Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 24 – WTF is going on out there?! 7 days of fermenting Rage

As I was feeling cozy in the warmth surrounding me, I suddenly felt a tug, it was requesting me to go to the familiar space. Having no reason to reject it as an unmoving egg, I went inside without resistance. Inside the space, I felt a lukewarm warmth. It was not too cold, or too hot, just right. Unlike what the contract skill described, however, I did not see or perceive what was happening from my contractor's perspective. Was it because I am still an egg? I could only feel general feelings.

Through the connection with my contractor, I felt a swelling feeling of lust and affection building up in her. Was she having sex with a lover or something? Before long, it ended.

After that, I felt many feelings through the connection, most of which were affection, joy, shock, or excitement. Was she having fun with her friends? Oh well, no use dwelling on it. I decided to just go ahead and try looking at my contractor's status this time.


"Well, let's go one by one on what I know about her... For her stats, if I reduce the stats gained from the god slaying, she should be a very smart, but average girl physically, albeit slightly trained. So far so good..."

"Next, I will go through the general skills... Her language skill is at lvl 15, meaning she is an expert. Considering that it is capped at lvl 20, she is very adept at it! Identify, on the other hand, is subpar. Does she even try and train in it?! Even a child should be able to use identify! The heck?!"

"Next, her sex technique is at a shocking level 13, close to being an expert. She is either a very sexually active person or a prostitute... Let's hope for the former... Not that I have anything against prostitutes..."

General Skill Seduction:

Tier 1: Seduction is an art. It is one of the highest forms of manipulation. Tempting others with your body and every gesture and sigh to achieve a goal, mostly sexual or monetary. The higher the skill, the higher others are attracted to your body.

Tier 2: You have learned, through many trials and errors, that Seduction can be used in other ways besides sex and small money. Whether intentionally or not, your body and charm have caused the death of entities far more powerful than you, and it had benefited you, whether you meant it or not. You are a true Femme Fatale, standing at the top of the world of seduction. Be proud of your body! From now on, each level increases your attractiveness and beauty. It is now easier to actively manipulate others to their doom.

"I am not sure how the heck did she reach this kind of level of seduction, but either she is truly a Femme Fatale in looks AND manipulation, or she is the best prostitute or geisha or whatever in the kingdom, or there is a major system bug going on here. Not that I can complain about it..."

General Skill Dancing:

Tier 1: The ability to move your body to music and to coordinate your movements with those around you or a partner. Increased effect with each level.

"A normal skill for a normal girl. Though the level is a bit high at level 8, it is still in the normal range. Wish I knew how to dance... Fuck you machismo..."

General skill Singing:

Tier 1: The ability to correctly hum and sing in tune correctly a song or rhythm alone, or in a group. Increased effect with each level.

"I wish I knew how to sing... Was always bad at it... Maybe I should ask her for some tips? Well, seeing that her cooking skill is only at a basic level, maybe we can exchange notes and teach each other? That would be nice!"

General Skill Tailoring:

Tier 1: Tailoring is the art of designing, cutting, fitting, and finishing clothes. It also affects sewing and knitting. Increased effect with each level.

"Well, I don't think I will need a sweater anymore. Or any clothes for that matter."

General Skill Meditation:

Tier 1: While in the state of meditation you cannot move. Your mana and stamina regeneration is increased by a factor of (300 + 3 * skill level)%. This factor is improved upon leveling up the skill.

"That looks like a useful skill! Maybe I will train it later on. I wonder if it counts multiplicatively or additively with my unique skills?"

General Skill Staff Mastery:

Tier 1: Increases proficiency in the art of staff-wielding in close-quarter combat. Proficiency increases with each level.

"As expected, the world I reincarnated in is not all that peaceful."

General Skill Whip Mastery:

Tier 1: Increases proficiency in the art of Whipping in both combat and bed, increasing control over it for increased pain or pleasure. Proficiency increases with each level.

"This one is suspicious... Is she into s&m?"

General skill House magic: Includes all the smallish non-combat magic, that even a housewife with a bit of magic talent should be able to use, but costs 10 times more than normal to cast. Includes 'Clean', 'Flint','Dry, 'Spermicide', 'Small gust', 'Create water', 'Light', 'Spark', 'Heal paper cut', 'Silent room'. The power of these magics increases with Intelligence and cannot level up. Note: These magics might fail if used on something infused with mana, or something stronger than them, depending on the strength difference of the user.

"Well... Seems like a good kit for just about anybody. While the 10 times mana cost is a chore, at least they are all useful. Spermicide and Silent room sound really perverted, however."

"Now for the resistances... Pleasure Tolerance is lvl 11, so she pleasures herself a lot or she sleeps around a lot. I think it is the latter though."

General Skill Mana Drain Resistance:

Tier 1: Helps resist the effects of mana drain magic spells, reducing the amount drained from you. The effect increases with each level.

General Skill Stamina Drain Resistance:

Tier 1: Helps resist the effects of Stamina drain magic spells, reducing the amount drained from you. The effect increases with each level.\

"Both of these seem useful for training meditation I assume. Is she part of some sort of organization that trains the students this way?"

General skill Poison Resistance:

Tier 1: Whether it be a poisonous snake, an assassin's poisoned dagger, or just food poisoning, you can now resist all of them better. The effect increases with each level.

"So, I guess that besides the pain tolerance that is a bit higher than mine, as expected, she also got food poisoning a few times in her life? Either way, it sounds like a good skill."

"She also has the same level of chaos and corruption resistance level as me, is this related to her unique skill? I will look into it after I finish with the rest."

General skill Fear Resistance:

Tier 1: You have overcome something truly terrifying to you. Your ability to deal with non-magical fear is increased.

"Seems like a good skill for a small kid who has many nightmares to have... But what could actually cause her to reach all the way to lvl 7?! Is it that Eldritch god or something?"

General skill Soul Magic Resistance:

Tier 1:  The fleeting conscience of man and beast. Flesh, energy, motion and thought. The Soul stands separate entirely, yet intertwined all the same. Through hardship, you have learned understanding, not through meditation and study. A brutal yet comforting truth, strengthening that which cannot be grasped. Increases resistance to soul magic per level.

General skill Mental Resistance:

Tier 1: You are more adept at resisting and detecting attacks to your mind, magical or not. Increased effect with each level.

"Either the place she is at is a twisted place out of a horror movie, or it is really caused by that eldritch god I killed."

"And that's all the general skills... Let's check the 2 unique skills."

Blessed Child Of Chaos:

You were born as a being blessed by the element of chaos itself, the most unpredictable, corruptive, destructive, and elusive element of all. Chaos has always been an element of the eldritch, but you, a non-eldritch, possess an extraordinary affinity and talent no less than the greatest of the eldritch gods. Remember, it is as much of a blessing, as it is a curse...

Effect 1: Grants Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20 and Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20.
Effect 2: All Chaos related skills, and skills that derive from it, is overall twice as strong and costs half the mana to cast.
Effect 3: Can communicate with all chaos oriented creatures. Improves friendliness of "Chaos" oriented creatures.
Effect 4: Affects and limits class selection, skill selection, and ritual magic to be chaos oriented.

"WOW, now that's a REALLY good skill right there! Even if it limits skills and classes to the chaos element, it is still really very powerful! But that warning at the end... Is it the reason why I suddenly killed an Eldritch god? I think I should ask her later..."

Succubus Body:

Succubi are a well-known race of sex monsters, that use their body and charm to drain victims of their life force and semen. As someone carrying their blood, you have gained a part of their talent for charming, seduction, and sex.

Effect 1: Body proportions and skin are enhanced to look more seductive. The body is now more sexualized, and libido is greatly enhanced.
Effect 2: Your body can tolerate an overall 50% more pleasure than normal. You passively cause 50% overall more sexual pleasure to others.

"And that solves the mystery about why she is so sexually active... Oh well. I cant see her race though... From what I learned from Elise's books, the race is hidden in human races, Although there are hidden talents inside each race, as well as person, that subtly increase learning speed or strength of certain skills and abilities, as well as the effectiveness of certain stats."

I closed the stat board after that, bored. "I wonder what I should do now... Oh right, maybe I can practice meditation? Let's try it."

I tried entering a meditative state of nothingness, like in those Chinese Xianxia bullshit novels. After what I assumed to be 20 minutes, I entered a state of emptiness of thought, ignoring the feelings of my contractor. After an indeterminant amount of time, I woke up with a system prompt.

Learned General Skill Meditation lvl 1

"Oh sweet! Let's continue this grinding, nothing better to do anyway!"

As I re-entered the meditative state for about 10 minutes, I suddenly felt intense fear and horror from my contractor!

"W-What is going on?! Is she under attack?! SHIT!!! Why is this happening while I am still an egg?! C'mon Alexandra, please survive!"

Learned General Skill Fear Resistance lvl 1

Even the system recognized my fear. I was right now nothing but a powerless egg! If my contractor died, I would also die!

As I was worried about both my life and hers, suddenly, I felt a change. My contractor felt a mixture of intense pleasure, muffled pain, and unwillingness?

"Is she being raped?! My own fucking contractor for less than a day?!!! MOTHERFUCKER!!! WHO IS DOING THIS!!! I SWEAR IN ELISSIELS GODLY NAME THAT I WILL FUCK YOU UP WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS SHELL!!!!"

Every ounce of fear I felt before, was replaced by anger, a never felt before RAGE. It was one thing to hear about someone close to you getting raped, to actually have a feeling of the emotions of the rape itself! I could feel every bit of the emotion she went through herself, her inner turmoil! After bearing this uncontrollable feeling for over half an hour, even the system had to agree with me!

Learned General Skill Rage Resistance lvl 1
Learned General Skill Rage lvl 1

General Skill Rage Resistance:

Tier 1: Rage is an intense feeling, that can cause irrational thought in a sentient being. This skill will help you function better under intense magical or not magical rage, reaching more logical thought. Increased effect with each level.

General Skill Rage:

Tier 1: Whenever you feel intense Rage, you can activate this skill, channeling your Rage, losing all rationality, attacking whoever you consider hostile, regardless of resistance for a period of time. Your strength and dexterity increase by (40+(3*skill level))%. Cannot cast Mana-Based spells and skills in this state. Mana and stamina are drained for the duration until they are both emptied or Rage is forcefully stopped, or the target of rage is destroyed. Enter a period of weakness after usage, reducing all stat effectiveness and regeneration by 70%. Over-regenerating and resting may reduce the period.

After learning the resistance skill, My anger did not vanish, but I could now control it better. Barely. My inner brain told me to calm the fuck down. There was no point in raging mindlessly like a berzerk hooligan. Even while feeling anger. I was just an egg. It was better to just train instead. Begrudgingly, I tried to force myself to meditate.

General Skill Rage Resistance increased to lvl 2
General Skill Rage Resistance increased to lvl 3
General Skill Rage Resistance increased to lvl 4
General Skill Rage increased to lvl 2
General Skill Rage increased to lvl 3
General Skill Meditation increased to lvl 2
General Skill Meditation increased to lvl 3
General Skill Meditation increased to lvl 4
General Skill Meditation increased to lvl 5

That was the result of just a few hours of training under these conditions. It could be considered incredible normally, but I was too angry and worried to be happy about this. At the very least, my anger came more and more under control, but it did not mean I was any less angry. It was the opposite. My anger was starting to ferment. I was feeling it. The feeling of pleasure and pain was still there, but the unwillingness turned to a delirious state of confusion, and unconscious.

"I don't know what the heck is going on there... But you better motherfucking pray that she is ok!!!"

And so, started the cycle of 7 days of meditation inside an egg. Of feeling the emotion of rape being done outside, and swallowing down all the rage inside, fermenting it, becoming more refined.

General Skill Rage Resistance increased to 2nd lvl 5
General Skill Rage increased to 2nd lvl 2
General Skill Meditation increased to 2nd lvl 1

General Skill Rage Resistance:

Tier 1: Rage is an intense feeling, that can cause irrational thought in a sentient being. This skill will help you function better under intense magical or not magical rage, reaching more logical thought. Increased effect with each level.

Tier 2: You have experienced a rage that can drive a man insane, whether you are still sane or not is a different question, but you learned a few tricks to cope with it. You can now choose to disconnect from the feeling of anger at will, but remember, anger is there for a reason!

General Skill Rage:

Tier 1: Whenever you feel intense Rage, you can activate this skill, channeling your Rage, losing all rationality, attacking whoever you consider hostile, regardless of resistance for a period of time. Your strength and dexterity increase by (40+(3*skill level))%. Cannot cast Mana-Based spells and skills in this state. Mana and stamina are drained for the duration until they are both emptied or Rage is forcefully stopped, or the target of rage is destroyed. Enter a period of weakness after usage, reducing all stat effectiveness and regeneration by 70%. Over-regenerating and resting may reduce the period.

Tier 2: Your rage and anger have been refined to an extraordinary extent, allowing the rage to be channeled more correctly, in a more refined and controlled manner, and less self-harming. Now, you can freely enter and exit Rage even when you are not angry, and the first tier of Rage resistance can be used with the skill. Stat and regeneration effectiveness reduction is now 30% instead of 70%. You still can't use mana based skills in this state.

General Skill Meditation:

Tier 1: While in the state of meditation you cannot move. Your mana and stamina regeneration is increased by a factor of (300 + 3 * skill level)%. This factor is improved upon leveling up the skill.

Tier 2: Your familiarity with Meditation lets you move slowly while the skill is active.

Because I forced myself to meditate under extreme anger, the normally gentle and calm meditation skill, that should have taken months and years to raise, just skyrocketed. It stopped increasing at the second tier, however. I supposed I needed to move while meditating or something? It was pretty impossible as an egg, however.

As for the rage skills? I just let them be, swallowing it all, and it compounded inside me. Forcing yourself to not let out the anger and rage, but letting it ferment inside you, can do that to you. When I saw the tier 2 option of the resistance skill, I just scoffed at it and ignored it completely. I am a human, not a fucking robot. I will willingly bathe in a pool of pure hatred and anger than to cut off this feeling completely. But I will not let it control me, I will control IT. I am its master.

Also, I was paying attention from time to time to Alexandra's condition. I confirmed that she was being raped unwillingly after seeing pain and pleasure tolerance skills being raised, as well as the following skill popping up.

Minor Aphrodisiac Constitution: After bathing in aphrodisiac for a prolonged period of time, or simply being born into it, you have developed an innate resistance towards all forms of aphrodisiac. Your body fluids can now contain weak aphrodisiac, driving a recipient into heat, and increasing pleasure received.

Effect 1: All minor aphrodisiacs are now only half as potent as before against you.

Effect 2: You can now release through body fluids an aphrodisiac that triples all pleasure that the recipient feels. It also forcefully causes them to go into heat.


General skill Pleasure Tolerance:

Tier 1: Increases your tolerance threshold towards pleasure, helping you function and think normally even when under intense pleasure, and can help last longer in bed without orgasming if you so choose. Has increased effect per level.

Tier 2: After feeling an incredible amount of pleasure for a prolonged period of time, you have learned to filter some of the pleasure done to your body. You can now choose to muffle all pleasure received by 50%. Also, you can now mirror 5% of the pleasure done to you back to the one dealing the pleasure.

Pleasure Tolerance went all the way up to the 2nd lvl 1 from just lvl 11 too, and pain tolerance went all the way to level 7. This was the testament of the rape that Alexandra went through. The rage I felt could not be described in words.

Just when I was about to continue my meditation (Anger management), the system finally decided that it had enough of this farce too, as it gave me the happiest prompt I had in this entire week of mental torture.

Congratulation, 7 days have passed. You are now ready to hatch. Please choose your monster class.

The next chapter is the evolution choice. Enjoy.

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