Reincarnated as an Elf’s Best Friend

Chapter 41 – What Color Is the Sky?

Mirefa was quite satisfied with her visit so far. She saw all sorts of interesting and useful things magic can do, although some were confusing in their use. She still had no idea what that device with two arrows was really for, since the sun setting or the sun rising is enough to tell time.


She was reluctant to admit it, but the meal Sofare cooked was indeed tastier than even the deer back home. That being said, she was sure that if deer were cooked with all those random plant parts, it would be even better. She also had to admit that the plants themselves were also tasty when prepared and mixed with the meat.


The best part of all was that she left with a nice present. That shiny knife made of unknown material was really sharp, and she couldn’t wait to use it to cut up some deer. The elf, Never Mind, even was nice enough to magically create something to cover the sharp part so she could wave it around without any worry. Although every time she said the elf’s name, Sofare seemed to cringe a bit. Maybe she’d been pronouncing it wrong?


And now they were going to leave those weird tree houses so they could do magic safely. Mirefa did see Sofare use magic to hunt deer, which wasn’t great, but apparently elves are much better at magic. Was Never Mind going to kill some deer from a ridiculously far distance? Or maybe even do magic that could kill mass amounts of those giant rats? Sofare did say that the elves could also stay in one place and ignore those rats because of magic.


As they walked back out of the gate, Mirefa remembered her manners and made sure to give the guard his greeting by sticking out her middle finger. The guard seemed rather upset though. Was it because Never Mind didn’t bother to give her greetings? The guard and Never Mind did have a bit of a shouting match too. She guessed that they must have had some issues between them.


When Never Mind actually performed the magic, Mirefa was somewhat disappointed. The explosions of flashy colors were pretty and could probably be used to give messages from far away, but that was it. Not only that, apparently the elves really hated the color purple since Never Mind did not have a single purple thing in her home, and went through all the colors except purple during her magic showcase.


Mierfa asked, “Why do the elves avoid the color purple?”


Her sister thought about it for awhile, and replied, “I never really noticed until you mentioned it. Let me ask.”


Sofare scribbled whatever it was in the dirt, while Never Mind responded. It continued on for awhile, and Sofare even had to produce purple light in the middle of the discussion, until Sofare finally said, “It turns out they can’t see purple.”


“What?” Mirefa exclaimed in shock. “But then what color do the elves see when they look at the sky when the sun is up?”


“Apparently blue.”


“What? But it’s clearly purple.”


“Yes. But if you can’t see purple I guess it looks blue.”


Mirefa still couldn’t see how the sky looked even remotely blue. She did hear something about partial color blindness that affects a few of the population, but for all elves to have partial color blindness? Well it doesn’t really concern her though, so she decided to request what she really wanted to see before going back home.


“Can you ask Never Mind to hunt deer with magic, or some magic that could kill hordes of those giant rats?”


Sofare replied, “Before I even ask her, the answer will be no.”


“Why not?”


“Because she finds deer cute and loathes the idea of killing them. It’s also why I told you to not bring a deer carcass over. As for your other request, any wide area of effect spell would also destroy the trees too, so that won’t happen.”


Well that was disappointing. Also, finding deer cute instead of tasty? Mirefa thought that was weird, but acceptable since that meant more deer for herself. Well, as long as they don’t find the deer cute enough to defend them the same way they did with the trees. 


Mirefa asked, “So I guess that’s it then?”


“Yeah. Take care and see you.”


Mirefa gave Sofare a quick hug, then ran off yelling, “Bye-bye!” with the knife in hand. She couldn’t wait to show off her new present to everyone. They would be so jealous.

The poll is for future world building purposes. Some of those listed are already guaranteed to show up, but choices may affect "screen time". Others are unlikely to show up, but if everyone really wants them, I might consider. That being said, I'll probably be getting the race/species and giving the traditional form a little twist, since just copying from established sources is boring. Next chapter will have the same poll, but asking what you do not want to see. (I haven't worked out how to get multiple polls in a chapter. Anyone know?)

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