Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch36- Drawn Into Her

I started a patreon account where you can read 45 chapters! (15 from each new series)! Take a look!

I added an auxiliary chapter with character pictures if you want to check...


The girls started to engage in a lively chat, their voices punctuated by bursts of laughter and moments of mutual understanding. They drifted into a world of their own, leaving the two men on the fringes. Despite the earlier vow of discussing anything but the academy, it seemed the topics were more of the latest fashion in the Seireitei and the most delicious food stalls in the Rukongai.

On the other hand, Kensei and Kazuki found themselves in a conversation that was more subdued yet undeniably meaningful. Kensei was the first to break the ice, his eyes still trained on the serene view of the lake.

“You mentioned earlier that you have no past memories. Has that been difficult for you?" Kensei asked, curiosity underpinning his stoic exterior.

Kazuki followed Kensei's gaze out across the lake, his mind turning over the question. “It was a bit jarring at first, waking up in a world without any sense of who I was or where I came from,” he admitted. “But I think not having a past also meant no regrets or painful memories. It was like a clean slate.”

He then turned to Kensei, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. “What about you? How did you adjust to the life here after your death?”

Kensei considered this, his gaze focused on the far-off mountains. “It was strange," he admitted, “but in a way, it felt like I was just moving to a new city. There were unfamiliar faces, places, even the language was slightly different. But I suppose that's just life... or death, rather. Always changing, always moving."

Kazuki's gaze shifted from the tranquil lake to Kensei. "Kensei, I've got a question for you," he started, his tone considerate. "You were born and lived on Earth. Is there anything you miss from there?"

For a moment, Kensei's gaze hardened, his usual stoic exterior briefly revealing a trace of something deeper. Then he sighed, a long drawn-out breath that seemed to carry a hidden weight. "Yes," he replied, his voice barely more than a whisper. "My wife."

Kazuki felt a jolt of surprise, but he kept his face carefully neutral, not wanting to further discomfort Kensei. Instead, he offered a soft, "I see."

Kensei's gaze turned to the shimmering surface of the lake, as if seeking solace in its peaceful ripples. "She was... everything to me. I never got the chance to say goodbye, and I suppose that's my only regret."

A silence settled over them, heavy yet comforting in its understanding.

"Kensei," Kazuki began after a while, "do you see yourself ever... moving on?"

The question hung in the air for a moment before Kensei responded. "No," he said resolutely. "I've made peace with my past, and she is a part of that. But if there's any chance we can meet again, I want to hold on to that hope."

Kazuki nodded, appreciating the conviction in Kensei's voice. "I respect that. To hold onto hope is a strength in itself."

Kensei glanced at Kazuki, his reserved demeanor giving way to a hint of curiosity. "Earlier, I noticed you and Yoruichi seemed... comfortable together," he started, his gaze level. "Is there something going on between you two?"

Kazuki, taken aback by the directness of Kensei’s question, let out a soft chuckle. "It's complicated," he confessed, his gaze wandering towards the girls, where Yoruichi was currently engaged in a lively discussion with Mashiro and Lisa.

Seeing Kazuki’s evasive response, Kensei raised an eyebrow. "Complicated how?"

Kazuki sighed, leaning back on his hands. He stared at the sky, contemplating his answer. "Yoruichi and I... we're close. Very close," he admitted, his gaze never leaving the clear blue above. "She's been there for me since I arrived here."

Kensei nodded, silently encouraging Kazuki to continue.

"But it's not just Yoruichi," Kazuki went on, his tone thoughtful. "Kukaku's been there for me too. Both of them... they're like the sun and the moon to me. Each unique, each important in their own way."

"But there's also someone else, isn't there?" Kensei asked, his tone both stern and gentle.

Kazuki turned to face Kensei, a surprised look on his face. How did Kensei...? He shook his head, letting out a quiet laugh. "I suppose I can't hide anything from you, can I?"

Kensei offered a small smile. "I may be quiet, but I'm observant. There's a certain look in your eyes when you think about her, whoever she is."

"It's strange," Kazuki confessed, his sky-blue eyes holding a distant look. "I have no memories of my past, yet there's an image of a woman that lingers in my mind. Fiery hair, sky-blue eyes... I don’t even know if she’s real or just a figment of my imagination."

"A flame amidst the frost," Kensei murmured, more to himself than to Kazuki. "A memory, or perhaps a dream... It doesn't really matter, does it? It's what you feel that counts."

Kazuki glanced at Kensei, appreciating the wisdom in his words. "You're right, Kensei," he agreed. "It's what I feel that matters. And I feel... drawn to her. It's as if a part of me is missing, and she holds the missing piece."

Kensei nodded, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Then, I suppose, all you can do is wait," he advised. "Time has a way of revealing what's meant to be."

Kazuki chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I didn't know you were a philosopher, Kensei," he teased.

Kensei merely shrugged, his stoic expression never wavering. "I just call it as I see it."


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