Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!

Chapter 87: Arriving at the Golden Star Sea Port City

Five days later.

Boom! Booom! Bang! Crash!

A series of powerful explosions swept outwards, blowing up great amounts of dust, forcing Yun Cheng and his team members who stood around the carriage protectively to cover their eyes. Yet, they stubbornly stared ahead, unwilling to miss out on the spectacle ahead. 

At the epicentre of the chaos stood a solitary figure, a young woman surrounded by an ethereal aura of power. She stood over a pile of very dead, elephant-sized coyotes, great rings of royal purple fire orbiting her like the rings around a planet, pulsating with otherworldly energy. 

A large coyote, dwarfing its dead brethren let out a low, guttural growl - one that carried an undertone of grief and fear. 

The woman raised her hand. One of the rings of fire dimmed for a moment and a fist-sized ball of plasma condensed. With a fluid motion, she swung it down towards the coyote. The ball of plasma blurred, shooting towards the coyote with blinding speed, causing the coyote to leap into action.

One after another, the remaining rings dimmed and brightened in rhythmic succession, each birthing a new sphere of plasma. Each ball of plasma shot towards the coyote like a relentless barrage of bullets from a Gatling gun, forcing it into being the sole performer in a dance of life and death. 

Xiao Hong, still comfortably seated in her carriage, watched the show, completely unbothered by the wind and dust blowing against her face. 

Resting her chin on her fist, she pondered, ‘I wasn’t sure before, but now, there is absolutely no doubt about it.’

Her gaze intensified as she studied the young woman's movements, analyzing every nuance of her actions, ‘That is not Qi. Whatever her ‘Essence’ is - it is nothing like Zhenqi at all.’ 

As an Immortal Cultivator, she was very sure. Zhenqi - to some extent - could be called the fusion of one’s Lifeforce blended with Spiritual Energy refined using one’s Cultivation Method. It was an oversimplification but still held a modicum of truth.

‘However, this ‘Essence’ feels more like some ‘Something’ innate to her…?’ Xiao Hong stroked her jaw in thought, surprised at that particular ball of plasma suddenly turning itself into a bolt of lightning and striking the coyote’s head - stunning it and effectively ending the battle.

‘No,’ she corrected herself, ‘perhaps, it is the… potential of that ‘Something’ within her given form through her intent?’ 

This power - whatever it was - had little to do with the Immortal Path. Even though it was very similar to the Immortal Path in its effects, allowing one to throw around fireballs and stab people in the behind with earth spikes and much more, it wasn’t the same. 

A few days back, when she was examining Rialda’s talent at Yun Cheng’s request, she had felt it, but her Fight or Flight response had kicked in and such trivialities had no place in her mind.

‘The Immortal Path, the Demonic Path, the Martial Path and now this… entirely new Pathway of Ascension,’ she mused, a wry smile curving her lips, ‘This world keeps giving me surprises.’

On the other side, Rialda’s extended arm dropped to her side and the rings of fire around her dissipated into wisps and embers. 

Then, she turned around and walked back towards the carriage, the scent of charred flesh following her, looking completely unaffected as though she had not just defeated a pack of mutant coyotes.

“Well, that was underwhelming,” Rialda said, casually taking the seat opposite Xiao Hong, causing her smile to twitch slightly. 

“Show off!” she muttered under her breath. 

This pack of coyotes was a tad more powerful than the Wind Spirit Wolves she had fought against back when she was training with Qiao Guiying. But they were easily defeated by this beauty with strange powers! While she could also defeat them pretty easily now, it would not be quite as effortless - despite having greater destructive potential.

‘Well, it's mostly because of how incredibly versatile her powers are.’ Xiao Hong felt a little jealous. A fireball could randomly become lightning with a single thought? That was simply absurd! Most Techniques - even when trained to level Absolute Control - could only be changed to certain extent. For example, A gigantic flaming palm can only ever be a gigantic flaming something else - it can’t become a gigantic thunder dong!

She threw her thoughts and speculations to the back of her mind and turned to Yun Cheng, asking, “By the way, Mr, Yun, when will we get to the City?”

Yun Cheng cast a complicated gaze towards Rialda. He knew very well that he had been used. But what could he do? This Huang Zhixin was so powerful that he didn’t even dare to breathe too hard in front of her. He could only accept it. 

He turned to Xiao Hong, “We should get there by evening, Fairy Xiao.”

She nodded thoughtfully. Golden Sea Port City was the gathering place for all the powerful practitioners at the later Disaster Stages. It was, like the Xing Luo city, a node in the Nine-Petalled Lotus Islands. And a major one at that! 

So, she believed it was the perfect place to gather information before planning an escape route! Currently, she had no idea about where she could even find allies.

As for why the people were attracted to the nodes of this Formation like toads lusting after swan meat? Heck if she knew!


Under the sun that had started its descent, a tall city wall came into Xiao Hong’s view. 

She sat up, her gaze turning serious. 

The vacation had come to an end and she could not relax anymore. 

She peeked out of the window and waved to Yun Cheng, saying, “Thank you for bringing me this far. However, now we must part…” There was no need to implicate them in her next, probably very dangerous, actions. They were innocent and had nothing to do with her - so it was better to send them away sooner rather than later.

Yun Cheng opened his mouth to protest and say that they could still be of help, but when he saw the firm look on Xiao Hong’s face, he could only give up. He knew they would only be burdens on her. In fact, it was already a marvel that she was still so polite. If he were in the same shoes as her, he would have already told himself to fuck off!

“Very well,” he nodded. “I wish you a long and prosperous life, great Immortal!”

After a few more polite goodbyes and parting gifts, they parted, leaving Rialda and Xiao Hong alone.

“They could have been useful for gathering information, you know?” Rialda asked, glancing at the breathtakingly beautiful profile of the young woman, her eyes sparkling curiously.

“We can do it just as well, if not better,” she replied with a light shrug.

Then, a thin film of light red aura covered her, before she disappeared in a burst of dim red starlight. When she reappeared, she was already dozens of metres away

“Is that so…” the young mage smiled, the confidence in her decision to cosplay a sticky plaster and forcibly tag along with her increased. 

‘Also, really?’ she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. ‘Showing off a movement ability in front of me like that… It is so obvious that you want to test my speed!’

She shook her head before letting out a small chuckle. ‘Well, I shall entertain you!’ She called upon the wellspring of potential within her, drawing on it and shaping it into usable power with her Will. 

“Flight.” she whispered.

And she shot into the sky like a bolt of purple lighting, quickly catching up with Xiao Hong who had deployed her Movement Technique, Star Shifting Steps, to a great capacity. 

Xiao Hong raised an analytical brow, glancing at Rialda, who seemed completely relaxed. ‘Her speed is quite good as well. Moreover, she doesn’t even seem to be strained.’

She sped up even more, tapping into her incredible mastery of the Star Shifting Steps. Yet, no matter how much she sped up, the other party could keep up nonetheless - all while looking annoyingly relaxed! 

So, in the end, she just gave up and decided to fly at a moderate pace.

Just as the duo were making their way to the slowly expanding city walls, intense fluctuations of the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth drew their attention. It seemed that some Immortal Cultivators were duking it out.

“Hm?” Xiao Hong turned to her companion - who had also turned to her - and cocked an eyebrow. 

“Let’s avoid them,” Rialda shrugged. “It has nothing to do with us.”

“Agreed.” Xiao Hong nodded. The two of them changed the direction of their flight, intending to take a detour around the scene. 

There was no need to stick her foot in someone else’s business. She was here to gather information. As soon as she figured out enough - at least the general location of her allies, she would leave immediately and sneak away from this damned island from some deserted shore. This was a plan as stable as Mount Tai!

Unfortunately, Heavenly Venerable Murphy said no.

“Fellow Daoists, please help! These demons are chasing after my daughter!” A distressed cry reached the two of them.

Xiao Hong turned to look, eyes glowing with anticipation. She truly loathed Demonic Cultivators. In her eyes, it was these damned piles of Taotie-shit that destroyed her express levelling map - the Demon Beast Haven Realm! So, if she had the chance to beat up a few more, she would gladly take it! 

A middle-aged man cloaked in a greenish-blue cloak of Qi wore a distressed expression on his sickly pale face, carrying a young woman as he shot through the air towards the two of them. He flew desperately as if running away from certain death. Behind him, were two young men and a young woman, chasing after him with determined expressions, wearing nearly identical, sky-blue cloaks of Qi.

‘Er, they don’t really look all that Demonic, though?’ Xiao Hong felt slightly disappointed. It seemed that it was merely a figure of speech. 

“{No, Fellow Daoist, be careful! Don’t believe in his nonsense! It is he himself who is the Demonic Cultivator! He has kidnapped our Junior Sister - she has nothing to do with him!}” Another urgent voice, this time a voice transmission, sounded in her ears.

Xiao Hong’s eyelid twitched in annoyance. ‘The fuck are we playing now? Werewolf?!’ She was in no mood to play guessing games now.

The middle-aged man, who had been fleeing desperately towards her just a moment ago, suddenly had a sinister smirk on his face. Without warning, he lunged towards Xiao Hong. A thick, rope-like object unfurled from his sleeve, coiling around her with the intent to capture. His smirk widened in triumph as the girl did nothing to defend herself - obviously, she had frozen in fear and surprise! “Haha! She fell for it… 

“Huh?” However, he soon felt something was wrong… why had a palm suddenly appeared in front of his face?

“Aaaaaaargh!!!” A tortured shriek ripped through the man’s throat as the seemingly delicate hand held his face with such immense strength, that his skull seemed to creak under the force of its grip! They dug into his forehead and cheekbones, crushing his bones like they were made of porcelain! 

“Aargh! Let go, dammit! Let go of me!!” His hands flailed around wildly before latching onto the offending arm, trying to pull it off his face! 

He kicked out desperately trying to kick away the opponent with all his might. Yet, all that he felt was a burst of pain lancing through his leg and up his spine - his foot shattered against a transparent reddish film not even a fingernail thick!

Fear, cold and paralyzing, gripped his heart. How could he not know that he’d offended someone he shouldn’t? So, he immediately begged desperately, “Please spare me, I am the only son of-”

“No.” A flat voice cut him off.

Then, the powerful grip on him strengthened even more. 

“Kragh!” A terrible shriek like a pig being slaughtered rang through the air. Then, a tremendous force pushed against his face. It was as if the mammoth was stepping in his face!

The last thing he remembered before was a rapidly receding visage - one so breathtakingly beautiful, that even his fear and agony took a momentary backseat. 

Then, he remembered no more.

In the distance. 

The three Cultivators froze in mid-air, their jaws slackening as they watched the young woman grab the Demonic Cultivator that had given them headaches for nearly a month like he was a chicken to be slaughtered! What was more fearsome was the way she casually threw him down - it was almost like a child throwing a tantrum. Except, instead of being cute or annoying, it was downright horrifying! 

He was thrown down with such immense force his figure was practically a single straight line in their eyes. They did not even need to look down to know the fate of that poor Demonic Cultivator - he was probably reduced to a mere splatter on the ground! 

‘How brutal!’ The three of them, clad in their sky-blue robes, shivered in fear.

‘Shit!’ All of them nearly jumped out of their skin when the Demoness - ahem, the Saviour of their Junior Sister - cast her unfriendly gaze towards them.

“S-S-Senior, we will be eternally in your debt for your help in catching this heinous Demon who dared to kidnap our Junior Sister!” One of the men - who seemed to have the highest cultivation among them - said earnestly, bowing deeply. The other two followed his lead, scraping and bowing and shouting about how grateful they were and how they would do everything in their power to repay this favour.

“Alright, enough!” Xiao Hong snapped somewhat irritably. Immediately, the three of them shut up. It was as if someone had pressed the stop button on the record player.

She was about to shoo them away when a thought struck her.

“Hmm, since you’re so eager to repay this favour, why don’t you tell me of the exact situation in the Golden Sea Port City? And the other islands in the Nine-Petaled Lotus Islands archipelago in general?” Xiao Hong queried. These people seemed to belong to some relatively powerful local Sect. 

The strongest among them was a peak Sky Spirit Stage Cultivator  - and she estimated that he was around 24 to 25. There was no chance of achieving Nirvana before 30, but it was not that bad. The remaining were more or less in the same ballpark. With a casual guess, she could guess that the strongest in their Sect was perhaps at the Celestial Bridge Stage - putting them on the same level as the Radiant Star Kingdom. 

So, she believed they might have a good idea about the general distribution of the Sects and the Super Sects in the Golden Sea Port City. She wouldn’t even have to enter the City to know what was going on.

An odd expression appeared on their faces. The man with the highest Cultivation - who seemed to also be their leader - coughed somewhat awkwardly and said, “Senior, we have also just arrived and have little idea about the situation in the City…”

Xiao Hong’s mouth twitched. Alright, I expected too much…

Just as she decided to leave, the young man continued, “But I believe we can still help you, Senior. This is the joint territory of the Radiant Star Empire and the Five Immortal Sects - which my Spirit Edge Mountain is a part of.

“I sincerely invite senior to be a guest at my Sect. My fellow disciples will be able to help you gather the information you want.” 

She paused for a moment before nodding. “Alright, then.”


In ordinary times, the Golden Star Sea Port City was the second most important city in the Golden Star Province after its provincial capital. It was a minor trading hub that saw quite the cash flow. 

But right now, its importance has skyrocketed! With the impending ‘bloom’ of the Nine-Petaled Lotus Islands, the activity it saw had increased drastically. All sorts of people, from the local tyrants to powerful Practitioners from all around the Brilliant Heavenly Light Sea. The usually rare Divine Sea Stage Cultivators were like shoots after rain, springing up everywhere.

Though, what truly caught Xiao Hong’s attention was…

“These people,” Rialda whispered softly, her voice laden with fascination, “they dress quite boldly, don’t they?” 

Sitting next to the mage, Xiao Hong couldn’t help but nod in agreement. She looked outside the window of their private room, staring down at the numerous people moving about and analysing their choice of attire. Men dressed stylishly, looking sharp and strong in armour or expensive, form-fitting robes. 

While women wore beautiful, very provocative dresses that flaunted their curves. Their clothes clung to their curves like a second skin, revealing more than concealing. Xiao Hong felt they wouldn’t look out of place in the bedroom... 

Tearing her gaze away with great difficulty from a particularly well-proportioned sister’s… assets, she turned to the three disciples of the Spirit Edge Mountain seated opposite her, looking very obedient. The arrogance of disciples from a Sect in the Five Immortal Sect Alliance was nowhere to be seen.

“So you’re saying that the several Divine Sea Stage Cultivators I see walking about are only a small part of the numerous Practitioners around here?” She asked, staring at the man who seemed to be their leader. “But for some strange reason, the strongest around here is equivalent to a Nirvana Stage Cultivator?”

The handsome-looking man surnamed Li flushed deeply under her stare, flustered by the attention of the most single gorgeous woman he had seen in his entire life, causing the only woman in their team to frown slightly. He cleared his throat and nodded quickly, and spoke with a light stammer, “Y-Yes. Yi Yun - a 12th Divine Transformation Martial Artist of the Flowing Cloud Sect - is the strongest Practitioner stationed in this City.

“It was collectively decided by the three Super Factions of the Brilliant Heavenly Light Sea that only Nirvana Stage Cultivators and below will be allowed to participate in this opportunity. Anyone stronger daring to stick their nose in will be met with the violent retaliation of other parties.”

Xiao Hong hummed noncommittally. She did not put much stock in this ‘restriction’ after the severe beating she received in the Demon Beast Haven Realm. “What about the other Super Factions? Like the Black Lotus Valley? And the Azure Sea Dragon Island? Where are they stationed?”

The man surnamed Li thought for a moment. “The Black Lotus Valley and the Azure  Sea Dragon Island each occupy an island. Of course, it is the Flowing Cloud Sect that occupies-”

“Which one is the closest?” Xiao Hong quickly interrupted him.

“Uhh, that would be the Azure Sea Dragon Island to the east…” The man was somewhat startled by the interruption but answered anyway.

“I see,” Xiao Hong nodded, and continued asking, “What about the Black Lotus Valley?”

“The Black Lotus Valley occupies the smallest North-western petal since it is the weakest among the three Super Sects in the Brilliant Heavenly Light Sea…”

Xiao Hong fell silent. It would seem that the Azure Sea Dragon Island was the better choice. In fact, purely in terms of survival, it was the absolute best choice! The relationship between the Black Lotus Valley and her Sect - the Purple Spirit Sect - was indeed friendly. But the Azure Sea Dragon Island was much closer in terms of relations! It was just that her perception had been coloured by Elder Song’s apparent distaste for this particular Super Faction.

‘Well, I suppose it's decided. Seeking refuge with the Azure Sea Dragon Island is the best decision.’ As for the ‘romantic’ tendencies of the disciples of the Azure Sea Dragon Island that Elder Song mentioned… Well, she didn’t really have the luxury of choice, now did she?


The man surnamed Li wistfully bid farewell to the two Immortal Fairies.

“Forget it, Brother Li, she’s way outta your league! Both of them are!” A teasing voice interrupted his thoughts, “A man should dream, but dreams should also be realistic, you know?”

Veins popped up on Brother Li's forehead. He gritted his teeth and turned a malevolent eye towards his disrespectful Junior Brother. 

“Junior Brother,” Brother Li enunciated each word clearly, his hands crackling as he flexed them. “It seems you have forgotten how the word ‘Death' is written! And as your Senior Brother, it is my duty to remind you…”

Soon, a screech like a pig being slaughtered tore through the air.

After a while, the jumpy Junior Brother who did not know what was good for him cosplayed a malnourished panda. 

Meanwhile, the woman who had stayed quiet all along, spoke up, “Senior Brother, those two don't seem like they belong to the Flowing Cloud Sect or any of their subordinate forces…

“We should-”

“Junior Sister! How could you even think of such a thing?!” Senior Brother Li reprimanded her angrily, his voice rising. “Even after she saved our Junior Sister from the clutches of that Demon, you dare scheme against her?!”

“But didn’t we already repay her favour by giving her information?” The Junior Sister argued. 

“Isn’t that enough? Besides, if she turns out to be a spy from the other Super Factions, and is discovered, it could turn out to be disastrous for us. The punishment of the Flowing Cloud Sect will not be easy to bear!” She clenched her fist and stared back.

“On the other hand, if we report now, not only will our sins be resolved, we will also be rewarded great merit and we-”


Senior Brother Li slammed his hand down on the table, causing the occupants to flinch. “Junior Sister!” 

The man surnamed Li shouted, his voice reverberating in the private room. “Don’t be such an ungrateful person! You know full well what would happen to Junior Sister if she had been successfully captured by a Cultivator of the Flower Picking Yin Demon Sect! A mere few pieces of information aren’t enough to repay such a huge favour!

“Now, go back to your room and reflect on yourself!”

The young woman gritted her teeth and spat out, “Yes, Senior Brother…” She lowered her head, turned around and left, suppressing the burning sensation within her chest.

‘Senior Brother is inexperienced and must have been enchanted by that slut!’ Her eyes flickered maliciously. 


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