Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 245: Dear Sofia

"...I miss you."


Viel continued to stare at Sofia's eyes. Even knowing that the photograph will never respond. Finally, after a few minutes, he let out a smile and sighed. He then placed his hand on his lips, before gently tapping it on Sofia's photograph.

He then sat on the table and once again opened his book. He adjusted his spectacles, the spectacles that Sofia once wore. He clicked his pen and continued writing his last entry.

But alas, he could only stare at the last page of his book. He remained like this for a few minutes, before letting out another sigh and erasing the part that he wrote earlier in his office.

And once again, he continued to write.

'Dear Sofia,

I decided to dedicate the last page of my diary to you. You have been telling me about my life when I was still just a kid… but the truth is… You are my story. You're everything I have ever known in this world. Whatever happened between us, all of the happiness, all of the sufferings, the sadness, the joy… We shared them together.

It is just a shame that we couldn't have children of our own. But still, you said that the students are our children, and in a way… you're right. If only you were alive to see their grandchildren, they… they are annoying pieces of… well, you know what I mean.

Both of us didn't know if we could do it, but I think we did. I think we lived our lives to the fullest. And I knew that when you left, you felt the same. But sometimes I couldn't help but think how it would feel like to still have you by my side. Every day, every second I think of it.

Remember your last words to me? That it's time for me to live my life? I was so angry and confused at first. I wanted to follow you because you… you were my life.

But now, I think I am ready to go… and let go.

Thank you, Sofi, for giving me the life that only a being such as I could only dream of.

I love you…

...and goodbye.'

Viel's stuttered breaths echoed throughout the spacious house as he wiped the tears that fell on his spectacles. Light gasps came out from his trembling shoulders as he closed his diary.

He then turned his head towards Sofia's photograph, and even when his eyes couldn't see, they were still directly looking at her. "Sofi… truly…

...Thank you for everything."

[May we meet again…]

"May we meet again in the next life." He said as he let out a huge and deep breath. He then closed his eyes as his whole body was slowly engulfed by a golden glow that filled the entire house.

And afterward, when the light had all dispersed and only the flickering candles were left to light the house, Viel was gone.

The only life the house now held was the dancing candles. But they too, slowly faded with time.


Somewhere in the Western Continent, in front of the entrance of a Dungeon, Viel suddenly emerged from a blinding golden light.

"...Xanthus, are you sure your daughter is here?"

[Yes, I could feel her here. Jack also said she was somewhere here.]

"Alright," Viel could only sigh as he began to walk around, "If you say--"

However, before he could even take one more step, he felt something cold touch his neck.

"Yup. she's here." Viel let out a small chuckle as he turned around, "Hello, are you... Miss Violet?"

"Y… you?"

Violet, whose hair was now completely parted in black and silver, could not help but stutter as she dropped the blade that decorated Viel's neck on the ground. "V… Viel? Is… it really you?"

"Hero, who is that!?"

Soldiers began to surround Viel and Violet, their weapons all pointed at Viel's head, some even holding guns, presumably procured from the Dungeons.

"Stand down!" Violet quickly ordered the soldiers to drop their weapons.

"Viel, what are you--"

"Eh, are you sure that's all? You don't want to say anything to her? Well, I know you can't stay here, but we're already here. So you might as well say something to her."

"W… wait, are you talking to the voices inside your head again!?" Violet stomped her foot on the ground as she leaned closer to Viel, "We haven't seen each other in a hundred years and you talk to the voices inside your head instead!? Where have you even been!? Did you know that Yinji stopped us from going to you!?"

"See? She's mad. What? She's talking about me? Why would she? I don't even know her that well." Viel let out a sigh as he turned his attention towards Violet, "Well, Uh… Miss Violet, is it?"


"If you can grow stronger, you can definitely see me again."

"...What does that even mean? Who would want to see you again!?"

"You can also see your mother, and maybe your father."

Violet was going to open her mouth once more to shout at Viel, but she quickly shut her mouth as soon as she heard his confusing words. "W… What? What do you mean mother and father?"

"Grow stronger and you will find out," Viel said before his whole body once again started to be wrapped in a golden light.

"W… wait, where are you going!?"

"...Your father says goodbye, by the way," Viel said before quickly disappearing.


...What do you mean!?"


A bright and golden light flashed in the sky as Viel once again emerged from it. He floated through the skies for a few minutes before disappearing, not uttering even a single word.

But beneath him, was a huge castle. And in one of its windows, a woman with golden hair was looking up at the skies-- Charlotte.

Her bright blue eyes, flickering in a green hue as she continued to stare at the empty skies above.

"...Take care out there, my son." She whispered before closing the curtains of her window.


Viel once again emerged from a golden light. This time, inside the room on the top floor of a colossal tower. He appeared beside the window, with the city lights reflecting on his golden hair.

Viel lightly tapped his foot on the floor before proceeding to walk towards a nearby desk. And with a long and deep sigh, he placed his diary on top of it.


"Who are you?"

A woman's voice then echoed throughout the dark room. She appeared from the darkness, her whole body adorned and wrapped in a golden gown that rivaled the glow of Viel's hair.

"...Are you Xing Chunhua?" Viel softly whispered as he slowly turned towards the woman.

"...Yes? Who are you!?"

"I am…" Viel lightly let out a hum before continuing his words, "I guess I am your uncle?"

"Uncle? I don't have-- Wait…" The woman's eyes began to widen as she stared at Viel's golden hair, "Wait! Please wait here!" She bellowed before quickly rushing out of the room.

"Mother! Mother! Come quick!" Her screams seeped through the door. And after a few minutes, she returned to the room. And beside her, was Xing Cai.

Her heavy and unrestrained breaths echoed throughout the whole tower, but alas, the man… the boy that he wanted to see was nowhere to be found in the room.

"Are you… are you sure he was here?" Xing Cai stuttered as she looked across the room. And soon, her eyes wandered towards the desk, where she found the book that Viel had left for her.

"This is…"

Xing Cai quickly turned the book inside out as she looked at its contents. And without realizing it, her tears were already slowly trailing on her face.

"M...mother, are you alright?"

"...Want me to tell you a story about your uncle?" Xing Cai could not help but smile as she wiped the tears on her face.

"But I already know everything about him! You've been telling me stories about him ever since I was a child! And what's with that book title, Reincarnated as Both God and the Devil!?" Xing Cai's daughter grabbed the book from Xing Cai's hand and closed it.

"Oh, are you curious now? Come, Let me tell you his story."

"Mother! I am already more than a hundred years old now!"


And once more, Viel emerged from the light as he stood in a bed of flowers that seemed to greet him as if they had finally been reunited with a long-lost friend.

[Viel, are you sure you want to leave? There are still a lot of people that care for you here.]

"Yes, Lu Yi… It's time."

[Let the kid spread his wings, he is already old enough.]

[What do you mean old enough!? He is not even a thousand years old yet! You just want to see your beloved Cortana again!]

[Oho, what's this? Do I hear jealousy? Soul 03 expresses extreme jealousy, is that it? Hahaha!]

[What do you mean jealous!? You imbecile! Judge of Karma, help me out here!]

Viel could not help but chuckle as the souls inside of him continued to argue.

[Time is but a concept made by--]

[Why did I even ask you!?]

[Aha, truly. Jack is always wise.]


[Viel, are you ready?]

"...Yes," Viel nodded as he slowly floated in the air. His long golden hair waving along with the foliage that fluttered around his body. He opened his eyes, revealing its jet-black color that one would get lost in.

[To the Planet of the Gods, then?]

"Take us there, Jack."

For one last time, Viel's body was surrounded and wrapped by a golden light, flickering through the night… until it flickered no more.

Once again, the bed of flowers was illuminated with only the light of the moon.

My name is Viel.

Thank you for reading the end of the beginning of my story. Maybe in another form, in another soul, in another life…

...We will meet again.

Because fate…

...We control our fate.

--Reincarnated as Both God and The Devil: Xanthus' World--



Hello. First of all, I would like to say thank you. If you have reached this part, then this is actually the end of the story. Now, there's a lot more to Viel's story... but I will end it here. Maybe someday, when it picks up, I will get to tell his story again.

But for now, it's goodbye.

Thank you very much for supporting and reading this humble story I wrote. This is actually the first book I wrote here, and the first one that I will be finishing. Hopefully, it will not be the last.

I truly can't express how thankful I am for all of you who supported me throughout the months.

I really didn't think I could do it, but we did it. Zachary, Erik, Kin1122, Jimmy, STILWIL, the Beyonder, AzuritePaladin, May Song, and a lot of others. Please do comment if you're still here.

I know we've lost and gained some along the way. But truly, this was an eye-opening experience for me as an aspiring writer. I mean, I am not even that good and even until now, I mix up a lot of things... But still, you guys supported me and watched me grow.

I owe all of this to you guys. You are the best, quite literally.

And as I move on to other stories and other projects, do know that this will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is what started my path to writing, after all. And I will bring all of you with me.

I plan to make many more stories, many more worlds, and characters. Please do check them out. I have another one I am writing now, which is titled "My Hermes System", and another one I am planning to start.

Truly though, thank you for supporting my work.

You guys are the best and I hope to see each of you again.

Thank you.

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