Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 18 – Witch battle! Hey dad!

The announcer came back to the arena, and a few more battles started. They were mostly between monster girls and a rare male centaur, human warriors, and mages.

After the fights, the announcer came back to the arena, "Ladies and gentlemen! We have witnessed many fights today. Now, we will witness the power of witches! Our very own guardians of Gorgon city from Gorgon academy! 2 official witches at the brink of being senior witches will fight today! Give a big round of applause to Ms. Edith and Ms. Aphra!" After she announced that, two witches in official witch clothes got up the arena.

Official witches were witches that have yet to reach lvl 200, only lvl 200-249 witches were considered as being senior witches, while lvl 250+ were considered as elders.

Alex and the others were excited to watch this, although they have seen witches fight before, it never got tiring to watch!

Ninia at the side smiled and commented, "Ah... Little Edith and Aphra hah? If I remember correctly, Edith is an orthodox buffer type and Aphra is a merger type... This is gonna get good."

Edith was a wood elf, wearing an orthodox official black witch gown with a head Cloak that only the most orthodox witches bothered to wear. She had a Staff in her hand and some magical accessories on her head and arms. On the other hand, Aphra actually wore the most casual official black witch Cloak, and under it was a full set of leather armor, She was equipped with a single Rapier in her hand.

When they got into place, they both summoned their familiars. Edith's familiar was a large black wolf, the size of a horse. Glowing red runes ran on its Onyx colored fur, and its red eyes were of an ominous color of cruelty and bloodlust. It was a runic terror wolf, one of the most powerful wolf type evolutions for a lvl 100+ wolf type monster.

On the other hand, Aphra summoned a large brown eagle, with a wingspan of 4 meters. On a closer look, the wings were actually metallic looking with sharp edges, that could probably cut a full plate armor like butter, its talons and beak were shiny white, and its eyes were sharp and experienced. It was a Bronze feather eagle. While it was not as rare as the terror wolf, it was, by all means, powerful in its own right.

Monsters that were not born as monster girls usually can only evolve into humanoid forms at lvl 200+, with some rare exceptions. The male centaur from earlier was one of them. That is why male humanoid monsters are exceptionally rare.

With a signal of the succubus announcer, the fight began. Edith cast buffing spells on her wolf, and the wolf itself activated the runes on its body, its already large frame bulked as an ominous reddish-black aura started to surround it. Meanwhile, the eagle shined and turned into a beam of light that shot toward Aphra. Aphra removed her witch cloak and revealed two holes in her leather armor, revealing her bare skin.

Edith's buffing spell seemed to be finished, as the wolf was now half a size larger, it gnashed its teeth and roared, creating a powerful gust of blackish wind. It was one of the specialties of terror wolves, the howl of terror, that causes debuffs on its enemies.

Meanwhile, the eagle seemed to fully merge with Aphra. The whites of her eyes turned yellow, her hair turned to bronze color, and she sprouted 2 large bronze wings on her back. She unfurled her wings and flapped them towards the incoming wave from the wolf's roar, creating a powerful gust of wind that deflected the blackish wind from herself.

The wolf charged head-on, making a beeline towards Aphra at an extreme speed, as Edith started casting her next spell. Aphra did not simply charge at the wolf, or stood still, but swiveled to the side elegantly, letting the bulky wolf hit nothing but air. She then flapped her wings hard and flew straight at Edith, Rapier in front.

Edith seemed to already predict this turn of events, as the spell she was casting turned out to be a three-layered black shield. The Rapier hit the shield head-on, creating shockwaves. It very quickly broke 2 layers of it before its momentum stopped. Aphra did not continue her assault, however, as the wolf already arrived next to her with its huge maw threatening to chomp on her! Escaping to the side, she spread her wings wide and flew to the air above.

Edith squinted her eyes and started chanting a new spell, her wolf familiar stayed close to her and seemed to charge something. Aphra quickly flew to a height of 50m off the ground and levitated in the air. The wings on her back started flapping rapidly, releasing bronze-colored feathers into the air, creating a growing sphere of feathers and magical wind surrounding her.

Edith finished her spell, and it merged with the wolf, as its aura spiked! The attack that it charged was released as a black ray of darkness, shooting straight at Aphra. The feathers surrounding Aphra also shot towards the ray at the same time, creating a clash in mid-air! Before the clash ended, however, Aphra suddenly dived, swerving the black ray, this time, she did not target Edith, but the wolf!

Edith did not seem flustered as she continued casting a spell. The wolf seemed to have noticed it became the target and gave a disdainful glance at the Aphra. Its runes shone, as the reddish-black aura surrounding it intensified. Aphra did not use her Rapier this time, but the wing on her back, to slash at the wolf. As the wing and aura clashed, sparks were released into the air. Much of the momentum that Aphra gained was consumed, along with a large part of the aura covering the wolf. 

The wolf swiped a paw at Aphra, and she retaliated by dodging it quickly and slashing with her Rapier, piercing through the now thin aura and causing a small gash on the wolf's forearm. The wolf was obviously enraged! It started madly attacking Aphra in a fury of blows, but all of them were dodged with ease. As Aphra found an opening in the wolf's attacks and was about to exploit it, Edith unleashed a black shockwave that knocked her back more than 20m. Aphra got obvious damage from this attack, as a small trail of blood leaked from her mouth, but she shrugged it off. To her, it was a very small amount of damage that would naturally heal itself soon.

The fight continued for over 10 minutes until the winner, in the end, was Aphra. Aphra won by attacking the weaker Edith, forcing the fight to an end. Aphra did not seem to go unscathed, however, as when she unmerged with the eagle, she was pale as a sheet. That was the weakness of a merger witch. While it gave great power for a period of time, it also cost a huge amount of mana to maintain and also had a certain amount of backlash. Handling direct power that did not belong to yourself put a major burden on the body.

Ninia said to the girls, "As expected, Aphra had the advantage this time. Although she won, this was not much of a fair fight, to begin with. Usually, merger witches are solo fighters, used to battle alone with their familiar, while buffer witches are more team reliant. Edith was the stronger one here in general but because she could not focus on her specialty fully, she lost. Remember, support types are usually the weakness in fights, so you should pay extra attention if you ever choose that path." The girls nodded, especially Alex, who wanted to be a healer.

The arena exhibit ended with that, and the girls exited the stadium. On the way back, Alex and the girls got themselves some more food and continued window shopping together. As the girls looked through some items for sale, Alex spotted a very feminine and handsome human man with silver hair and purple eyes, along with a muscular, wide, and bearded dwarf.

Alex immediately ran to the feminine man, shouting happily, "Hey dad!"

And there you have it! Two types of witches. Buffers and Mergers. Enjoy!

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