Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch27- Kido!(2)

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Kazuki nodded, his mind reeling with the implications of this revelation. His first attempts to connect with his Zanpakuto spirit had been unsuccessful, but Sayuri's words ignited a new resolve within him.

"The same principle applies to Kido," Sayuri continued, her amber eyes meeting each of her students'. "When you utter the name of a Kido spell, you're not just casting a spell, you're focusing your will, your intent, your reiatsu. That's why a named attack is more powerful. You're invoking its power, channeling it through your reiatsu."

Sayuri paused, giving her students a moment to digest the information. The room was silent, save for the soft rustle of turning pages and the occasional hum of agreement.

Isane, sitting in front of Kazuki, turned around, her light blue eyes wide with understanding. "That's why Master Yoshido emphasizes control over reiatsu," she whispered, her voice hushed in reverence. "Everything we do as Shinigami, from Zanjutsu to Kido, is about control over our reiatsu."

Kazuki nodded, his mind racing. Every training session, every piece of advice, every moment of struggle – they were all pieces of a larger puzzle, all part of a path towards mastering the complex art of Kido.

"But how do you know if you're doing it right?" a fellow student asked, breaking the reverent silence. "I mean, how can you tell if your will is strong enough?"

Sayuri smiled, a gentle, understanding smile. "Will is not something you measure, it's something you feel," she explained. "When you cast a Kido spell, there's a moment, a spark, when everything comes together. Your intent, your reiatsu, your gesture, and your will. That spark is when you know you've done it right."

Kazuki felt a shiver of anticipation. He remembered that spark when he used Sho, that moment when everything seemed to click into place. He glanced at Yoruichi, who was grinning at him.

Sayuri gracefully gestured to the door at the side of the lecture hall, leading them into a much larger room. The room was cavernous, with the high ceiling and the far end obscured in shadow, offering an air of mystique. Rows of wooden dummies were lined up, serving as targets for the forthcoming Kido demonstration.

"Now, I will demonstrate four basic Kido, two from Hado, one from Bakudo, and one from Kaido," she announced, her voice echoing off the high ceiling. "Each spell represents one aspect of Kido: offensive, defensive, and healing."

Her piercing amber eyes scanned the room, making sure she had the full attention of her students. "First is Hado #1: Sho." Sayuri extended her palm towards one of the wooden dummies. "Oh spirits of power and force, gather and surge forth! Hado #1, Sho!"

A burst of energy erupted from her hand, hitting the dummy with enough force to send it skidding backwards. Students gasped, impressed by the seemingly simple, yet effective spell. Kazuki felt a flicker of recognition. It was the same spell he had used, but it felt different hearing the chant and seeing it executed with such precision.

Next, Sayuri explained the first Bakudo, Sai. She aimed at another dummy, her voice steady and resolute, "Binding tendrils of ethereal force, restrict and confine! Bakudo #1, Sai!"

In response, ethereal bands appeared around the dummy, binding it tightly. Sayuri looked around the room, her gaze sharp. "The strength of Bakudo lies in its utility," she explained. "It's not always about attacking; sometimes, restraint is the key to victory."

Isane leaned over to Kazuki, her voice soft and awestruck, "Did you see that, Kazuki? The way she controlled her was amazing."

Kazuki nodded, his mind working overtime to absorb every detail. He watched as Sayuri moved on to the third spell, this time from Kaido. "Gentle currents of rejuvenating energy, flow and mend the wounds! Kaido #1, Kaifuku!"

A warm, green glow enveloped Sayuri's hands, illuminating her serene face. There were no dummies for this demonstration; instead, a small plant with wilted leaves was placed on a table. As Sayuri gently touched the plant, the glow transferred, and almost instantly, the plant sprouted vibrant green leaves.

Gasps filled the room as the plant came back to life, its leaves perking up and its stems standing straight. The Kaido demonstration felt less flashy compared to the Hado and Bakudo, but the implications were profound. This was a healing technique, a form of Kido that resonated deeply with Isane, given her aspirations.

"Wow," Isane whispered, "That was beautiful."

"Master Sayuri makes it seem so effortless," Kazuki agreed, his voice filled with admiration.

"Finally, we move on to the second Hado spell: Kyokko." Sayuri's voice echoed through the grand room, a look of intense concentration on her face. Students watched with bated breath as she took a confident step forward. "Blinding brilliance that obscures the sight, reveal not your true form!" she chanted. "Hado #2: Kyokko!"

Light burst forth from Sayuri's outstretched hand, so bright that it forced everyone to shield their eyes. The luminous flare created a temporary curtain of light, obscuring her form and disorienting the senses. When the light subsided, she stood before them unscathed, her calm demeanor unaffected by the demonstration.

A murmur ran through the crowd as the students realized the strategic implications of the spell. Kyokko wasn't about damage or restraint; it was about surprise and diversion. In a critical situation, it could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

"I hope you've observed and understood the basics of these Kido spells," Sayuri announced, scanning the room with her intense amber eyes. "Now, it's your turn to practice. Remember, control over your reiatsu is essential. Focus on the chant and your intent."

As the students spread out to begin their practice, Yoruichi, Kazuki, Lisa and Isane found a quiet corner, each preparing to test the spells they'd just been taught.

Yoruichi was first, extending her palm towards a wooden dummy. ""Oh spirits of power and force, gather and surge forth! Hado #1: Sho!" she declared, pushing her reiatsu out. A concentrated burst of energy blasted forth from her palm, sending the dummy skidding backwards. A triumphant smile crossed her face as she turned to Kazuki. "Your turn, Lisa."


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