Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

8- Interlude Raven/Ozpin 1/2

So, I'm taking some things from RWBY: The Grimm Campaign, the thing is I'm not paying to see this thing so I don't have much information on it, meaning I have to go to the wiki so, sorry in advance for any mistakes.


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Kuchinashi/ Raven Branwen: 34 Years old 11:27 AM]

Raven walked calmly in the streets of Kuchinashi, a murderous expression married her face as she was unable to hold on to her calm facade.

The shithole some dare call a city is simply a place for the worst of Mistral to gather and conduct their business, a place full of thieves and assassins, a place so foul that if a normal person entered and saw what happened inside its walls they would never be able to sleep again.

If they even managed to leave that is.

Or at least that is what most people in Remnant would say, the truth, however, changed a mere month ago with the arrival of the entire Branwen Clan.

Previously a simple Clan of petty scum 7 years ago Raven Branwen took over her clan and transformed it into something completely different.

What exactly most would not be able to tell, mercenaries, freedom fighters, terrorists, or simply a bunch of insane people who got into too many fights, with both Grimm, Human, and Faunus, most if not all of them to the death.

For the scum of Kuchinashi however that did not matter, what does matter is the fact the Branwen tribe came to the city a month ago and made a bloodbath.

Previously two gangs controlled the city, The Wave Syndicate and the Hana Guild.

The wave dealt in stolen goods from Atlas and other kingdoms as many would later learn they also sold artifacts, magical ones found in ruins and mountains.

Particularly, their leader Lemon possessed an artifact, a magic necklace that allowed him to control Grimm from great distances.

Raven took the thing from his decapitated head after destroying his so-called 'army' with a Ki blast, although she doubted the artifact could ever overpower Salem it could still be useful in other situations, so she kept it with her.

Then there was the Hana Guild, led by Vermillion Raddock, a fortunate encounter that allowed Raven to find her target.

The man's semblance allowed him to touch someone and make them share their aura with him, his power level barely reached the thousands.

The witch could have found a way to harness their potential but no matter what a saiyan will always be more powerful.

The idiot believed himself invincible with his power, she proved to him how useless it was when she gripped his skull and fried his brain while reading his mind.

Another, impressive use for her Ki, 30 Years being trained by her mother and even now they don't know the full extent of the damn thing.

But that doesn't matter, what matters is what she found out after reading his mind, the bastard was a part of Salem's inner circle -or at least believed himself to be- sent to the city to find magical artifacts.

She didn't take any chances and killed every member of both gangs with extreme prejudice, granted, that might have been because of another tidbit of information she gained and not her being careful, but she doubted anyone cared for the difference.

Her daughter, Yang had her tail ripped out from her by a 10-year-old boy, she remembered being furious at the time, had Yang not shattered the boy's jaw she would have killed the little shit.

But something rubbed her wrong, while yes the tails of her family are their weakness if not properly trained they are not so weak as to be ripped out by children.

Neither does the tails of her family become impossible to reattach after mere hours.

She investigated, and outside of the boy having his aura unlocked she found nothing, so she left it aside, Yang's tail would grow back in a month or two anyway.

She had to discount her anger on some Grimm but in the end, she managed to calm down enough not to murder a family, her daughter's tail would grow again, she just had to wait and ask Qrow to train her for that to never happen again.

It didn't, her tail didn't grow back, even worse, it didn't even give a hint of doing so even after the first week, she found it extremely suspicious, and the situation was starting to stress her out.

She kept feeling Yang's state through her Semblance [Bond] and it kept getting worse, the girl didn't trust anyone besides Summer's daughter and her anger just kept rising together with her desperation.

It was obvious to her that her daughter loved her tail very, very much, not that she is any different, she can't imagine her life without hers or even what she'd do if someone just ripped it out.

Probably torture them, yes she'd probably do that.

Tai can say whatever he wants about her but she is not the type of parent to not give a damn about what her daughter is feeling.

Still, she had no leads, at least until she read the mind of Vermillion.

Still suspicious about that boy she started searching for his parents, tracking them was annoying, no one in the tribe had a specialization in it, something she briefly noted to change in the future.

Her search brought her to the city and her investigation hinted at the two of them having some kind of relationship with the Hana Guild.

So she did the only reasonable thing and beat the shit out of every gang in the city, she didn't know who was who and so she had to treat everyone as an enemy.

The only reason she realized Vermillion was the leader was that she read the mind of everyone she beat.

By that time the man was the last one left, he loved to talk shit while fighting, the fight didn't last two seconds before she fried his brain while reading his mind.

And after she did she became Furious.

Salem, SALEM of all monsters, was targeting her family, at first, after getting out of her rage-filled state and massacring every breathing creature/scum in the city she began to think more deeply.

According to that piece of trash, under the orders of Salem, he sent a boy, the son of two psychopaths who liked to dismember animals to kill Yang.

Yes, kill her, not rip her tail out, kill her, and he'd do it with his semblance.

His little semblance, called [Pluck] allowed him to pluck limbs out of anyone he touched, gained after continuously dismembering small animals in his yard the boy had the perfect power to kill anyone not attentive enough in a second.

He didn't cut the thing off as much as he separated the space between them, the limbs could still be moved, just not felt.

The problem came when he deactivated his semblance, the space connecting the parts disappeared, meaning that now someone without a head would start gushing out blood and die in seconds.

By some miracle, her daughter managed to gather strength and shatter the boy's jaw before he had the chance to end her.

She investigated even deeper, sending her entire tribe to the case, what she found was… concerning, to say the least.

The boy's parents weren't his actual parents, his home life wasn't normal by any means, and his documents? forged.

Salem is a monster, an absolute unfeeling and cruel abomination, a 40 thousand-year-old witch that didn't flinch at anything because she did most likely everything she could under the sun.

A woman of that age is not an idiot, she experimented with millions of things, human and faunus included, if knowledge were a contest Salem would be first, followed by Ozpin.

The woman knows how humans think, how they work, and most importantly she knows how aura works, how semblances form.

And in her great mind, she decided to open orphanages throughout Remnant, ordering Grimm to destroy settlements kill all the adults and leave the children.

Then she would choose certain people from her, not so small cult to raise these children, a plan fit for an abomination like her.

It was all an act, the parents? the actors, the child? the unknowing marionette, and Salem? the master of all, giving very specific orders to her slaves the monster controlled the environment where the children were raised.

Molding them to her liking, but not to transform them into her servants, no, but to control what Semblance these children would get.

Mind control, Space manipulation, Damage Reflection, Absolute Attack, Absolute defense, she could get anything she wanted, and they? 'Ozpin's Circle' would never know what hit them.

The only reason her daughter didn't die was because the little shit decided he wanted to play with her for a little bit, and paid the price.

She wanted to kill the boy when she found out, she was sure if his semblance was deactivated her daughter's tail would regrow, it would hurt but it was for her own good.

But… she decided not to do it, yet… If she killed the boy his 'Parents' would be alerted and so, she relayed everything she learned to Ozpin.

The man didn't sound surprised at his ex-wife's actions but she didn't really give a damn, she demanded payment for the info, in the form of access to his spy network.

Not a month later the boy's parents were dragged to her new city, beaten to near death by the agents she sent, she found humor in the fact didn't need to order them to do it.

When she remade the tribe she had to get rid of some troublesome figures but after it she made sure to instill in the remaining ones the importance of family.

Just like her Ma taught her.

And that is what the tribe became, a family, not something her mother wanted to happen but still something she allowed, an adult or not Raven could still receive a beating from the woman.

For the old hag, the tribe served just as meat shields.

Raven isn't a cruel woman, she wasn't raised to be cruel, she was raised to be strong, and independent from anyone but herself.

Her training was hellish but she didn't complain, her Mother knew she could handle it, and if she couldn't she'd train her to the point she could.

It was not uncommon for her to come back from training with a broken body, mistakes were normally punishable with a heavy fist, or feet, or knee, or, well, many things.

She understood it, she really did, her mother loved her, and wanted her to be the strongest she could be, she never complained, even then her Ma explained herself.

'In the crucible of training, kindness can be the downfall of progress, shielding one from the necessary challenges that forge true strength.'

Or so she said, and she believes in her but even then that doesn't mean she wanted to make Yang pass through the same, she never had the heart to harm her own family, no matter what, no matter where.

The girl was born with a mere 10 Power level, she'd never be able to make it through.

Hell, she was born with 170 and almost didn't make it, so no, she wasn't going to train Yang, and she surely didn't want her mother to catch the girl.

The hag wouldn't be cruel, but she believed too much in rough love and most of all, she would never allow her granddaughter to be a weakling.

Raven didn't have the same problem, her daughter could be the weakest creature on the planet and as long as she was happy she would be content, she would love her just the way she was.

So, she left Yang, and lied to her Ma, the woman has no idea she even has a granddaughter.

She doesn't want Yang to fight, she would be happy if the girl gained strength and became powerful but even after two years of training she only managed to gain a pitiful 58 Battle Power.

That only made her will grow more, she promised herself one single thing after leaving, she'd fight the darkness of Remnant, just so she can create a world where her daughter doesn't need to be strong.

And then, she failed that, her daughter almost died without her being able to do anything about it, her semblance didn't even go off, Premonition wasn't able to warn her of it.

She was too far away, too distracted.

Oh, she trained so it would, for an entire month she trained as if her life depended on it, in that time her power level got from 35.208 to 37.987, just yesterday she managed to implement Premonition with her Semblance.

Meaning that now she can identify if anyone Bonded to her is in danger and at what level, low, medium, mortal, she'd know everything, she also made sure to check on her more frequently every day, her semblance allowing her to view her daughter remotely.

She, as a Branwen, kills her enemies in an efficient way, making them suffer was pointless, she preferred to just kill them quickly but for those two? She made sure even their brainwashed little brains could feel fear and agony like never before.

She killed them not five minutes ago, frying their brains while reading their minds, she didn't find much, but a specific piece of information managed to both enrage and worry her a great deal.

Salem knows her family's power and most likely their origin.

Oh, she knows the history, how the first of their line arrived on Remnant 84 Years ago, how it transformed under the power of the moon, how that same moon used to be mostly whole before the great war.

How that bastard named Binas raped as many women as he could, just to kill the ones that got pregnant, but he wasn't smart, had he been she wouldn't be here.

One girl managed to run, one named Acacia, who later on had a daughter named Popura who in the Year 49 had twins with a faunus that died before she gave birth.

Raven and Qrow Branwen were then birthed into the world, decades later and here she is, with enough power to obliterate remnant dozens of times over.

And still not powerful enough to even protect her family from a suicidal old hag.

Her eyes burned with anger as she kept walking mindlessly, all the passersby around hurriedly ran from her as her Ki spread through the air leaving a tense atmosphere behind.

She wasn't angry at anyone besides herself, she failed the sole thing she set out to do, the only thing that justified her leaving her daughter even while crying tears of blood.

That failure proved something to her, that everything she did, every sacrifice she forced herself to commit, was pointless, she hid her daughter for nothing, abandoned her for nothing, and gave up on her for nothing.

But, she still had hope, there is still time for her to fix things, she lost so much time, but it isn't over just yet, a Branwen doesn't give up.

And maybe Yang didn't give up on her too.

Yes, she'll go meet her daughter later today, talk to her, explain some things, and maybe, maybe the girl will want to come back with her.

The training will be hard and might not even result in much but she'd much prefer to have her daughter beside her than away from her.

But before that, she has to find out what Ozpin is hiding about her Race, specifically what is so special about her family's tail.

'He knows something, I don't know for sure but I'm almost certain he was the one to kill Binas.

'King Ozymandias fought and Killed the Apocalyptic level Grimm that destroyed the moon but died doing so my ass, that fucker was probably the one that destroyed the moon with his fancy sword.'

Raven sighed.

'Salem knows about my family, and Ozpin knows much more, I don't believe for one second he was the one that made that scouter, it's far too different from his other creations.'

Without noticing she arrived at the door of Kuchinashi's college.

Looking up, she thought about the pros and cons of bringing Yang with her here, she'd first have to kill the rest of the Scum in the city, maybe she could even offer to take those rescued orphans just so she could have some friends.

Yes, she can-

Suddenly her Semblance pinged, she didn't need any further warning, her daughter is in danger.

Wasting no time she teleported, one moment she was in front of the school, the other she was in a forest.

'Forever falls?'

For one moment she was confused, something that quickly dissipated as she saw her daughter, having her foot being bitten by a beringel.

Had she been younger she would have frozen at the sight, but not nowadays, no, anger surged from her as her eyes became bloodshot, her rage so high the Beringel momentarily stopped biting on her daughter's feet to look at her.

Raven quickly drew her sword, her Ki instinctually increased as her rage skyrocketed, with murder in her eyes and a killing intent so dense one could cut through it she bent her legs and prepared to dash forward.


Only to freeze as she saw her daughter throw a chunk of her Ki into a blast of energy strong enough to break the Beringel's jaw, and throw its body back.

Seeing her daughter jump back her mind suddenly sped up as she debated what to do.

She doesn't understand how or why Yang is on Forever Falls, much less how she managed to find a Beringel but at the moment she knows it doesn't matter.

Her daughter is in danger, and that is all she cares about, the rest comes later.

She tensed as she prepared to advance once again.

"Garlic Ho!"

A purple aura briefly shone around Yang as she brought her arms forward and threw a Ki blast towards the Grimm.

Raven watched as it exploded on the Grimm's face, throwing it even further away.

She stopped, with a curious expression on her face the world slowed down as she approached Yang, looking closely at her she saw the wound on her foot, it was deep enough for her to see the girl's bones.

Her expression turned angry, she snapped her head at the Beringel and pointed two fingers at it, forming a red Ki sphere.

She hesitated, looking back at Yang and her enraged expression, memories of her infancy found their way into her mind, a lesson she never learned showed itself once again as her rage at the creature only increased

With a tired sigh, she brought her arm down and began walking away.

She wanted to kill the thing, she really did, but she knows better, this… experience could serve to harden Yang, and for that, she'll give her daughter a chance, one to prove herself.

When Yang was born she didn't believe she would amount to anything, it was not like she disliked her daughter, god, no, she loved her from the moment she held her but when she saw that she was born with just 10 Battle Power she knew she had no talent.

But it all could change, at the very least up until she reached her third anniversary, there was still time, she could still be a powerful warrior.

Her hopes were for naught, nothing changed, 3 years old and with a power level of 12 her daughter showed no interest in fighting or even training.

Her Ma had said it, how a Brawen is born is how they will live, no one in her family was ever born with a power level less than 100, at least until Yang came.

The brat didn't show any talent to it either, it didn't matter if she could learn how to punch and kick 100 times faster than anyone else or make some fancy techniques, the girl didn't have the talent necessary to get stronger, and that sealed her fate.

Maybe she heard it too much, maybe her mother hammered it into her head to the point where she just accepted it as truth but she simply gave up on her daughter ever getting anywhere.

And maybe that is true, maybe her Ma knows best but… this time, just this time, she will give her daughter a chance, a chance to live up to her family name.

Suppressing her Ki she sat down on a tree branch and looked at the fight.

'Don't disappoint me… Little Dragon, please.'

She sighed one last time before adjusting her perception, as she did so, the world returned to normal.

She watched as Yang landed on a tree and began healing herself, the sight of her wounds slowly healing brought a complicated expression to her face, but in the end, she relented, she's faster than lightning, if anything happens she'll act.

Even more, she has the magic artifact, she can simply control the Grimm if something bad happens.

She stood there, immobile as she watched the fight unfold, Premonition kept at the back of her mind as she prepared to act at any moment, if her senses go off she will kill the Grimm and then beat the living shit out of her daughter for being such an idiot.

Her eyes briefly widened as she saw Yang shoot herself toward the Beringel, her Power level increasing to an absurd level as red and black flames surrounded her fists.

PL 58 → 101

She blinked, she… she had never seen anything like this before, in her 34 years of life had she ever seen someone's power level increase like that.

Did… did her daughter create a technique to increase her strength? Was that even possible?

Her heart skipped a beat as a smile bloomed on her face, a weird feeling spread throughout her body, it was weird, she had only felt this towards herself, but now she was feeling it for someone else.

'Is… is this pride?'

While in her state of mind, the fight did not stop, suddenly, without warning the downed Grimm gripped Yang's head.

Her heart sped up in concern for Yang, her muscles tensed as red flames began to leave her eyes, worry gripped her mind, but she did not act.

Premonition did not tell her to, so she did not, years of meditation were the only thing impeding her from simply destroying the Beringel.

Crack* Creak* Crack*

Her heart skipped a beat as she heard bones being cracked, Yang's entire body contorted as wounds appeared out of nowhere.

She shot up, her sword drawn as she gripped its handle tighter, all it would take is a swing, just one and it will be over.

Yang trashed on the Beast's grip as she tried to free herself.

Premonition said nothing, no sign of mortal danger whatsoever even as the monster began to slam her daughter on the ground her technique did not warn her of anything besides grave injuries.

Raven held herself, weirdly the scene in front of her made her feel some kind of… nostalgia? memories flowed in her mind as she remembered the first time she fought against a Grimm.

It was… hard, she almost died multiple times and when it was over she couldn't even walk, her Ma had to carry her to camp and heal her, the woman was hidden nearby, if anything happened she'd intervene.

She admitted it herself while looking disappointed at her the next day, she'd only save her if she was in mortal danger or about to receive permanent damage.

She gained her first scar that day, on her shoulder where the manticore almost bit her arm off, she didn't win, her mother had to kill the monster for her.

It was a harsh training, but even so if she had to go back in time and do it again, she would, that fight taught her much, mainly that she has to rely only on herself.

Most importantly, it taught her the meaning of the word humiliation, that and disappointment, at herself for not being able to kill that thing and needing to be saved.

She cried, she genuinely cried because for the first time since she was born that day.

The feeling of worthlessness she felt at not being able to kill a creature that existed in the thousands through Remnant even while being part of the strongest race on the planet was something that hurt more than any would ever could, the none ever did.

She trained as hard as she could for an entire month, she abused plant dust the maximum she could and would never stop until her body failed her.

The only time she slept was when she fell knocked out cold, the memory of losing to a creature she considered pathetic kept her alive through what no sane person would ever call anything but torture.

A month after her defeat she sneaked away at night, just to search for another manticore to fight.

It took hours to find one, and when she did she killed it not ten minutes later, the amount of satisfaction she felt was immeasurable, and she came back to camp with her first Grimm skull.

Bloodied but proud.

She didn't want to make Yang pass through the same, but… she has no choice, not anymore, Salem is going for her family whether she wants it or not.

And as much as she wants, she can't protect Yang forever, this is a lesson, for both her and her daughter.

She shouldn't have sheltered the girl, she should have trained her, used everything she knows to make her stronger and then present her to Ma.

By that time she should have been strong enough to handle Ma's training

She never liked to be harsh with her family, she spoiled Qrow when they were younger and even now she avoids getting into arguments.

It is a weakness she knows that, but not one she believes she can do anything about, she can be as merciless to anyone else as she wanted but when it came to family she'd never been able to do anything serious.

Even in spars she never came close to even seriously harming them, but at the same time, she had no problem beating a stranger in a sparring match to near death.

She understands it, by not being harsh with Qrow on training she was being cruel to him, she should have used all her strength, technique, and power to beat him down.

He'd get up, as Branwens always do and when that happened, he'd be stronger, now because of her Qrow is… not counting Yang, the weakest of the family having a 19.800 Power level while she has roughly 37.900.

Even understanding it didn't make her take the lesson to heart, her Ma warned her, and she didn't listen, it took her Daughter to nearly die for her to even start thinking about it, and even then, she's still hesitant.

'This fucking, bleeding heart.'

Looking forward she saw Yang ripple apart the Beringel's finger, just to be thrown away, and send a torrent of black flames at the monster.

She smiled, it was a unconscious thing that she only realized a second later, she's proud, proud of seeing her daughter get out of such a desperate situation just to fight even harder.

Yes, sitting once again she finally decided, she will not intervene, her daughter deserves more than just a pampering mother, no, she will have someone who will guide her to greatness, even despite her deficiencies.

Yang will surpass her, she'll make sure of it, anything else would mean her failure as a mother.

"Ze... ZeahahahaHaHaHAHAHAHA!!!" 

The hairs on her body stood up as she saw her daughter laughing like a mad woman, black and red flames surrounded her body, burning her entirely and powering her even more.

PL 58 → 101 → 131



'Ah yes, bloodlust.' Raven's face turned sour at the scene.

'It appears that no one in the family has ever lived without having one of these moments at least once.'



As their fists collided a powerful shockwave surged blowing Raven's hair back but doing nothing else.

The fight kept going as her daughter got herself into a bad situation, Premonition warned her as she prepared to use her necklace.

She wasn't as gifted in magic as she was in Ki but compared to the rest of Remnant she might as well be a genius.

The Beringel's arms slammed on her daughter as she instinctively dismissed her flames, it served nothing, her legs sank to the ground, breaking the soil beneath as the force above became too much.

Raven's breath hitched, her magic surged forward as she touched upon the power of the necklace.

The beringel pushed down once again, forcing Yang to her knees.

She hesitated, and then, forced herself to sit down, her mother allowed her to be beaten up before coming to her rescue against that manticore and so, she'll do the same for Yang.


Her eyes widened in shock, for a moment she believed she was imagining things, but no, checking it all one second later with her Ki sense nothing changed.

All her senses told her the same thing, but she was still unable to understand what was happening.

Previously her daughter did something she believed to be impossible, but then she rationalized, perhaps she had used the energy around her to power her attack, but now?

Seeing the impossible happening, not sensing anything but her daughter's Ki inside her body she had to relent.

A miracle was happening. 


Her daughter's power level began to increase drastically as her muscles grew.


Slowly she forced the Beringel back, unnoticed even by Raven a feeling of relief came upon her mind.

Knowing it or not she wanted her daughter to beat the monster no matter what, Purebred Saiyan men might not care about their children and women might not be much better in that regard but there is something all of them have in common.

All of them wish for their children to be strong, pure or not, this is also the case for her.


PL: 58 → 98

Yang pushed th Beringel's arms back and punched its chest with all her might breaking the beast's bones with her gigantic fist


A smile full of teeth formed on her mouth as she jumped and threw her fist up, her bottled-up excitement burst out in a single moment.



Her scream was only surpassed by Yang's powerful roar as the girl commemorated her power.

Raven watched as her daughter in her honestly monstrous form smiled and made a show of gathering Ki into her hand.

'No, wait.'

Raven's perception sped up as she sensed the energy in her daughter's hand, it…

'It isn't Ki, nor is it aura, but…'

Yang crushed the green sphere of the… weird energy on her hand, turning it into a paradoxical black light.

'If feels like both?'

PL 98 → 171

Yang dashed forward as the Beringel ended covering his arm with the bones in his body, the fight might not be close even to those she fought while she was at the same age but she didn't care, no, she was too happy to care.

She'd remember this moment for the rest of her life, a fond memory from when her daughter surpassed the expectations put upon her by birth.

And shattered her limits altogether.

Their firsts collided as an even more powerful shockwave surged, her daughter was instantly forced back as the reinforced arm of the beringel proved to be too powerful.

Raven did not act, she knew her daughter would find a way, she had to.

Suddenly, the hairs behind her nape shot up, a weird feeling of nostalgia surged from within the deepest parts of her mind.

Involuntarily she turned her head sideways, just in time to see a blue woman with a hood extend her arms and hold Yang in place, supporting the girl and stopping her uncontrolled fall.

"Summer?" She whispered as a deep feeling of regret took hold of her, for one moment she saw, or perhaps she thought she did, the blue ghost of her rival turning to her direction and smiling at her.

The only thing that brought her back was the sound of the explosion of Blue flames on her Daughter's fist.

PL 171 → 377

She could feel it, the oh so familiar ki signature of a friend she lost long ago.

'How? How is this possible?'

She had no time to wonder any further as her daughter's fist obliterated the Beringel's arm, spreading blue light throughout the creature's form and making it explode in a shower of Blue flames.

Yang's Ki reduced to near Zero as her horrendous transformation receded.

PL 377 → 58

Raven's eyes were wide open as she looked in shock at her daughter's form, slowly walking forward even with the entirety of her body broken and exhausted.

She crouched down, and took the mask of the Beringel, just to then, put it in her face.

"I- Coff* I said I would use you as a trophy like that Damm mutt monkey fucker."


"I'm hungry." With these words, her daughter fell face-first on the ground.

Without noticing she was already standing behind her daughter, a confused, happy, and incoherent expression on her face as she looked at Yang's bloodied back.

Her heart beat faster than ever, she understood nothing of what just happened, her weak little daughter managed to multiply her power level six times over, create a completely new energy, gain a never seen before transformation, and, most likely, call back the dead.

She had no idea how to react, so she did the only thing she could, she laughed.


She screamed in happiness, even if subconsciously, she didn't believe her daughter could ever beat the Beringel, and now? Now she's never been so happy about being proven wrong!

Her daughter is a genius! A little bloodthirsty genius that created a technique capable of amplifying her battle power without even touching on ambient ki!

If she wasn't knocked out on the ground she'd hug her right now.

Calming herself down Raven crouched down and took her daughter in her arms, turning her body sideways she held her cheek and kissed her forehead.

Tears treated to leave her eyes, it had been years, YEARS since she was so close to her own daughter like this, and she couldn't help but be happy.

Not only about being with her own blood again but also about Yang's strength, her girl proved her talents lay in the nick of battle, not in a little safe training ground for her to die of boredom at not having anything to fight for real.

Feeling the bubbling well of emotions inside herself she briefly asked herself if her mother felt the same after seeing her carrying that Manticore's mask back to camp.

Who was she kidding of course she felt the same.

She hugged Yang again, careful to not harm her weakened body, briefly, she stopped after smelling the blood oozing around her.

Putting her daughter on the ground she lifted herself and drew her blade, more specifically the plant dust within it.

Bringing Omen closer to her face she detached the blade and put the hilt on the scabbard again.

Focusing on her Magic and the dust, she snapped the blade in half, before falling to the ground the dust transformed into green wisps of light.

Magic wasn't a gift of the Gods, Ozpin might have believed that for a time but after seeing her copy a spell after accidentally thinking it was a Ki technique the old man started to doubt some things.

Personally, she thinks he's just an idiot, what kind of imbecile would believe any word coming from the mouth of self-proclaimed deities anyway? They are just two assholes with too much power and no sense.

Bringing the green energy down she infused it within Yang's body and watched as it quickly healed.

She did not heal her completely, no, she simply healed the worst wounds as to stabilize her, Saiyans got stronger after after healing from near death wounds.

Knowing this Raven did not want to enter in the way of her daughter's recovery, Saiyan power is not something she or her family has ever experimented with so she doesn't know whatever or not her magic will negate her daughter's growth.

Crouching again she took the rest of her daughter's clothes out and burned them with a ki blast, opening her palms she shot a beam of magic at Yang's form.

Not a second later clothes formed around the girl's body together with a replica of Omen, an inferior one at least, magic materialization became harder and harder to use as the object became more complex.

She could easily make dust out of her magic but just up to third grade, she was never much of a magic user anyway, in her mind her Ki is much better.

Concentrating on her Ki she split her energy, and a moment later a clone of her appeared, she didn't need to say anything as it dashed towards the trees.

Raven looked at Yang as she slept, [Bond] told her of her daughter's peaceful mind, something she didn't feel for the past two months.

It brought a smile to her face, any parent would be happy seeing their children well and healthy, and this of course also applies to her.

Suddenly Yang began to move as her stomach growled, Raven's heart sped up, she wasn't ready to talk with her just yet, not like this.

Panicking she put her hand on Yang's forehead and forced her to sleep.

Seeing her stop moving and go back to breathing slowly Raven calmed down.

Yang didn't have many nights of sleep since the incident, some hours of rest would do her good, yes, YES! She'll let her sleep for some hours, by then her body should have adjusted to her new strength.


Yang's stomach made another sound as her face contorted in discomfort.

Not keen on waiting anymore Raven lifted her hand and opened her palm, not a second later she felt something on her hand.

Not bothering to look she brought it to Yang's mouth while opening it with her other hand and pouring the sap inside her mouth.

Red sap, according to Ozpin it was something extracted from one of the few magical trees left over from the Gods destruction.

It had the ability to speed up the process of Aura recovery, a single pot could serve as a meal for half a day, hence it is very popular with licensed hunters and hunters in training.

Forever Falls being one of the only places in remnant that produces it is without a doubt one of the most important places in all of Remnant.

Taking that in fact the school allows its students to volunteer as workers to extract the Sap from the leaves to pay for their tuition.

If they cannot do it even after volunteering then their future missions will be taxed up to 20% until their debt is paid.

Raven didn't use this way to pay for her tuition in Beacon, no, she simply went up to the headmaster -Ozpin- and challenged him to a fight.

9.564 Battle power and she still got her ass beaten but somehow she managed to Impress him enough to gain a sponsorship and enter the school rent-free with her brother.

Taking the pot away she looked at her daughter's face and smiled after seeing the stupid satisfied look on her face.


"Hello Raven."

Her smile disappeared from her face as she heard the voice of a man, anger bubbled inside her body as she turned to look at him.


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Beacon/ Headmaster's Tower/ Ozpin: 58 Years Old, Reincarnation #537/ Ozma: 40.000+ Years Old 11:29 AM]

In Beacon, more specifically at the headmaster's tower, a white haired man sat on a seemingly uncomfortable chair, he looked attentively at the screen in front of him while taking sips of his tea.

The solid light screen came from a crescent moon-shaped table that possessed 4 metallic legs, made by his specifications and constantly upgraded with the latest technology.

Just so he can boast to everyone he has the best table in all of Remnant.

Immortals after all, always need hobbies to stay sane.


A white owl hooted while looking outside the tower via the window, she looked attentively in the direction of Forever Fall, seeing something only she could at this distance.

'Friends too.'

"Yes, yes, it is truly something amazing isn't it?" Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy answered his friend while his eyes stayed fixated on the screen.

In it, a live feed of one of the many cameras spread throughout the entirety of Vale showed the video of a bloodied girl slowly being overpowered by a Beringel.


"There is no need to worry, her mother is already there, Miss Xiao-Long is not under any risk."

'But then again, even if she was alone, she would be in no danger.'

He is very aware of the power of that family, of their race; one does not send children to massacre planets without being absurdly powerful after all.

Saiyans could be described as the ultimate warrior race, driven to be the best in what they can, with enough pride to fill oceans and powers that honestly make him question what insane God had the idea to make them.

Beat them down, they come back even stronger, put them in a tight situation? Their strength might just explode out of nowhere, or they might just transform into a giant monkey.

On her screen, he watched as Miss Xiao-long slowly forced the beringel Back.

'What a ridiculous race.'

He sighed, his fight against Binas opened his eyes to the true threat of the world, Salem in all her wickedness would never destroy humanity, for her to die the gods first need to judge humanity unworthy.

And for that to happen Humanity needs to both exist and be separated, in other words, she can't kill humanity, at least not as long as she wishes to die.

Hence why his actions need to be subtle, many times he came close to uniting humanity, just for her to kill almost everyone, sometimes he asked himself if he would have any chance if she didn't want to die.

Recent actions make him wonder if this is even her objective anymore.

Ki is a… wonderful energy that if used by capable people can truly realize miracles, it has been 80 years since he discovered it, but even now he feels like he hasn't been able to understand it completely.

He wanted to share his gift with his closest allies, to fight back against the monster that was once his wife, but… as always nothing can be too good to be true.

Miss Branwen showed him the gods didn't so much as take magic away from humans with some exceptions as much as they altered humanity so that it could never produce magic again.

Hence why increasing his power is so hard, his vessels only receive the power he had as Ozma, it didn't matter if he trained for hundreds of years with a single host and by some miracle multiplied his power tenfold.

The next reincarnation would receive none of it, so he did all he could, he trained to such a point where the necessary magic to perform a spell and obtain the same results wasn't even one hundredth of what it used to be.


Of course Salem… has no such problems, with her immortality she can both become absurdly more powerful and control her magic in a form just as good as his, and it appeared that Ki was also the same in that regard.

The curse of the Gods made it so any mortal had an extremely complicated time even drawing the minimum of Ki to power themselves up, Salem had no such curse.

Fortunately, he found a small loophole, while Ki could not be extracted efficiently it could be transformed into Aura without any problem, better yet, it was something done automatically.

Many thought the reason hunters became so powerful was because of the creation of the academies, hunters of this era were nobles who could afford to hire the best tutors and equipment, even then they would be beaten mercilessly by a newly graduated student.

While the belief of the academies strengthening the hunters is not completely wrong it is also not the whole picture.

The academies training plans serve as a way for the students to increase their Ki pool, hence increasing their aura capacity and strength, all the headmasters of course know of this secret and they are very powerful Ki practitioners.

He had to use his magic to circumvent some restrictions for them to reach an acceptable level of course, as extraordinary as they were in aura, Ki is a whole other field.

Even then the conversion wasn't even closely efficient, someone with 2.000 Battle power would only manage to extend 40 to 50% of their true power via their aura at maximum, the same happened with anyone else, no matter how high their battle power went.

Still, there were exceptions, Awakened silver-eyed warriors had talents that rivaled those of even Saiyans, their connection to the light of creation proving an immense boost for their abilities.

Their talent in ki control almost reached his, without mentioning their abilities in reducing the effect of aging on their bodies, the matriarch of the Arc family is a good example, 59 years old and she doesn't look a day over 30.

Unfortunately, he was not one of them, but that did not matter, 40 thousand years allowed him to have impeccable control over his power, his mind, and his emotions.

Even with just 9.000 Battle Power, he could beat those ten times his strength, of course, assuming their Ki control is as bad as that of the Saiyans.

They might have talents in many things but energy control is not one of them.

But even then the fight would not come close to even being called easy, he had the confidence to win, of course, just not to survive.

Not that it mattered much, his death would only be temporary, while his enemy would not have the same advantage, his allies should be able to hold the line for some years without him.

He doesn't hijack a body, he is reincarnated, his impeccable magic control together with some artifacts allowed him to no longer steal someone's life, something that always killed him from the inside out.

But there came the problem Salem somehow discovered not only about Miss Branwen's family but also about KI.

Every day he looked upon the Grimm Lands with his glasses, and every day he became more and more worried.

Salem is immortal, her body will always regenerate even if reduced to ashes, even if crushed under the weight of a star, even if imprisoned in the planet's core, She. Will. Always. Come. Back.

And this, more than anything else, allows the woman to train to truly absurd heights, at this point even with all of his power he could never hope to defeat her, hence why he always keeps a particular sword with him.

Once upon a time Salem sook the silver-eyed warriors, to exterminate them from the face of Remnant, something she would never manage to, he made sure of it thousands of years ago.

But it seemed like they didn't matter now, Zenkai, the power that allows Saiyans to become more powerful after recovering from near-fatal injuries, he knows it, more than anything else, Salem wishes for that power.

And she needs the body of a saiyan for that.

Had Miss Xiao-Long not managed to fight back her destiny would have been worse than death, the boy would… decapitate the girl, yes, but she wouldn't truly die.

He knows it, many of the unfortunate puppets had semblances that would keep Miss Xiao-Long alive even after the boy deactivated his Semblance.

The cruelty of that woman knows no bounds, and like never before he cursed the Gods for giving that monster Immortality.

His hopes were dying, his confidence wavering, he believed it was just a question of time before she won.

That is… before something truly incredible happened today, something that made the small, almost unnoticeable light of hope bloom inside him.

Miss Xiao-Long smiled as she crushed the green sphere in her hands turning it into a paradoxical black light of destruction.

A light, he saw a white light, unlike any other he had ever seen in his long, long existence shine through Forever Fall.

It was an ability he had created in his previous short-lived reincarnation, it allowed him to 'see' the potential within a creature.

It could be anything from, intelligence, to good, evil, and most important of all, strength.

It was this ability that ensured only the truly talented had even a chance to enter his school, it might seem cruel but those with low talent had no chance of ever entering Beacon.

He'd go as far as accepting a beggar on the side of the street who had talent, than a child that trained their entire life just to enter his school, in this war, he could accept nothing but the best

Raven Branwen possessed incredible talent when she arrived at his school, and for that he accepted her, but he did not train her properly.

It was funny, the world at the sake of a cruel abomination and he still feared young Miss Branwen more than Salem.

He couldn't help it, Binas showed him the scope of cruelty all Saiyans had in their hearts.

With the combination of Human and Faunus kind their family certainly tone down a significant amount, but he was still scared, if he trained Miss Branwen properly he doubted anyone on Remnant would be able to stop her.

It was something foolish, yes, but he cannot count the number of times he saw good people turn bad, either by Salem's manipulations, power corrupting them, or even his failures.

Miss Branwen had a severe weakness in the form of her family, if used against her she would be helpless, not only that but she would be willing to destroy the entire planet just to save her family, something she would not do even for herself.

Something she is very well capable of, something he made sure would no longer be possible, and for that, Atlas no longer floated in the Sky.

But that doesn't matter now, no, what matters is the blinding light of pure potential shining inside Forever Falls.

He had never seen it before, the sheer potential of Yang Xiao-Long was so blinding not even all the lights in Vale could hope to outshine it.

Curiously this is the first time he ever saw her light, he knows why of course, in some, very rare cases one's potential stays hidden, only to be unleashed at a certain condition.

And Miss Xiao-Long's condition seemed to be a desperate fight to the death, one where she neared death so much her strength soared every second.

Independently if he trained the girl or not she will become stronger than any creature on this planet.

Had he been younger he would contemplate many… immoral actions to guarantee that the girl would never go on the wrong path.

He isn't that man anymore, he used his magic to make sure of it, to be absolutely certain that no matter how much time passed he would never become what he sought to destroy

Being the man that he is now, his only hope is to be able to guide Miss Xiao-Long in the right way, but first, he'd need to convince her mother, and Grandma to allow him to do it.

Suddenly the light coming from Forever Falls exploded into a Blue so intense the world around became blue, had anyone besides him been able to see it they would panic.

It is not every day a random blue light suddenly covers half of Vale and a part of the ocean after all.

Ozpin sighed, deactivating his magic sight he lifted himself from his chair and waited, not a second later Beaks landed on his shoulder.


"Yes, yes, I will hear you next time."

With a flash of purple Light, he disappeared from Beacon.

And reappeared in Forever Falls.

He walked slowly towards his destination, it would reflect badly on him if he suddenly stopped a mother daughter reunion.

He walked in silence, appreciating the Forest as he did so, he always loved to take a stroll through the place whenever the monthly exterminations ended, it was very peaceful.

He walked like this for three minutes before finally reaching his destination.

Without any wait he presented himself.

"Hello Raven."

"Ozpin." The woman froze, before speaking his name with such contempt he couldn't help but compare her to Salem.

One hated him slightly more than the other it seemed.

"Now, there is no need for such animosity between us, you know very well I am not your enemy."

Raven made a disgusted expression as she looked at him with disdain.

"Tch, what do you want?"

"Nothing, I simply saw young Miss Long in this dangerous woods and decided to come here by myself to take her to her family."

He walked forward, only for Raven to draw her sword and point it at him.

"Cut the shit, you probably just saw her with those creepy cameras of yours and decided to take her into your games."

For a brief moment, a feeling of sadness took hold of him, he understands that as an immortal he thinks very differently from mortals but for the life of him he can't understand what he did to gain such hate from her.

Raven growled as her expression worsened, the woman was much like a mama bear, even if she died she wouldn't allow anything to harm her daughter.

"I have no such intention Raven, please believe me, I have never wished harm upon you or your family."

The woman calmed herself down and turned around.


He sighed in exasperation.

"Raven ple-"


He flinched at the killing intent sent his way, but still stood his ground.

"Unfortunately I cannot do such a thing, Miss Xiao-Long is in grave danger while in this Forest, my consciousness will not allow me to abandon her without at least securing her safety."

Raven's Ki intensified as a deep growl left her mouth.

"I am here, ain't I?"

"Yes, and I feel that… you have changed after Salem's attempt on your daughter's life."

The area around him increased in temperature as red wisps of energy slowly left Raven's body, the mere mention of the incident angered her to no end.

"You wish for your daughter to be strong do you not?"

"You want her to end this… adventure by herself, I am sure you have ways to guard her, especially considering this necklace, but I will still not allow Miss Xiao-Long to continue this path without any safeguards."

Raven's body tensed at the mention of the artifact, he saw the woman fighting enough times to know even her subtle movements meant she was about to attack.

'Why do you hate me so much?'

"That is why I will leave my trusted friend, Miss Beaks behind, to safeguard your daughter, while I will stay a… long distance away, just in case."

Raven relaxed as the killing intent surrounding the area decreased.

"So be it, but enter in the way of any of her fights and I will end you."

He smiled, as he opened his mouth to continue speaking Yang's body suddenly caught on fire.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" Raven screamed uncharacteristically as she ran towards her daughter.

He sighed, again.

'Perhaps Miss Xiao-Long will learn valuable lessons from this trip.'

[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Unnamed Cave/Raven: 34 Years Old, 4:48 PM.]

'She didn't'

Raven thought as she watched her daughter fight dozens of Grimm with her eyes closed, trying and having limited success even hitting them.

'At least she can dodge… somewhat.'

The speed at which she learned to sense her enemies did indeed surprise her and made her a little bit smug but she's starting to think Yang is an idiot in anything besides fighting.

After all, what kind of creature with more than one brain cell would ever close their eyes and shut off all their senses just so they can get better at dodging?!

The idiot got stabbed more than once, poisoned, punched, had her bones broken multiple times, and somehow created a goddam hole in the ground, by throwing a Beringel Into the air.

Her daughter doesn't even know she is still protecting her and the fool still decided to do this! She knows her family is a little obsessed with self improvement and fighting but this is too much!

Raven breathed slowly 'Calm down, just calm down.'

It all started normally, while her girl was asleep she stayed nearby, killing Grimm that got too close and Training to try and replicate the techniques she saw.

The only thing she managed to do was grow her muscles, and even then that didn't increase her power level, it made her able to use 100% of her strength much more quickly but it just killed her speed.

She might be talented but to learn something as complicated as whatever new miracle energy her daughter created she would need to see it up close.

After Yang woke up she proceeded to feel extreme happiness at the prospect of having clothes? She didn't understand it very much.

Next, she made a stupid pose and named her new weapon, Bodement, a name suspiciously similar to Omen, she wondered if Tai told stories about her, but dismissed the notion, that man despises her now, and not without reason.

Then she proceeded to test the different types of dust, she had to admit, she laughed when she saw her trying the gravity one.

If the dust necessary to keep a damn gravity chamber up for more than ten minutes wasn't astronomical she was sure she would have managed to become much stronger than she is now.

That or if Ozpin decided to actually do something to help her train, the fucker seemed to have something against helping her get stronger in any way.

Scratch that, he seemed to have an aversion to help her in anything, everything she wanted from him had to be negotiated.

The only reason she ever aided him is because the destiny of Remnant itself is on the line, otherwise she'd be glad to just punch him square in the face and spit on his body.

That bastard loves to hear himself talking with all his inspiring speeches, of how all of them need to unite, help each other, work together, dismiss our differences, and trust in each other to build a better future.

Trust and Help each other her fucking ass, the fucker only cares about himself, if he cared about anyone else he'd have used his magic to power the gravity room, do some freaky rituals, or even release her potential like he did with that Arc bitch.

Oh, she doesn't dislike him because he didn't help her or made her stronger, no, she dislikes him because he thinks of everyone around him as pieces on a board, he can act all humanitarian and innocent but he can't hide it from her.

Under the power of her eyes, not many can mask their feelings, Ozpin is no exception, his Ki reveals everything, he is not a good man and worse of all? he doesn't even realize it.

She hates a thousand times more a bastard that thinks himself righteous than one that knows he's a piece of shit.

Both are horrible but at least one doesn't act like he's better than you or that he knows best.

Ozpin is the type of man to kill someone's child and then talk as if he was right in doing so.

Oh, sure, he might not be cruel -or at least think himself so- but he certainly doesn't see people as individuals anymore, had he, he wouldn't be so afraid of her family to the point he'd refuse to help them in anything related to gaining more strength.

'There's a fucking abomination in human form trying to wipe out all life on the planet in her suicide attempt, your trust issues are a bit irrelevant here don't you think Ozpin?!'

What does he think she's gonna do, destroy the planet? She lives here! Conquer Remnant? She doesn't like leading a small tribe and doing all that boring paperwork/management, why would he think she'd ever want to torture herself with more work?!

And what would she accomplish by being the leader of 27 Million weaklings anyway?

All she wants to do is fight for a better world, a world where her daughter can be a normal girl, study, and marry someone she wouldn't immediately murder, be it a man or woman, for her family it really doesn't matter, she'll get grandkids anyway.

Have children and not need to train with the knowledge that if she doesn't she just might get killed one day!

That's all she wants, a peaceful planet for her daughter to live on, and Ozpin seems to think she's the next Salem?!

Aren't they on the same side here?! Why didn't he just teach her magic, fighting techniques, or even simply guided her to someone who could?! Had he done that she would have already beaten the shit out of Salem and ended this stupid fucking war!

The day she asked herself those questions was the day she understood something very important, she might be part of an alien race but between the two of them, Ozpin is the one who is more distant from humanity, from mortals.

He doesn't know what is to be 'human' anymore, and worse of all, he doesn't even realize it, because of that, if she kept working for him one day she might just find herself sent on a suicide mission 'For the greater good'.

No, she will not accept having her life controlled by that… thing, and she will surely not accept him trying to get his hands on her daughter.

But even then, she knows the best person who can train Yang is not her, or even her family, it's Ozpin.

Because of that, because of what happened two months ago, she is now at an impasse.

If she chooses the wrong way then her daughter might just die, and she will have no one but herself to blame for it, the problem is, neither option is good.

Does she train her daughter to the best of her abilities and hope for the best? or does she let Ozpin train her, and watches as her daughter becomes orders of magnitude stronger than her, at the cost of her individuality?


Just thinking about it pisses her off, full stop! going back to her thoughts.

After testing all the dust types the girl flew for some time before being attacked by another Beringel.


She almost, almost jumped in and spanked her right then and there, but she calmed herself down, maybe she had a plan, maybe she was just testing something.

One minute later, she understood what she was trying to do, and the urge to spank her only increased.

The idiot turned off all her energy senses, somehow split the Ki within her brain to do… something, and just started throwing hands with a Beringel, one that can still kill her!

It wasn't even overconfidence, she could feel it through her semblance, her idiot of a daughter just wanted a fight that could truly push her beyond her limits.

Then, some lancers appeared and stabbed her dumbass of a daughter multiple times, even poisoning her.

But she still stood calm, years of meditation made it possible for her not to take her sandal off and throw it on her daughter's head.

Mere hours ago she wouldn't have had the will to even flick her forehead but after seeing the idiot risking her life multiple times she felt like a lesson should be taught.

'Not that it would stick.'

But for now, she will do nothing, oh, when her daughter is done she'll beat the shit out of her -not really- but for now, she would simply observe.

[Bond] told her of her daughter's feelings, she was excited with the fight, trying in vain to stay calm.

It simply wasn't possible, she tried it herself, every time she fought against someone on her level the excitement would get to her, the same thing applied to the entire family.

Her daughter fought against both the Beringel and Lancers, weirdest thing of all, even while limiting herself to only Ki reinforcement she was still winning.

She had to admit, the tingle of pride she felt at the time wasn't small, but then it vanished after she almost got herself killed by a snake, if not for that bird she would have been forced to act.

It was then that she was reminded that her daughter, despite her actions, is in fact just a 10 year old girl with no maturity or self-control.

Her brain wasn't even fully developed for fucks sake, it wouldn't be until she reached 18, if she's not mistaken humans take until their mid-twenties to reach that point.

The girl fought blind because she felt like it, because risking her life in exchange for being able to dodge attacks without sensing Ki or even danger seemed like a good exchange.

It is stupid downright retarded, animals know better than this, but it's not like she can blame it on a child to act her age, especially if she wasn't raised to be like her mother.

Her daughter isn't an adult, she's not even a teen, and she shouldn't treat her like it.

She calmed down somewhat after realizing the rather obvious situation, but it was not completely her fault she was raised while being expected to act and think just like a normal adult.

It wasn't something cruel or inconsiderable, put it simply, being part of a warrior race makes it so you mature faster and as a result is expected to act like it.

Now that she thinks about it most Faunus and Humans would probably think of her childhood as a living hell, they'd be wrong of course, she had a wonderful infancy full of incredible fights -One that she still doesn't want to share with her daughter-.

That line of thinking made her anger surge once again as she started to wonder how Yang had become who she is, had she raised her daughter she surely wouldn't be the idiotic buffoon she is seeing today.

She wanted to scream at Tai for not teaching the girl some self-control but… it's not like she can say anything, she abandoned her daughter for him to raise, his fuckups are her fault independently if she admits to it or not.

And now her daughter is smiling while monsters attempted -and almost succeeded- killing her, enjoying every second of it.

Her little murder machine wasn't able to hold on to her calm, no, that would be too good, the little battle freak -Just Like her- smiled and felt happy with being stabbed with 10 centimeter long bone stings.

Even while agonizing because of the poison the girl just couldn't help but feel happy.

She started to think that perhaps her daughter's saiyan side is much more prevalent than everyone else in the family.

Or maybe this is the result of her desperately searching for strength due to being born so weak? 

Fortunately, her daughter might be a compulsive imbecile but she's good at fighting and improvising, and so, she somehow managed to heal herself with that miracle energy of hers.

Not that it helped much after that Beringel slammed into the ground and took everyone down into the cave with it.

She was briefly worried after feeling her daughter's sudden explosion of fear while falling but not even three seconds later the girl's willpower suddenly skyrocketed and she forced herself to continue on her path.

She understood her fear not a second later when a powerful presence suddenly started moving towards Yang.

She wasted no time, shooting herself down she broke through the ground below and appeared right in front of the presence.


Her eyebrows rose as she looked at the Gigantic Grimm slowly lifting itself, it was 6 meters tall and… 13 long?

'A G-Rex.' 

She remembers it, the first time she fought against one of these she had to team up with her Brother, their ability to induce paralysis and block energy use with their Roar was a pain in the ass to deal with.

The creature opened its mouth, ready to roar and let itself know, only for Raven to activate her Magic Necklace and Take control of it.

All of its eyes turned blue as it suddenly stood still like a statue.

Raven looked curiously at the creature, she could just Kill it, but she decided to do something else, if her estimations are correct then this G-Rex should have strength relative to 8.000 Battle Power.

That is, of course speaking only about its physical power and resistance, a Ki blast at the same level would surpass anything the creature could ever do and disintegrate it in mere seconds.

'But it is enough.'

Smiling she controlled the beast and made it slowly walk towards her Daughter, G-Rexes are extremely fast despite their large frames, this one should be able to reach her daughter in less than five seconds.

'But then again, she doesn't know that.'

Raven smiled, her daughter was able to feel the creature's presence when it was dormant, now that it is awake its presence should be much more threatening.

Her idea was simple, just like her first fight against Ozpin, Yang's fear of G-Rex's power should make her retreat.

This way she will teach her fool of a daughter that sometimes it is better to escape and fight another day, train to the extreme to one day Kill the thing so the humiliation of running away doesn't stay with her.

Humility is not something easy to learn without first being beaten but she feels like this is the way to teach her daughter a valuable lesson.

That without strength, both will and pride are meaningless.

At least she hopes she will learn something, her family is somewhat… stubborn.

A purple light suddenly engulfed her body as she teleported to her previous location, there she could see her daughter fighting clearly, with a smile on her face she looked at the fight below.

Her daughter felt… tense, the G-Rex's presence staying as a forebode to the pointlessness of her fight.

She could see it, Yang's body trembling in fear, ready to bolt, wanting to run.

She did not smile, no, she frowned, [Bond] did not tell her what she wanted to hear, despite the fear, despite the hesitation, her daughter refused to back down

"he... Hehehe."

A vein popped up in Raven's head.

'What is so funny about this?' She thought angrily.

Her daughter's will flared as she increased the G-Rex's presence, the girl's body trembled even more as she felt anger, anticipation, and most of all, shame.

Raven felt confused for a moment, not understanding why her daughter felt shame of all things.

Her mind wondered as she tried to find an answer, the memory of her first fight against a Manticore passed through her brain as she did so.

Her eyes widened in shock, she understood it.

She had been raised by her mother while being taught to be proud of being a Saiyan, of being superior to every creature of Remnant.

It was understandable why she would feel shame in retreating against something as ridiculous as a Grimm, a creature she thought was at the same level as any animal, only being stronger.

Her daughter had no such reason, the girl felt shame and anger at the mere idea of backing down.

She understood, she finally understood why Yang was so insistent on keeping her eyes closed, on keeping fighting even while an enemy that could kill her without problem arrived.

The girl is too prideful for that, too stubborn to ever back down on something she decided to do, she'd die before breaking a promise to herself.

She wasn't prideful of being a saiyan, she was prideful about being better than anyone else to such a point she'd never lower herself to the standards of normal people.

And folding when things started to get difficult is not something her daughter would ever allow herself to do.

The feelings felt through [Bond] put together with her actions revealed Yang's puzzle, her girl is not a coward, and even if it kills her, she'll never act like one, for her mediocrity is not acceptable even under the threat of death.

Raven's entire body froze, she didn't know whether to feel proud or angry at her daughter, so she did both.

'You goddam... Amazing fool.'

Yang shot down with her sword in hand, with a powerful scream she cut the Beringel in half, breaking through the ground below and falling deeper and deeper into the cave.

Raven couldn't hold herself anymore.

"YOU IDIOT!" She screamed as she watched her daughter fall through the ground, at the same time, answering to her anger, the G-Rex roared.


The cave shook as the creature's roar broke the area around it, her scream was only surpassed by the creature's roar.

With veins popping up her face Raven snapped her neck towards the creature and with an enraged shout, teleported below it and punched its face with all her strength.


As her fist made contact with the creature's mask a powerful shockwave rippled its body apart and kept going further and further as it destroyed everything it reached, the destruction only stopped when the shockwave exploded out of the cave and kept going to the sky.

She did not stop, her heartbeat skyrocketed as she felt her daughter's panic through [Bond] flaring up her Ki she prepared to jump down, there was no way for Yang to resist the Grimm's paralysis, much less the energy nullification.

Suddenly, a green shield appeared in front of her, not a second later a white owl shot down, without noticing before she felt a familiar presence behind her.

"Within the depths of suffering lies the ground where invaluable lessons take root and flourish, for it is through the crucible of pain that wisdom is forged."

Raven turned her body back and looked at the man with hate-filled eyes, the area around her became blurry as the temperature rose, in mere seconds the ground started to melt.

"Ozpin." Raven spat the word as her anger surged.

The man in question only looked sadly at her, something that only made her angrier.

"I above all others would know best, after all, I have made more mistakes than every Man, Woman, and Child on this planet."

Raven did not speak, her ki surged quickly as a red aura surrounded her, signing is exasperation Ozpin created a cubic shield around her.

"It is… unfortunate that such a thing needs to happen, but Miss Xiao-Long proved that she is unable to control herself, your daughter is not a stable child Raven."

"And I cannot allow such a person, with such incredible potential to be swatted to the side of evil, I am not a cruel man however, and I believe that this pain will teach her to bett-"


Raven punched the shield with all her strength, cracking it slightly.

"You were always like this, all self-righteous, acting like you know better than anyone else, pretending to be a warrior of good while at the same time sending people to die."

"Lying to the entire planet, and above all else, not even trusting your allies, I. Am. Done."

The color of Raven's eyes disappeared as they were suddenly consumed in a crimson light, her teeth began to grow as her hair expanded.

Ozpin's eyes widened in surprise, he had… never seen this before.


With a powerful roar, she punched the shield in front of her, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

For one moment it appeared like she would jump at him, instead, she simply screamed in rage and shot down towards Yang.

She did not ask herself what was happening with her, she simply flew towards her daughter the fastest she could.

Her rage and desperation increased with each moment.

Faster than the eye could see she arrived at the bottom of the cave, there she saw a trail of blood and water leading directly inside a hallway.

She didn't slow down, flying at maximum speed she entered the hallway, in a single second she was in front of the downed form of her daughter.

Suppressing the tinge of fear in her heart she quickly crouched and ripped the sword from Yang's body, her form slowly returned to normal as she did so.

Not a second later red flames surged from within her daughter's body.


She ignored the owl as she brought her daughter's unconscious body close and hugged her.

'stupid, Stupid, STUPID!'

She cursed herself in her mind while transferring her own Ki to Yang.

Her entire body trembled as she tried in vain to calm herself.

Behind her, she felt Ozpin's Ki surge, the man making himself known.

"She was never under any danger, your technique, Premonition if my memory doesn't fail me does not allow you to see the future."

Raven did not answer.

"It only allows your subconscious mind to take in any and all information available to calculate the most probable outcome, a… incredible technique, but one that fails as soon as it meets something you have no knowledge of."

A red aura began to surge from within her body.

"Had you allowed me to end my phrase I would have revealed to you even at such a distance my magic could still rescue and heal Miss Xiao Long, she was never in any danger Raven, there was no need to be so worried."

Raven giggled, slowly her aura receded and she looked directly at Ozpin, small drops of water fell from her eyes.

"You… you are really a nomination, aren't you?."

Ozpin opened his mouth, but was interrupted.

"I don't want to hear it, my technique, as flawed as you say it is spoke to me of the death of my child, and you? You expect me to stay calm and rational?"

"I… am not an unfeeling monster like you, you know?"

Raven laughed, a true laugh, as if she found no end in the humor in this situation.

"You work towards the survival of all Human and Faunus kind but at the end of the day, you don't even know what this means anymore, do you?"

"You just go through the motions, 'protecting all creatures' because that is the only thing you know how to do."

Raven sighed.

"I might be part of a race so cruel they slaughter planets for a living, but between the two of us, I am far more 'human' than you will ever be."

Ozpin's expression stood stoic, the complete opposite of what he felt on the inside.


"Leave, I don't want you even close to my daughter."

His mouth closed, not saying a word her disappeared in a shower of purple light.

Turning her face towards her daughter she planted a kiss on her head and hugged her tighter, uncaring about the red flame that surrounded her.

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