Reincarnated as an Elf’s Best Friend

Chapter 15 – really short chapter

Sorry for disappearing for 6 months. School was a lot busier than expected, but now the semester is over, so you can expect more chapters. Note to self: actually listen to the counselor's recommendation when they say you're taking too many units.

There is a saying that one does not realize the importance of water until the well runs dry. Now that I can no longer visit the elf, I only realized now how much time I spent with her and that there really isn’t much to do.

Initially, I made up for her absence by playing with my brother instead, but he had his own friends to play with. Not only that, he also enjoys the physically demanding games that I was trying to avoid, otherwise I’d hang out with my peers instead.

So I ended up trying to do just that. However, I felt really bad dragging whatever team I happened to be in down, and eventually they sort of stopped trying to invite me to play too. So just like before, when I was sent to play with the rest of my peers, I just snuck out, except there really isn’t anything more to do after that.


To pass the time, I ended up cooking every meal since finally, my parents trusted me around fire. I would love to say I started a food revolution with my previous life’s knowledge but unfortunately, I never really cooked before, and more importantly, all the ingredients here are new. No cheating with mayonnaise or white bread.

The plants that grew around in this new area were somewhat different, so I ended up experimenting with the new ingredients. Of course, I made sure that they weren’t toxic by asking my parents, but other than that I was given free reign. Well, until my family had to eat terrible meals for the twentieth time in a row, which they told me to only experiment on my own portion, and only let them try it after I like it.

 In my defense, I had to make do with really primitive equipment, since they don’t have metal cookware, and stone takes forever to heat up. Anyways, I eventually had a few new dishes that worked, although most of those are some kind of fish dish. Mainly because my parents never bothered with fish, so there was much to explore there.


Outside of that, there was always hunting training. The spartan hunting instructor apparently never gave up on me, except without Anortha to heal me of my exhaustion, I suffered the entire time.


Months passed, and I quickly adapted to my new life.

I know this chapter is short. After not writing for almost half a year, I realized, at this rate, I'll never even get to the more interesting parts, so I decided to skip a bit of the slice of life and proceed on with plot. Definitely not because I couldn't think of anything interesting here okay?

As for the poll under this, I deliberately made the question cryptic, but don't worry, your answers are important to the story. (If I revealed why, then you all could rig the results, and we can't have that)

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