Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch35- Lakeside Friendship

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A comfortable silence followed, and it was during this moment of pause that another figure approached. A slightly taller student, his silvery-grey hair standing out, walked towards them. His expression was more reserved, almost stoic, contrasting with Mashiro's vivacious demeanor. This was Kensei Muguruma, a well-recognized figure in their class for his quiet yet firm presence.

Kensei took in the scene, his gaze resting on each one of them before finally landing on Kazuki. He inclined his head slightly in greeting. "I hope I'm not interrupting. I heard something about lake, I know a perfect spot."

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Kazuki's lips. He turned to his friends, questioning eyes moving from one to another. When they nodded, he turned back to Kensei, his voice steady. "That sounds like a great idea, Kensei. Lead the way."

So, with their growing group, they set off towards the lake. As they walked through the grounds of the academy, the tension from earlier was slowly replaced by a sense of tranquillity. The camaraderie between the six of them seemed to flow as naturally as the gentle wind that swirled around them, whisking away the intensity of their earlier discussion.

The path to the lake wound through a quiet grove, the earth beneath their feet littered with petals from the blossoming trees overhead. Their chatter was light, playful, a refreshing change from the seriousness of their class.

As they approached the lake, a gentle sigh escaped from Kazuki's lips. The area was breathtaking; a pristine water body stretched out before them, reflecting the clear blue of the sky. The surrounding grass was lush and vibrant, a stark contrast to the pale sakura trees that lined the shore, their delicate blooms painting the landscape in hues of pink.

They settled on the soft grass, their bodies instinctively forming a loose circle. The backdrop of the tranquil lake seemed to amplify the soothing silence that settled among them.

Yoruichi, finally overcoming her earlier embarrassment, broke the silence. "So, Mashiro, were you born here in Soul Society, or did you come here from the Earth?"

Mashiro shook her head energetically, her green hair bouncing with the movement. "Oh, I was born here!" she chirped. "I've lived in Rukongai as far as I remember. The academy's a completely different world, but it's exciting!"

Lisa, the curiosity in her eyes sparked anew, turned to Kensei. "What about you, Kensei?"

The corners of Kensei's mouth twitched upwards, a semblance of a smile on his usually stern face. "I came here from Earth," he shared, his voice a low rumble. "I still remember the sensation of waking up here after… after everything."

His words hung in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of a past life that ended too soon. Yet, his tone was void of any regret or sadness. Instead, it hinted at acceptance, a subtle strength that resonated with each of his listeners.

Isane then asked a question that had been nagging at her. "Kazuki, how did you end up here?" she queried, her gaze settling on him.

Kazuki looked at Isane, his eyes shimmering with warmth. He shrugged his shoulders, seemingly unbothered by the weight of her question. "I'm not sure if my story is as interesting as Kensei's. But well, if you're asking..."

He stretched out, leaning back on his hands as he gazed at the clear blue sky. "I didn't come from the Earth, nor was I born in the Soul Society. I just... woke up in Rukongai one day. No past memories, nothing."

A collective gasp echoed around the group, their surprised eyes trained on Kazuki. Even Kensei, who had been silent for most of the conversation, wore an expression of surprise.

Seeing their reactions, Kazuki couldn't help but laugh. "Don't look so shocked," he chuckled. "Isshin found me wandering around, looking all confused. He was kind enough to bring me to the Shiba clan."

His gaze shifted to Yoruichi, his voice softening. "That's how I met Kukaku, who introduced me to Yoruichi a week before we started the academy."

The memory elicited a small smile from Yoruichi. "You were quite a sight back then, all puzzled and in awe of everything."

Kazuki shot her a mock glare. "Hey, I was just trying to get used to my new surroundings," he protested, but his words were laced with mirth.

"What about you, Yoruichi?" Isane interjected, shifting the focus of the conversation. "How'd you end up in the academy?"

The black-haired girl shrugged her shoulders, her golden eyes reflecting the sunlight. "Well, my family has a long history with the Shinigami academy. I guess it was only natural for me to follow the tradition."

Kazuki glanced around the circle, his gaze settling on each face in turn. His next question broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over the group. "Let's forget about our origins for a bit. What do you all think your Zanpakutō would be?"

This piqued Mashiro's interest. She clapped her hands together excitedly, her vibrant green hair bouncing as she did so. "Oh, I've always thought about that! I imagine mine would be something fun and energetic, like a bo staff! It could create gusts of wind or bubbles that could distract or trap enemies!"

Kazuki chuckled, clearly amused. "A bo staff that blows bubbles? That sounds like it would suit you well, Mashiro."

Isane was next. She seemed to consider her words for a moment before speaking. "I think mine would be more healing-oriented. Maybe it could create a barrier or shield to protect others."

Kensei, who had been silent, finally joined the conversation. "Mine would be a fist," he said, his voice as steady as his gaze. "Something that allows me to fight up close and personal."

Lisa, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, found herself next in line. She shifted, crossing her arms over her chest as she thought. "I guess mine would be something tactical... maybe a spear or a halberd, allowing for both close combat and range."

Lisa, Yoruichi and him had already talked about their expectation about their Zanpakutos. He told others what they thought, and they started to talk about more mundane things.


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