Reincarnated as a World

Ch.277 Hail the Glorious Light

Thinking that she was safe from the deadly but short ranged weapons, she had let her guard down, and of course, that had been a mistake.


Before she knew it, all sorts of half moon shaped projectiles amongst other shapes slammed into her body. Most of them did no damage but a few of them, especially the 2 that no doubt belonged to the 4th Realmers, caused excruciating pain.


The pain, coupled with the suddenness of it, shocked her so badly that she lost control of her body and fell back to the ground. She didn’t even know that she was falling until it was too late to save herself because of how addled her mind had been.


Slamming into the ground had certainly woken her up, but with multiple bones broken all over her body, she was in a more pitiful state than ever before. Her heavy weight, coupled with the unyieldingness of the land, had joined together to work against her. That’s why it was oftentimes dangerous to fly for larger species to fly if they weren’t sufficiently proficient in it.


The Humans certainly didn’t waste any time in capitalising on her plight and they converged towards her body like flies to a corpse. Then once again out of nowhere they each started forming strange constructs out of their respective elements. However this time, the strange shapes were long and flexible, lacking the deadly sharpness or weighty bluntness of a real weapon. Later she would find out that they called it the subduing rope.


Each of them wrapped their own subduing rope around her and that completely sealed her fate. When she regained her bearings and tried to break out, the oppressive feeling of restriction didn’t budge in the slightest. What was weirder was that even the 3rd Realm subduing ropes didn’t relent. She could only guess that somehow, the subduing ropes were borrowing strength from the others, becoming more powerful themselves and displaying an insane show of genius that she couldn’t begin to comprehend. She was completely and utterly trapped.


The most humiliating thing had been when they had started ignoring her to talk amongst themselves, referring to her as a Beast in a way that made her seem like she was something ‘lower’ or ‘weaker’. Which was obviously sheer foolishness. The word ‘dumb Beast’ had been mentioned a few times and that had only increased her spite. But amongst her increasing spite was her increasing fear.


These humans were too strange. They could form weird constructs and render her into a position where she was unable to resist in just a few moves. Who knows what else they could do and what they had planned for her?


Eventually they returned their attention to her and she remembered tensing up, thinking about all the bad things that could happen to her. Clearly they had an agenda in subduing her like that and she was very sure she would not like the reason.


However, no attack came, and they didn’t start dragging her off either like she expected. Instead they all placed their hands on their respective subduing ropes, did something she could not comprehend, then all of a sudden everything went black.


She had passed out.


The next time she awoke, she was in a different location entirely. Obviously, she had been relocated. She was in what seemed to be a city. An actual city like the capital of the Elven Kingdom. It had the rows of buildings that were obviously homes and perhaps other things like the so-called ‘shops’, but there were differences too. One could say that the city was in part more advanced than the Elven one and another part less advanced.


There were things that she could see that didn’t make any sense to her, and there were things missing here that were present in the Elven Capital.


But before she could be given a chance to ponder on what she was looking at, a sudden shout caught her attention.






Hailing? She had seen that before. But it was something that had started in True Dragon territory and spread outwards. Hail the goddess, hail the king, stuff like that. It worked similarly to praise thee and praise that, but a bit different. She had been slightly surprised to see the niche culture in a foreign continent.


Nevertheless, that information didn’t mean much and she spread out her Spirit Sense to detect just who they were calling Empress, followed by lifting up her head so that she could see with her eyes too.




She would never, ever forget the day that she met Her.


Beauty Personified. The woman had pale unblemished skin, hair and eyes forged from light as if she were a Law Beast, perfect feminine curves that beckoned the eyes, a regal and invincible demeanour that looked down on all life, but most importantly, a devastating aura of might that she could not in the slightest bit read.


When the differences in strength were too great it became impossible for the weaker side to accurately guess the cultivation level of the stronger side. Between the 2 of them, Bellatrix was definitely the weaker side.


‘Humans like this exist?’ Bellatrix remembered thinking that thought very vividly, word for word at that. After all, it was at that moment that her views on humans completely warped. The woman before her was a Human and yet she possessed profound power of the likes she had never seen before. Sure she had seen auras that rivalled this, but nothing that had a nature like this. To some extent, she even seemed to rival Gaia! What kind of concept was that? A human rivalling a god– even if it was a fallen one? Madness!


Confronted with such irregular majesty, how could she not despair?


She tried to speak, to make use of her charm so that she could do anything that would increase her chances of safety, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t the subduing ropes or anything like that. No. That wasn’t needed. The fear that was thoroughly clenching both her throat and her heart was more than enough.

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