Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

1- Where a SupersaiYANG is Born

HELLO PEOPLE, I am Crista20 and in Case you didn't notice THIS is not Originally my Fic, years ago I've read this same fic, unfortunately, the author Dropped it, something I didn't like at all.


SO! Recently I asked the Original Author [Emiya Pendagron] If I could take his fic and continue, and he agreed, of course, I will be adding new things while keeping everything he wrote mostly intact.


You will probably realize the differences in the way I write compared to the Original Author, those differences are going to become more clear as the chapters pass.


[Remnant 28th July 81 A.G.W (After the Great War)]


I was 8 years old when I finally remembered my past life.


It was ridiculous.


I had taken the place of Yang Xiao Long.


Except I had black hair instead of a Blonde.


And the important thing...I was a futa...


So I still had my dick even if my Gender was changed... I briefly thanked whatever god put me here, wait... Does that mean Raven is also...


Moving on...


There however was one thing that was very very good.


I had an instinctual understanding of Ki.




Dragon Ball Ki.


That and the fact that I had a Saiyan tail made it quite obvious it was.


There however was one thing I didn't have to worry about at least.


Since Remnant's moon is never full, considering it is broken I could look at the moon safely without the risk of going full ape.


An amazing thing because I sure don't want to kill my family but also a very bad one considering Ikari just became a thousand times harder to obtain.


Though I remembered my past life far too late to stop Summer from leaving, something that caused me to feel no small amount of regret, and anger for however made me remember everything far too late.


I don't really know how to feel. Dad was completely broken, so I was the only one who could raise Ruby.


Together with my current life, my total mental age would make me 28 now.


But that is not I'm important I suppose.


No. What was important was Raising Ruby and Training myself.


I needed to get strong. Strong enough to make Salem a non-threat.


Which means Planet busting levels.


So about 10,000 on the power level? Maybe more.


I don't know for how long that woman was alive, it could be thousands of years, perhaps even tens of thousands, and contrary to what the show showed I don't believe for a second her powers resume in throwing energy blasts and summoning Grimm.


Fortunately, Salem just wants to die, and for that to happen she has to Get the 4 Relics, meaning she needs the 4 Maidens.


Furthermore, it also means she can't destroy humanity, if there is no humanity for the Gods to judge then they will just go away, similarly, if humanity is united against her then when the gods come back they will not destroy everything, meaning she will continue to live, something she does not want to happen.


What does that mean? Simple, 1 Salem cannot reveal herself, 2 She cannot use the Grimm too explicitly, why? Ozma


Ozma reincarnated thousands of times, in each one his soul fused with his host, the series gave no indication of if but she believes in this world, by this point he should possess the aura of at the very least 10.000 men and the semblances of every single one on top of it.


He is not an Idiot, he has Thousands of years on his back, and most likely than not he has at least some nuclear options or last-option plans in case Salem escalates.


She really, reeeeally loved RWBY but if there is something that angered her about the show is the wasted potential, aura, magic, maidens, Silver eyes, Ozma, every single one of these things could have been more deeply explored but nooo.


Aura resumed itself in Semblances and being a Shield, Aura techniques were barely touched.


Magic was only a fancy way of controlling the elements and throwing blasts of energy around, the only hint It could do something else was when the maidens began to fly and the Branwen twins transformed into animals, nothing else.


The maidens? Honestly? She thought they were kinda weak for all the hype and their powers extended as far as the elements, if she wanted to see Avatar she would.


Silver eyes? Ohhh boy those things were never explained properly, like, where did it come from? If someone transfers silver eyes to their eye sockets do they gain the power or is it something biological, if yes do they actually need the eyes?


Can it be used for more than just a light shown against Grimm, why is Salem so obsessed with them, she's immortal, and while many Silver Eyes warriors could become an annoyance to her troops they seemed to be rare.


Is she afraid of them because they could blast her Grimm corruption away? If yes would she feel regret for what she did?


Ozma, the old wizard of the tower, thousand of years old and he couldn't even beat Cinder, and once again he didn't use his magic for much


But anyways, if that is true then one might ask, why bother with huntsmen? Simple, Ozma is a Wizard, and just a single man despise it all, while yes he gave 4/5 of his power away this does not mean he cannot use the rest for, let's say, a ritual.


A ritual for accelerating the growth of people in all huntsmen academies for example, another for strengthening himself, another to shield Cities, another to make people happy, another to block the Grimm from feeling negative emotions.


And don't even get her started on The team's actions, they are prideful, cocky, borderline villainous, and 100% idiotic, the type of idiocy only teenagers who think they know everything have.


This makes her remember a Quote "There are No flawless characters just Writers who fail to identify one's fault."


Fortunately, their actions can be explained by Rooster Teeth being a bunch of amateurs, greedy, selfish amateurs, a fanfiction writer could do better than them honestly.


Luckily the world she is in is not being controlled by a corporation... Right?


Still, thinking about all of this is pointless, it's just guesswork, the possibilities made available with magic are truly endless, and she should really not be wasting her time thinking about it all.


'And now that my time burning my brain is over it's finally time to plan out my training regime.'


'And since I could sense Dad and Ruby using my Ki sense... Then that also means I'll have to train Ruby too.'



[Remnant 29th July, Wednesday / 81 A.G.W (After the Great War]


I began my training using my school backpack, I put every single book I had in it and used it as a start to my training when Dad took me walking to Signal.


It was about 7 Notebooks and Textbooks in total add in a pencil case and it weighed about 3 Kilos at most.


I have to use a few stones to get it to a nice round five kilos of weight it was heavy for my young body but I didn't show it. And I barely made it to class before my legs collapsed and I sat down at my desk.


Wait... Do I have the Zenkai boost? if yes I'll have to fight some Grimm, Dad won't even notice my bruises anyway, that fucking drunk.


Fun fact Signal was not just a Combat Preparation school. That was another section.


I was in the third grade and Ruby was in the first grade.


She was quite obedient and didn't seem to make a fuss like most kids her age, I think even she understands that Dad is not well and does what she can to help.


Perhaps I can make something nice for her when I get home?


One thing I was not prepared for was the kind of numbing 3rd-grade syllabus.


As my breath evened out and my muscles cooled down I realized that it was only my leg muscles.


I needed to do something else as well.


I resolved to bring a stress ball to class next time to work on it.


Once school ended and Dad came to pick us up I was walked again with the five-kilo backpack on me.


I'm pretty sure Dad noticed me acting strange since I was not letting him carry me as he did usually with both of us, but he didn't say anything even if he did notice it.


Hmmm. I wonder if I can use my knowledge of Coding to make something interesting?


Perhaps something that will help bring in some money?


[Remnant 30th July 81 A.G.W (After the Great War]


"Yay, Cookies! Thank you, sis! You're the best."


And I received a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek from Ruby for that.


It was nice I bit into a Chocolate chip cookie as well.


It tasted sweet.


Just like how mom made it...


[Remnant/ 3 of September 81 A.G.W]


It took Taiyang nearly two months and Qrow coming to kick some sense into him that he noticed that Summers's death had affected more than just him.


What kind of father was he to deserve such wonderful daughters?


Yang took care of the Cooking, the cleaning, and Ruby! While he was on the couch moping!


What would Summer think of him?


She would probably scold him for being so irresponsible.


Ruby had stopped crying. He dint think he ever saw her crying after barging out all her tears when Summer died. But she was a bit more closed off than before.


Yang had also changed and not only did she not cry at all but she seemed to gain some maturity. She even took a job for Gods sake even if it was simple as delivering milk to all the residents of the patch before school and she wore her bag which contained all her books in it and some stones as well?


What was she thinking?


It was obvious.


She wanted to become a huntress.


But could he let her become one?


He couldn't stop her from attending signal, but he could make sure that she was ready before he let her go!


She would not die!


Not like summer!


He didn't think he could take it if she did.


But for now, all he could do was support them.


Even If her coldness towards him hurt, he'd still support her, maybe even rebuild the relationship they had before.


[Remnant/ 4 of September 81 A.G.W]


Dad finally got out of his mopey attitude about a month after I started my training.


And apparently, I didn't hide my training well enough but instead of telling me to stop, -Something I wouldn't have done- he decided to support me.


I admit that single act made me see him more than just a deadbeat Dad, seeing him worry about me so much made me feel happy, Hmn, maybe Tayang Won't be like my previous Sperm donor.


Him supporting me was not what I expected but at the same time, it was something quite wonderful, with his help I managed to get some weights and exercise machines to help me get stronger.


His expertise in bodybuilding also helped, seriously Dad looked like a fucking Gigachad in the photos he had taken with his team, apparently, everyone that has Aura gets to enjoy a healthier body and an easier time getting stronger.


Anyways, getting me to that level is a work on progress but my Saiyan body more than helped with that.


On the other note, I decided to plagiarize famous works from my old life in order to get started earning money.


Because I eat a lot of my age. Twice the amount I usually needed. Which I guess meant my body was using the nutrients to repair any damages incurred during training.


And as I got stronger I might need more.


[Remnant/ 30 of July 83 A.G.W]


Two years passed and I am now 10.


My bag literally tore apart when I used more than 20 kilos in weights which were unfortunate so I decided to make one instead.


With uncle Qrow's help we designed weights for me.


I designed the Leg weights to look like the ones Lee wore.


Uncle Qrow instead found a way to make the weight Variable.


Instead of weights, they were several compartments.


And all I needed was Metal bars that fit the compartments. The denser the Metal and the more compartments I filled the more weight it had, gravity dust wouldn't help the maximum it would do is rip my legs apart, literally.


Though I highly doubt I could get something like Uranium or Plutonium as dense as they were, they were known in different names here and mainly used to keep high-end, criminals, with Aura, locked up they are know is known as metals that consume Aura when you get too close.


I don't think they know why though.


Most likely the Aura gets used to protect the person against ionising radiation.


So for now. 10 Kilos on each of my feet 10 on my hands and 20 on my back.


One thing I found was really odd.


This world ran on dust.


Like there was so much of it that I could easily buy a dust crystal with my pocket money.


Though of course higher quality ones were much more expensive.


It's like they never thought of anything else and seemed to focus on dust.


So I decided to... NOT publish a paper online obviously I was far too young for that. But that didn't mean that I couldn't experiment a bit.


Especially with the funds, I'm receiving now.


How do you say I'm receiving funds?


I'm the creator of DustTube.


The first Remnant wide Video sharing platform.


Which needed dad to get a whole server.


Which cost money to run.


So a company decided to come to buy it So Dad was about to sell Dust tube without my Consent!


I caught him about to sign the agreement.


I didn't know what to do but at that moment I was more heartbroken than concerned and lashed out by threatening to wipe out the Dusttube software from existence.


But Dad eventually managed to calm me down and it turned out he was not selling it. Merely giving them the License to run the platform in my stead in exchange for 5% of the profits they made.


5% didn't seem like much but considering they were needed to buy more servers and maintain them as it became more and more popular while I didn't have to spend a dime? Yeah, it was a good deal.


Still the fact he didn't tell me about it beforehand really hurt, it hurt so much.


I cried myself to sleep that night.


[Remnant/ 6 of August 83 A.G.W]


Dad and Qrow pushed me to socialise more.


Even Ruby talked to more people in school than me. Dad thought I was shy but I simply didn't find anyone who liked to talk about things like Technology.


Though he finally stopped telling me to make friends for one reason.


Due to an incident that happened in school.


I had a taste of the discrimination that Faunus face when someone grabbed my tail.


That was the weakest point of my life. My legs simply had no strength to hold me up and with the weights pulling me down I simply fell to the ground face-first unable to get up.


Then the worst happened.


The bastard ripped out my tail.


The moment he did that was one of the most painful moments of my life but it also returned my strength to me and I promptly socked the bastard on the jaw.


Which dislocated said jaw and shattered it into several pieces as I nearly lost control of my strength.


He spent several months eating through a tube after that. Honestly, if I lost control a bit more he'd be dead, his face fine mist, he'd never be able to eat anything other than pasta though.


So yeah, after that incident most people now stay the hell away from me.


Then there also the fact he forces me to NOT exercise and removes the weights every other day.


If I was someone that didn't have a Saiyan body and Ki unlocked accelerating my healing then that would be the reasonable thing to do.


But he didn't know that so I used those days to fine-tune my Ki control.


Something curious is also happening to me, after losing my Tail -That I WILL get it back in the future, I refused to abandon the possibility of obtaining Ikari- I started to become anxious more irritable, wanting to pick up fights, of course, when I realized this I sat down and meditated, something that helped me not kill anyone that slightly irritated me.


I could feel it, a phantom pain in my lower back, some days I would wake up forgetting I didn't have my tail anymore, only to look at the mirror and panic at not seeing it wiggle behind me.


Other days I'd feel it wrapped around my waist, it didn't matter much if I noticed that It wasn't there, the feeling didn't stop, and neither did my irritation at being constantly reminded of it.


Funnily enough, not for one second did I ever stay angry or even annoyed at Ruby in this life.


I kept meditating and meditating for days to come, I tried everything, flying to a quiet place, practicing my moves on trees, hell I even started drawing for the first time in this life.


But nothing helped, I could hold my tongue and act normal when close to Ruby, but otherwise? I snapped at everything, answered simple questions with rude remarks, and sometimes I even had to punch walls just to not punch someone.


Seeing her, a 10-year-old punch through 15-centimeter-thick concrete walls only made even more people afraid of me, if they were keeping their distance before now they actively avoided me.


This kept happening, day by day I kept getting angrier, 3 months later I couldn't take it anymore.


The fucking phantom pain wouldn't stop, the dreams, wouldn't stop, my imagination showing me one thousand and one ways to kill that little shit wouldn't stop, the intrusive thoughts saying for me to blow up the goddam hospital came only after a week, and guess what? They didn't stop since then.


Is this what Canon Yang Felt like when she lost her Arm? Anger, at losing a part of her, Sadness, at knowing without it she'd never be the same, Hate, at the bastard who took something so... Personal to her without a second thought, Pain, pain, pain, PAIN OF A MEMBER THAT DIDNT EXIST ANYMORE!


No, she had to leave, leave before she does something she'll regret, after almost snapping at Ruby, the Cute little happy, sweet sister that never did her any harm she knew she had to do something.


On the 3rd of November of 83 Yang Xiao-Long Shot toward the sky and flew towards the only place she knew she could let loose.

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