts all devoured them alive and killed them completely. We even spent a whole hundred thousand years winning the battle for survival with our cousin 'Neanderthals', and what we depend on, but It's just the simplest stone spear, stone axe, torch and newly awakened wisdom.

"Today, incredible competitors have appeared in front of us, and we are facing unexpected super natural disasters, but the development of our civilization has also reached a level that our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago were unheard of and unimaginable. If one of our Our ancestors traveled through tens of thousands of years of time tunnel and traveled to modern society. When they saw us today, they would be terrified and trembling. They would never dare to admit that we are his descendants, but they would regard us as omnipotent of gods and demons.

"So, no matter how powerful the enemy is, we still have to hold on to the belief that we will win—there is no choice but to win, and the price of failure will be more miserable than 'subjugation of the country and species', and we will be completely wiped out of the long river of history by alien races Go, just like the 'Neanderthals' in the past, disappeared without a trace, and only traces of the glory of the past can be found from a few fragmented skulls. Everyone, you can bear this ending, endure the death of our ancestors. Ancestors, as well as the future of the future, will be wiped out and never reborn?"

The confidential meeting room continued to be silent, but there was a hot emotion slowly brewing and condensing in the air, and everyone expressed their beliefs with their eyes.

Since the ancestors 100,000 years ago were able to win the "battle of survival" against many beasts and Neanderthals, today's human beings are also not afraid of any competitors in the star sea.

"Thousands of words can be combined into one sentence, we have hope, long live the earth." The last four words almost burst out from the heart of the old man.

Everyone in Lingshan stood up one after another, saying in unison: "Long live the earth!"

"Go ahead, discover new combat power, cultivate new hope, and together with the three million Lingshan citizens, face the raging spiritual tide and win this 'Battle of Lingshan Defense'."

Mr. Sha's long speech exhausted all his energy, the light in the old man's eyes narrowed, he waved his hand, and muttered to himself, "When necessary, I will definitely come back, fight side by side with you, and live and die with Lingshan...! "


At the same time, somewhere in Lingshan, a certain "New Hope" was clinging to Uncle Cao's thigh.

"Uncle Cao, let me practice for a few more days. I don't think it's satisfying yet. Why do you say eye exercises and radio gymnastics are so easy to do? I've touched the essence of them. Really, I've made progress these few days. The speed is great, and the power is greatly increased-I used to drink at most one bottle of genetic medicine in one breath, but now I drink three bottles in one breath without hiccups, hey, amazing!" Chu Ge said sincerely.

Uncle Cao kicked his legs hard, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Chu Ge, the way of cultivation is to pay attention to one piece and one relaxation. It is easy to go crazy if you blindly do it. "Brain Stimulation" and "Body Casting Art" are just laying the foundation after all. It is already very good to practice to your level. It is necessary to integrate these two body quenching secrets into daily life, for example, when studying, the appearance is calm, but the body is full of blood and passion, and consumes energy through cell friction to strengthen the body; or when sleeping, meditate on a pair of invisible hands, massage facial acupoints, stimulate brain activity, and practice in dreams—walking, sitting, and lying are all practices, and being able to do this is the highest state.”

Uncle Cao paused for a moment, and spoke his sincere words, "Besides, the consumption of your genetic medicine is too fast. Although I submitted an application report to the higher authorities, several leaders of the Red Helmets also supported it. After all, it is precious. Every time I go to the association to collect strategic materials, I have to sign and pledge to see people’s faces—the good seedlings discovered by others will emit fire, and the good seedlings I discovered are getting more and more edible every day. How can I say this thing? Well, your uncle also needs to save face!"

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