Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 108

“Yes, I’m married. Is there a problem?” Henry asked nonchalantly.

“Is there a problem, you ask?” Chloe returned the question in utter disbelief. Then, her gaze lowered and she leaned in close to Henry’s ears. “Is she… you know… aware of…”

“Yes, she is aware. In fact, she knows more than you.”

Chloe paled. “You’re a… Dragon, are you not?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Then… have you two…” Chloe left the rest of her sentence to her hand gestures.

Yula tittered. “More times than you can count on both of your hands.”

Chloe was repulsed by what she heard. She looked at Yula as if she was looking at some exotic animal. “Are you also a—”

“I’m a human, through and through. Although, much like you, I have… a superpower.”

“...I suppose that makes more sense.”

Henry raised an eyebrow. “What makes more sense?”

“Given your… true nature, it would have been weird if your spouse was just an ordinary person. I mean, you can’t be dragging a normal human along your adventures.”

“Just what sort of person do you think I am?”

“I don’t think you can be considered a person at all.”

“How rude... but fair enough.”

“In any case, it’s good to see you again, Henry. I would love to talk more with you but I’m on a mission. And since you’re back in town, I suppose you are on a mission too?”

“I am. But this is curious. We both have missions in the same area. If you don’t mind, may I know what your mission is?”

Chloe hesitated for a while before she relented. “Oh, fuck it. For old times’ sake, why not? I’m investigating a serial case of missing persons and the clues have led me here. And now that I think about it, it can’t be a coincidence that you are here too.”

“I’m not investigating any disappearance cases. I’m just looking for someone.”

“Oh, who might that be?”

“I wish I knew, but I will know once I find this person.”

“Hmm… May I know more about these missing person cases?” Yula asked.

“It’s a long story but to be brief, seven people have gone missing in the last two weeks and no one knows how they went missing.”

“What do the authorities have to say about this?”

“Well… here’s the trick. The authorities are not involved.”

“Huh?” Yula blurted out. “Why not?”

“The missing persons are all… nobodies. They are those homeless beggars and hoboes. They are exactly the type of people that nobody would miss even if they just up and disappear.”

“Then how do you come by this case?” Henry asked.

“One of the missing persons has a… acquaintance, you could say. He noticed the victim went missing and when he looked into it, he found out many people had gone missing. I was friendly with this acquaintance of the victim. I saw him around a lot near my place. I noticed something was wrong when I saw him acting all fidgety, so I decided to ask. One thing led to another, and here I am. This is only the short version.”

Yula looked at Henry. “I’m with Chloe here, Henry. I don’t think this is a coincidence,” she said.

“I agree. Our target might have something to do with the missing persons.”

“Are we teaming up then?” Chloe’s expression brightened. “I hope we are. With your abilities, Henry, I’m sure this would be solved in no time at all.”

“I hope so, but I doubt it.”

“Are you always a pessimist?”

“The person I’m looking for is related to the Demons.”

Chloe’s expression turned blank. “W-what… I-I thought that was over…”

“It’s not. Keith is not the mastermind. Someone else is and they might be responsible for Keith’s… descent into evil, if we can call it that.”

“So you’re saying… the one responsible for the missing persons may also be responsible for my late ex-boyfriend’s twisted fate?”

“In short, yes.”

A scowl formed across Chloe’s gaze. “Then, we are teaming up, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

“Fine by me. So, where to?”

“There’s an abandoned housing area just past these few blocks. There’s where my latest lead points to.”

“Then let’s go,” Henry said and the three ran in the direction of the abandoned housing area.


Since the three of them were not ordinary by any means, they reached the abandoned housing area in just ten minutes on foot. Yula’s constitution was enhanced by her status as a True Dragon’s spouse and the multiple nights of intense sex had also heightened her stamina. In fact, if it was just a measure of stamina alone, Yula would severely outmatch Chloe.

“Oh, god…” Yula muttered upon witnessing the sight of the abandoned housing area. It wasn’t just abandoned, it was also devastated. Half of the houses here were missing either a roof or an entire floor. “Have you been here before, Chloe?”

“Never, but I have seen it on TV. It’s much worse now that I’m seeing all this firsthand.”

“What happened here?” Yula asked as they walked through the derelict neighbourhood.

“A tornado. It was just a stroke of bad luck and strangely enough, this place was only the area that got hit by the tornado. Now I’m beginning to think the tornado that tore this place up might not be natural.”

“You think that’s possible?” Yula questioned.

“You have a Dragon for a husband.”

“I suppose it’s possible, then. What do you think Henry?”

“I think we should be more concerned about our stalkers.”

“We’re being followed?” Yula exclaimed.

“Don’t turn around. Don’t let them know we are aware.”

“Okay,” Yula nodded.

“Damn it. They’re on my tail again.”

“You know who’s following us?” Henry inquired.

“Nazar’s men,” Chloe answered.

“Who’s Nazar?”

Chloe sighed. “Someone like me. He has a superpower too and before he was anything special, he was a mob boss. Ever since he obtained his powers, his influence has grown.”

“How did you get involved with this person?”

“I stumbled upon one of his goons during my investigation. The goons saw me using my powers and I couldn’t exactly bring myself to kill them, not after what happened with Keith… Anyway, I threatened them that if they told anyone about what they saw, I'd kill them.”

“I’m guessing they didn’t buy your threats?”

“Obviously,” Chloe groaned.

“What do we do?” Yula asked.

“Simple. We kill them,” Henry answered.

Chloe frowned.

“That was… quick,” Yula said. “Did you already have that in mind when you found out we were being followed?”

“My mind was made up when I caught their scent. They reek of blood and I don’t smell any remorse or regret on them. These people are dangerous to be left alive, especially given what they know and have seen.”

“So, you intend to kill our stalkers and dump their bodies here?” Chloe asked.

“No, of course not. I’m not gonna leave their bodies be. When I’m done with them, there will be nothing but ashes left of them, and I’m not speaking figuratively.”

“Oooh… Henry, is it bad that I’m looking forward to it?”

“Not at all,” Henry replied with a smile.

Yula tittered with glee as Henry tousled her hair.

Chloe looked at the two’s exchange, horrified. “You two are a match made in heaven alright.”

“Aww, thank you.” Yula chuckled. “Well then, Henry, how should we go about this?”

“We turn into the next alley and catch them by surprise. Yula, can you conceal us in the shadows?”

“Just myself. I have tried it with Sarynn but one person’s my limit.”

“Alright then, we’ll just have to get them old school.”

As soon as the trio arrived at the next alley, they made a sharp turn into it.

Two thugs appeared from their hiding spot when they saw Chloe disappear from their sight. They realised something was off and quickly ran after them, not caring if their cover was blown. However, as they turned into the alley, the two thugs found Chloe and her two other companions standing waiting for them.

“Afternoon, you two,” Chloe greeted.

The bigger of the two thugs clicked his tongue. “See, I told you she knew.”

“Oi, don’t blame me for that. I’m not the one that causes a quake with every step I take.”

“Huh, what did you say!?”

“What? I spoke the truth.”

“You damn—”

“Enough of this farce, you clowns!” Chloe bellowed. “If you two know what’s good for you, go back and tell Nazar that he won’t get any bitches if he’s so clingy.”

“Fucking bitch…” One of the thugs pulled out a gun.

Chloe flinched in response. She had never tested her armour against a gun and she never would if she could help it.

“You really love running your mouth like you’re invincible, eh? We know about your superpower. You can block a knife or a punch but let us see how invincible you are against a nine millimetre.”

“Oi, Turk, the boss wants her alive. Don’t forget that.”

“Yeah, I know. But he didn’t specify unharmed.”

“Huh, you’re right about that. In that case…” The other thug also pulled out a gun. “We don’t have to be gentle now, do we?”

“You, boy!”


“The boss just wants the blonde girl right here and I want that black hair beside you. So, why don’t you leave these two bitches to us, and we’ll let you live? How about it?”

“Oh, dear… They’re dead,” Yula muttered and giggled.

“You found something funny, bitch?” the thug asked as he cocked his gun.

“Seeing a dead man talking, that’s what’s funny.”

“Turk! Watch—” The other thug couldn’t even warn his partner as he was sent flying into the wall.

“What the—” The one named Turk also couldn’t fully register what just happened before he found his dominant arm being twisted into a grotesque shape. When the pain caught up in his mind, he couldn’t even scream as his throat was crushed by a strike he didn’t see coming.

Moaning and groaning silently, Turk fell to his knees, clutching his mangled arm while tears and saliva poured from his face. He looked up when a shadow was cast over him and he found Henry towering over him with a rage-filled expression.

The thug tried to say something but only wordless murmurs came out. Even if he no longer had a voice, it was clear he was trying to beg for his life.

“Strange,” Henry sneered. “I always thought I would be squeamish about taking the life of a human. I was wrong. I don’t feel that way at all. I’m not even hesitating. On the contrary, I look forward to tearing you apart, fucking asshole.”

Confusion and terror wrought the thug’s face. Though he had no idea what Henry was talking about, he knew Henry was not going to spare him. He lowered his gaze to the ground, out of fear, but coincidentally, his gaze landed on the handgun he dropped. It was do or die, he had nothing left to lose. He went for the gun.

And he got it. The gun was in his hands and his finger wrapped tightly around the trigger. He clambered a few inches away from Henry and trained the gun on him. He could no longer speak, so he cursed at Henry with his gaze. He then squeezed the trigger repeatedly, unloading rounds after rounds into Henry, until the gun went click.

It was after the clip was empty that the thug realised his gun was doing nothing to Henry. Of all the bullets he fired, not a single one penetrated Henry’s flesh and skin.

“Ouch,” Henry feigned a wince. “That hurts but what I am about to do will be a million times worse.”

The thug dropped the gun and lowered his head until it touched the ground. His whole body was trembling like an earthquake.

Henry scoffed at such a sight. “You don’t even have the guts to face your death with some dignity,” Henry said and placed his foot on the thug’s head. He then slowly applied more and more strength onto the thug’s head through his foot.

The thug began to struggle, kick, and flail his arms around, but to no avail.

After a certain point, the thug’s head gave out and popped like a balloon, spewing and scattering the blood, bones, and brain matter everywhere.

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