Reincarnated as a Rock

Chapter 8 A Certain Noble Girl «1»

Chapter 8
1250 words
«...» and ‹...›= Thoughts.
"..."= Dialogues that are said out loud.
⟨...⟩= Author's words.
⟨From a teenage girl's POV.⟩
"There once was a girl, a daughter of a noble that was ranking high. Up until a certain event, they would live with not much care besides some politics related minor conflicts. The girl hadn't actually known much about the life outside their manor—contrary to her beliefs. And her most needs would be taken cared of by the family's servants. Unknown to the present her, that would make her suffer after that certain event; for a long time, until—"
[Writings of a Noble Girl, Epilogue]
"Hey, you can keep on writing when we have some proper lodgings."
"Ahh, yes. You are right."
⟨POV end.⟩
   "Mrs. Elizabeth! What are you doing, still playing with your books. You have been noticed before-hand that Sir Alp was coming, one of the most famous Academic Mages in whole The Great Nordcount Empire! Sir Alp himself waits downstairs to Appraise your Status!"
"Sorry, I'll go and meet him now."
   "No, obsolutely not. You shall not bring shame to Duke Zalnut's name with your commoner clothing, you are wearing not much more than a few rags! Wait just a minute, I shall bring proper dresses immediately!"
«Noble life is monotonous as ever. The only entertainment or any emotion I have comes from the stories I've heard and the books I've read.»
   "Mrs. Elizabeth, I've brought you clothes in a haste."
«Most commoners don't even dare to dream about being a noble, it is a title that they think is holy, almost like bearing the title of being a resident of heavens.»
   "Please raise your arms."
«Funny really, all that we do are to put up faces and manipulate each other for personal gain; while the "commoners" or the disposable pawns —through the eyes of a noble, are doing pretty much all the work.»
   "Mrs. Elizabeth! raise your arms!"
"Ahh? I apologise. My mind wandered off for a minute."
   "You must focus more! How do you think that you will marry The Second Prince Nara Nordcount, with behaviour like this on a daily basis?! Don't think that you will easily have him just because you are the Duke Zalnut's daughter. You've got many competitors that aim on being the first wife. As your etiquette teacher know that I am doing what is best for The House of Rizing Sun."
"Yes, I know. Thank you for your efforts Elmia."
«But of course you do what is best for the 'family'. The family that sees me as not much more than a convenient political weapon.
The commoners I've heard of can spend their days with non-existent power and minimum money; in best case, with mediocre life quality. But "we" have to get ever closer to the throne, no matter the sacrifice, no matter the feelings.
Father already is the Duke of The Empire. I don't understand why he wants ever the more authority than that. I have a feeling that he would take up even the throne, if he could have.
It's unbelievable how a human can be both so care-free towards power, to so ambitious that they don't see anything wrong with selling their daughter to some obese blonde that's terrible in both personality and qualities, just because that someone holds birth-right authority.
I am pretty sure that I would be like them, if it were not for our late librarian that filled out the library with many books. Including the ones that tell the tales of the commoners.
It's so fascinating. Their 'boring' lives without deceiving anyone. Living 'righteuously' without lies, with nothing but hardwork and trust to the family and friends, all the while facing unrighteousness by the ones they treat justly.»
Elizabeth: "Elmia, could you guide me to the where Sir Alp is?"
Elmia: "But of course. Please follow me, milady."
«Facing the difficulties of life with nothing but hardwork, I'd like to lead a life like that. To be like the people I've read about.
It would at least be better than the status quo. I'd rather have a hard life than to be treated as not much more than a politically convenient baby-maker.»
   "Milady, Sir Alp himself is waiting just behind these doors. By the customs and law, you must enter alone. Please proceed."
"Very well. I shall."
Alp's POV
"Greetings Mrs. Elizabeth." I said, bowing slightly with an insincere smile on my face.
"Ahh greetings to you as well, Sir Alp." The white haired 150 cm tall, young girl who was clothed in a blue and black dress said.
"I see, even at an early age, properly mannered. Well, that's to be expected since you are the child of The House of Rizing Sun, and not to forget that your father is Duke Zalnut too."
‹And unknown to most, who has gotten barren.›
«Haha, it is only natural since I am his only investment to lead him closer to the throne.»
   ‎‎"Yes, he has raised me well, starting from when I started to talk.", with an innocent smile.
«Yes, he has 'raised' me 'well'. The only way he knows that I am even still alive is by taking weekly reports via Elmia and the guards.»
‹It seems that this child hadn't taken much training in Skills and Magic. If she had, she wouldn't have taken the bait so easily, letting me read her thoughts like a book. She probably doesn't know that someone can read others' minds and even memories, lest they are willfully resisting a mental skill consciously all through its duration, until it is deactivated—even when with a mental protection or resistance skill.
It was really easy to get inside her head, she has almost no guard up.
Oh well, I am not going to do anything anyways, it's not like it's worth messing with the biggest investment of the Duke himself, just like the girl said.
I'll just Appraise her status. Considering her situation, which is most likely to be very low level, with a level cap of 20, without any significant skills...›
Name: Elizabeth
Sex: Female
The Daughter of Zalnut Rizing Sun
Elizabeth Rizing Sun
Creed: Believer of Hecate
Protection: Protection of Athena
Health Points: 24/20(+4)
Stamina Points: 16/19(-1)
Skill Stamina Points: 15/15
Physical Strength: 9/?
Magical Prowess: ?/?
Intelligence: 30(+15)
Level: 3/?
Class: None/?
Age: 9
Protection of Athena
The Blessing of Athena
Symbiotic Boost (level 1)
Judgment (level 1)
Magic Proficiency (level 1)
Empathy (level 3)
Clan: The Great Nordcount Empire
‹What the hell is this Status?!? I've been told that she hasn't received any training. Then what's up with all her ridiculous skills. My level 9 Appraise should be able to see any level cap of anyone that's lover than 8th tier, does that mean— wait, she even has a protection and blessing from the Goddess Athena. I am certain of it now. But how could that be?!
I don't know what's up with this girl or her status. And this will surely be playing with fire in more than one ways, but if I tell my employer about all this. They will certainly arrange something to get this girl and her abilities on our hands! It won't be too hard since Zalnut probably doesn't know of the girlcs powers. If he knew, he wouldn't let a Mage such as me meet her without giving her any guards whatsoever, just because of some customs!
Actually, she has ridiculous skills but she has neither high levels on them nor training to be able to use them.
We hit the jackpot! I will claim our prize right now. I don't even need the help of my employer in this one!›
Update 1: Changed the POV into Alp's. The first scene is what Alp has seen through searching her recent memories.
Update 2: Changed the Goddess's name into Hecate to Athena. Added Goddess Athena's blessing under the Divine skills 
Update 3: Made the thoughts in italics
I am back! Sorry for the wait everyone. 
You might see this chapter as boring but it will play a huge role on the Elliott's(MC's) life. 
If you have any suggestions, or criticisms. Please tell me, so I can improve as an author and give you all a better story.
Edit:forgot to add spacings between paragraphs with empty characters. So had to take it down, then publish it again. Sorry about that.

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