Reincarnated as an Elf’s Best Friend

Prologue 2

                Something like a werewolf was holding an egg the size of his head between his hands. The “something like” is there since unlike a typical werewolf most people think of, his species can’t transform, among other small differences. His basic body shape was that of a human, except his head was that of a wolf and he had a tail that reached past his knees.  His entire body was covered in dense grey fur, save for the area around his belly and chest, which were covered in white fur instead. The local elves refer to his species as “lupo.”

                “Just two more months until the egg hatches. I wonder if it will be a younger brother or sister?”


                It all started back on his fourth birthday and his parents asked him what he wanted. During that time, he was feeling rather lonely, and then thought about his friends and how they seemed to enjoy playing around with their younger brothers and sisters. It wasn’t that his parents neglected him, but when they were out on a hunting trip, he would get rather bored at night with no one around. So, he told them, “I would like a younger sibling.”

                His parents glanced at each other, and then his mother said to his father, “You know, I think we are ready for another child.”

                “Really?! You’re the best, mom!”

                And thus, they walked through the forest to travel to his grandparent’s tent. He didn’t know how babies were made and thought they were going to his grandparents to pick up an egg, when in reality, his parents mercilessly dumped him there and told him, “Be a good boy, Cabg, and stay there until we are finished making the egg.”

                “But I want to see how it is made!”

                His grandfather laughed as he said, “Boy, you are ten years too young to know. Now go help me grind out some spearheads.”

                A couple of hours later, his father returned, exhausted.

                “Hey dad, did you get me a brother or a sister?”
                “We won’t know until the egg hatches, Cabg.”
                “Wait, so you don’t get to decide?”
                “No, it’s completely by chance?”
                “I see. Um, can I see the egg as soon as we get home?”
                “It’s not ready yet.”
                “What?! Then how long will it take?”
                “It depends.”
                “On what?”
                “Why is it so random?!”

                Father and son continued making small talk as they walked through the forest back to their tent.

                As Cabg walked into his home, he sniffed the air and asked, “Hey dad, why does it smell weird?”

                “Making a baby is hard work and requires some chemicals,” his dad said with a straight face.

                “Where do you store them? I don’t think I’ve ever smelt this before.”
                “Baby making secrets. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you about it after 10 years or so.”

                Cabg pouted, and then asked, “Where’s mom?”
                “Sleeping. She was tired after making the baby.” And I might have went overboard, but it was definitely satisfying, his dad added in his thoughts.


                From that day on, every midnight, his parents would escort him to his grandparents’ place and then an exhausted father would pick him up after a couple of hours. Many times, Cabg tried to sneak out to see this “secret baby making technique,” but his grandparents caught him every time. Finally, after 2 weeks or so, his mother led him into a room where a white egg sat half-buried in a pile of grey and white fur.

                “Here is your future sibling! Now just wait about 9 months before it hatches.”
                “That long?!”
                “Yes. Also, please do not bang, shake or treat the egg violently. Gently touching the egg is fine though. You wouldn’t want to harm your future sibling, would you?”

                “Of course not!”

                Cabg gingerly reached out and touched the smooth surface of the egg. After he was done, his mother threw more fur on top of the egg until it was fully buried.

                “Cabg, make sure you cover the egg with fur when you are done alright? It needs to stay warm.”


                “Now go to sleep already. The sun is about to rise.”


                Every time Cabg felt bored, he would go visit the egg and hold in his hands while talking to it or thinking about random things.

                As Cabg was remembering the days of when it all started, he suddenly heard a loud cracking noise. He looked down and to his horror, he saw the egg on the floor, smashed apart, with the fluid seeping into the dirt, as well as a pink blob amid the wreckage.

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