Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 230 – Activation


---No other differences other than the dungeon locater being added. Just showing it for the sake of showing it, I guess.



[<Before party head inside dungeon, Aesa would like a minute with Ikarus to potentially purchase another ability>]

Literally the second we’re about to enter the dungeon housing the Gods we aim to kill; Aesa comes out with something like this!? Talk about picking a moment!

All eight of us were already prepared for what’s inside the little brick structure and unexpectedly like with how dungeons normally work, the wasn’t anything outside or inside the entrance. It literally is just a single fountain. Do you really want to hear about the fact I audibly sighed when seeing this poxy thing and Zeki scoffed? You’ve seen enough moaning for a lifetime by this point… and more now apparently.

“Really Aesa? Couldn’t this have been done at a better time? Sorry everyone, but we’ll have to wait a minute”

Saying that out loud purposely to get a reaction, only Zeki really seems to care about being delayed a little longer. It’s not like we’d have enjoyed what’s on the other side of this fountain anyways, put it off as long as possible since all fountains are terrible. Like father’s wyvern hatred, I’m going to become a fountain racist! All those damn fountains coming over and stealing our jobs, they can fuck right off. Beight serious though, we don’t have the greatest of luck when it comes to these things.

“Erk, is your voice trying to make us wait even longer orangey!? Let’s get to the stabbing! We’ve spent enough time doing this shit already!”

[<Aesa should’ve brought this up a while ago but couldn’t find the right time, the discussion last night seemed like a good segue, but Ikarus wanted to sleep early. The point is, this suggestion comes from the -redacted- people Ikarus already knows about>]

As much as that last suggestion ‘fixed’ the other system voices, by fixed I mean I gave Petra something she can’t be trusted with, should we really be listening to those lot? It’s not like the last ability was that great anyways… even though I’m all for looking after the phoenix fam.

‘Why are they even helping me anyways? They’re not expecting something in return, right?”

I mean, what would beings of immense power want anyways? I doubt there’s anything I can give them… it’s not a matter of them wanting a little phoenix booty, is it? That’s a thought that needs to be buried.

[<Ikarus’s mind really does wonder to strange places at times, as if -redacted- has any biological needs like that. It’s best not to think too heavily on it Ikarus, back onto the ability in question…>]

Already knowing Aesa is trying to keep the conversation short, I’m not going to bother asking more than needed. Everyone has already sat down and expects us to take a while, I’d say it’s rude if Petra didn’t take a seat first. She’s knows how long it can take getting through to the robotic wife and with my constant internal monologuing… see? I recognize what I’m doing… bet I’m boring the life out of you right now, ain’t I?

[<If Ikarus upgrades said ability -doubled potential-, Aesa predicates it may break stat cap when activated. Although this cannot be taken as fact, Aesa is highly confident this will be the case>]

‘Then let’s get this done with and move on then. Time’s a ticking Aesa’

As much as it may sound like I’m annoyed, being able to double my stats past the limit is definitely appealing, just unfortunately it had to come right at the time we’re about to dungeon delve. Oh well, better late than never I suppose. I really would be pissed if I were about to cut down Zeus and then Aesa chimes in with ‘user needs to purchase ability immediately’.

[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord)   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    166,666/166,666]

[Stamina 164,902/166,666]

[Magicka 166,666/166,666]

[You currently have 50001 unassigned points]

[<Confirmed. -Doubled potential mark 2- has now been upgraded and like Aesa predicted, does exactly as described lasting for 10 minutes. Cooldown timer is still 24 hours like usual…>]

And so, it’s now time to take a drink. Wish us luck? We should be alright considering this crystal thing I have hanging from my neck, but you never know with phoenix hating hags like that.

Taking the lead like usual, I’m the first to take a handful of the fountain fluid, swallowing it all and not letting a sip go to waste… I know exactly what I’m doing so don’t ask. The liquid has an off white colour and I can’t help myself but making sure to guzzle it down quickly, making sure not to spit but swallow… I’m done, I’m done.

The other’s quickly follow suit and indulge in the fountain water, now we all await to fall into the endless slumber that happens with these places. Unless it’s broken or completed, we’ll be entering any second now…

“See you on the other side Petra… love ya”

“Heh, you too Ikarus. Love you too”

(Asmodeus) “Heh, any final words brother?”

(Dermakvar) “Hmph… don’t get in my way”

‘Right, father’s dragon body was too big to fit into this small building’

(Charlotte) “Nat… please know that meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me”

(Nathan) “Please don’t do that Lotte. We’re all going to be fine, aren’t we?”

“Erk… when we get inside, stay behind me brother… just to be safe. I’ll kill you myself if you get killed again”

“Uh huh Zeki… you’re such a tsundere at times”

We wait… and wait, then wait a little more. But no amount of waiting will put our sorry hides in the final dungeon.

(Ikarus) “Erm… da fuck? Is this one completed then?”

(Petra) “Definitely feel like it’s done something but not sure on what”

(Zeki) “Erk, we just had to get another shithole! Even though they suck ass, at least those other places actually worked!”

(Ariza) “Uh… are we sure it’s not working? Maybe waiting a little longer might help?”

(Charlotte) “You’ve been dungeon diving as well, Ariza-sama. It’s never taken this long before”

(Nathan) “We should all still stay alert… just in case”

(Asmodeus) “Heh, don’t start looking to me. Even I don’t have the answers for when an absorption portal refuses to work”

All of us look annoyed or concerned when absolutely nothing happens, even waiting  over ten minutes does nothing. No drowsiness or restoration effect, I really have no idea how the others are feeling anything because I feel the exact same… annoyed. And no, this isn’t when I start to feel lightheaded proving we’re all impatient.

See? We’re still here and I’m getting bored now. Strangely enough, the only person among us who isn’t looking bored or confused is our resident edge lord, aka father. That human form has always suited him after all.

(Dermakvar) “Hmph… sometimes I forget all of you haven’t experienced all I have. I’ve seen something like this once before, oddly enough on my first encounter with the yellow bird. This irritating place is working, just you need to look at it through a different lens. Follow me outside and you’ll see”

Following the old dinosaur, we all head back outside to the land of the dinosaur ribcage and expect absolutely nothing. You should always set your expectations low because everything can be good if you let it be so. Pointless life advice for ya, I guess.

‘Just… wow. How the hell is this supposed to work? The fountains are supposed to be similar to portals… we’re technically in the same place, right Aesa?’

[<Affirmative Ikarus. Sometimes… it’s best not to question how things work. Olympian Gods have already proven things can be broken with next to no effort>]


Ahead and all around us, an Olympian city stands proud, hidden within the gigantic ribcage that surrounds our every direction. I’m exaggerating when I say proud though, this city is as ruined as the residential district back in Olympus. Huh… that’s strange. That building we entered appears to have turned into a skull as well.


---Just imagine gigantic ribs in the background of both images because AI isn’t perfect and I suck at editing.



For the most part, the surroundings look the exact same if you remove the newly added ruins. Guess father was right about the fountain working, it’s just we’re now in a carbon copy of the place we we’re just in. Something does feels a little off though, like we’re not in the right time or something? That doesn’t make sense Ikarus… how can we not be in the right time?

(Dermakvar) “Hmph, figures. Even when coming down here, we still can’t escape these accursed buildings”

(Ikarus) “So, this is it then. All we have to do is fin-”

“Intruders! It’s them, the malakas who dared to defy the all-powerful Gods and their rulership!”

It takes not even a minute before a patrol of Olympian Gods discovers us. Surprisingly, all of them are unknown to us. I heard malaka and my mind went instantly to Plutus… I wonder what he’s up to now?

Putting my wondering mind aside, all of us get ready to strike down the fleeing scouts and it just so happens father is able to get there first. He’s destroyed the clothes he was wearing in the process of changing form but damn, the dragon speed can’t be beaten.

<Something isn’t right, so all of you stay sharp. Especially you little one, your mother will kill me if something hap->

“Yeah yeah dinosaur, shut up and let’s deal with them quickly. We’re really in the hornet’s nest here”

<Hmph… disrespectful daughter. Have no idea who you get that off>

Crashing into them like a bat out of hell, heh, I’m here to back him up by slashing at the few knocked over but not crushed. His tendency of going full battering ram on our foes definitely provide a different style of battling, I must say I do worry for his old bones, but my father still can’t hide that grin when he gets to act like a bowling ball. Guess we’ve all got that inner child within us.

“What’s going on over here… that shouting wasn’t false, we’re under attack!”

“Surround and subdue them until the leaders arrive! That way, we can garner favour and maybe receive a promotion!”

“Bring them down! Start with the dragon or we’ll end up in right trouble”

Unfortunately, any attempt of remaining undiscovered falters and an even bigger group of Gods notices the disturbance. The place might as well light up with all the attention we’re getting.

Before we even get the chance to acknowledge what’s going on, another group appears behind some rocks and some more pops out of that destroyed temple with the skeletal snake. I kid you not when I say, we’re surrounded on all sides. This is a perfect time for a nuking… but I can’t be wasting stuff like that just yet. Not until the three of our targets are in sight at least.

‘Let’s get ready and use some of my abilities for now, not on the level of nuking but close enough. Aesa?’


‘Da fuck? You there?


 How am I supposed to activate stuff manually then?’

Right when I need my system, she disappears without a trace. I swear if those creators have done something with her, I will cast my anger on them. No idea how if I can’t use abilities but I will find a way.

“Erk, are the rest of you having any problems with the idiots inside of us? He ain’t responding”

“Uh huh, same Zeki. What about you Petra?”

“Heh, think the Ikarus inside my head is sleeping for now”

‘Sighhh… pain in the arse Petra. Happy wife, happy life I guess’

All four of us phoenixes appear to be screwed as a large part of our systems refuse to work. I really should’ve had Aesa teach me how to use things manually because this is a huge problem, trying to fight Zeus without a single ability sounds next to impossible.

Surprisingly, my worries change drastically when a voice beckons for all to hear and not because even Asmodeus looks concerned. I guess even he couldn’t see everything that was going to go down inside this place.

<Processing… dungeon -memorial- is now under lockdown. Resuming guide functions and initiating full reset of scenario>

‘Aesa? Everyone can hear you right now’

<Title -narrator- has now been set, fully acclimating most suitable personality into role. The others shall act as supporters… stabilization complete. Now processing stage reset…>

Adding even more onto the surprise, the never-ending crowd of supporters of Zeus pause when they look terrified from the emotionless voice echoing all around. Now, you all get to experience the robotic wife badgering you too!

“Oh no, no no no! They assured us this couldn’t happen!”

“Not this demonstration again. For the love of Zeus, why!?”

“Fucking hell! Out of all things, we just had to choose a place celebrating gig-”

Snap! With next to no warning, everything goes to black and I’m in the back end of nowhere…


‘Sighhh… just a normal dungeon day, I guess. Yo Aesa, you with me again or are you doing your narratorial duty?’

‘Aesa? Seriously? You’re still with me, right?’


‘Aesa!?! Answer me you little shit! I know I’m getting through to you’

I don’t know why but sometimes… I can just tell Aesa’s purposely blanking me and this feels the same. She can hear me but isn’t responding, she must be physically unable to because winding her up is like the only move I know to get her to talk. Well… getting her to moan is a different thing. Less of that Ikarus, focus!

For the place I’m currently floating in… fuck if I know. It’s not like my headspace nor any weird consciousness dividing thing I’ve been in before. It’s like I’m watching a TV, but my physical body doesn’t exist… maybe like using a virtual reality headset perhaps? Look, I already said this feeling is impossible to describe.

<Long before the days of man or God, existed a race long forgotten to time and history to even those most knowledgeable. These creatures were unimaginable to any man and would defy any human perceived notions of science>

‘Phew… there you are. I’ll let you get through whatever lore this is then’

<The gigantic beings roamed the divided continents, the cold-blooded monsters seeking the snow tipped volcanos of Sierra while the warm-blooded counterparts preferred the warm jungles of Maladonia. Each lived in peace and harmony without a single predator in sight>

<Acting as herders and guiding the creatures to places where food thrived, the giants tended and groomed these beasts in exchange for protection against the elements. The winters were always harsh and combining the thick furs and the transport aspects of the creatures, the relationship worked for both parties>

<Their relationship remained intact for thousands of years until a third party arrived… Gods. Seeking a place unaffected by the destruction from the war with the titans, they flocked to the new lands in search of shelter and refuge. The giants and the creatures were more than happy to accept their new neighbours>

<For several years, they lived in harmony but all of that changed when one small disagreement over land broke out. The Gods wanted more than just a single continent and thus, the war of Gigantomachy broke out…>

To be continued…

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