Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 228 – Coven

(Temporary Perspective Change)

“Bah! After all I’ve done for you, you still dare to play these foolish little tricks like this! What are you planning next? Dropping into the heart of the volcano and letting fate take you that way!?”


“I’ve given you a home, brought you back from the brink of death and you still treat me like a fool! Did you really think my influence wouldn’t find you, even in that hellish place?”


“I know you’re still in there. Keep playing me and you’ll soon understand… I will be pushed over the edge”

Watching father interrogate the prisoner while I’m sitting backwards on a chair, I can’t help but yawn and get bored. I was hoping he’d teach her a real lesson but it appears he won’t do anything other than shout at the defenceless woman.

We’re currently in a dimly lit dungeon where father stands over a nonchalant woman, tied to a chair and refusing to acknowledge the both of us. These types of places are always perfect for keeping screams and tears kept contained, shame there’s never any real time for torture these days with everything going on. At least, that’s why I think he’s not bothering with anything fun.

This women reminds me of the Goddess of the night if you look at her from a certain perspective, blackened hair does seem to be pretty common around Olympians nowadays. I’m doubtful she shits out babies at the same rate as Nyx, her look is definitely uncanny. Maybe the witch Hecate betraying us has made me narrow minded when it comes to appearances? Not like I care about something this mundane though.

“Already told you… we’re finished. Words no longer need to be spoken”

Finally getting a tune out of the dark-haired women, she speaks without a lack of emotion and completely spoils any hope I had. She’s the type where pain and misery would be wasted on her, numb to the core and would just smile in the face of true torture. I hate her so much!

“Bah, is this your way of saying we’re done!? You have no one woman, is it your plan to try and tempt over the rebellion next?”

“There are no sides in this battle, only endless death. You’ll embrace it fully due to your paranoia, an honest mistake on my part”

Father’s anger looks like it’s about to explode as I wait for the inevitable punch… that never comes. He needs to understand basic gender equality someday, women make just as good punching bags as men, maybe even better. I wonder if this is the reason Aphrodite gave up on us and the kids… nah. She seemed to enjoy it more than the others.

“So, what you’re saying is irrelevant of my choices, it’s inevitable those damned phoenixes will bring abou-, bah! Ares! Keep telling you to stop picking your nose!”

“Wah? Were you hungry or something?”

“*Sigh*…is there anyone on this world who isn’t an idiot or a traitor?”

Like usual, father just takes his frustration on me since he’s so disappointed in the lack of support for his cause within the family. To be fair, I always knew Dionysus, Hermes and Apollo were cowards from the start. Did tell him a magnitude of times to not bother with his kids, I’m the only one who understands the idiots all around us need to be controlled unless disaster will fall.

“I’m failing to see the point in this. Just discard of her already if she’s refusing to be helpful like you do with any other ill-fated affair”

“Bah… sometimes you need to think with your head instead of that spear, she isn’t like that my boy. This woman is unfortunately too important… even if she makes me want to crush her head like a grape. It’s too much investment to waste because she refuses to acknowledge who she once was”

For a split second, the hollow husk of a women shows the briefest of smiles that instantly fades. That looked forced, like she was trying to gauge a reaction.

“That person is long dead, but we’ve discussed that seventy-two times already. Your efforts were wasted and your fate will conti-”

Cutting the women off midsentence, father’s fist finds its way into the wall of dungeon, causing the entire wall to crack and crumble. If that had been aimed for her face, then maybe we could’ve had some fun but alas, it would only be bittersweet. I really didn’t get enough time to have some fun on those islands, I only wish less people had been hiding.

‘Whatever… I’m bored if he’s refusing to lay a finger on her. If this is how he plans on getting through to the fabled oracle, then he can do what he likes…’


A small but necessary trip to a cave we once visited before must happen before we finally are ready to find the Gods. Remember the quest to help Ariza get her potion fix and contact Loki? The cursed witches of Jötna, all blind, deaf and a horrid hybrid between birds and humans. Three disgusting creatures that take no good features from how us phoenixes do things with the whole mixed DNA stuff, that’s where we now are.

Always had the problem of dungeons being broken beyond belief when it comes to host privileges, and this should be a way of getting past that hurdle. We visit this place again due to a suggestion made by Penelope and then backed up by the witch Hecate, surprised Asmodeus didn’t mention it but don’t think he’s actually been here just yet. Those cursed hags supposedly know even more than Gods and ancient gender bending mages combined, not really too sure how we’ve only came across them once if they are that important.

‘Hmm… never thought we’d be here again. Yo Aesa, there’s a lesson to be learnt about this’

Despite not seeing the witches just yet and still outside with the party, the image of what they look like still burns a place in my memory. You don’t forget that sort of thing… didn’t they end up this way using phoenix blood as well? Was it Penelope who mentioned that once? That yellow guy really did get around.

[<Correct Ikarus. There is a limit to everything, and power is one of those that will always end up corrupted. It becomes a relentless obsession>]

‘I mean, I’m all for becoming the strongest possible, but something like this has no appeal to me’

Guess I’m boring with that kinda thing. I’d rather clap Petra’s booty any day of the week than go power mad… don’t start simping for her again Ikarus. Get into the professional work mindset, we’re here to get something before we launch our attack.

“It may be for the best if the rest of you wait outside. With these creatures… I’m not sure if they may view this as a threat”

Petra says that beating me to the chase… is it weird that I like her doing that? It saves me having to constantly take lead of the party, had enough of that sorta thing in the settlement for a lifetime already.

(Charlotte) “Okay Petra-sama, we’ll wait outside”

(Nathan) “We’ll stay on guard duty out here. Give us a holler if things turn sour”

(Asmodeus) “Heh, not needed knight. If we were to lock horns with the hags, it would be fruitless. You don’t fight with beings supremely more powerful than Gods”

‘There’s no way they can be that strong… right? Oh well, let’s see how long it takes for him to steal the show today… anyone got any money on the second we enter the cave?’

(Zeki) “Erk, so I don’t get to see those the hideous monsters!? What kind of BS is this? I wanted to point and laugh!”

(Ariza) “Uh, you really are terrible Zeki. Those tortured souls look in so much pain”

(Zeki) “Erk, boringgg brother. We really need to make you grow a backbone someday…”

Splitting off temporarily, us lovebirds and Asmodeus all get whiff of the putrid smell that lingers around this place as we enter the cave. By pleasant, I mean I literally have to hold my nose in order not to feel sick. To stench of rot is unbearable coming off those horrid creatures.


---Should have beaks and rotting skin as well, kinda like a ghoul’s if you know the Fallout series. Not the good-looking modern ones, we’re talking grotesque Harold levels lol.



But wait, the hag like witches of legend already have a visitor and are visibly starting to get annoyed talking with her. Not a lot changes I guess, they couldn’t stand talking with us when we visited last.

<Awk! Quit your whiningsss, this worksss well>

<We ssee no problem with what hasss occurred, blood ssucker>

<Issss it the tasste that putssss you off?>

“That’s not the problem! The taste is alright but… just forget that. I’m looking for a better solution, that doesn’t require sneaking off every time!”

Petra’s ex, the vampire Melinda speaks to the hags with a surprisingly red look upon her face. Whatever topic is being discussed; it’s bringing the pretty grumpy vampire down a level.

<Why not freezze it, then conssume asss required?>

<Yesss! There isss no other ssolution to your problem… any we care to look at>

<Succubi’sss and vampiresss are part of the ssame family after all! Unlessss you want a cure, that isss a different deal. Thisss ssolution ssolvesss the blood hunger>

“Is that a serious suggestion or an insult? Why want I want to regain a simple mortal’s lifespan? *Sigh*… I don’t think you understand just how much this is draining him, honestly feel like I’m sucking the lif-… e-erm. Hey there”

Finally noticing the three of us waiting around smiling, Melinda’s face turns into a shade best resembling my hair. She must want the world to burn right now with that embarrassment… the urge to start teasing is becoming overwhelming.

‘Huh… my wife definitely has a type. Both of us rock the twintail look and have a redness that can’t be matched… it’s hard to imagine my wife was once the submissive type when those two were together, however long ago’

Before we get a chance to question the hags or even tease Petra’s vampiric ex, Asmodeus gets ahead of us completely ruining any chance of fun. I’m certain I know what substance she’s taking to supress the evil bloodsucking urge… poor guy. Whoever that adventurer she was travelling with, I can only hope he finds a way of keeping her fed long enough. Heh… she really must be sucking him dry… too far? Nah, she’s a vampire, they like to suck…

“Heh, greetings ladies. I don’t believe we’ve met face to face”

<Asmodeusss… you’ve finally arrived after making that call, all sso long ago>

<You dare make usss wait thisss long!?>

<*Spits*… and bringing those vile birdsss as well. Too many soulsss in and around here>

Already knowing this is going to be Asmodeus’s show, I can’t help but sway towards the vampire. The combination of him doing his thing and the bird hybrids having a hatred towards phoenixes, I’ll zone back into the conversation in a minute…

“Alright Melinda? How’s things with you and that adventurer… what was he called again?”

“Don’t you even start”

“Heh, don’t be rude to Ikarus. She was just making general conversation”

Petra steps in but I don’t think it was needed considering the vampire just seems grumpy about the whole thing now. I’m honestly thankful the atmosphere between those two is better, jealously isn’t needed when she’s getting her booty fix from a dude. Petra’s always going to be my bist anyways… I will still hate any plushie that gets between us. That is an Ikarus guarantee.

“You two both know what you’re planning on doing. Laugh at my turmoil… a lifetime of bad mistakes and this is what I now must contend with”

“Heh, we aren’t going to say anything, right Ikarus?”

Petra leans towards me with a face best described as playful mixed with deception, all hiding behind that grin of hers. She’s asking me to be a dick… always blame the wife for when I can’t help myself! She signed the marriage slave contract so she must bear my burdens… I’m pretty sure she’s egging me on this time around.

“Hey, everyone has their own vices. Me and Petra like to drink till we pass out… I’d say that’s somewhat comparable. Just, your flavour is a different kind of ‘ambrosia’, I guess”

“Heh, and hump in the most creative ways you can imagine. Everyone has their own hobbies”

“D-Don’t you be telling her that wif-… I’m not letting you have your way this time. Fair play Petra”

And of course, Petra can’t help but instinctively make me blush, at least the vampire now has an embarrassed friend. The only reason she’d tell her ex we hump a lot is to make me embarrassed, that’s literally it. Sure, it could be considered bragging… does Petra seem like the type to do such a thing? Eh, maybe…

“So… you two got marri-”

“…What a waste of time. You three hold incredible power, comparable to the ancient Gods and creators yet, you sit around hissing all day long?”

<Awk! You dare lecture usss on ssomething like thisss!?>

<Can we cut the demon into tiny little piecesss? A feast, perhapsss?>

<No sspitting out the bonesss, leave none to waste!>

Cutting Melinda’s question short, Asmodeus must’ve said something to piss them off as the atmosphere in the cave turns to a suffocating dark energy. This seems to be more like a smoke cloud rather than just an angry aura, why do we bother with him if this is how he goes about doing things? Now, we’re going to have to fight these freaking hags…

“Heh, really trying that trick on us? Give us what we came for and we’ll be on our way, we can wait around and pester you for as long as you want”

<You think we’ll allow guestsss ssleeping here? Begone!>

<*Hiss*… let’sss cut them down, peck out their eyesss>

<The dirty demon isss mine>

“Heh, then I guess we’ll pull up a chair… or a rock. You two can take a seat and get comfortable, our hosts aren’t being that welcoming today”

All three of the hags hiss together as Asmodeus literally takes a seat on a rock, smiling and not giving a care in the world. With how explosive the atmosphere is, I’m honestly surprised he’s calling such a bluff. These creatures don’t seem like the type we really should fight.

The creatures hiss even more and begin to unveil their talons, instinctively making me and Petra grab our blades in response…

“Heh, if you two want your spines intact, keep your blades sheathed. Do not attack them”

‘Bit hard considering how close they are now. Christ… that smell makes me sick’

Kinda like a Mexican standoff, they approach us even further but don’t dare make the first swing. This doesn’t seem right. They unleash their claws, spit and hiss all over us yet refuse to attack? Clearly a bluff, I can’t see the reasoning for this.

“Heh, I know about the pact you three made to regain your humanity… however limited that may be. Thou shall not harm others unless attacked first. We won’t attack first so give us what we want or we’ll stay here indefinitely”

<Hiss! How doesss Asmodeusss know thisss!?>

“Heh, it’s my job to know these things. Handling pacts were my main duty when first becoming a majin, the dark one over there would know all about that”

Petra’s aura grows dim as Asmodeus confidently says something he shouldn’t have. That was not an occasion to bring up the fact you made a pact with Petra, however long ago it was that caused her so much pain and misery. Doesn’t help it sounded like he was bragging about it. It doesn’t matter if we’re technically on the same side, this guy still wants to make me stab him in the back sometimes.

Regardless, I decide the best course of action isn’t something as simple as a quick hug, instead resorting to a pinch of the bottom. That’s brought her aura right back up…

“Heh… thanks Ikarus. I’ll be sure to get you back for that”

‘That’s so unfair! She’s allowed to pinch my bottom as much as she wants but when I do it, no no no. I know she’s joking and all but still… I seriously have no idea how the mind of a woman works. Or my woman at least’

Anyways, back to the current standoff, the three creatures appear to be getting angrier by the second but still refuse to act on their threats. Although, that may change any second as one looks to pull something out from behind its back…

<Awk! Take thisss and begone!>

<You wish to defeat the hiding onesss? Thisss will break the lock, revealing the world to all>

<Must bring that back, too sshiny and rare too lose once Godsss depart thisss life>

The larger middle one slowly pulls out something that definitely looks like something from a different world. A single crystal, rounded and placed on a stick, almost looking like a blue popsicle if you look at it from the right angle.




I take the odd-looking thing, feeling it vibrate to my grasp and only questioning on what we actually do with it. When we get to the dungeon, do we have to insert in into something? It looks like it would slide in something or somewhere.

“Erm… so this will break the power the Gods have within a dungeon? How do we use it then?”

<Awk… wear item while entering dungeon and all will be sorted>

“Okay… but how does one wear a crysta-”

Realizing I’m about to say something stupid so stopping it going any further, my mind just had to go to a place it shouldn’t have. Blame all that filthiness with the vampire! It’s just a rounded crystal that’s surprisingly smooth to the touch, there’s nothing sinister about it at all! Wearing it should provide no problem whatsoever!

“*Facepalm*… heh, oh Ikarus. Can’t help but let your true thoughts shine though at times”

“Heh, get your mind out of the gutter sister. Wearing and holding is practically the same thing. A piece of string wrapped around it and used as a necklace would work easily enough”

“To be fair to her… I can see why she might think that”

‘The only one backing me up is the freaking vampire, how life is so unfair!’

And so, we leave the cave with my arms crossed and now wanting to stick that crystal where the sun don’t shin-, that’s not what I mean! I DON’T want it to go where the sun don’t shine or any part close by!

‘Urgh… let’s just go already. Freaking crystal that looks like a toy…’

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