Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch43- Ending the Hollow

"Kensei," Kazuki spoke, his voice steady amid the chaos, "start with Bakudō #21. Sekienton."

Kensei nodded, understanding Kazuki's strategy immediately. "Got it," he responded, concentrating his spiritual energy on the incantation. "Unseen winds of hidden realm, shroud of concealment, ye who guards the path of shadows! Sekienton, with swift command, veil my presence in thy obscure embrace."

A burst of red smoke erupted around them, masking their presence from the Hollow. In the midst of the smokescreen, Kazuki began his own incantation for Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen.

"In the realms of silver, may the barriers of space collapse upon themselves. Within the echo of three cries, let the obstructive walls be formed. Shitotsu Sansen!"

As the words left Kazuki's mouth, a burst of crackling yellow energy formed in his hand, which he used to draw an inverted yellow triangle. Almost instantly, smaller triangles of solidified energy shot from its points, streaking towards the Hollow and slamming into its grotesque form, pinning it against a tree.

"Charge!" Kazuki's command cut through the smoke, and both he and Kensei charged towards the immobilized Hollow. Their movements were swift and calculated, their heavy training evident in every step.

On the other side of the red smoke, Aizen and Urahara were waiting, their hands gripping their Zanpakutōs tightly. They could hear the sound of battle, the roar of the Hollow, the clash of steel against mask. Aizen glanced at Urahara, his gaze unreadable. "We should assist," he said, but his words lacked urgency.

Urahara nodded, his messy hair bobbing slightly. "Yes, we should," he agreed, but he too seemed oddly relaxed. As though he had complete trust in their comrades' abilities, or perhaps, he knew something they didn't.

When the smoke cleared, they saw Kazuki and Kensei standing before the pinned Hollow, their Asauchi raised.

As the clearing became visible through the fading remnants of the red smoke, the immobilized Hollow became the focus of attention. It was a grotesque creature, pinned to a large tree by the crackling energy of the Shitotsu Sansen. The energy triangles radiated from the creature's form, illuminating the immediate surroundings in an eerie yellow glow.

Kazuki and Kensei stood just a few steps away, Asauchi ready. The steel of their blades glinted in the flickering yellow light, casting a stark contrast against the gloom of the forest. Their bodies were tense, ready for the finishing strike.

Aizen and Urahara stood at the edge of the clearing. Aizen's eyes were focused on the scene unfolding before him. His hand tightened around the hilt of his Asauchi, his face betraying no emotion.

"Ye lord!" Aizen's voice cut through the stillness. His incantation reverberated through the forest, echoed off the tall, ancient trees. "Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man!"

Kazuki's gaze snapped towards Aizen, confusion flashing in his sky-blue eyes. His hand, which was about to bring his Asauchi down on the Hollow, stilled. Beside him, Kensei also turned to look at Aizen, surprise evident on his face.

"Truth and temperance," Aizen continued, raising his Asauchi, "upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws."

The forest seemed to hold its breath as a bright blue light gathered around Aizen's Asauchi, illuminating his face in an ethereal glow. With a swift movement, he released the energy towards the immobilized Hollow. "Hadō #33. Sōkatsui!"

Kazuki watched in horror as the powerful Kido spell hurtled towards the Hollow. "No, wait!" he shouted, but it was too late. The Sōkatsui hit the Hollow and the immobilizing triangles of the Shitotsu Sansen simultaneously.

The resulting explosion was deafening. The energy that held the Hollow broke away under the impact, freeing the creature. As the smoke cleared, the Hollow roared, freed from its restraints and now even more enraged.

Kazuki quickly jumped back, pulling Kensei with him as the Hollow lunged at them. His heart pounded in his chest, not from fear, but from anger. That was not supposed to happen. He stole a glance at Aizen, who stood seemingly unmoved by the chaos he had caused.

"We have to pin it down again!" Kazuki said to Kensei, raising his Asauchi. "Are you ready?"

Kensei nodded, gripping his Asauchi tightly. "I'll start with the Bakudō, cover me!"

As Kensei began his incantation, Kazuki took a defensive position, his eyes never leaving the rampaging Hollow. He parried its attacks, the sharp clash of his Zanpakutō against the Hollow's claws filling the air. He moved with precision and purpose, his training manifesting in each defensive maneuver.

Meanwhile, Aizen and Urahara were hanging back. Aizen's face was "panicked" as he watched the scene unfold. Urahara stood beside him, his bangs faling, casting a shadow over his eyes.

The woods echoed with the Hollow's roar as it lunged at them. Kazuki's gaze snapped to Aizen, who was projecting an aura of concern. The sudden deviation from the plan had heightened the tension in the atmosphere. "We need to immobilize it again!" Kazuki yelled, holding the Hollow at bay with a swift swing of his Asauchi.

Aizen nodded, gripping his Zanpakutō tighter. "I'll assist," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos. There was an eagerness in his eyes that was almost unsettling. He began reciting an incantation, his voice echoing through the forest. "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!. Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō!"

As Aizen's incantation filled the air, the forest fell into a tense silence, broken only by the sounds of combat. Six pillars of light materialized around the Hollow, trapping it within a barrier of reiatsu. Aizen's spell had worked, the Hollow was momentarily immobilized again.

"Good job, Aizen!" Kazuki called out, not taking his eyes off the Hollow. "Kensei, prepare the Bakudō!"

Kensei nodded, reciting the incantation with urgency. "Ye lord, Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man. Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Bakudō #30, Shitotsu Sansen!"

Three beams of light shot out from Kensei's outstretched hand, forming a triangle that immobilized the Hollow further. The restraints, combined with Aizen's Rikujōkōrō, seemed to be holding the creature in place.

Kazuki saw this as their chance. "Ready yourselves," he commanded, his gaze shifting between his comrades. He locked eyes with Aizen, trying to gauge his intentions. But Aizen's face was unreadable, his eyes showing only resolve.

The four students sprang into action simultaneously. They moved with a synchronicity honed through their rigorous training, their Zanpakutōs cutting through the air towards the immobilized Hollow.

As they launched their attacks, Urahara stood back, watching the scene unfold. There was an odd look in his eyes, a mixture of worry and anticipation. He remained silent, his grip on his Asauchi tightening.

Kazuki's sword connected with the Hollow, the impact sending a shockwave through his body. Beside him, Kensei's Asauchi also found its mark, slicing through the creature's grotesque mask.

Aizen's spell held, the pillars of light quivering under the strain but not breaking. He rushed in, his Asauchi joining Kazuki's and Kensei's in a coordinated strike.

Suddenly, the pillars of light broke, the Hollow roared in fury and broke free from the restraints. The abrupt release of energy sent the students flying backward.

"Kazuki!" Kensei called out, pushing himself up from the ground. He saw his friend sprawled on the forest floor, struggling to rise. Aizen was nearby, having managed to roll into a defensive crouch.

"Aizen, Urahara, we need to push it back together!" Kensei shouted, moving to help Kazuki.

Aizen nodded, rising to his feet. "Right," he said, looking grim. He glanced at Urahara, who was now standing, his usually carefree face stern.

Urahara sprang into action, his normally jovial demeanor replaced with intense focus. He lunged at the Hollow with his Zanpakutō, the blade flashing in the sunlight. His move was a calculated one, aimed at hitting the Hollow’s critical point and ending the battle swiftly.

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat! Bakudō #9, Hōrin!" Urahara's incantation rang clear, a bright circle of light appeared around the Hollow, momentarily disorienting it.

Seizing the opportunity, he struck a decisive blow with his Asauchi, slicing through the Hollow with force enough to cause it to let out a final roar before it disintegrated into particles of light. As the particles dispersed, silence fell over the woods, the battle was over.


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