Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 092

The Murux Heart melted right off in Henry’s mouth. Instead of turning gaseous, the crystal clump melted into thick fluids that trickled smoothly down Henry’s throat. Pure couldn’t begin to describe what Henry had just consumed. Concentrated would be a more precise description. It was a significant amount of Murux and it was cramped into the size of an apple.

Contrary to Henry’s expectation, he felt more refreshed than ever once his body had absorbed the Murux. He felt like he had just gotten a good night's sleep, though only in terms of his physical health. Nevertheless, the effects were instantaneous. There was less than a second delay.

What is this…?

There was no other queer feeling washing over him aside from the refreshing sensation. It was a numbing feeling but not in a bad way. It did not feel harmful. A soft glow flowed across his scaly hide, covering him in a paper-thin filament of light. Though he wasn’t told about this new and strange effect, he somehow knew what he had just gained.

He shifted into his human form and scratched his arm with his nail. He was much less durable in his human form, so he was able to make himself bleed. The wound wasn’t shallow but he did make himself bleed quite a bit. However, the pain only amounted to someone lightly pinching his skin.

The pain has been lessened… Huh, I have acquired pain resistance.

While it was something to be rejoicing over as tolerance over pain could give one a great edge in battle, he had stories about how people went mad from their inability to feel pain. But thankfully, this Pain Resistance ability of his was something he could choose to activate or deactivate. The soft glow that covered his body was the visual cue that his Pain Resistance was in effect. When he willed it to be gone, the soft glow disappeared.

Henry heaved a sigh of relief. Though he disliked pain, he didn’t want to live a life akin to being on painkillers twenty-four-seven. Moreover, his other senses were also inadvertently dulled along with his pain. It was an eerie experience as a whole. He made a mental promise to himself that he would only use the Pain Resistance ability when the situation truly called for it.

Aside from that, just where did this creature come from?

Henry’s question went unanswered as he inquired about it in his mind. The monster he just slew wasn’t just foreign but also contained a highly concentrated Murux Heart, something that he didn’t even see from a Titan. Not even the Great Ravager’s Murux Heart was this dense with Murux. This wasn’t a matter that he could simply ignore. If monsters like these came in droves, the ones he loved would be at risk and most likely disrupt the balance of Ulrum’s ecosystem.

He had promised Yula that he would be back in no time but since this particular issue had reared its head, he would need to break that promise. He just hoped she would forgive him. Sarynn definitely would as she was unbelievably submissive. Henry had expected her to be a dom but she turned out to be a sub. When it came to their nightly bed activities, she would always become the subject of extreme teasing to Yula.

Better safe than sorry…

With those words in mind, Henry resolved himself to investigate this strange matter and occurrence. He started by tracing the monster’s steps. Fortunately, the tracks were recent and had yet to be cleared by the weather. Along the retracing of the monster’s tracks, he came across a lot of carcasses that were untouched by any sort of teeth. They were not eaten at all. The carcasses were simply torn and ripped apart and left there to rot.

It’s hunting for sports… Another sadistic beast just like the Manticore?

Henry’s apprehension only grew as he followed the monster’s tracks further and further along. The sights only became more and more gruesome. From what he observed, the monster appeared to have challenged a lot of other creatures that were native to Ulrum. The battles were fierce but it was always one-sided. He picked up only the blood of the monster’s fallen foes and none from the monster itself. This showed the monster’s hide was tough enough to withstand the attacks of most of Ulrum’s creatures.

The monster’s track eventually led Henry to a cliff where a deep and narrow gorge awaited below. Henry was instantly reminded of his past where the gorge was home to thousands of giant creepy crawlers at the bottom. Out of anger and frustration, he had torched the entire gorge and most likely culled the creepy crawlers living in the gorge into extinction. However, this gorge was different. There was no foul smell oozing out of this gorge. There was only a heavy sense of dread.

Henry peeked down into the gorge and saw only darkness reigning at the bottom. He strained his ears but he picked up only the sound of the wind. There was no water below. If there was, it would be nothing more than a small unmoving puddle.

Now that Henry had wings, descending into the gorge wasn’t a problem. However, the gorge was narrow. It would only allow him to fly slowly and carefully, or else his wings would easily hit the walls. If he needed to make a hasty retreat from the gorge, the narrow walls would greatly hinder his haste. But that was only considering if he descended to his original size. If he was in his lesser forms, the space would be more than abundant. However, the drawback would be the reduction in his combat capabilities.

Well, it’s not like I would be completely helpless in my lesser form. So, here goes nothing.

Henry mustered up his courage and hopped into the gorge while still in his humanoid Dragon form. He did not fly down. Instead, he glided down, using his wings only to ease and slow his descent. His surroundings turned dark and his vision quickly adapted to the rapid change in light.

What the fuck…?

Henry gasped in his head when he landed on the bottom of the gorge and his sight adapted to the dark. Blue glowing veins ran across the ground and walls at the bottom of the gorge, giving the area a substantial amount of light. He didn’t know why he couldn’t perceive the veins from above but he didn’t question it. He was befuddled by the high concentration of Murux that permeated the air in the area.

The glowing veins were unlike the Murux crystals he found in the other gorge where the creepy crawlers lived. These ones were deeply embedded in the rocks and seemed to be one with the crusts. He dug a small chunk of the veins out and tried to eat it. However, it didn’t melt in his mouth. In fact, nothing seemed to be happening even after holding it in his mouth for a few minutes. He spat it back out.

Nothing’s happening… I can’t consume it… why? Is it because it’s unrefined or something?

Henry wondered in deep contemplation. This matter was out of his boundaries. He had consumed a lot of Murux but he still did not know the science behind it.

The veins aside, Henry continued on in his investigation. He looked around and already found the tracks of the monster he was tracing. However, there was more than just a single set of tracks. There were at least six different sets and all were distinct in their shapes. He recognised one of these sets, other than the monster he was tracking, belonged to the Manticores.

So, those sadistic beasts also came from here… huh. But what’s down here?

Despite the confusing and muddled tracks, they all led Henry in the same direction and he eventually stumbled upon a hole in the ground. It was a large hole but no larger than his full size. It was somewhere in between his full size and his current size. If he had to guess, he would say the hole was around ten feet in diameter.

He peered into the hole and saw only darkness but he did feel a powerful sensation emanating from the hole. Just as he leaned forward some more, he pulled himself away from the hole abruptly. He faintly saw the air being split apart where his head was at.

Damn it. It’s silent and its scent has melded with the surroundings.

Something caught the thin light produced by the vein’s faint glow. The glimmer told Henry of his assailant’s location and he spat a Firebolt at that spot. His assailant leapt into the air to avoid his attack and it took this opportunity to move towards him.

Henry spun to the side, avoiding his assailant’s blade, and he retaliated with a punch to his assailant’s head. He saw the figure blurred from his view and his fist found only air. Henry tutted and unleashed his Firebreath in a circle.

Henry’s assailant was caught by the flames and it went tumbling to the ground. It rolled around to put out the flames that caught its tail. Now that his assailant had stopped moving, Henry could finally take a good look at his assailant’s appearance.

“What the fuck?” Henry muttered out loud.

His assailant turned out to be a Lindwyrm, or so he thought at first. His second impression was that of a Gorgon from Greek mythology. It had the upper appearance of a female human but its lower body was that of a serpent. Unlike a Gorgon, his assailant did not have snakes for hair. Or rather, it didn’t have any hair at all. Instead, it had spikes, or horns, protruding all over the top of its head.

It’s a Lamia then?

Henry surmised, but no Lamia he knew had sickle-blades for arms. Seeing those weapon cum limbs of the supposed Lamia, Henry was reminded of the centipede’s sickle-blades. A chill went down his spine and shivers ran across his whole body. This was why he was dodging his assailant’s attacks. He didn’t want to admit it but the shape alone had become something like a trauma.

The Lamia lunged at Henry while he was still deep in thought. It didn’t lunge at Henry directly. It manoeuvered around before darting towards him from behind. Henry extended the spikes on his back and deterred the Lamia’s attack. He turned around and threw Aura Blades at the Lamia, which it swiftly deflected all but one Aura Blade. It grazed the Lamia’s shoulder and she hissed in pain.

Henry shot a Firebolt when he saw the Lamia was distracted by its pain, but it wasn’t too distracted to not notice the bolt of fire coming for it. It whipped its body out of the way and the Firebolt hit a creature that had just crawled out of the hole.

The creature was quite round in appearance. Henry didn’t get a good glance at it. All he saw was how his Firebolt hit that creature and its cries could be heard as it fell back into the hole.

Just what is that hole?

Henry didn’t have the luxury to contemplate hard on it. The Lamia proved to be a formidable foe. It was swift with its blade arms. Henry wasn’t dodging the attacks through skill but instincts. Even so, he had his limits and swiftness was never his strong suit. Eventually, the Lamia’s slashes caught up to his speed.


He was too late in dodging a slash that was aimed at his neck. Of course, this wasn’t the end for him. There were so many things he could do to get out of this supposedly deadly situation. However, he chose to let it be. He swallowed his fears, summoned his courage, and let the sickle-blade strike his neck.

His whole body tensed up as he felt the tip of the blade arm touch his skin— and that was as far as the blade went. The tip stopped at his skin. It did not go beyond. More precisely, it didn’t even pierce into his skin.

Thank bloody christ! Get it together, Henry! It’s not the damned centipede after all.

The Lamia looked absolutely shocked that its blade arms failed to even prick Henry’s skin. It was at that moment that the Lamia knew it had bit more than it could chew. The Lamia hurriedly backed away from Henry but it found itself slumping to the ground as if an invisible force was pulling it down.

Henry sighed. I gotta really get rid of that irrational fear of mine. I can’t just get frightened by everything that resembles a sickle-blade. Well, in any case, this fucking farce is over.

Henry did not even give the Lamia a glance as he stomped on its head, turning it into a mush.

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