Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!

Chapter 35: Golden Thunder Lion

In just two days, Xiao Hong had finished refining the Pills for Gu Ran.

‘Why do I feel as though I made a loss?’ Gu Ran scratched his head. He couldn’t help but feel something was off as he took the pills Xiao Hong handed over. He did not see her refining the pills since it was considered taboo to spy on Craftsmen’s Techniques and he had principles. But he did feel slightly weirded out by the peculiar gleam in her eyes when she looked at him.

If he were really a man in his 20s, he might have suspected that this girl had a crush on him. But, thanks to his experience, he did not think that was the case here. 

‘… It is the same look I see in swindlers when they see people they can take advantage of!’ And Gu Ran had a sneaking suspicion that he might really have been swindled by this Junior Sister! But no matter how hard he thought about it, he could not understand how. Oh, he did think about the possibility of her success rate being much higher than normal, but that wasn’t possible.

It was because the Yuan Essence of a Yuan Opening expert was very different from the normal Essence. Yuan Essence - until it was completely refined - was always intricately linked to the Yuan Essence from the same Source. That meant that the Yuan Essence in the Beast Crystal Cores was intricately linked to the Yuan Essence in the atmosphere, as the Demon Beasts did not truly refine the Yuan Essence into their own. 

When the Beast Yuan Essence in the Beast Crystal Core was completely refined, the Yuan Essence in the atmosphere also adjusted slightly.

This, in turn, meant that there would be slight changes to the remaining Beast Crystal Cores’ refined Beast Yuan Essence, forcing the Alchemist to re-adjust their refinement methods slightly. Not much, just a little. 

This results in a slightly increased difficulty.

Moreover, while refining the Yuan Essence in the Beast Crystal Core, the Alchemists’ Zhenqi would be tainted by the refined Beast Yuan Essence in the Core, making the refinements of the next few Pills even harder - at least for a period of time.

This was unless one could refine Perfect Quality Pills.

‘... There’s no way that is possible.’ Gu Ran shook his head in denial. This Junior Sister might be talented and have the Stellar Primordial Body, but Perfect Grade Pills? No way!

The Stellar Primordial Body does give its possessor a vastly greater talent than most Upper Realm prodigies, but, it does not give such a massive boost in Alchemy Talent - its main forte is Body-Refining, not Alchemy. Even in the entire Upper World, experts who could refine Perfect Quality Pills could be counted on one hand! 

There was no other way he had been taken advantage of! It was in fact him who had taken advantage of her…

For example, that piece of Dark Abyss Stone. A chance to attain Perfect Nirvana and enough Auxiliary resources for Essence Soul? For a meagre several thousand Spirit Stones? That was probably the most ruthless swindling he’d done in both his lives! Other cultivators would pay in the millions and still be unable to get a fraction of equivalent resources!

Even the Technique Heaven Concealing Method was a way to take advantage of her ‘insane comprehension ability’. He had deduced from the feel of her Divine Sense and history of learning Alchemy that this girl likely possessed some unique talent like a Spiritual Constitution or something. 

Despite having cultivated the Heaven Concealing Method for several millennia, he had never even sniffed the Myriad Transformations level for the Technique.

So, he decided to give it to her in hopes that he might be able to fool her into showing him the Myriad Transformations level of the Heaven Concealing Method! With his powerful Divine Sense, he would be able to gain insight into it without her ever knowing. Besides, even if he couldn’t fool her, he could always trade with more Techniques!

But things turned out to be far beyond his expectations and it turned out that this girl had the Stellar Primordial Body…

Suddenly, a thought struck Gu Ran’s mind, ‘Wait. If she finds out about my schemes centuries later, aren’t I done for?! Won’t I be flattened with a single slap from her?!

‘No, no, I cultivate the Heavenly Abyss Scripture, so my potential isn’t any lesser!’ Gu Ran managed to convince himself!

“Thank you for your hard work, Junior Sister Xiao! You’ve been a great help!” Gu Ran gave her a dashing smile that would have caused a lot of normal ladies to blush uncontrollably.

However, Xiao Hong just returned a polite smile, “Xiao Hong is merely doing her duty, Senior Brother.” 

‘As expected of the possessor of the Stellar Primordial Body! She is unmoved despite this current body of mine being unusually handsome.’ It wasn’t that Gu Ran had thoughts about his Junior Sister, but… it couldn’t hurt to try right? As an old monster, he knew pride was about as useful as Spirit Stone dust when it came to the ruthless Pathway of Ascension. If he could gain the favour of the possessor of the Stellar Primordial Body, he would be set for life! He did not even mind being a male concubine!

Of course, it was mostly just a passing thought - he still had some confidence in himself.

“Well, let's be off then! We should go and meet up with our Sectmates. There seems to be a small gathering just a few days ahead!”

Xiao Hong nodded. “Mhm. Let us go.”

She also wanted to meet up with her Sectmates as soon as possible! It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Gu Ran, but… Earth Disaster was a little weak in her eyes. Oh, she was sure Gu Ran could likely match her toe-to-toe, but that wasn’t much when there could be much stronger cultivators around. 

It was also possible that he hid his cultivation like the typical Protagonist, but she wasn’t going to bet her life on a trope!

The two of them swiftly shot into the sky.



An enormous lion roared thunderously at the duo of Xiao Hong and Gu Ran. Arcs of golden lightning curled around its mammoth-sized form, exuding a wild exuberance. It flexed its hind legs before pushing off the ground, turning into a golden blur that hurled through the air at a logic-defying speed. Even Divine Sea initial stage Cultivators would find such a speed incomprehensible!

It blurred through the air towards Xiao Hong. It had determined that she was the weakest and therefore easier to eat!

In an instant, it was already upon Xiao Hong! It bit down at her, its large, bowling ball-sized eyes glinting with an unmatched ferocity. The lion’s cavernous maw looked as though it could swallow her small body whole!

Xiao Hong was prepared though! She immediately used her Movement Art and escaped. Her hands weaved hand signs one after another. In a few breaths, a building-sized Dark Flame Serpent was rushing through the air towards the lion, sending out Flame Pillars and Fireballs towards it. If one looked carefully, one would notice that the attacks were placed in such a way that they completely cut off any way for the lion to advance forward towards her, leaving only a few routes of escape!

Well, that would be the case if it weren’t this particular Demon Beast - the Golden Thunder Lion. 

Xiao Hong’s jaw dropped several feet as she watched the ferocious killing intent in Golden Thunder Lion’s eyes intensify. It turned into a golden blur and sped through the attacks, dodging them with a mind-boggling speed! It weaved around the Fireballs, sidestepped the Flame Pillars and simply blasted through the walls of fire with speed! Not a single strand of fur on its body was singed!

In just a few breaths, it had already bypassed the dozens of attacks sent out by the Dark Flame Serpent, sidestepped the Dark Flame Serpent itself, and was already upon her, with its mouth wide open!

Xiao Hong, still in shock, instinctively executed the Star Shifting Steps and ran away! 

‘What the heck?! I finally managed to get the whole attack formation down and it was easily broken?!’ Thoughts reeling from disbelief, she cursed inwardly, ‘What kind of freak is this Golden Thunder Lion?! Its speed is totally nonsensical!’

She continuously used the Star Shifting Steps to escape the Golden Thunder Lion’s pursuit. Even as she escaped, she quickly 18 complex hand seals one after another! 

Instantly, her aura soared, reaching thrice her usual. Her movements, reaction speed and Zhenqi’s potency soared to incredible heights.

Right after, she pulled out six swords from her storage bag. One was her precious Leiying Sword. Four of the remaining were her spoils of war from the Mystic Sky Sect’s disciples and the last one was given to her by Qiao Guiying. Each of these swords was not much inferior in terms of quality compared to the Leiying Sword! 

Xiao Hong made several hand seals in quick succession causing the five swords to line up in a pentagonal formation. As the swords aligned themselves around the Leiying Sword, they were bathed in a spectrum of vibrant colours, creating a dazzling spectacle.

Five Elements Array Formation: Constructive Cycle!

Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth.

A huge circle of Essence formed, connecting the five Flying Swords in a perfect cycle. Metal collected Water, Water nurtured Wood, Wood fuelled Fire, Fire produced Earth, and Earth bore Metal! The dazzling lights intensified as the Array operated.

The purple glow of the Leiying Sword flickered a few times before it brightened to an incredible degree and it let out an ear-piercing sword cry!

All of this happened in a few breaths!

“GO!” Xiao Hong let out a small shout.

The Leiying Sword turned into a tremendously bright and fast bolt of lightning and attacked the Golden Thunder Lion.

The Golden Thunder Lion, as if sensing danger, immediately turned into a bolt of lightning, avoiding the Leiying Sword before turning towards Xiao Hong and speeding towards her in a barely perceptible blur!

However, as it closed in on Xiao Hong it felt a sharp chill just beneath its tail!

Turning its head back, it saw a bolt of lighting closing in on it. The bolt of lightning was actually the Flying Sword that it had just avoided! And the Flying Sword had its tip directly pointed at its butt!

With an enraged roar, it changed directions and escaped.

Xiao Hong grinned as the Leiying Sword also changed directions and chased after it, the tip always pointed straight at its behind!

The Golden Thunder Lion changed directions, yet the Leiying Sword was like sticky plaster, completely unwilling to let it go! It was as if the Leiying Sword had been forged for the sole purpose of piercing its behind - literally tearing it a new one!

Somewhere up in the sky, Gu Ran felt a chill near his behind, ‘This Junior Sister is unique!’ His mouth twitched as he made a resolution, ‘Note to self: never offend this woman!’

He even held slight pity for this Demon Beast

The Golden Thunder Lion got fed up with the chase and directly turned into a bolt of lightning, putting a large distance between it and Leiying Sword. It turned around and opened its mouth.

“Huh? What’s it doing?” Xiao Hong felt puzzled. 

‘Did I humiliate it so much that it decided to commit suicide??’ 

“{Junior Sister, quickly recall your Flying Sword, the Golden Thunder Lion is going to use a breath attack!}” Gu Ran’s urgent qi transmission reached her!

‘Fuck!’ Xiao Hong was about to make a hand seal, but it was too late!


A blinding pillar of lightning shot out from the depths of its mouth and collided with the Leiying Sword!


A thunderous explosion occurred, creating a massive crater nearly ten metres wide and sending shockwaves rippling through the area!

“Cough!” Immediately Xiao Hong’s face turned pale and she spat out a mouthful of blood. The tremendous explosion had caused the Divine Sense mark she had left on the Sword when refining it to be damaged - which in turn caused her to suffer a backlash! It wasn’t anything too severe and could be healed in just a few hours. But she could not use the Leiying Sword before she recovered the Divine Sense Mark she left on it.

“Dammit!” Xiao Hong cursed and recalled the Leiying Sword back.

“{Are you alright, Junior Sister?}” Gu Ran sent a qi transmission, his voice was laced with concern.

“{Don’t worry Senior Brother, it's nothing severe}” Xiao Hong smiled, wiping away the blood at the corner of her mouth.

After a few moments, she got another qi transmission: “{Do you want my help, Junior Sister?}”

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