Reincarnated as an Elf’s Best Friend

Chapter 2

After hand-feeding some succulent meat, poking me, and then changing the soiled bed sheets, the three werewolves eventually left the room. Now that I was aware of the situation, I decided to investigate my new body. I reached my hands upward and felt two triangular ears on the top of my head. Moving downward, my hands went past my eyes onto my snout and my wet nose. Well, looks like my head shape is just like those other werewolves, which I assume is my family? Knowing that, I decided to jump straight to checking out the lower-half of my body, since I couldn’t see that on the other werewolves. I spread my legs apart and saw a long grey stick reaching past my knees. Since I never had that as a human, I tried to make it move, which I did, albeit with some difficulty. Looks like I have a tail now, I thought. With that out of the way, I inspected my feet, which looked like a normal human’s feet, although covered in grey fur. Oh, that’s nice, I thought. I was wondering if I had to get used to moving around on paws or something.

With all that out of the way, I went and checked the part that I was most uncertain about. I extended my hands between my legs, and didn’t feel any unusual protrusions. Thank goodness I’m still a girl. With gender-bender reincarnation being all the rage these days, I was worried if I was reborn as a boy. Good thing I don’t have to go through that business.

I wanted to see my reflection, so I tried to sit up to look around the room for a mirror, except I couldn’t get up. I rolled onto my side, to see a table with some cups and plates, and beyond that, a brown wall. I rolled onto my other side, where I saw some spears with wooden handles with stone tips tied at the ends as well as a long rectangular wooden object hanging from the wall. Next to those was two rectangular strips of leather with rocks tied the bottom, which I would assume would be the entryway into the room.  Looking further down, I saw that the floor was covered in dirt, with some plant matter growing out of it.

Did I end up in a poor family, or is it typical of werewolves to be living in leather tents? Or is my family coincidentally on a camping trip, in which case this is a really fancy tent. Oh wait, why would a pregnant mother or one with a newly born baby go on a camping trip anyways? Guess I’ll need to get used to the dirt floors.

I really wanted to explore what I presume is my new home, but given that I couldn’t even muster the energy to sit up, I abandoned that idea.

I mean, this is my current reality. I will have all the time to get used to my surroundings to the point I would probably want to see something else. I guess for now, I’ll just try to get stronger by eating, sleeping, and maybe exercising?


After twelve day-night cycles, where all I did was essentially lie on the bed, I finally felt it was time to start walking around and exploring the tent. It was extremely boring just lying there with not much to do, and each day felt at lot longer than 24 hours because of how bored I was. As they say, time is relative, and after these twelve days, I definitely agree.

I sat up successfully, albeit with a bit more effort than I’d like, and then proceeded to move to the edge of the bed. I dangled my legs off the edge, but I couldn’t feel the ground. I slowly lowered myself until my feet touched the floor and proceeded to take a step forward, only to fall down. Luckily, I got my hands to break my fall, otherwise I would have fallen face first.

Oh right, babies tend to crawl around long before they start walking. Probably should try crawling around first instead of jumping directly to walking.

I headed immediately toward the entryway. As I was crawling, I felt happy to have fur covering my legs and hands, otherwise the dirt floor would have been rather uncomfortable. I pushed aside the hanging leather and was greeted by the sight of the three werewolves polishing the wooden shaft of a spear. As I approached them, the smallest of them saw me and then started speaking in the usual singing manner to the others. One of the larger werewolves immediately removed the spear from the room and came back, while the other two were staring at me the entire time. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but since my mission was to explore my new home, I decided to ignore them for the time being. Crawling around, there really wasn’t anything special to note. There were some soft looking cushions on the floor surrounding a table, but other than that, it didn’t look much different from my room. After staring at me for such a long while, the smallest werewolf started to move towards me. From past experience of what I’ve seen young children do to my poor dog, I thought it best to avoid it as I headed to what I assumed were my parents. One of them picked me up and started rocking me back and forth.

Meanwhile, the smallest werewolf looked depressed, with its ears and tails drooping. I didn’t want my siblings to hate me so I flashed a smile at it, but the werewolf looked even more down than before. The werewolf said something in a melancholic tone to the werewolves, and after a short conversation, the small werewolf left.

It’s a misunderstanding, I wanted to say. I don’t actually hate my sibling or anything like that.

In the end one of my parents held me while speaking to my other parent, while I tried to pick up what they were saying. When the sun started to come up, my parents carried me back to my bed, said something, and left.

Hmm? Are werewolves nocturnal?


I wanted to end the chapter at “I spread my legs apart and saw a long grey stick reaching past my knees. Since I never had that as a human…” so some of you with your mind in the gutter can go and misunderstand, but the chapter would be too short.

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