Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 223 – Greek Invasion

(Temporary Perspective Change)

(Esmerelda) <One already told you, keep the destruction to a limit!>

(Yellow) <You’ve gone soft kin. The humans can always rebuild like they always do… like how we find a new cave when the old one grows tiresome>

(Cyan) <I think it’s more the hassle with what comes after? Humans do like their paper work so it’s not that simple Cyclorak>

(Pink) <So boringgg. Really wish that sexy time place was open>

‘That pink dragon seems unnecessarily horny, of course the brothels aren’t going to be open when an invasion is on… reminds me of my wife thinking about it’

(Athena) “Everything okay Denver? You’re looking a little blue”

(Hephaestus) “Never liked heights, even in Olympus sister. You already knew that though. My soul just loves crafting and caves that much, it makes sense why I ended up down here”

(Athena) “Already told you once before, you relied on luck for your reincarnation. The soul doesn’t work that way I’m afraid”

“Once again… we’ll have to agree to disagree on that sister”

Our fellow Olympians flee as the formation of dragons swoop across the city, destroying all that oppose them without breaking a sweat. There’s overkill and all but this is on a level none of us have ever seen, isn’t helped by the fact the Gods attacking this place in question haven’t much in the way of a plan. They must’ve split off from Zeus’s faction and wanted a place for their own I presume.  If it were Ares, Hera, and their goons, then this city may have fallen to tatters.

Athena’s already had their fill of bloodshed while Desmond has gone off in search of more foes, but both seem slightly disappointed with what has unfolded, mainly because of the dragons. Four mythical beings uniting and pretty much destroying all enemies in sight is something best witnessed I’d say. Just technically now being a dwarf, I can blame that on my dislike of flying.

We currently sit on the back of Esmerelda while her husband rallies and guides the forces from down below. We’ve already taken care of the portal that reinforcements were arriving from, all it took was the yellow one giving it a quick kick to turn it to rubble. Temporary portals are like that after all, brittle beyond belief but can provide a great point to ambush from. Boring Olympian politics that I always try to ignore even way back when.

“Loot as much as you can and let’s fl-, shit! The dragons have found us!”

“Run! No one told us life was going to be this way…”

Passing another group of attackers, the dragons still being guided by the much bigger yellow one, begin to spew their magic all across the streets against the fleeing invaders. The yellow spews an odd-looking flame, the cyan spits out shards of compact ice, while the pink reluctantly attacks using pink balls of magic.

More and more encounters like this ensue until we come across something a little different than the norm. These Gods in particular seem more aware of the situation they find themselves in.

“Wait wait, we surrender! Damn malakas, why I ever agreed to this is beyond me! Dying for those idiots ain’t worth the promised riches… or is it? No, it’s not!”

“It was the wrench Hera who set us up for this! Untold riches and citizens that would worship the ground we walk upon, how were we to know it would be goat shit?”

“Why any of us trusted those idiots, we don’t know!”

A small group of Gods have been surrounded by a bunch of human solders, led by Emperor Desmond himself. One of the Gods was surprisingly famous back in the heavenly world, the God of wealth always found his way into matters that he shouldn’t have visited.

‘Plutus got roped into this battle himself? You wouldn’t expect that coward to do something like this, unless a huge amount of wealth was promised’

“Start the process and let’s get on with the execut-…”

An aura as black as the night presents itself as Desmond and his guards were about to do something that would piss off the wife immensely. Dragon anger really cannot be understated.

<What was Des about to do to thous that have surrendered?>

“N-Nothing my Es! I was going to say… let’s get on with s-showing the invaders an ex-example of our mortal hospitality, honest!”

“On behalf of the dwarven kingdom, we request the prisoner Plutus and any others who have surrendered”

“Wait… me? Malaka! I’d rather surrender to the humans and the dragons!”

Plutus starts to shake in his boots when Athena oddly requests that we take the burden of handling the surviving Gods, confusing both the empress, emperor and me alike. Dwarves aren’t really known for taking prisoners and it’s not because of blood thirst, it’s just that the mountain range is nearly impossible to attack so pretty much all end up dead before we have the chance.

The Gods that dare to try will most likely end up incapacitated due to the volcanic fumes and they have no chance of getting a portal down in the depths of our caves. It actually requires a physical soul placing a rune before it can be created and last time I checked, I’m the only God who would ever relish a dwarven body. Anyone who isn’t a dwarf or trades with us stands out like a sore thumb, freshly broken from a mishit hammer… I’m a craftsman so that happens more than I care to admit. Point being, we monitor the hell out of anyone coming to visit.

“I don’t see any problem with that, after we’ve interrogated them of course. Prisoners always take up needless resources. But I have to ask, why? Wouldn’t it be safer to just kill the Gods and save the hassle?”

Once again, his dragon wife glares at him from the suggestion while Athena tries her best to justify why we should drag back a bunch of idiots who decided to side with Zeus.

“The surviving few aren’t powerful enough to do such a thing and given time, most of the ex-Gods here will eventually settle into mortal life. Plutus in particular, needs a suitable punishment for blindly following his greed and succumbing into peer pressure… again. He has a history with this sort of thing”

Seeing a side of Athena I haven’t seen in what feels like centuries, the Goddess of wisdom seems to be set on lecturing Plutus and has an aura best described as slightly wicked. Her punishment in question… I’m not sure and don’t plan to ask. She has a history with this sort of thing, Medusa being the prime example.

“I won’t question any further then… seen that look from my wife plenty of times before”

“Wait, what’s going to happen!? Tell me or kill me already! Life isn’t worth living if you remove something like gold from my life!”

‘I can only hope she eases up on him and isn’t too harsh, she has eased up a bit in recent years. To those who deserve it, sister has always been harsh with punishments…’


‘Bet this works… status’

[Name: Helios   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 750]

[Health    50,000/50,000]

[Stamina 42,821/50,000]

[Magicka 46,371/50,000]

‘Decent stats but still nothing compared to mine. Olympians translate strangely down here… he does feel stronger than last time we met though’

Still locked within the battleground, my blade Excalibur crashes against Helios’s glowing staff. Since this guy feels somewhat stronger than his stats imply, I may need to experiment a little.

“Really demonic phoenix? I’m no longer burdened by the restrictions of not having a sun to harness!”

‘I can already tell that idiot; it was just a teste’

Using a slight amount of flame to gauge a reaction, clearly Helios is resistant to both light and fire magic so it’s abilities only for now. I know exactly which one I’m picking as I can’t take any chances with him…


[<-Aspect of gigantomachy mark 2- is now active>]

While my body starts to morph into the bigger breasted form, Helios’s staff starts to glow even brighter and launches a swing that catches me off guard. That speed took me back but I was just able to block it off.

The knockback from the attack hurts in a strange way as it feels like my stamina and magicka has been drained slightly. Health wise, I’m still fit as a fiddle. Whatever that was, I dread to think what it would do if it lands.

Another swing from the sun God as I duck, try to counter using both my weapons to full effect, only to get blocked with a swing that defies physics. He’s really fast and he suits that staff even better. I have the better teacher though…

An opening presents itself as my vampiric blade has speed even he can’t match, landing deep into his shoulder. Never would this be a killing blow unless combined with aspect…

Except, he still stands tall with no kickback from the attack. As a matter of fact, aspect completely cancels itself, putting me back into the smaller breasted form I’m normally in.

“Ooaf! Don’t think defeating me will be that easy, demonic bird. I know and see things most others cannot. Absorbing any sort of power, even a giant's is nothing for me”

‘Da fuck? How did he do that Aesa?’

[<Aesa predicts target Helios must’ve have some way of absorbing abilities, similarly to how Ikarus might cancel an attack. Aesa recommends not wasting anymore until he’s dealt with using combat>]

‘This could be a real grind then… status’

[Name: Helios   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 750]

[Health    47,242/50,000]

[Stamina 42,794/50,000]

[Magicka 45,619/50,000]

A couple of rapid attacks come in from his staff, both aiming to bonk me on the head but I easily block both and get ready for a counter of my own, only to be blocked as well. Regardless of the delay in finishing off this battle, I just know I can take this guy if it comes down to this…

“Blasted other phoenix, don’t interfer-, argh!”

Petra senses I’m starting to get impatient, sending her sword flying while she continues to help with the rest of the battle. Literal black flame burns all the battleground as she’s handling most of the heavenly beings that aren’t worth our time.

This gives me a perfect opening to strike, slashing Excalibur right across his chest. I reckon one more deadly strike like that and this guy will be finished.

Again, the guy has to contend with the flying sword giving me another perfect opportunity to get in there. One swift cut to the neck and he’ll be finished…

‘Damn it! Why does fighting Gods have to be a massive pain in the arse?’

As I’m going in for the kill, suddenly, a magical barrier completely blocks Helios, giving him ultimate protection from all attacks. The culprit appears to be a womanly figure revealing herself from behind a corner, just out of the reach of the battle.

“I can handle these two myself, lady Demeter!”

“And yet, you were about to lose your head. Wrap up this fight already or flee… although. It may be a little late for that now”

‘Don’t think I’m allowing this bitch to get away. You dared to show your face so I’m taking you out!’

[Name: Demeter   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1250]

[Health    75,000/75,000]

[Stamina 52,692/75,000]

[Magicka 78,149/100,000]

‘She’s pretty powerf-… hold up. There must be a mistake in what I’m seeing’

Opening my wings, I charge across away from Helios and aim for Demeter instead. During this brief glide, I can’t help but notice an anomaly in her status page. Like when we met the Minotaur breaking the stat cap, this seems to have happened again. This time being the level counter.

[<Ikarus’s eyes are correct, even Aesa isn’t sure why it’s like that. Level 1000 should be the cap. Olympian species or mythology related must be able to surpass level restrictions. Level caps must be a base mortal concept>]

But wait Ikarus and Aesa, wasn’t level a thousand the hard cap set right in the beginning? That wasn’t a rule that I thought could be adjusted but I guess this is an exception?

Regardless, it still matters little because us phoenixes are stronger than both of them. Even if Helios can absorb abilities and Demeter can put up barriers, we’ll destroy both of them, I just know it!

While Helios is still contained with that flying blade, I launch an assault towards Demeter, releasing flame and wildly attacking to try and catch her off guard before she puts a barrier on herself. I may be fast but I’m not that fast though.

Repeat barriers do go up but surprisingly enough, Demeter’s barriers only seem to be coming in the form of shields rather than working as complete protection. My flames appear to get through the cracks. Maybe her magic works better for supporting other Gods rather than herself?

“Apologies phoenixes, it looks like I underestimated your abilities. You still aren’t strong enough though”

[Name: Demeter   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1250]

[Health    34,882/75,000]

[Stamina 50,995/75,000]

[Magicka 62,149/100,000]

Within a matter of seconds, her health drops to half as I fully intend on releasing as much flame at her as a possibly can. From mythology, Demeter was rumoured to be powerful but not in the conventual ways of things like combat for example. I presume this is why she’s unable to do much, even if I have to overcompensate and overcharge my flame thrower as much as I possibly can.

“My death will only act as a martyr to the others phoenixes… it’ll achieve nothing…”

‘I’ve got you n-… fuck! Never thought that would happen’

Just as the Goddess collapses from the heat and I’m about to finish off the job, I’m thrown to the ground as well from something smashing into my back

“Sorry Ikarus… he slipped free. He won’t again”

‘I can tell she’s really angry with herself’

[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord)   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    128,153/166,666]

[Stamina 148,072/166,666]

[Magicka 114,666/166,666]

[You currently have 150001 unassigned points]

Petra’s eyes and aura begin to darken as now, she’s going to take Helios down one way of another. He’s going to experience what true mortality is all about…

Instantly, he knows something’s up and goes on the defensive… not that it’ll make any difference. I’d join in to help but I think Petra wants her own little moment… and I’d rather watch my wife’s swordplay in action as well.

Hit after hit goes into the sun God as he gets pushed back from the rampaging wife, ending up against a wall with no place to go and severely restricting his staff swings. Now, blocking is basically an impossibility.

“The way you fight… it reminds me of someone”

Ignoring him, Petra continues to wildly but also graciously kick the ever-loving crap out of the guy who dared hit my back… or waist. His aim was suspiciously terrible considering I didn’t sense him incoming. I’m also surprised he hasn’t launched some magic, like a sun related attack on us. Then again, if he knows everything, then he should know we’d be resistant to anything flame or light related. Silly Ikarus.

“Athena really gave you her blessi-…”

And just like that, the story of Helios is over as one deadly swoop cuts his head off cleanly from the person who’s taken over Athena’s mantle. Songs will be song of this moment… they won’t but I’m trying to hype this shit up!

As a matter of fact, the rest of the fighting in this area seems to have dwindled

‘Aesa… how much EXP did I get from that fight then?’

You’d think piercing beams of light and my crushing would work wonders for what was just achieved but Aesa has yet to say anything about EXP just yet. It’s honestly making me worry a little…

[<Unfortunately Ikarus, your worries are correct. Since Gods are now considered mortal, that heavenly tag must no longer apply. Aesa wishes things were easier and less inconsistent>]

‘Wait, does that mean my upgrades are now restricted to the three left I can buy? That freaking sucks’

That must mean the last three upgrades are it then and that’s everything… bit anticlimactic, ain’t it? Only hope we can come across a dungeon or something else appears because there must still be things to find out in the world. What am I saying Ikarus? Of course there is, just Zeus and his minions need to take full priority.

“*Cough cough*”

Still barely clinging onto life but burnt to a crisp, Demeter quietly coughs as her lungs can no longer handle the pure perfection that is phoenix discharge... I always have a weird way with words and that is what our magic is after all. You can interpret that however you want, I’m just a sweet and innocent bird that has never done anything perverted. A demon lord of pure class and chaste… are you buying it yet?

‘It would merciful to just put her out of her misery, wouldn’t it? Not sure why I need any convincing, an execution means nothing’

Gradually walking up to her with Excalibur in hand, I’m about to pierce my blade into the back of her neck when someone begins to pester my ear about it. Unfortunately, it isn’t the wife because she’s currently cleaning the blood off her equipment.

“Heh, wouldn’t recommend you do that sister. There are some heavenly beings you want kept alive and the Goddess of the harvest is one of them”

“What the hell do you recommend we do then, put her in a jail cell? If I’ve learnt one thing about mythology, caging up Greek Gods always goes well”

“*Cough cough*… whether you save me or kill me… nothing matters. You still won’t defeat him”

I mean, while we were gone, our settlement did acquire some magic zapping   collars that have been seen on other prisoners throughout our journeys. Would it even work on a Goddess though? We can give it a try I guess, also can’t help but ignore the dying woman. Slightly depressive much?

‘Wait a second, I’ve got it! Muhahaha! That’s so tremendously evil, I love it!’

Remembering an ability I’ve gotten that has never been used and could be perfect for keeping someone with power contained, it’s perfect for a situation like this.

‘Aesa… what was the name again? The ability that burns away all of one’s power and levels?’

[<Ability -furnace leveller- Ikarus. Unfortunately, said ability only works on targets that have a lower level than Ikarus. However, Aesa predicts upgrading it should provide a workaround>]

‘So that’s a no go then. I’m not going to waste an upgrade on something I’m yet to use’

Except… Asmodeus has that face telling me this is worthwhile doing, like he knows exactly what I’m thinking about right now. If I’m to listen to anyone that isn’t the wife and her wisdom, it’s got to be the guy who knows the literal future, right? Huff… it had to be the time where I find out I have no way of making more points… freaking waste of time. Aesa?

[<Ability -furnace leveller mark 2- in addition to burning away a weaker opponent’s level, also works on higher level targets if their HP is below 25%>]

‘Knew it would be a shitty upgrade but damn… let’s just see how this goes’

Activating furnace leveller for the first time, my hands turn to pure fire that gives me a good jump. That I did not expect… bet it would use my wings if I were in the phoenix body. Now that would look freaking cool!

A touch on the dying Demeter’s shoulders and my hands return to normal as she ignites, like kindling on a campfire. It doesn’t seem to hurt but seeing the orange haired Goddess look like a creature made of flame is definitely weird.

Once the flame dwindles, I open up status and…

“Just… what have you done to me!? You spare my life to leave me in this sorry state? At least if I had died… I wouldn’t have to worry about my dear Persephone any longer”

‘Boringgg… status’

[Name: Demeter   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1]

[Health    5/50]

[Stamina 32/50]

[Magicka 60/100]

‘Muhahahaha… okay, it may be useless ninety-nine percent of the time. I’m enjoying this though’

And like that, the Goddess loses all her power and becomes worthless. Mess with the phoenixes and get the wings… or talons? That expression about messing with the bull and getting the horns really doesn’t work here… what about beak? Nah, it ain’t going to work.

“Heh, I’ll quickly get her to the blue healer and make sure she makes a somewhat full recovery. Truly wicked and deplorable that was sister, you really are a demon lord at heart”

‘Now I regret what I just did, why did this dickhead have to praise me?’

“Before you do that, there is something I want to ask…”

Giving her a healent but getting refused, Petra kneels down to speak to the empty shell of the Goddess still on her knees. I dread to think what’s going through her mind considering she seemed depressive to begin with, now I really have given her nothing to live for. Yeah… this is the reality of trying to be evil, the small amount of empathy I have left makes it annoying.

“Are you purposely being dense or are you just an idiot? Persephone and Hades are obviously in love, she’s happy. Heh, Ikarus would probably say she has him by the balls”

‘I would never say that! She’s definitely wearing the trousers in their relationship though. Erm… maybe I would say by the balls’

“Nonsense! He is controlling her; I just know it!”

“Have you actually spoken to her, mother to daughter? There’s an entire meadow in the Underworld dedicated for her alone, and you think he’s keeping her hostage?”

“Of course he is! That beast is no better than Zeus, at least the God who rules all has the decency to show his ugly face to the public!”

“Listen to reason, there’s n-”

Cutting off the wife by tugging on her arm, she may be full of wisdom but this isn’t the way you get through to someone who’s narrow minded. This is something my experience with the pothead of a brother I have, giving me more experience for a change. Petra was always used to exploring the world, completing a quest like saving everyone, then moving along. Wisdom is difficult to impart on those you don’t want it.

“Something I learnt a while ago Petra, words don’t work on people who don’t listen. When the war is over, we’ll have a drink with the Underworld lot and show her in person what’s really going on. I can definitely see why Hades and Peresphone get on with my parents considering the dynamic between husband and wife…”

Apart from the cheating… even if there isn’t a single God or Goddess that is squeaky clean. With those two, every situation like that has an explanation. Aphrodite drugging Hades and something happening between them, Persephone sleeping with Zeus because he disguised himself as Hades… all those little myths have some explanation.

Didn’t get around to asking much about it when we last met but the stuff I did ask, the mythology is pretty accurate for the most part. Even the myth about Hades tricking her into eating seeds from a pomegranate to force her to stay is true… even though that was the story they wanted Olympus to know. Apparently, that was a cooking accident that they both ended up laughing over.

Anyways, why I’m trying my best at not being an Underworld nerd, something completely interrupts our interrogation as a random soldier on a wyvern, flies over and lands right in front of us. I can see why father doesn’t like those stupid things, stop stealing the stage!

“My queens, I bring urgent news from Knight Nathan. The island to the north was unable to withstand the siege…”

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