Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch16- Potential Names

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Attention, attention! Let the virtual trumpets sound as we welcome the one and only Mudit, the latest patron to grace our literary realm! Prepare yourselves, dear readers, for Mudit's arrival brings a gust of inspiration and a dash of wit to our merry band of wordsmiths. With Mudit's support, our tales shall reach new heights and our chapters shall be embellished with a touch of magic. Hail Mudit!


Walking into the council room, Kengo was greeted by the sight of his fellow captains, each representing the pillars of the Seireitei's authority. Retsu Unohana, Ginrei Kuchiki, Jūshirō Ukitake, and Shunsui Kyōraku were already there, their faces etched with the seriousness of the impending discussion.

Retsu, with her long, braided hair and gentle eyes, radiated a sense of tranquility, belying the immense power she wielded. Ginrei, ever stoic, was the epitome of nobility and dignity, his sharp gaze capturing every detail. Ukitake and Kyōraku, Yamamoto’s former students, although relatively younger, held a similar air of authority, their camaraderie and synergy evident even in this solemn atmosphere.

"Kengo," Yamamoto began, his gravelly voice echoing across the room, "We are here to discuss the new semester and potential candidates amongst the fresh intake."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Kengo took his place at the round table, his mind quickly shifting to the prospective talents he had seen, including Kazuki.

"Shall we begin?" Yamamoto asked, casting a glance around the room, his gaze steady and penetrating. His eyes were like ancient stone, weathered but unyielding, a testament to the countless years he had spent shouldering the responsibility of Seireitei.

Retsu Unohana, Captain of the 4th Division and known for her healing skills, nodded first. "I have seen a potential candidate among the new students. His name is Urahara Kisuke," she said, her voice soft but firm. "He has displayed exceptional skill in control of his Reiatsu and, more importantly, an innate desire to learn and grow."

Next, Ginrei Kuchiki, Captain of the 6th Division and head of the noble Kuchiki clan, took his turn. "A young soul named Aizen Sousuke has shown great promise," he said, his voice echoing through the room. "His tactical prowess is remarkable for his age. Furthermore, he has demonstrated an impressive control over his spiritual energy."

The gaze of the room then shifted to Jūshirō Ukitake, Captain of the 13th Division, his hair as white as snow. "I concur with Unohana-dono and Kuchiki-dono. Both Urahara Kisuke and Aizen Sousuke have potential," he acknowledged, his calm voice resonating in the room. "However, there is another individual who has caught my eye - a girl named Yoruichi Shihōin."

A murmur ran through the room at the mention of the Shihōin name. The Shihōin clan, like the Shiba, was a noble family with an influential role within Seireitei. Ukitake continued, "Her agility and mastery of Hakuda are extraordinary. Moreover, her spirit energy is exceptional. I believe she will become a considerable force within the academy."

Kengo had been listening quietly, nodding in agreement at his fellow Captains' assessments. The names Urahara Kisuke and Aizen Sousuke were already in his list of potential talents. And Yoruichi Shihōin - he was quite familiar with the young prodigy from the Shihōin clan due to their close family ties. However, there was one name yet to be mentioned.

The room fell silent as Kengo prepared to speak, his gaze fixating on the ancient wood grains of the round table. "There is another," he began, his deep voice steady. "A newcomer, unlike any I've ever seen. His name is Kazuki."

The room grew quiet as Kengo continued. "Despite having no previous training, Kazuki managed to perform the first Kidō spell, Sho, within mere days of his arrival. Moreover, his spiritual energy is unusually potent, indicating a significant potential."

"Is he from a noble family?" Ginrei asked, his eyebrows arching in interest. Kengo looked at his fellow Captain, a subtle softness appearing in his eyes. "No, he's not," Kengo replied, his voice laced with a hint of pride. "He is part of my family. Kazuki Shiba."

Kengo's declaration of Kazuki as a Shiba caused a slight stir among the captains. Retsu's calm eyes flickered with curiosity while Ginrei's keen gaze bore into Kengo, clearly taken aback. Jūshirō, ever the observer, remained silent, although his eyebrows were noticeably raised. Even the seemingly imperturbable Shunsui looked slightly surprised. The room hummed with the sound of contemplation and slight surprise.

"A Shiba?" Ginrei broke the silence first, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism. "He doesn't look like a Shiba."

His words echoed around the room, the note of doubt sparking a wave of curiosity among the captains. The Shiba clan was well-known for their distinct features - their hair as dark as night and their eyes, piercing and intense. Kazuki's silver hair and blue eyes made him an anomaly in the clan, a point that hadn't escaped Ginrei's keen eye.

Kengo merely nodded at Ginrei's observation, not offended but rather appreciative of his honesty. "Yes, he doesn't bear the typical Shiba traits," Kengo conceded, "but he possesses something more significant – the spirit of a true Shinigami."

Retsu tilted her head, intrigued by Kengo's statement. "I've noticed the young man during the entrance ceremony," she confessed, her voice soft yet resolute. "There's a certain light in his eyes, a desire to learn and a sense of responsibility that's quite unusual for someone of his age."

"True," Jūshirō added, his voice soft as a whisper, "I've seen the same determination in him. It's as if he's not just here to learn, but to uncover something much more profound."

A smirk danced on Shunsui's lips as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting towards the window. "It seems like our Kengo has found a gem," he stated, the playful lilt in his voice unmissable. "It'll be interesting to see how he grows."

Kengo couldn't help but appreciate his fellow captains' observations. They were masters of their craft, and their acknowledgment of Kazuki's potential was a testament to the young man's capabilities. Yet, Kengo knew Kazuki was more than just a promising student; he was a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

"Yes, he is unique," Kengo acknowledged, his deep voice steady. "Kazuki has no memories of his past, no understanding of his abilities. Yet, his spirit is strong, and his dedication is unwavering."

Retsu was quick to pick up on Kengo's implications. "He has lost his memories?" she asked, her brows knitting together in concern.

Kengo nodded, "Yes, he arrived at the Shiba estate with no recollection of his past. Yet, despite this, he managed to manifest the first Hado, Sho, within days of his arrival. It's as if his body remembered the art even when his mind didn't."

A ripple of surprise ran through the captains. The first Hado, Sho, was a basic technique, yet for a beginner with no prior training, it was indeed a commendable feat. It hinted at a potential that was buried deep within Kazuki, a potential yet to be discovered.

Ginrei leaned forward, his gaze keen on Kengo. "Are you sure he's not a lost child of some noble family?" he asked, his tone hinting at a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

Kengo shook his head, his gaze never faltering. "No, Ginrei. Kazuki isn't a lost child. His power isn't inherited, but innate. He is not a Shinigami who lost his memories, but a young soul who is yet to discover his full potential."


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