Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 235: Lore, Love, and Revelation.


In every world that is capable of giving birth to a sentient and intelligent life, there will always exist a god. Or rather, gods.

An older god, which determines the fate of the world, and a younger one which would be born from that world. Either can play the role of good and evil, but both play the part of chaos.

An older god could choose not to take action and just let the fate of the world weaved itself. The younger one, however, would always be the center part of that world's history. Be it in the form of a messiah, or in the form of the devil.

An older god would know that he is a god, but the younger one would not, at least not at the very end of his life.

"Demon God Xanthus was supposed to go to the Planet of the Gods, but he chose eternal death. Such a shame really, he would have been a great god that would have surpassed me. The young gods, you see. We treat them like our children."

'Miss Lu Yi, are you listening? Do you know of the place called Planet of the Gods?'

Hearing Noah's story, Viel quickly placed his attention to his mind, waiting for Lu Yi to respond.

[...Yes. I have been once offered to go there hundreds of thousands of years before my body gave up. I… sort of killed the one who invited me, accidentally]

'I… I see.'

Sofia immediately cleared her throat as soon as she heard Viel chuckling. She was intent on not missing any details from Noah's story as he might have the answer to Viel's secrets and condition. And maybe to even completely separate Rain from Viel. She even borrowed Viel's notebook to write on it, just in case she forgets a detail.

And so, Noah continued his story, but not before taking a sip of his coffee as his human body wanted it.

"Right now, even with the death of Xanthus, the Prophecy I have placed in this world is still alive. It is one of the grandest feats a god-like me can achieve-- Giving birth to not one, but two gods."


Prophecies are like a play, theatre if you will. A theatre directed by the older god, in this case, Noah.

Prophecies were, in a simple way to put it, a god's job. But, in a way, it also serves as their entertainment. Before leaving the Planet of the Gods, the older gods set up a prophecy that they will weave.

Usually, they always come true as the god set it to be. But sometimes, there are anomalies. Anomalies that would push the prophecy off from its path.

It could be anything.

From a reincarnated being, an unexplained event, to a stray god.

In this world's case. The existence of the dungeons… and Viel-- a stray god.

Stray gods were gods who travel across the vast expanse of the Universe without care for authority. They may be young gods who have not been guided by an older god, or simply just a bored god that wants to make a mess of other gods' Prophecies.

"But I'm not really a god."

Viel tilted his head as he listened in on Noah's story.

"That is impossible. I could feel the godhood inside of you. Limited, but even more powerful than I."

"...That's probably just Miss Lu Yi and the others."

"You have several!?"

Noah, whose emotions have not fluctuated even once as he told his story, stood up from his seat. The trees and even the ground where they stood slightly trembled along with his shock.

"In fact, one of them is--"

"Earth Goddess Mirella, do you know of this name?"

Before Viel could finish his words, Sofia interrupted him, waving her hand in front of him. She was sure that Viel was about to tell Noah that Demon God Xanthus was inside of him, seeing as he said that the younger gods were like children to them, it was better not to tell him that part for now. He might react violently if they did so.

"...Earth Goddess Mirella. I know of her, yes. Why do you ask?"

"She is the god in my world."

"I see. Then I pity your world, she had never once fulfilled a prophecy. But that does not concern us. Now that you have heard my story, stray god. Are you willing to leave by yourself, or will we be forced to fight?"

Noah let out a huge breath as he stared at Viel.

"But I am really not a god, Mister Noah."

"We have already deducted that you are. All that remains is--"

"He is telling the truth, Noah."

Sofia also stood up, her eyes without fear as she stared Noah directly in the eyes.

"How would you know the truth about us, human?"

"I don't. But I know Viel's story. Now that you've told us yours, please, let me tell you his story."

"No. The time for stories is over. Leave or we will--"

"Ehh… But I want to hear more stories!"

Before Noah could finish his words, he felt someone tug on his clothes. It was Lyanna, who was still eating the snacks that Viel gave her.

"You've never told me stories before, father. I want to hear more!"


"I want to hear more!"

"...Fine," and so, as if without a choice, Noah could only let out a long and deep sigh as he sat back down.

Sofia was about to tell her story, but Viel stopped her, telling her that they should get some more snacks as his story would be too long without refreshments.

And so they did.

And he was right. It took almost 3 hours for Sofia to finish telling Viel's story. Throughout the story, for some reason, Lyanna was on Viel's lap. Both of them gasp at the same time whenever the story takes a sudden twist, and if something dark or sad happens, both of them would shed a tear.

Of course, Sofia was careful not to mention the gods inside Viel too much and only mentioned Rain in detail.

"I… see. That really is a peculiar story."

"Maybe there is a way where we can all remain in peace here," Sofia adjusted her spectacles.


"If you know of a way to separate the gods inside of Viel, then he would only be human, isn't that right?"

"He will die."

"W… What!? Why!?"

Sofia once again stood up as soon as she heard Noah's words. Viel, on the other hand, held her hand, gesturing for her to calm down.

"Based on your story, then Viel himself should not exist. If a god or any other souls have chosen to reincarnate in and as him, then he is considered a vessel. A body without a soul."

"Without… a soul?"

"In a simpler term, dead. His soul perished inside the parent's womb before it could fully materialize."

"Then how can you explain his existence then!? He is here now and alive! He has his own personality, his own life!" The volume of Sofia's voice once again started to rise.

"Some things can not be explained, even by a being such as I. Even amongst the anomalies that I know of, Viel has proven to be the most peculiar one…

...Even more reason for you to leave this world. The answers you seek may be at the Planet of the Gods."

"...The planet of the Gods. I am afraid I can't, at least not yet."

Viel shook his head as he lifted Lyanna up and gently placed her on the sofa.

"The person that I love the most is in this world, you see… and I do not want to leave her. I know I am being selfish as I know I am a burden to her now, but still… I can't leave her without paying her back for everything she has done for me."


"Gods, prophecies, reincarnation, answers about who I am. My existence… I honestly do not care for them. My existence, you see…

...It already belongs to Sofi."

"...Vi? What are you saying?"

"I will be whoever she wants me to be…

...Because I love her."


Sofia could not help but stutter as she felt her chest tighten. She wanted to say something, but all that came out from her mouth was her trembling breaths, beating at the same time as her fluttering heart.

Even Lyanna, who was already getting sleepy, opened her eyes wide as she let out a tiny gasp and covered her face.

"I know you know what I mean," Viel continued his words as he turned his head towards the tiny gasp, "It might be different for you, but you care for this child, do you not?"

"I see. So just like me, you stay because you have grown attached to the inhabitants of this world."

Noah let out a deep breath as he slowly stood up, "Then… if she is gone, would you leave my world?" He then said as he looked at Sofia.


Sofia quickly summoned the mana she had gathered and placed it around her whole body.

"Leave, or I will extinguish the life of those dear to you again."

"Father!?" Lyanna quickly rushed towards Noah, hugging him and begging him to stop. "What are you doing, father!? Aren't they friends!?"



Lyanna's cries were instantly drowned as a piercing whisper echoed throughout the house. Viel's pitch-black eyes which were hidden throughout the whole conversation showed themselves, they were not looking at anything in particular, but it was as if it threatened to swallow the whole world.

"What do you mean again?"

"V… Vi? Calm… calm down!"

"Your grandfather's death…

...was at my orders."


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