Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

6.1 Bloody End Part 1/2 (Prologue)

So, I managed to finally copy and paste the chapter BUT I had to break it down


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Crystal Cave/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 5:14 PM]


Yang shot up as her eyes snapped open, she took deep breaths, her chest moving up and down as she did so.


Suddenly she remembered what happened, eyes widening she immediately started touching her chest.




She grunted in pain as she touched her wound, looking down she saw her shirt cut and wet but what truly took her attention was the scar on her chest, running through her stomach and ending on her hip.


Looking around herself she saw her Scabbard on the ground, the blade's hilt not far from it, briefly she noted the broken colorless crystal attached to it.


Getting up with a small amount of difficulty she walked towards it, only to fall not a second later.


'Ah yes, the Dust poisoning.' Using her right arm she turned her body sideways, looking at the ceiling she breathed heavily feeling her chest aching every time she did so.


'My flames healed the Dust's effects but most likely didn't have enough power left to heal the slash wound, and now I have a fucking scar for the rest of my life.'


Yang put her arm in front of her face as her breath started to stabilize.


'I want to go Home.'


She is tired, she had neared death multiple times in a single day, suffered crippling injuries more than once, killed more Grimm than she could remember, and fell hundreds of meters below ground.


She just wants to go home now, the reason why she had even entered the forest was long forgotten, the excitement, anger, and eagerness had faded, all she wants now is to go back home and snuggle with her sister.


Another part inside her raged at the notion, anger took hold of her mind as she closed her fist, whatever that thing is she wants to kill it, She. Wants. To. Kill. It. Today.


She's a goddam Saiyan, not a chicken, leaving an enemy like that alive is the same as admitting she's afraid of it.


Suddenly an idea came to her mind, yes, if she uses plant dust to heal herself then as long as she doesn't die in the first attack she can continue to fight, the amount of zenk-.



Snapping her head towards the sound Yang prepared herself for a fight, she expected a Grimm but all she saw was the same white owl from before, weirder still, it had a shard of plant dust the size of its talons below its body.




"You... you are not an ordinary owl, I don't know who gave you aura but I own them my life buddy."




The owl picked up the dust shard and skipped towards her, after getting close enough it dropped the green crystal on her chest.


Yang didn't question it, in the show zwei was shown to be very intelligent so she expected the same to be true for any other animal who had unlocked their aura.


'Speaking about him where is that dog, in my 10 years of life I've never seen him.'


Calling upon her Shī Yang noticed something weird, taking a second look she felt that both her Ki and Aura had completely converted to Katamashī, there wasn't even a single drop of either of the two energies inside her.


'It seems like my subconscious mind attempted to heal me entirely by copying my full body healing technique, dust poison is no joke, but I should be more resistant to it now, after all, what doesn't kill a Saiyan makes them stronger.'


Moving her Shī towards the dust crystal her energy exploded in flames.


The surge of green fire did not surprise her, what did however was the feeling of her power refueling multiple times faster than normal.


With wide eyes, she looked more closely at the dust crystal on her chest, the thing didn't have a specific form, it is just a slump of rock after all, but what took her attention is the fact that she could feel the energy inside it transferring to her body, turning itself into both Ki, Aura and even Katamashī.


It wasn't a precise exchange by any means, she could feel the crystal's energy becoming lesser as it entered her body, and not only because of her fire.


That... is a surprise, she wasn't able to feel Dust energy even when it was inside her body, the maximum she could feel was her Ki inside it, nothing else.


'What is happening? Zenkai shouldn't be able to do this, so what is the reason for me being able to feel dust energy now.'


Yang continued to think as the green flames began to heal her body, she was so focused she failed to notice the white owl snuggling to her side, the mystery of the phenomenon happening before her taking all her attention.


'Dust is the Remnant from the previous humanity, from it Humans and Faunus were born, not only that but Dust crystals also appeared this way, how did I even forget this?!'


Yang slapped her forehead briefly startling the owl who after jumping in fright came back to snuggle with her inside the warm flames again, this time however it looked attentively at her face.


'Magic! Dust. Is. Magic. You. Goddam. Idiot! And so are you! Humans and Faunus were born from dust, the remnants of magic, the God of light said it himself, without their blessings mortals would only be a shell of their former selves.'


'Aura may be the power of the soul but it is most likely also a very limited form of magic, one that allows for one single spell, that's why dust is so reactive to it, me, every Human and Faunus on this planet are magical creatures!'


'Faunus even more than humans, their biology makes no goddam sense otherwise, I may not know how I am a Saiyan but I'm sure as hell know there's a history behind it, and my gut says it's not whatever took me here that did it.'


'It is not only possible but very much likely that I am a hybrid between Saiyan, Human, and Faunus, I know what a Human/Saiyan hybrid is capable of but adding a Faunus in it? It changed something.'


The green flame died down as it ended healing Yang's body, the only hint she was ever harmed being a small line in the place of the previous scar.


'Magic, it most likely gave me a talent for it, but what type? All of them? A specific one related to animals? Is it going to affect my transformations?'


Yang hummed as she unconsciously caressed the owl's head.


'Saiyans have an instinctive understanding of ki, the Zenkai boost strengthens a Saiyan every time they come back from near death after a fight, my body fought against Dust poisoning to keep me alive so perhaps I gained the ability to sense dust energy to avoid it in the future?'


'So, in theory, if I stab myself with dust, almost kill myself again, and get knocked out will my body gain the ability to control this energy? Is this how I gain magic? By stabbing myself with it? I know humans on Remnant don't have magic beyond their semblances.'


'The only way for them to gain magic is for either Salem or Ozma to gift it to them, but saiyans? It might be somewhat outside of their area of comfort but Saiyans can learn magic, meaning they have the ability to produce magical energy inside themselves much like ki.'


'So, in theory, I can very much be taught magic much like I can be taught how to swim, well... not that I can just walk to Ozpin and ask for him to teach me.'


Shaking her head Yang dismissed her thoughts, speculation could come later, now she has to leave this place.


Jumping she began stretching her body, flexing her muscles and punching the air playfully she nodded to herself and then smiled.


Just as she thought, she got stronger, and not by a small margin either, her first zenkai more than doubled her overall strength, the second, the one she just got, although not as strong increased her power level by more than 40%.


For a moment she froze, indecision gripped her mind, should... should she stay? She is tired sure but, can she truly afford to stop now?


Compared to when she arrived she is almost three times stronger, no, that's not right, it's more precise to say her Ki got almost three times more powerful.


Power levels are not straightforward she came to realize, the amount of destruction she can cause now compared to when she first entered the forest is astronomical if before she could destroy five story buildings in a second now she can destroy a city block in the same amount of time.


If her Ki control and mental balance were on the same level as someone like Roshi she'd be able to level ilands, but then again that only applied to Ki attacks, she came to realize that physical strength came much lower even at the same amount of power.


Although not as absurd as super saiyan goku not being able to lift some measly tons.


Not resistance though, she could take on much more power than she could release, although the dependence on ki makes it so her resistance fluctuates wildly depending on her reserves.


Something that now makes her realize how strong Grimm really are is if a simple one month old Beringel had the power to rip buildings apart with its bare fist then just how strong really were the Grimm of her Remnant?


Hence her dilemma, she had no illusion of her strength, she is weak, even now just her father would be able to wipe the floor with her face, but that could change, if she kept fighting, kept being beaten, kept getting up then there is a chance she can get strong enough in a very small amount of time.


This of course would stop working the moment strong enemies stop appearing but even then it should allow her to get absurdly strong, and it's not like she couldn't try to find places like the Ever After.


There should be planets with strong fighters in this universe, right? No, no, that doesn't matter now, what matters is the answer to some questions, ones that will determine her future.


Should she keep fighting? Keep challenging stronger opponents? Focus only on her strength? Abandon everything else in the pursuit of it?


Yes, without a shadow of a doubt, Remnant's future depends on her, her family depends on her, but there lies another question.


Does she want to keep fighting? Does she want to focus entirely on this?


Yes, and no.


A part of her just wants to kill more Grimm, get stronger while doing so, have some fun beating down the creatures of darkness and keep going until she reaches the level of strength of whatever the hell paralyzed her and then kill it in a all out death battle.


'This again.' Yang gritted her teeth.


Ever since waking up her mind has been going in circles always going back to that creature, if she had to describe it she'd say it's as if some part of her feels wronged, no, not wronged, more like... humiliated, humiliated at the mere act of running away to live another day.


Her fists tightened.


She didn't run, she knows that but her mind keeps nagging her, second after second, minute after minute, saying for her to go up there and punch that thing in the face, if for nothing more than to prove that she's not afraid of it.


Now that she thinks about it, this same part of her is the one that refused to allow her to open her eyes, to use Ki blasts in the fight against all those Grimm.


Thinking back on it, she didn't refuse to do either of those things because of some sense of honor, or even to keep her word to herself, no, while that was indeed part of it, the bigger one was that she didn't want to appear weak, not to herself.


There's a creature strong enough to kill her while she is training her senses? Ignore it, continue training, get stronger, don't back down, even if it kills you Do. Not. Give. It. A. Single. Inch, even if you die in the end take pride in not giving in.


And she would, wouldn't she? She'd die because she refused to retreat, Worse of all, even here, calm as she is, in her mind, she didn't regret it, if she had to do everything all over again she would not back down.


Even for her family's sake she would not have retreated, she can give her life to save her loved ones but her pride is not something she will ever allow to be tarnished.




'I suppose not everything is the fault of my Saiyan side after all, you don't have that excuse anymore Yang, even if you don't say it, you know what you are.'


Calming down she opened her firsts, bringing them closer to her face she saw the red marks rapidly disappearing.


This... anger she feels is no fault of an alien specie's instincts, it's hers, maybe her Saiyan side helped to fuel it, but this pride? This stubbornness? No, it didn't come from her Saiyan side, It came from her past life.


She passed through much, lost even more, gained nothing, was nothing, and worked towards nothing, she may have put the fault of her miserable life on her father but in her mind, she didn't think of herself as any better than a trash bag.


In this life, she changed, with the opportunity to live again she adopted a new philosophy, one brought to the extreme after she discovered her Saiyan biology, and so, she put high standards on herself.


She is part of a warrior race and so, she will be the best damm Saiyan there is, she trained, the hardest she could, studied Ki techniques, meditated on her creed, and took care of Ruby, a part deep inside her associating the girl with an image of her past self.


All the while she refused to be any less than what she set herself to be, even back then she'd rather die than break the expectations she set for herself.

And so, she is here now, still prideful, still stubborn, still strict with herself.


This side of her, although fueled by Saiyan Instincts is not the sole result of her biology.


This is her, just, who Yang Xiao-Long is, and she refuses to abandon herself, even with her defects, she still loves herself.


Still... another part of her is tired, she wants to go home, live her life in peace, meditate, create new techniques, strengthen her mind and just have fun with her family while she still can, how strong can Salem be anyway? It's not like she has the power to change reality right?


Tone it down, enjoy this new life, it's a blessing, be grateful for it, make connections, fix your mistakes, it's not too late, you can still be true to yourself while living the happy life you always dreamed of.


Yang lowered her hand and looked forward with a grim expression.


Both parts are very convincing, but in the end, she already knows the answer, if she were honest she always knew the answer.


She, Yang Xiao-Long the woman who has the potential to reach the gods, is afraid, she has been that way ever since she realized where she was.


At first she was calm, but then she began to overthink everything, is this really just Rwby? If so how do I have a tail? Is Zamasu out there? Is Zeno? Broly? Turllece?


With meditation she was able to put those thoughts to rest, for almost 2 years she never thought of them again, she had a plan, she knew the way to power, everything was fine, she'd be fine, and then... her tail got plucked out.


It took a day for her to realize what happened, and a week for fear to start gripping her mind, and then that fear turned to anger, and this anger served as fuel for desperation, one that made her enter forever fall, one that resulted in her being trapped in a cave hundreds of meters below sea level, one that almost made her kill a ten year old.


That, was scary, she didn't realize it until now but even when she stopped herself from blowing up that hospital she didn't do so out of some sense of right or wrong, no, she didn't do it simply because killing the boy wouldn't be worth the hassle.


Even now she doesn't feel any kind of empathy towards the boy, just the wish that she had aimed at his head, not his jaw.


She, needs to train yes, not her body, but her mind, she needs to have... Peace, her obsession with Ruby needs to end, her animosity towards Taiy- her father needs to end, if she doesn't find peace then... She will be consumed by her instincts becoming a sociopath will be her assured fate, and that will most likely open the way for her to become a psychopath.


In truth, many things need to happen before she feels comfortable in getting into a serious fight against Grimm again, but at the same time she just... Wants to give in.


Her Saiyan side proved time and time again to be the superior choice, she got stronger by relying on it, by giving on to it.


Maybe, for the sake of Remnant she should give in to it.


'No.' She... can't do it, not because of any moral reason but simply because she is afraid, not for others, no, but for herself, giving in would mean her death.


Yang Xiao-Long will die and something else will take her place, it will not be a physical death but a mental one, the death of her ego.


She is an amalgamation of two people and three races, she is the combination of all these things not just one of them, she isn't just a Saiyan, she is a Human, a Faunus, and a Saiyan.


In other words, she has no idea what to do, and so, she decided to do the simplest thing, go back to her home.


'I'll decide what to do then.'


Thinking about home Yang made a nervous expression.


'Dad must be worried sick, how long did I even spend in this place anyway?'


Giving a tired sigh Yang walked forward and took her scabbard together with the hilt, briefly she snapped the dust crystal out of the blade and put it in the scabbard again.


Looking sideways she mentioned for the small Owl to come.


"Lead the way."




Taking flight the bird did just that, Yang on the other hand simply followed it.


She passed through a small hallway and after some minutes finally got out, right at the same place she had fallen, looking left she could see blood, her blood on the ground, forming a trail leading towards where she left.


Looking at the lake she saw a long dark shape lurking below, her heart began to beat faster, for one moment she pondered jumping inside and fighting whatever was there but quickly discarded the idea, she had to go home.


'Fighting... Is surprisingly fun.' A random thought found its way into her head.


Yang's eyes fixed on the dark shape as she began to think back.


With the exception of the Beowulfs every fight she has been in since landing in Forever Falls, independently of how much she raged, got wounded, and neared death all of them were, in the end, extremely fun.


She was happy, truly happy, not just because she was mauling those creatures but also because she loved to use everything she learned to beat them, the rush each fight gave her is... Amazing.


Shaking her head Yang started to move her feet up and down frantically, she knows she should just fly back and be done with it but... That'd be such a waste.


A black creature suddenly jumped out of the water, its maw opened as it shot towards her, for one moment she was able to see the creature's full body.




It was long, like a snake's, its tail ended in a red fin with slight bone plates, its black body was adorned by red marks, its head possessed two horns curved frontally, it had a single pair of eyes and only the top of its face had any bone armor.


Yang was not surprised, she felt almost no feeling of danger coming from the creature, unconsciously she closed her left hand, when the snake-like Grimm came close enough she simply backhanded its face.




Yang did not look at the creature as its face shattered into a dozen pieces, neither did she look at it when its body tumbled wildly, skipping the water and hitting a collum not two seconds later, taking all the force of her punch the Grimm turned into ash.


No, instead she looked at the dust crystals the size of her body that started glowing brightly, seemingly not noticing what just happened.


'I know I should just be done with it, but even then, I can compromise.' looking to her right she saw a rock collum full of dust crystals, they too were glowing slightly, with a devious smile she approached.


Seeing the colors inside the crystals she started to think deeply.


FireWaterRock, and Plant dust are the four naturally occurring types of dust on Remnant meaning, Hard Light, Gravity, Lightning, Ice, Steam, Wind, and Combustion are artificial.


Meaning she has no idea how to make any of them, she could try to experiment but, she'd surely die, why? Well, the entire cave is brimming with dust energy


Sweat began to pour down her head, she could feel it, even while suppressing her senses the energy around her was so high she couldn't not feel it, in her mind she remembered an episode from season 7.


'Dust energy, it was said that if activated in a dense state it could vaporize everyone inside the cave, meaning this place is full of unmined Dust, meaning... I can use this place to train my energy sense and further complete my goal of absorbing dust energy!'


Truly, for a Saiy- Girl like Yang, anything could be turned into a training opportunity.


Reaching for the crystal she concentrated inside herself, she had never done this before so she doesn't know whether or not it will work.


Closing her eyes she spreads her Shī through her body, carefully she started to peel the energy, it was... Complicated, if she had to give a comparison it would be the same as trying to separate glitter from glue.


And just like someone trying to do it, she failed... Somewhat.


It was very small but she could feel her Ki and Aura returning.


'My control is not nearly enough to attempt something like this.' With a disappointed sigh she gave up, 2 years of ki control exercises were not enough to do something as complicated as reverting Katamashī to its component energies.


Opening her eyes again she made a small scalpel on her finger and started cutting the red piece of Crystal, only for the blade to get stuck and disappear not a second later


Yang frowned, she felt her Ki disappearing into the Crystal shard, for a second she pondered at what had happened, not a moment later, she came up with an answer.


'Katamshī, even with the green fire my ki is still low, and my shī  is now the abundant energy inside me, being so reactive to dust most likely made the crystal attempt to reach it, my shī did the same and as a result, pushed my Ki out resulting in it being absorbed, I've never thought having 3 different types of energy could result in such problems arising.'


Yang sighed, of course, there would be problems, she should have taken the hint when she failed to turn aura into Ki but was able to do the contrary.




Looking left Yang saw the white owl looking at her with a piece of fire dust in its mouth, crouching down she opened her palm below its beak and let it drop the shard.


The owl did just that and started to move its head up and down, smiling slightly Yang petted the bird.


"Thank you little fella, although I can't keep calling you 'it' in my head, so what's your name?"


Taking the bird on her palm she started looking around its body, after some seconds she found a small lace tied around its leg, bringing it closer she read the thing.


"So your name is Miss Beaks hmn, cute."


Yang petted Beaks on the head again.


"So little miss can you do me a favor?"




"Yes, I'll need you to take those crystals for me, can you do that?"




"Why can't I do it? Well, if I try those things will start absorbing my energy and probably explode this entire cave, so I can't even fly to be honest, last time I did that everything became a little bit brighter."


"And I'm stronger now, meaning I need to train my Ki control even more, what a drag, but I suppose getting stronger so fast has its disadvantages."




Beaks hooted and flew toward one of the crystals.


Smiling Yang took her scabbard, inspecting it she took note of the cylinder at its center, turning it around she tapped on the back of the device, resulting in the cylinder moving slightly but coming back to its place not a second later.




Frowning she looked at the scabbard's handle searching for something to help her, three seconds later she found a small black block with a padlock shape, clicking it she heard a small clicking noise coming from the side.


Nodding, she took the cylinder in her hand and pushed, just as she expected it came off.






Putting the scabbard to the side she took the cylinder with both her hands and tried to twist its top and bottom, but nothing happened.


Changing her position she took the thing in the middle and tried to push it, but again nothing happened.


Scratching her head Yang looked at the thing closely again, looking at its top she saw what looked like a thread taking in on her hand she twisted in the reverse way she did before, and slowly the top came off.


Biting her lips she shook her head and looked inside the cylinder, at the center she saw what could only be the space where the blade was made, at its sides she saw many colored... cartridges? and on them, many types of dust.


She had to suppress her curiosity so as to not start disassembling the thing, putting the chamber's top on the ground she took the green cartridge out.


Pushing it made her realize just how big the thing truly is, the better way to describe its appearance would be to compare it to a ticker piece of paper in a rectangular form.


Looking inside the cylinder she counted a total of four of these cartridges for each dust type with the exemption of gravity and fire dust.


Looking closely she discovered what they truly were.




Yes, the objects inside the scabbard are not cartridges but blades, unsharpened ones at that.


So that is why it takes three seconds, they weren't being printed, they were being sharpened, but still, this didn't change her current problem.


Yang had no idea how to refuel the thing, but she still had to try, without the ability to use Ki, Aura, and Even Shī without possibly blowing the entire cave up she has to rely on dust to fight strong opponents.


Using her peripheral vision she took one shard of plant dust Beaks had put on the ground, this time however she covered her hand with the small amount of Ki she had, blocking most of her Shī from being absorbed.


Without any hesitation, she crushed the small piece of dust in her hand.







Not feeling an explosion going off in her hand she sighed in relief, not a moment later she sprinkled the crystal turned powder on the blade.


Looking closely she didn't see anything happening.


Using her shī she infused the blade with energy, and just as she expected it the dust began to glow, she only stopped seconds later, when the glow died down she was able to see that the powder had disappeared.


Using her senses she was able to feel that the energy inside the cartridge had increased drastically.


Sighing in relief she looked at the pile of crystals at her side.


"Gotta do this now am I right?"


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Crystal Cave/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 5:27 PM]


Putting the last fire dust blade on the Cylinder Yang assembled the scabbard again and put it on her hip.


Taking a look at the fireplace she splashed water on it and took one last bite on the rat's burned corpse.


While crushing dust her stomach had growled, without noticing, 5 minutes later Miss Beaks had borough her a rat.


She just used some fire dust to light up a fire and roast the corpse, in her mind food is food, nothing else.


Checking herself one last time Yang made sure everything was properly strapped.


Nodding to herself she looked up and without any wait jumped towards the collum.


Gripping the stone wall firmly she made sure she was stable before starting to escalate, Miss Beaks on the other hand simply rested on her shoulder.


As she pushed herself up Yang started to feel the strain, each Dust crystal she passed glowed as it absorbed small amounts of her Shī.


Her Ki veil helped in blocking the draining effect but it too took much strength from her.


Her main way of defense was to cover her skin with Ki, something the dust Crystals couldn't absorb, no, it's not right to say they couldn't, more like they preferred to take her Shī instead.


She had a hunch that if she used more Ki to protect herself that would not be the case.


Taking that in mind she covered her entire body in a veil of Ki, but at the same time, due to her Ki level being so low, she was unable to put much strength behind it.


Even worse if her Ki veil blocked too much, the dust Crystals would simply strengthen their rate of absorption, if she didn't know better she'd think they were sentiment.


As a solution she made small holes through the veil, allowing small amounts of Shī to pass through.


But... she can't keep it up, if she does she'll fall before managing to reach the top.


And so she took that as an opportunity to train, she'd control both her Ki and Shī to stay inside her body at all times, and slowly she would manage to retain her energy, when that happens she will be able to fly away from the cave. Bun


If she fails, she falls to her death, the crystals most likely will drain her of all energy, leaving her as a lifeless husk.


She didn't care too much, weirder things than a rock tried to kill her before, like a black, muscular monkey for example.


Stopping at the top of the collum she held herself with her legs and stuck her fingers at the ceiling, releasing her leg she stood there for a second, looking down she saw the bottom of the cave, falling there at this height wouldn't kill her, but it would make her have to do everything all over again.


Moving her arms she started to move through the ceiling, every time she did so her fingers hurt, without the enhancement of Ki she didn't have her normal strength, but still, she managed to pierce the rocky ceiling with her fingers, even if every time she did so her skin got scratched.


Reaching the border of the ceiling she prepared to jump, to continue she will have to both jump and twist her body back to grip the walls properly.


Trying to find a good place to anchor herself to gain impulse she gripped a small black rock.




The thing in her hand suddenly squeaked, reacting on reflex she threw it away, just for it to twist in the air and begin to flap its wings, turning around the thing looked directly at her.


"Ravager." Yang recognized the bat-like Grimm immediately.






The creature screamed as it shot toward her at an unnatural speed, her danger sense warned her of imminent danger.


Even after losing track of the Grimm, Yang paid no mind to it, instead, her thoughts wandered toward her senses.


'Interesting, so my senses do not warn me if something dangerous is close, only if it has any intention of harming me, meaning traps are not things I can sense, nor enemies not aware of me.'


Smiling she clicked on the red block of her scabbard.


Sticking her fingers on the ceiling again Yang pushed her entire body up, narrowing dodging the Ravager's charge.


Wasting no time she moved her body back and forth shooting herself forward, using a small amount of Shī she stopped mid-air, twisted her body and gripped the stone wall, briefly, she felt her shī being absorbed by the dust Crystals below.


Using all the strength in her arms she began jumping on the wall, taking impulse each time and moving upward the fastest she could, Miss Beaks simply stood glued to her shoulder as she did so.




Her danger sense flared as various small pockets of danger approached, she didn't look back and simply continued to escalate the cave as fast as she could, her objective was already visible in the form of a small hole she could use to make a stand.


'100, no, 130 meters.'


Feeling something coming behind her Yang quickly jumped to the right, just in time to dodge a ravager, the creature, unable to move fast enough went through the rock wall, punching a perfect-sized hole in it while doing so.


Yang's heart beat faster, when trying to find a cave she expected to find older and more powerful Grimm, and while she found it she forgot one crucial detail.


The Grimm are creatures of destruction, they seek to destroy all of human and faunus kind, these creatures unless ordered to would only stay at a cave like this for a short amount one time, one to two years would be her guess.


This inherently means that only some Grimm are old enough to pose a threat to her, or at least that is what an idiot like her would think.


Not all grimm are built for strength, no, much like the ravagers, some are built for power, or as the phrase goes, a 'glass cannon'.


Yang's eyes widened as the ravager got out of the hole in the wall and looked directly at her, she could feel the familiar hate all Grimm exulted being released by the small creature as it took flight and shot its body toward her in a speed that should not be feasible.


Drawing her sword she quickly slashed at the small Grimm, when she did so a crescent white arc of energy shot towards the creature, cutting it in half.


Yang breathed heavily, she was in no condition to fight, attempting to reinforce her body would only make it so her Shī was drained faster.


Even worse, by using that Ki slash the blade began to absorb her Shī, fortunately, it wasn't as strong as the crystals on the walls.




Hearing more ravagers approaching Yang quickly put the sword in the scabbard and jumped, this time she didn't bother to firm herself before advancing and instead just caved her fingers on the wall before propelling herself up.


Five Ravagers shot themselves at her, she was forced to jump diagonally to dodge the first, moving rapidly she ripped a small rock out of the wall and threw at the second, not managing to cause much damage but forcibly throwing the creature from its path.


The third managed to take a glancing hit on her left arm, forcing her to stop for a second, the fourth took advantage and hit the back of her right leg, breaking the armored guard.


The small amount of aura she had and the thin veil of Ki were the only things that stopped the creature from going right through and taking her leg together with it.


Her leg screamed in pain, it was enough to make her lose a small amount of strength and fall for a moment before she managed to catch herself.


The fifth soon followed but was instantly dispatched as she slashed at it with her blade.


Hearing the small creatures inside the wall and feeling even more of them coming Yang knew she couldn't keep up.


"Go girl!"




Miss Beaks flew out of her shoulder and dashed towards the offending Grimm, the owl refused to move before she gave an order, either she was strictly trained or she knew Yang didn't want any kind of help while training.


She would never give up her training of course, sensing both danger pockets and dust energy while keeping a tight control of her Katamashī and trying to shield herself with small amounts of Ki is by far the best training she could ever receive.


Still, she kept her head on the objective, and so she changed tactics.


Putting her sword on the scabbard she clicked the purple block and without wait, pushed her body up, this time however she couldn't use one of her legs as support and so had to use even more strength on her arm.




More Ravagers arrived, this time however Yang didn't bother reacting to them, instead, she kept moving up the fastest she could.




Miss Beaks cut a Ravager open with her talons and immediately rushed to meet another as a spherical shield surrounded her just in time to protect against the attack of another Ravager.


"Go Girl you can do it! Just 97 meters left and we're out of here!"




Yang dodged to the left just as a volley of Grimm hit the place she was, unfortunately for her the rock she jumped towards was in actuality a piece of fire dust.


Reacting rapidly she stopped herself from breaking the piece of dust, she could crush small pieces of it because of the small amount of energy but the ones bigger than her palm would surely explode if she did as much as scratch them slightly.


Opening her palm she tried to grip the dust crystal to support her, the moment she did so the crystal detached from the wall.


A cold feeling passes through her body as the world around her seemed to freeze, a weird fuzzy sensation took hold of her stomach as she began to fall.


Miss Beaks rushed to her.




Suddenly Yang came back to herself, drawing her sword she stuck the blade on the wall, managing to stop her fall just in time to avoid falling to her death.


Acting quickly she pushed her body up and stuck the fingers of her free hand on the wall, she stopped herself from flinching as they were once again cut, small pools of blood were already forming on them.


The walls of the cave were not normal, in her mind she theorized it had something to do with Rock dust.


Another group of Ravagers passed through the place she was in, just to hit Miss Beaks' shield and fall not a second later.


Using all her strength Yang jumped up while pushing her sword out of the wall, twisting her body she positioned herself in a way where her feet touched the wall.


In a brief moment she closed her eyes and concentrated, she knew if she tried to fly the dust crystals would absolutely drain her until she died, so, she made a plan.


Covering her arm and the Blade in a thin veil of Ki she transferred a small amount of Shī to the blade, this way she protected her Shī while at the same time allowing for the blade to absorb as much as she wished.


Her feet touched the wall just as the Gravity Dust on the blade began to glow.


Pointing it toward the wall Yang waited for a single second, something the ravagers took advantage of immediately.


Dashing from below the shot toward her, her danger sense flared, and with a small amount of faith, the took impulse on the wall and jumped, ignoring the pain in her leg she looked down, well... At least, her 'down'.


Even as she saw the Ravagers pass through the place she was in her heart began to beat faster, for one second she thought her plan had failed, until, suddenly, she began to fall back toward the wall.


The Ravagers in front of her tried to circle back but were killed as Miss Beaks formed a cone-shaped shield and slammed them.


Landing with a gigantic smile on her face she threw her arms up.


"Uhuuu-Oh, Ohhhhh!"


Yang screamed as the sword pushed her back, acting quickly she brought her arms down pointing the sword's end to the wall.


She breathed heavily but kept a smile on her face, it worked!


Her plan was to use gravity dust to completely alter her personal gravity so she'd be able to walk on the wall without needing to use her flight, something that combined with her training would overwhelm her mind.


Reacting rapidly she dodged to the right, just in time to evade another ravager, the action caused her to move the blade down making her fall slightly.


"Oh oooooh!"


Almost falling Yang pointed the sword toward the wall again, fixing her center of gravity her leg still hurt but her Shī slowly worked on healing it, even now she refused to accelerate the process, even if minuscule it made her stronger and so she would not stop utilizing it.


Not wanting to waste more time Yang began to run up the wall, behind her the Grimm followed.


Feeling them get closer Yang had an idea, rapidly twisting her body she slashed at the Ravagers behind her, only managing to cut one's wing, making it lose control and hit another coming right below.


The first died immediately while the second lost its balance and hit its head on the wall, without its rapid speed it didn't manage to penetrate rock instead it simply went down with a broken wing.


Being an easy pickling Miss Beaks immediately killed it with her talons.


Yang continued to run, putting the sword in her left hand she quickly turned around and swatted another ravager with the back of her hand, her gauntlet making it so her bones wouldn't shatter when doing so.


Turning around she began to run once again, only to feel something hitting her shin guard, not stopping she looked down, just to see what she could only describe as a mini Deathstalker.




Lifting her leg she took the Grimm's tail and threw it back, hitting a group of Ravagers in their faces and sending them falling down.


"You're not that guy little buddy, you're not that guy." She mocked the small Grimm as she continued to run, on the corner of her vision she saw small shapes approaching.


There were too many of them for her senses to properly count but she could feel at least 4 different types each one of them posing a threat to her life.


Veins popped up on her head as she lost her calm.


"Ahhhhh! You fuckers are lucky I want all this dust for the future! Just 53 more!"


Putting the sword in a diagonal position she took impulse and began to run even faster, the blade glowed brighter as she put more of her shī into it, she knew it was just a matter of time for it to break.


Yang slashed down as small worm-like Grimm approached, seeing small shards flying off the blade she abandoned her offensive stance.


"BEAKS!" Hearing her call the owl immediately went towards her and landed on her shoulder, without any explanation she closed her eye and put her hand above Beaks' own.


Putting all the Shī she could into the blade her body was flung upwards, the world around her turned purple as the sword glowed with enough intensity to blind anyone who looked at it.




Including the Grimm who were forced to either shield their eyes or turn around.


In a second Yang flew 50 meters up, but her ride ended there, the blade suddenly exploded together with the huge amount of Shī inside it.


The next second Yang felt huge chunks of her energy being taken as she did not stop sending Shī toward the blade, when she realized her mistake it was already too late, a rainbow of light surged from every direction.


RedBlueGreenand Brown exploded with the intensity of a bomb, her hair became static as the temperature both increased and decreased tremendously.


Had she been able to open her eyes Yang would see lightning bolts running across the air, the world turned chaotic as Grimm screamed and died not seconds later.


Rocks exploded and fell to the lake below as small typhoons formed randomly in the air, purple spheres of energy appeared and disappeared without rhythm or reason, small and big explosions destroyed the cave resulting in the destruction of even more dust crystals causing the already chaotic situation to become even more chaotic.


The Dust energy became so dense it began to spontaneously mix in a battle of attrition that created the phenomenons of artificial dust types, something only possible to happen in a area extremely saturated in dust energy.


Yang couldn't see anything, but she could feel her danger sense screaming at her from all directions, she had to leave now before an unfortunate accident happened to her.


Suddenly she felt her energy stop being absorbed, not feeling the light behind her eyes she opened them curiously.


Around her she could see a green shield, taking her hand out of Beaks' face she looked at the hole not five meters away, both her Ki, Shī, and Aura had been drained to the limit, in mere seconds, she had underestimated the power behind the dust crystals and paid for it.


Flying would allow her to get close to the hole in the wall but it alone would not be enough to reach it.


With no options left she had to improvise, using the pitiful amount of Ki inside her she moved her hand behind her and formed a thin, circular, almost transparent sphere.


Not a second later she exploded the thing, making the air crack with enough force to send her tumbling directly toward the hole in the cave, but it wasn't enough, using the last of her Ki she shot herself toward it, finally, tumbling, and with nothing but blurs in her vision she managed to reach the small cave.


Acting quickly Miss Beaks left Yang's shoulder and slammed herself on the ceiling with such force the cave began to collapse.


Without any wait, the small Owl returned to Yang's side as if nothing had happened.


The Saiyan girl on the other hand simply stood there on the ground, breathing heavily as she felt exhaustion take hold of her body.


Seeing this Miss Beaks pecked her face.




Using the remainder of her strength Yang pushed herself up, using the wall as support she sat on the ground.


Looking down she saw the remaining pieces of her shin guard clinging to her leg, to her right she saw her scabbard.


She wasted no time, breaking the leftover gravity dust on Bodement's hilt she put it inside the scabbard and clicked on the green block.


Three seconds later she took the blade out and promptly burst into green flames.




Taking advantage of the situation Beaks snuggled close to her, looking at the cute owl Yang smiled.


"If I had any strength I'd pet you buddy."




"I have no idea what Owls eat though."




"Where am I going to find fish?"




"Don't be snarky with me missy."


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