Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch115- Another Vision?

“Kazuki! You’re back. Did you hear...” Isshin’s voice trailed off, not needing to finish the sentence as the gravity of the situation was understood by all present.

Kazuki nodded, confirming their suspicions. “I just came from Yoruichi’s,” he shared, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “She briefed us on the situation with Azashiro and his forces.”

Kakyō, ever the peacekeeper, took a deep breath, visibly steadying herself before speaking. “It’s a nightmare. We’ve never dealt with something like this before. The whole Soul Society is shaken.”

Isshin sighed, his usual light-heartedness absent. “The Gotei 13 is doing everything they can, but Azashiro...he’s a different beast. And his army...they’re monsters.”

Kazuki felt a surge of determination. He had seen the devastation that Azashiro could wreak firsthand, and he knew that he couldn’t stand idly by. “What can we do? How can we help?”

Kakyō looked at the duo and said, "Nothing. This is above you." Her words, gentle yet firm, resonated within the room, conveying the seriousness of the situation.

Isshin nodded in agreement, his usually playful demeanor overshadowed by the gravity of the current predicament. "I know you are strong, Kazuki. But stay out of this one. This is above even us."

Kazuki paused for a moment, taking in the weight of their words. He had come a long way under the guidance of Isshin, who had found him in Rukongai and brought him into the Shiba family. Even if he didn’t remember his origins, Isshin's faith in him had molded him into the skilled shinigami he had become. He gave a small nod, signaling his understanding. "Understood."

Mashiro, having been quiet throughout the discussion, looked weary. The vibrant energy she usually exuded seemed to have been dimmed by the tragic news, leaving her looking vulnerable and overwhelmed.

Without a word, Kazuki gently moved behind her, lifting her onto his back. The gesture, while simple, conveyed the depth of their bond and understanding. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her face hidden from view.

With the atmosphere heavy and words unnecessary, the duo took their leave, silently making their way through the corridors of the 10th Division.

The streets of the Seireitei seemed to echo the same somber mood that had taken over the division. Gone was the bustling activity, replaced with an uneasy stillness. As Kazuki walked, the weight of the news and the responsibilities that lay ahead bore down on him. But more than that, he felt a determination to uncover the truths that might be hidden amidst the chaos.

Mashiro's home was a quaint, traditional structure, surrounded by a meticulously maintained garden. Entering, Kazuki gently set her down on a soft futon, ensuring she was comfortable.

"Kazuki," her voice, soft and fatigued, broke the silence. "Thank you."

He gave her a reassuring smile. "Rest now, Mashiro. We'll need our strength in the days to come."

Mashiro's green hair spilled around her like a halo, contrasting starkly with her pale skin. She gave him a weak nod, closing her eyes.

Kazuki took a moment to observe her, the peace on her face a stark contrast to the storm brewing outside. With a silent promise to protect his friends and loved ones, he quietly left the room.

Arriving at the Shiba Clan residence, the familiar surroundings offered a small sense of comfort to Kazuki amidst the turmoil. As he stepped through the entrance, Kukaku was immediately there, her presence as grounding as ever. With a warm smile and a strong embrace, she greeted him, “You’re back. I’ve been worried.”

Her voice held a mix of relief and concern, and it was clear she had been waiting for his return. She ushered him towards the bath, her movements practiced as she took out his clothes for washing. Her care for him was evident in every gesture, every look.

“Go on, get cleaned up. I’ll take care of this,” she said, gesturing towards his dirtied clothes. Her tone left no room for argument, and Kazuki found himself chuckling softly as he headed towards the bath. Kukaku had always had a way of taking charge that he found both amusing and endearing.

The hot water of the bath was soothing, and for a moment, Kazuki allowed himself to relax, to let the warmth seep into his bones. The day’s events, the news of the massacre, and the daunting task ahead weighed heavily on his mind, but here, in the safety of Kukaku’s home, he found a moment’s reprieve.

By the time he was done, Kukaku had left fresh clothes for him and had taken his dirty ones to be cleaned. Dressed and feeling significantly more refreshed, Kazuki made his way to the living room, finding Kukaku there waiting for him.

The food was ready, spread out on the table in a delicious array, and the comforting aroma filled the room. Kukaku had outdone herself, as she always did when he was away for extended periods. It was her way of welcoming him back, of showing her love.

Kazuki couldn’t help but smile as he took a seat next to her, feeling the familiar warmth of her presence. He laid his head on her lap, a gesture that spoke volumes of their closeness and trust. Kukaku’s hand gently found his hair, her fingers running through the silver strands as she took out a cotton swab to clean his ears.

“How was it out there?” she asked softly, her voice filled with concern as she began her task.

Kazuki sighed and began recounting the details he had gathered from his mission, fully aware that Kukaku probably already knew much of it through Yoruichi, Kakyo, or Isshin. Even though she wasn’t directly involved with the Shinigami life, Kukaku always seemed to be in the loop.

“You have seen another vision, haven't you?” she asked, her voice gentle yet probing as she delicately cleaned his ears. Her fingers worked meticulously, showing her concern and care for him.


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