Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 16 – Carnival! Another weird book…

30 minutes later, Alex and Natasha exited the room prim and proper.

The egg was inside the familiar space.

Contract Of Equals - Contractor: You have made a contract of equals with a familiar, promising power, shared lifespan, and a trusted partner, in exchange for a bonded life.

Effect1: Gain 10% static stats from the familiar and vice versa
Effect2: Share the same lifespan with the familiar, as well as your life itself. If you or your familiar dies, you both die.
Effect3: Gain a familiar space. Can store the familiar inside it, while it can see what is going on outside through your perspective.
               The familiar needs to be willing to enter it but can exit it freely.
               While inside, the familiar can be sustained through the mana of the user. It can communicate with the summoner while inside.
Effect4: Can select 3 class skills to use from the familiar as if you own them and vice versa. Can only reselect them every 24 hours.

This allows a contractor to put a summoned familiar inside the space, but not vice versa.

Alex and Natasha both exited the dorm and met Ecna and Claris outside. They still wore their academy uniform. It is a form of status outside the academy walls and gives some neat perks.

Ecna waved at them, "Hey you two horndogs! We were waiting here for half an hour already! If you two didn't come here in another 5 minutes, we would go alone without you!"

"Sorry!" Both Alex and Natasha apologized.

They then started walking out towards the gate. Waiting at the gate was a petite dwarf woman in her early thirties. It was Ninia, just that her witch clothes were replaced with a long-sleeved shirt and a long skirt. The red ivy that covered her body turned into a bracelet on her left wrist with a rainbow flower on it. The circlet turned into a bracelet on her right wrist. Even though she looked in her early thirties, she gave off a very acute youthful vibe, in contrast with her very long life.

When Ninia saw the 4 girls, she pouted and complained like a child, "THERE YOU ARE! I almost thought that I would need to wait for you the whole morning! C'mon, I wanna go already! Let's go to the carnival!" And with that said, she pointed at the nearby town and started marching.

The 3 girls looked at Alex in question, and so she wearily answered that the matriarch decided to tag along with her. The girls smiled wearily, but were not too surprised about the matriarch's antics, they had 2 years already to digest the information that she was childish at times.

The academy was situated right in the center of Gorgon city, even the mayor's manor was further to the side. It was a show of respect to the main force of the city.

The girls exited the academy and were greeted by the hubbub of people walking on the streets. People and humanoid monsters walked the streets. Besides the human races, monsters such as centaurs, harpies, lamias, were-people, slime girls, minotaurs and holstaurs, and more were walking on the streets and attending shops. Intelligent monster folks were treated just like humans in almost all parts of the continent. The only reason that they could not be part of the academy was they cant select a class, Otherwise, they would have long been part of it. In fact, the current city mayor was a lvl 250+ lamia that was as strong as an elder!

Humanoid monsters were divided into 2 categories. The first type were the ones who evolved into that form from a monster. The second type were those who were born to those humanoid monsters. Besides a select few monster races, all the monsters that come from the second type are all females, and the rare males born are 'human' race men. It is a weird phenomenon favoring women as the predominant sex, even if the progenitor was male.

The girls walked around, looking at different shops and street performers. The girls bought some carnival food on the way too, Alex bought a corndog, Natasha got a Bagel, Ecna got a holstaur milk milkshake, Claris got herself fried caramelized dough balls, and Ninia got herself a candied magic apple.

Walking cheerfully, the five girls saw performers such as harpies juggling balls in the air with their feet. Lamia dancers doing seductive dances, minotaur strongmen lifting boulders 5 times their size, centaur driven carriages, slime girl slime beauty treatment, petting areas with tamed monsters inside, and more!

The shops contained many oddities and trinkets. Some were normal accessories, and some were actually magic equipment and grimoires!

Ninia and Claris went to normal accessories stores. Honestly, as a 500-year-old witch and a princess, they both already had their fill of expensive things, and just wanted to get some trinkets. Both of them were giggling and trying out many different trinkets, sometimes buying one or two.

Natasha and Ecna went to the equipment stores more and checked to see if they can find anything worthy of note. Sometimes, there are unexpected finds there, although extremely rare.

Alex went to the book and grimoire stalls. She wanted to check if she can find anything, she still did not give up on a healer class. After half an hour of browsing, just as she was about to give up and join the others, suddenly she felt a strange tug in her mind. She remembered a similar feeling when she was in the library. At that time, the tug was more forceful and invasive. More controlling, and manipulative.

This time, however, it was a very gentle tug. Like someone was waving at the corner of her eyes, and saying, "Hey, Hey, look over here!". Curious, she went towards a certain stall manned by a 14-year-old girl. The stall had many old dilapidated books, some starting to crumble a bit. A quick inquiry with the girl told Alex that the books belonged to her great-grandma who passed away 20 years ago, and she was clearing some of the books in her collection.

Alex started checking the books there, searching for the book that tugged on her mind. She soon found it. It was an inconspicuous book just like the others. When she picked it up, she felt a peculiar sensation, like it was scanning her. The feeling lasted a few seconds before stopping. She opened the book and saw a title that made her ecstatic. "The sacred art of chaos healing".

Alex immediately went to buy the book, but when the girl at the counter saw the book, she looked at Alex weirdly and said, "Why do you want to buy this book? It is written in utter gibberish. Can you even read this? I honestly just put it here because my parents wanted to try and sell it before throwing it away."

Alex was shocked but didn't show it on her face, "Yeah, I want to buy it, seems eccentric. I wanted to take it back to study it."

The girl at the counter did not continue to question, if she wanted to buy the garbage book, by all means.

Alex, book in tow, went back to her friends while thinking about what that girl just said, and the weird feeling when she touched the book. She muttered, "This is another weird book, isn't it? At least it's not trying to control me...".

And here is a chapter!

I recommend you all to check my new novel!

It already has 6 chapters + prologue.

By the way, I mentioned that the class Alex will get will be fun right? Take a guess what it is!

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