Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch33- Not Gods of Death But…

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"But, Master Tsumoto," she asked, her voice echoing in the stillness of the room, "If our purpose as Shinigami is to maintain balance, why do we oppose the Quincy? They too, cleanse the souls of Hollows."

Master Tsumoto turned his gaze towards her, a flicker of approval in his eyes. "That, Little Lass, is a question of nuances and profound complexities," he started, his voice resonating with a depth of understanding that held the room captive. "While it's true that both Shinigami and Quincy aim to purify Hollows, the methods we employ and the consequences thereof are vastly different."

His gaze shifted towards the window, his eyes reflecting the rays of sunlight streaming through. "When a Shinigami purifies a Hollow, we cleanse the sins it committed as a Hollow. The soul then continues its journey, whether to the Soul Society or to Hell, based on the life it led as a human."

He paused, turning back to his captivated audience. "Quincy, however, don't simply purify Hollows. Their techniques eradicate the Hollow completely from existence. The soul doesn't continue on its journey, it simply ceases to exist."

An undercurrent of tension seeped into the room. Students exchanged wary glances, the gravity of his words dawning upon them. This was no longer a theoretical discussion; it was a discourse on the delicate equilibrium of life and death, an insight into the consequences of their future actions.

Kazuki, his sky-blue eyes intense with the weight of newfound understanding, found himself voicing the next question. "Doesn't this disrupt the balance between the three realms? Soul Society, Earth, and Hueco Mundo?"

Master Tsumoto's gaze fell upon him, a touch of appreciation showing through his stern facade. "Precisely, my boy," he affirmed. "The balance between the three realms is intricate, delicate. Removing a soul from existence disrupts this balance, causing ripples that might lead to unforeseen circumstances."

He allowed his words to resonate in the room for a moment, watching as comprehension gradually dawned upon the faces of his students. Then he continued, "This balance is not merely a concept, but the bedrock of our existence. An imbalance might lead to dire consequences. It might even bring about the collapse of the three realms."

The quiet murmur that ran through the room indicated the students' shared apprehension at this revelation. They now grasped the gravity of their roles, the responsibilities that came with becoming a Shinigami. It was not simply about battling Hollows and cleansing souls. It was about preserving the equilibrium of life and death, ensuring the continuity of existence.

Yoruichi's gaze was hard, her playful demeanor replaced by a serious understanding. "Then we have a duty not just towards the souls we cleanse, but towards the very fabric of existence itself."

Master Tsumoto nodded approvingly at Yoruichi's insight. "That is correct. Our responsibilities extend beyond our individual actions. As Shinigami, we are guardians of a balance that affects all realms of existence."

Drawing from the stirring revelation of their conversation, Master Tsumoto decided to delve deeper into the very nature of their chosen path, the essence of what it meant to be a Shinigami. The room remained hushed, every student awaiting his words with baited breath, their curiosity piqued, their resolve strengthened.

"Shinigami," Master Tsumoto started, his voice echoing across the silent room, "is often translated as 'Death God.' This translation is an oversimplification and carries a certain misinterpretation."

His gaze, sharp and unwavering, held the room captive. His next words were carefully chosen, meant to undo the general perception they might have formed.

"In reality, we are not gods who bring death," he continued, "Rather, we serve as custodians for the entity of Death itself. Consider us as workers or agents, tasked with the crucial duty of maintaining the balance of life and death."

Yoruichi's hand raised, her face showing a keen interest. "Then, we don't cause death, but guide those who have already transitioned from life?" she inquired, seeking clarity.

Master Tsumoto responded with a nod, "Precisely, Little Lass. The soul's departure from the world of the living has already occurred by the time a Shinigami is involved. We exist to ensure the soul's journey continues, from life to afterlife, thus maintaining the cycle of existence."

Kazuki's eyes held a flicker of understanding as he listened. He felt a profound connection to these words, resonating with the nobility of the purpose they were meant to serve. They were not mere executioners as the term 'Death God' suggested; instead, they were guides, protectors of the natural cycle, and bearers of equilibrium.

Isane's voice punctuated the silence that followed, "Master Tsumoto, if we are not the bringers of death, why are we equipped with weapons? Why do we train to fight?"

Master Tsumoto looked at Isane, acknowledging her question with a nod. "It's true we carry weapons, lass, and train to fight. However, it's not for the purpose of killing or causing harm. Our weapons, the Zanpakuto, are tools meant to cleanse souls, to purify them of the sins committed during their existence as Hollows. The combat skills we acquire are for the protection of souls, and maintaining the balance of realms."

Master Tsumoto leaned forward, elbows resting on the table, his features bathed in the soft light pouring in from the window. "To be a protector," he began, his voice maintaining its steady resonance, "is to bear the weight of responsibility. It implies that one stands guard over something, shielding it from harm, ensuring its continued existence. And such an endeavor," he continued, his tone deepening, "requires strength."

The students looked on, their expressions reflecting a mixture of curiosity and comprehension. Master Tsumoto was no longer just their teacher; he was their guide, their mentor, shedding light on the essence of their chosen path.

"To protect," he went on, "we must possess the ability to counter forces that threaten what we guard. We must be capable of holding back the tide of harm, of extinguishing the flames of destruction. This necessitates force, not for the sake of violence, but for the preservation of balance."


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