Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch25- Unohana

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"Yoshido wasn't just brave; he was incredibly skilled. His Zanpakuto, Hakujitsu Kōrin, was a sight to behold," Yoruichi narrated, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears. "When he released his Shikai, the battlefield would light up with the radiant glow of his blade. His Bankai, however, was even more magnificent."

She paused, her gaze distant, her mind lost in the vivid memory of Yoshido's Bankai. "Hakujitsu Kōrin: Myōjō," she said, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "It was like a star descending upon the battlefield, its light cutting through the darkest shadows. But against Kurodo, even that wasn't enough."

"Despite all his efforts, despite his incredible Bankai, Yoshido couldn't defeat Kurodo," Yoruichi said, her voice lowering to a somber whisper. Her gaze was distant, her mind traversing back to that fateful battle. "His Bankai was broken, shattered into pieces by the overwhelming power of the Vasto Lorde. The battlefield was silenced, all eyes on the once radiant blade, now a pile of broken shards."

Kazuki's breath hitched at the revelation, a heavy silence settling over them. He could feel the weight of Yoruichi's words, could see the impact of that moment reflected in her golden eyes. For a moment, his mind grappled with the image of Yoshido, a respected figure, brought to his knees.

"But what happened to Kurodo?" Isane asked, breaking the silence. Her blue eyes reflected the worry etched across her features. "If Master Yoshido couldn't defeat him, then how...?"

Yoruichi shivered, her golden eyes flashing with an emotion Kazuki couldn't quite place. A cold chill seemed to wash over her at Isane's question. But as quickly as it came, it was replaced by a small, almost eerie, smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Ah, yes... Kurodo..." she began, her voice oddly calm. "You see, after Yoshido's defeat, Captain Unohana took it upon herself to confront the Vasto Lorde."

"Unohana?" Kazuki questioned, the name unfamiliar to him. His gaze locked onto Yoruichi's, curiosity piqued.

"Yes, Unohana," Yoruichi confirmed, her smile widening at Kazuki's expression. "Retsu Unohana, Captain of the Fourth Division. Don't be fooled by her gentle demeanor; she's one of the most formidable Shinigami in Soul Society."

She paused, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "You see, Unohana is known for her healing abilities, but many forget that she was a warrior long before she was a healer. When she heard of Yoshido's defeat, she set out to face Kurodo herself."

Yoruichi shivered at the memory, the image of Unohana's calm smile imprinted in her mind. It was a smile that hid a terrifying power, a force capable of instilling fear in the heart of even the most monstrous Vasto Lorde.

"She sought out Kurodo," she continued, her voice barely more than a whisper. "When she found him, she didn't hesitate. She didn't flinch at his size or power. She stood her ground, a lone figure against a sea of darkness."

Isane, Lisa, and Kazuki listened in rapt silence, hanging onto Yoruichi's every word. The image of Unohana facing Kurodo was simultaneously terrifying and awe-inspiring.

"And then, she released her Zanpakuto," Yoruichi narrated, her voice laced with respect. "Minazuki... It was a sight to behold, a terrifying blend of grace and power. Unohana's healing Zanpakuto transformed into a deadly weapon, its serpentine form whipping through the air."

Her eyes were distant, reliving the legendary encounter. "It was a battle of epic proportions. The sky darkened, echoing the intensity of the clash. But amidst all the chaos, Unohana stood firm, her every movement precise, her every strike lethal."

Her words painted a vivid picture of the battle, the intensity palpable. Kazuki could feel his heart pounding, his grip on his lunch tightening subconsciously.

"In the end, Unohana defeated Kurodo," Yoruichi said, her voice holding a note of finality. "But it was far from an easy victory."

The revelation seemed to hang heavily in the air. The thought of the formidable Vasto Lorde falling at the hands of Captain Unohana sent chills down Kazuki's spine. The sheer magnitude of the battle was unimaginable. Isane, her eyes wide, seemed lost in thought, perhaps drawing parallels with the Unohana she knew — the mild-mannered captain of Squad 4, who was rarely seen without a smile.

Despite the terrifying image of Unohana the warrior, a shiver of excitement coursed through Kazuki. The idea that someone as kind and gentle as Unohana could possess such formidable power was inspiring. It was a stark reminder that every Shinigami, no matter how gentle or serene, was a warrior at heart.

Yoruichi caught Kazuki's thoughtful gaze and offered him a small, understanding smile. "Unohana's battle with Kurodo became legendary," she continued, "A tale of bravery and sacrifice that serves as a reminder of our duty as Shinigami. Yoshido lost his Bankai, but he never lost his spirit. He continued training, honing his skills, passing on his knowledge."

The spark of admiration in Kazuki's eyes was unmistakable as he listened to Yoruichi. There was a newfound respect for Yoshido, a deeper understanding of the journey that had shaped him into the master he was now. The realization that he was learning from such an experienced warrior added a new level of importance to his training.

Lisa, who had remained silent throughout the conversation, finally spoke up. "That's why he puts so much emphasis on mastering the basics," she deduced, her voice holding a note of realization. "Because you never know when you might lose the ability to use your Bankai."

Yoruichi nodded approvingly. "Exactly. Relying solely on your Zanpakuto can be risky. Yoshido always emphasizes that a Shinigami must be adaptable, prepared for any situation."

Isane turned her gaze towards Kazuki, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. "You seemed surprised when Master Yoshido mentioned your tendency for stabbing movements. Do you think it might have something to do with your future Zanpakuto?" she asked, her tone hesitant.

Kazuki paused, a thoughtful frown etched on his face. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "Master Yoshido mentioned it could be related to my Zanpakuto, or something else entirely. But I have yet to even communicate with my Zanpakuto spirit, let alone know its name."

He shrugged, attempting to brush off the lingering uncertainty. "But I guess all I can do for now is continue training and trust in Master Yoshido's guidance."

There was a moment of silence, filled only by the rustling of leaves overhead and the distant chatter of students enjoying their lunch break. Yoruichi glanced at her companions, a slow grin spreading across her face.

"Well, one thing's for sure," she began, her golden eyes sparkling with mischief. "Life at the academy is certainly not boring."

Laughter echoed in the quiet corner of the academy grounds, a welcome relief after the intense discussion. The seriousness of the past hour melted away, replaced by an atmosphere of camaraderie.

They ate their lunch amidst light-hearted chatter and laughter, their thoughts of Hollows and battles momentarily forgotten. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the friendships forged and lessons learned made their time at the academy an experience to be cherished.

But as the lunch break came to an end, and they made their way back to the training yard, the weight of their responsibilities as future Shinigami returned.


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