Reincarnated as a World

Ch.270 The Most Hated

6 Years Later


[Year 178]


6 Years had passed since the first grand meeting held on the Central Continent, a game changing event that had led to many changes, with 1 of them being the new official name of their Continent.


This had been a great topic of discussion, but ultimately they had all agreed to go with the name that Gaia, their resident goddess, had chosen. And that had been Fortissimum.


Apparently the word meant ‘The Strongest’, which appealed to many of those that had the right to make decisions in the meeting, and they could vaguely understand that too even without Gaia’s explanation. But they were confused by the fact that the word hadn’t been directly translated. Why could they still hear ‘Fortissimum’ instead of ‘The Strongest’?


It wasn’t until a few individuals who had already possessed language even before the introduction of the System, like the Elf Queen and their Elven language, pointed out that they had noticed that if you use a word as a title, it would not get directly translated and would retain its pronunciation, that they started to get the gist of what was going on.


They asked the System and it confirmed their suspicions. If a word from a foreign language was used as a title, it would keep its original pronunciation and only the meaning would go across to those that heard it.


Someone asked why it had taken so long to figure that out, and they eventually came to the realisation that it was because they had all assumed that every word they heard was a part of the common language, and it had never in their mind to doubt it. They heard a word, they got the meaning, so what could be wrong? Moreover, it was rare for people to still use their previous rudimentary languages if they even had one, and had never been a big deal.


In any case, they had discovered another feature of the Eridius System and they had been pleased. They promptly agreed to Gaia’s decision and as such, the Central Continent was now known as the Fortissimum Continent, aka The Strongest Continent.


Everyone had felt a sense of excitement at that, feeling it in their blood that they were bound for great things. And with their great mission to put an end to Envy it was inevitable that they felt a unique feeling of glory that they could not dampen. And why should they? They were the strongest!


Of course, that didn’t mean that they were fools. And the 3 outsiders that had come to warn them of Envy in the first place did not hesitate to tell them to calm down and be extremely cautious of Envy.


They had first hand experience of the menace that was the Despicable Brother and he had been a problem even before he had become Envy. Now, he wasn’t just a super strong being but he was also a multi-continental lord and a first class calamity. He was absolutely not to be underestimated.


The denizens of the Fortissimum Continent took the advice… mostly. With their own goddess on their side and the knowledge that they were about to ally with their greatest rivals whom they had been sharing the Continent with since they had been born, they were feeling pretty great about their odds.


Sure, Envy had conquered an entire Continent with his own forces, but their Continent was not like any other and they believed that with all their heart. Moreover, they were going to be allying with other Continents so it wasn’t like they were going to be low on numbers, and with the confidence Gaia had shown, it was safe to say that her trump card had a good chance of working.


Still, they made many preparations to nullify the influence of Envy if he ever tried to extend his reach to Fortissimum, because that was still a threat. Alas…


Nothing could have prepared them for the utter atrocities that began to take place in the following years. It was utter madness.


Children attacking their parents to take usurp their position, people kidnapping and r*ping the target of their desires, people constantly stealing from others as if they would die if they stopped, Beasts killing and eating others Beasts in the hopes of stealing their talent.


Every possible act that could be caused by the emotion called ‘envy’, was caused.


This was a gigantic shock to many. They had thought that they had already culled most of the people that had been afflicted by Envy. But seemingly out of nowhere they had started springing up like plants in a Sacred Land, and it wasn’t just in the Fortissimum Continent either.


A few individuals had been given the task of travelling to close-by giant bodies of land to gather allies, but many of them had encountered lands filled with Envy’s creatures, and a few of them never came back. It was too scary.


But that wasn’t even the worst of it. Not only was there an outbreak of Envy plagues like the one that Zalucard had caused in the Elven Kingdom (Titania had volunteered to provide information on the experience), but there were also a few 4th Realmers who had suddenly struck out at the worst moment, causing disastrous losses and revealing themselves as slaves of Envy. A few alliances had even turned into enmity because of that.


It was probably safe to say that Envy was very aware of their intentions to take him down. And that was never a good thing.


Nevertheless, they powered through the dangers and made many important alliances, with their most important ones being the followers of Moon. It had been a surprise to learn more and more about the Moon’s existence and it had been a great joy to learn that they were gaining a newly appointed Kaiser along with his entire forces as allies.


It had already made travelling easier, especially between the Fortissimum Continent and Chad’s Continent, and would probably be crucial during the war – The war they had every intention of initiating at this moment.


They were tired of living with the tension that Envy’s influence had caused.


A lot of friendships had frayed because of the way the last 6 years had gone. There had been many, many cases of betrayal, and it was no longer wise to trust people as much as before. Especially if you were in a position that people envied.


It created a very dark mood, and so long as Envy lived, things would only become worse and never better. As such, if before the desire to take out Envy had been precaution and fear for the future, now it had become personal for everyone, and they all wanted him dead.


In all of Eridius, Envy was by far the most hated living being alive. And many had problems with that last word.






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