Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 28 – Q&A with Catherina.

Catherina stared at me with stern eyes. I knew there was no use playing dumb so I asked, "What gave me away?" This was the funny thing, I could both speak and understand the language as if I spoke it since forever. The voice that I asked that question with sounded a bit high pitched, but I assume that It was because of my tiny size.

"My daughter already told us your status before you even hatched, we already knew you are a reincarnated individual. In the long history of planet Ekkaryon, you are not the first reincarnated we had, and probably not the last. The only reason Iberis, that ditzy Alraune Matriarch that treated you like some pet didn't try and communicate was probably that she was dozing off while we talked with Alex about you. My turn, who are you, really? Judging from your skillset you should be from a peaceful planet of a relatively new universe, but you have skills that I have never heard about in my life! Class +1 is common among reincarnators, as well as Baptized Pure Soul. Getting divine protection from some random god is also not unheard of, especially if they like you. I can most likely give credit to the goddess who sent you here for the God Slayer skill, thank you for killing that eldritch god, by the way. What is intriguing is that you possess Nourished By Goddess Milk, which is probably the more advanced version of Nourished By lesser Goddess Milk that only 2 cases were recorded in the entire history of our planet. Honestly, if I did not memorize the entire compendium of unique skills, I would never even know that this skill ever existed. As for the True sex monster? This one takes the cake. There are 3 known grades of sex monsters out there. lesser, normal, and greater. But I had never heard of a 'True' sex monster, ever. So do tell me, who the fuck are you and how did you earn those two skills exactly?"

Well, the jig is out, so I might as well just tell her straight. I just told her a quick summary of who I was, and what happened before I was summoned. Catherina had a bemused expression on her face, that turned strange over time.

After I finished my narrative, Catherina asked in a weird tone, "So, you are telling me that you were from a technological planet and died in a so-called 'car accident' and was sent to the divine domain of your local goddess of reincarnation. Following that, you fucked her brains out so hard that she lactated and drank her milk. That said milk gave you the Nourished By Goddess Milk skill and increased your wisdom and endurance exponentially. Also, the goddess you fucked was a lvl 5000 relatively sexually inexperienced individual, and because you fucked her into delirium for more than 24 hours, you received the true sex monster skill? And you also say that you had the normal variant even before you fucked the goddess? Did I get everything right?"

"Pretty much, yes."

Catherina took a long, painful look at me as if judging just how much bullshit did I just spew from my mouth, before sighing, "Well, as much as I don't want to believe you, I don't see much of a reason for why would you fabricate such an utterly ridiculous lie. Besides that, Alex could confirm it herself and tell me personally, so I will assume what you just said was true. The goddess sex and milk aside, having the 'sex monster' skill as a human, however... That is actually the most interesting part. No human is ever supposed to be born with that skill, Ever. Even those from a monster lineage. Are you sure you are a reincarnated human and not a monster?"

"I'm pretty sure about that, at least I think so?"

"Oh well, good enough. Now it is your turn to ask something."

I thought for a bit, before asking, "Can you tell me what happened while I was in the egg? Why the hell did I end up really killing that Eldritch god? And why in the dark universe's ungodly name did Alex go through a 7-day rape marathon?"

"For your first question, Alex accidentally ended up summoning the eldritch god out of literally nowhere, opening a portal between the beyond and this world. A few minutes after it was being summoned, suddenly the portal collapsed on itself while you were summoned, and it died in an explosion of corrupted gore that we needed to clean for a whole 7 days so it will not affect our academy. As for your other question, Alex found a grimoire that contained a special healing class that uses pleasure as a means to transform chaos energy into healing. It had a specific requirement to have pleasure tolerance at the 2nd tier. However..." Catherina made an expression of pure anger, "That sorry excuse of a 500-year-old matriarch did not ask for permission from Alex before deciding by herself to train her until the 2nd tier. What's worse, she gave an unclear order to her familiar to 'Increase pleasure tolerance to the 2nd tier in a week', so her ditzy familiar took it as an ok sign to use what we call the 'Full-Course', a tested and proven method to increase both pleasure tolerance and pain tolerance together. We usually use it on newly-promoted lvl 200 senior witches, for better defense against pleasure attacks of sexual monsters, as well as on some crazy noble bitches that pay enough to be treated like a masochistic cumdump. I did not even know about all of this until she mentioned it offhandedly just when we finished cleaning up the mess from that eldritch god! Luckily, Alex has succubus blood in her veins, so she should be able to recover from this shock in a week or two, probably. That, however, does not change my anger in the slightest. Speaking of anger, how did you cope with being able to feel her emotions during those 7 days? Usually, even when a senior witch informs their familiar about this intention, the familiar still gets a bit angry and cranky. However, you were uninformed, and came from an allegedly peaceful world, are you alright?"

"No, I am not so fine. In fact, I was so angry that my Rage resistance and the Rage skill increased all the way to the 2nd tier. I could only cope with it with meditation, which also increased to the 2nd tier."

Catherina widened her eyes and stared at me as if I was some sort of freak of nature, "In a single week you actually raised both rage and rage resistance to the 2nd tier?! And even meditation?!! By the twin moons! How are you even still sane?! Please describe to me in detail how you felt, and how you coped with it all!" Catherina was truly surprised. Extremely few precedents were recorded in the history of the planet of such spontaneous skill growth. In most cases, however, it was by complete accident, like what happened to Alex's seduction skill. This time, however, it was about 3 skills that were supposed to be hard to raise, especially meditation.

"At the start, I could not control myself for 10 minutes of raging in the egg, but after I got the first lvl of rage resistance, I decided to meditate instead of just raging. From there, all three skills began to skyrocket. I imagined all my anger and rage going to a singular place, like some sort of a core, and let it just gather and be compressed. I wanted to be in control, and not be controlled. That's what happened."

Catherina stared at me, dumbfounded, for a few minutes, before bursting into uncontrollable laughter! After laughing for a minute, she calmed down and said, "I can't believe it! You entered a state of enlightenment while you were still an egg! You even used an advanced berserker technique! You most likely already qualify for a 2nd tier berserker class or some enlightened class! Do you know how many people wish to enter such a state in their lifetime, but never manage to do so? Only the grand elder once managed to enter a state of enlightenment for only a few hours!"

"State of enlightenment?"

"It is a state that helps raise skills to a new high level, breaking through the bottlenecks of tiers. Usually, skills don't raise so quickly without intense outside stimuli, especially meditation. Most of our official witches never reached the 2nd tier, and even some of the senior witches didn't. This is because a large bottleneck exists between each tier! Many advanced classes require these skills to reach the 2nd tier to advance into them. And general skills are much, much harder to raise than class skills. The difficulty to raise class skills is far lower than general skills, and the bottlenecks are also lower. An example would be that a class skill might pass through a bottleneck through normal training or some fighting, while a general skill would need rigorous and intense training that surpass the boundaries of the body, or fighting things far stronger than you to give a push. Enlightenment is one of the few known methods to bypass those things. In all honesty, if you did not reach enlightenment then it would be impressive if you had reached the 7th or 8th lvl in those skills."

She then said with a serious face, "That said... You are in grave danger right now... That technique to control rage belongs to the field of berzerkers. If you don't know how to handle it right, it would engulf you, regardless of your resistance. Some things, the system cannot cover. Rage accumulation being one of them. It is an energy, just like mana, stamina, and even health. The berserker classes usually handle it as a separate energy source for berserker skills, but... If you just let it accumulate without releasing it, there are two outcomes. The first, and more lenient one, is that the built-up rage will be strong enough to take over your mind, and you will enter an uncontrollable frenzy, attacking both friend and foe until all the rage is spent and than you will enter a coma that lasts from a few days to a few months."

I looked at her wearily, "A-And the second case is?"

"In the second case, the rage will keep building up until..." She then did a dramatic gesture with wide-open eyes, "BOOM!"

I looked at her and gulped, "B-Boom?"

She nodded in confirmation, "Yes, BOOM. You explode like an overinflated balloon. Unlike other energies that simply disperse into the air when over accumulated, Your Rage that has formed a core, without the proper class to control it... Will simply explode. I had even seen it personally happen once to a female dwarf berserker trainee, she failed to control her rage core and her blood vessels and muscles overinflated, and then she went BOOM. So now, you will have two choices. The first is to get a berserker class and get the rage-based skills that will help vent the accumulated rage, Just using the rage skill to use up the rage will not solve the problem since the core has already formed. The second is that you manage to disperse it through some enlightened skill of some sort. Simple meditation will not work on this one."

The cogs in my brain spun for a bit before I asked, "What do you propose I should do?"

"Right now? Rest. Avoid getting angry at all costs. Tomorrow, I will bring you to an old friend of mine, she will be able to help you. Trust me, I'm the last person who would want to see you die since my daughter will follow you to the grave."

I nodded, then asked, "So where do I sleep?"

Catherina raised an eyebrow, "Naturally with my daughter. The moment you signed the familiar contract, it was the same as getting a bond stronger than marriage. Even if you were not just some larvae, but a fully grown adult male with a perverse mind and sadistic tendencies, you would never try and hurt her due to the contract. Besides, being near your contract partner usually gives a sense of safety that gives a night of better sleep."

I suddenly remembered the warmth I felt when I first slept as an egg. It was truly relaxing. I nodded, "Alright, can you please carry me there? I'm kind of small right now."

Catherina nodded and picked me up, went to the unconscious Alex's room, placed me on a pillow near Alex, and left. Using my stubby tentacle legs, I crawled to a more comfortable position and slept. Good night.

Hi guys, I will probably slow down the releases of chapters since my 16-year-old cat got the feline equivalent of sinusitis, and I am now stuck taking care of her. Besides that, I am already starting to prepare for my university tests.

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