Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 27 – Back To The Temple

Mav stood once again in front of the temple, its towering spires and intricate carvings awe-inspiring even on his second visit. The grandeur of the structure stirred memories of his first visit—the sting of disappointment and sadness over his high affinity for a flame type he once deemed useless. Yet now, with the newfound potential of the Dark Flame and the powerful skills he had uncovered, a flicker of hope ignited within him.

"Alright, Mav, I'll be back to get you once I'm done," Nacht said from the carriage, his voice steady and reassuring.

"Thanks again, Dad," Mav replied, his gaze lingering on the temple’s majestic facade.

As the carriage rumbled away, Mav stepped into the temple. The expansive interior greeted him with sunlight streaming through stained glass, casting vibrant hues of red, yellow, green, and blue across the floor and walls. At each corner, large torches blazed with flames of the corresponding colors, a testament to the different flame types bestowed by the Flame God.

Near the seating area, Mav noticed a young man methodically cleaning. He approached, clearing his throat to get his attention. "Excuse me, do you know where the head priest is?"

The young man looked up, a curious expression crossing his face. "You mean Father Organos?"


"He was in his room earlier, reading a book, if I recall correctly. What’s this about?"

"Tell him Mav wants to speak with him—the boy with silver hair and the high Dark Flame affinity. He’ll remember me."

The young man nodded, though a hint of confusion lingered. "Alright, just wait here."

He disappeared down a corridor and soon returned with an elderly man in a familiar white robe. Mav’s heart warmed at the sight of Organos, recalling the priest’s kind words and comforting presence from years before.

"Mav," Organos said, his eyes twinkling with recognition. "I didn’t expect to see you again. You’ve really grown," he added, taking in Mav’s appearance with a mix of surprise and warmth.

Organos opened his arms for a hug, which Mav accepted with a grateful smile.

"So, what brings you to the temple today?" Organos asked, settling into a more serious demeanor.

"I need to discuss something privately," Mav said, his voice steady and earnest.

Organos nodded, his expression shifting to one of understanding. "Follow me."

As they walked down a quiet passageway, Organos glanced at Mav. "By the way, are you hungry? I can get you something if you are."

Mav shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. "No, I just ate before coming."

They arrived at a room filled with the earthy scent of old paper and polished wood. A large desk, cluttered with papers, dominated the space. Shelves lined the walls, heavy with books of various hues. Organos gestured to a bench in front of the desk and settled into the chair behind it.

"Would you like some coffee, Mav?" Organos offered, holding out a steaming cup.

"No, thank you," Mav replied, his eyes taking in the room’s details.

"So, what’s on your mind?" Organos asked, his curiosity evident.

Mav hesitated for a brief moment, the weight of what he was about to reveal settling over him. Could he trust even Organos with this secret?

"I need you to promise me that you won’t share what I’m about to show you," Mav said, his tone serious.

"Alright, you have my word," Organos said, leaning forward slightly.

Mav opened his status screen. "Look at this," he said, scrolling to reveal his new skills.

Organos’s eyes widened as he examined the unfamiliar skills—Dark Red Nuke, Dark Blue Miracle, Dark Yellow Transcendence, Dark Green Invincibility. His expression shifted from curiosity to disbelief, and he recoiled slightly.

"H-How did you get these skills?" Organos asked, his voice tinged with astonishment.

"It was Dark Ascension," Mav explained, his eyes alight with excitement.

"Remember that zero-mana-cost skill we tried to test after the ceremony? I figured out how to use it. By combining it with another flame type, it creates a new, powerful skill. My high affinity for Dark Flame enabled the maximum form of these skills, but my lower affinity for other flames affects their mana cost, duration, and cooldowns."

Organos listened, clearly struggling to absorb the information.

"Have you tried using them?" he asked, still in shock.

"Yes," Mav said with a smile that spoke of satisfaction. "And they work exactly as described."

"This is an incredible discovery, Mav. I can’t even begin to grasp how this will impact our kingdom—and the world."

"Please keep this confidential. Not even my parents know. I’d prefer the King and Guild leaders don’t find out yet," Mav urged, his tone firm.

"Alright, I promise," Organos said, still reeling from the revelation.

"Now, about what I wanted to ask," Mav continued. "I know the conditions for leveling up two of these skills: Dark Blue Miracle, which involves healing, and Dark Red Nuke, which requires killing Daimoniki. I’m not sure about the conditions for the other two."

"I suspect Dark Yellow Transcendence and Dark Green Invincibility might have similar conditions, but their limited duration makes them difficult to test. Do you know where I can find information on different types of Daimoniki?" Mav asked.

Organos’s brow furrowed with concern. "Are you sure you want to proceed? What you’re attempting is very dangerous."

"Yes," Mav said firmly.

Organos sighed, closing his eyes briefly as if seeking guidance. "It seems I can’t dissuade you. And considering the Flame God has given you such power, perhaps there’s a purpose behind it. Dangerous paths often lead to great discoveries. Just be cautious and prepared," he continued, leaning back on his chair.

"I will," replied Mav.

"There’s a library nearby. You can ask for directions there. However, access is restricted to select individuals. I’ll write you a letter of recommendation. Give it to the librarian and tell her it’s from Head Priest Organos. Ask to be registered for a library card. There’s one issue though—the fee. I doubt you have money on you, do you?" Organos asked.

"Not at the moment, but I might know how to get some. Do you know where I can sell Gray Wolf Hides and Gray Wolf Cores?" Mav inquired.

Organos’s eyes widened in surprise, and he leaned forward, scrutinizing Mav with renewed curiosity. "Gray Wolf Hides and Cores? Where did you even obtain those?"

Mav met his gaze, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "I told you earlier, didn't I? I needed something to test my new skills on."

"You confronted Gray Wolves alone and with no prior experience?" Organos asked, his voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and concern.

"Well, not exactly face-to-face," Mav replied, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin.

Organos shook his head, letting out an exasperated sigh. "You’re going to give me a heart attack, Mav."

Mav chuckled nervously but quickly refocused. "So, where can I sell them?"

Organos paused, rubbing his temple as if weighing his options. "What am I going to do with you?" he muttered, more to himself than to Mav. After a moment, he let out another sigh and said, "Alright, I don’t rely much on my flame abilities, so I'm not an expert in these things. I only teach the basics to children during the Bestowal Ceremonies, but," he said pausing, "I might have an idea where you can sell them.”

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