Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch46- His Duty

Despite the established order of seniority, the respect between the captains often manifested in ways that transcended strict hierarchy. They were, after all, more than comrades-in-arms; they were a family, sharing bonds of blood, honor, and loyalty. This delicate interplay was evident when the time came for Captain Shonin to make his selection.

"Yoruichi," he announced, his voice steady and unwavering. A ripple of surprise passed through the students. Yoruichi, not Kazuki, was to be Shonin's apprentice. Everyone knew Kazuki stood at the top of their class, but they also knew of his adopted Shiba lineage. In this quiet act, Shonin showed respect to Kengo, who would undoubtedly wish to train Kazuki. Additionally, it wasn't lost on those present that Yoruichi was his descendant.

Captain Unohana was the next to choose. Her gaze traveled over the students before landing on one. "Isane-chan," she said gently. The anticipation and excitement on Isane's face were replaced by a smile of pure delight. She had been chosen by the renowned Captain Unohana herself, a rare honor indeed.

The process continued with Captains Izuhara, Nobutsuna, and Kumoi selecting their apprentices in quick succession. Izuhara chose Urahara, a wise choice given Urahara's unique blend of intelligence and strategic thinking. Nobutsuna picked Mashiro, whose boundless energy and enthusiasm could undoubtedly benefit from his disciplined approach. Kumoi, the towering figure with a battle-hardened exterior, selected Kensei, whose serious demeanor mirrored his own.

When it was Kengo's turn, he stepped forward with measured grace. "Kazuki," he said, his voice firm and confident. It was an expected choice, but one that still carried a certain weight. The gaze between the captain and his chosen apprentice held the promise of knowledge yet to be imparted and challenges yet to be overcome.

The picking continued with Hikifune, who turned her gaze towards Hiyori. A small smirk on Hiyori's face hinted at her readiness to learn from the captain known for her culinary expertise and resourcefulness.

Shinji, who always had a knack for surprising everyone, picked Aizen. His toothy grin was a stark contrast to Aizen's calm demeanor, creating an interesting juxtaposition that left many wondering about the potential dynamic between the two.

As the penultimate captain, Shunsui took a moment to survey the students before finally settling his gaze on Lisa. He did not say anything, merely nodded in her direction, his decision clear. Lisa's response was equally subdued; she bowed slightly, an action that spoke volumes of her respect for the laid-back captain.

With the decisions made, Yamamoto stood. His voice echoed through the courtyard, declaring the beginning of the next phase. "The selection is complete. Your apprenticeships will start tomorrow. Prepare well. Your journey has only begun."

The office of the 10th Division was simple yet dignified, much like the captain himself. The sunlit room held an air of quiet command, from the meticulously arranged paperwork on the solid oak desk to the weapon racks displaying an array of training swords.

At the center of the room, Kazuki was seated across from Kengo, with Isshin close by. The Shiba clan head looked every inch the formidable captain he was known to be. His gaze, though piercing, was patient and keen. This was the first day of Kazuki's internship, and Kengo was prepared to provide him with the training needed to harness his potential fully.

“Your formal education at the Shin'o Academy has laid a strong foundation for you, Kazuki," Kengo began, his tone serious yet encouraging. “Now it's time for you to learn the real duties of a Shinigami. Each decision we make, each action we take, carries weight. A moment's hesitation can cost lives."

Isshin, the 3rd Seat of the 10th Division, chimed in, adding a note of levity to the stern atmosphere. “Don't worry too much, Kazuki,” he winked, “You've got us to guide you. We'll make sure you're up to snuff!”

Kengo sent Isshin a pointed look but didn't reprimand him, instead turning his focus back to Kazuki. “As Isshin said, we're here to guide you. However, the journey itself must be made by you alone. It's essential you understand that."

Kazuki nodded, his determination clearly visible. “I understand, Captain Shiba, 3rd Seat Shiba. I'm ready for this.”

“Good. Then let’s begin with your daily duties as a Shinigami," Kengo instructed, laying out a detailed schedule of training, patrolling, and administrative work.

Leaning back in his chair, Kengo gestured to a detailed map spread across his desk. It depicted the Human World, with several areas highlighted, focusing heavily on a particular town. "This is our jurisdiction," he began, tracing his fingers over the sections highlighted in red. "Most of these areas are scattered throughout Japan, with Karakura Town being of particular significance."

Isshin chimed in, his tone casual yet insightful. "We station non-seated agents in these areas to handle low-level Hollows. However, when high-level Hollows appear, we are informed beforehand. A higher-ranked Shinigami is then dispatched to assist the stationed officers."

He pointed at Karakura Town, a thoughtful look on his face. "Karakura Town, however, is unique. It has a higher concentration of spiritual beings and occurrences, making it a hotspot for Hollow activity."

Kazuki leaned in to study the map, absorbing the information. He traced his fingers over the highlighted areas, nodding his understanding.

"For your internship, you'll be stationed in Karakura Town with Isshin twice a week," Kengo announced, his voice firm. "Consider it as your on-field training. You'll be experiencing firsthand the responsibilities and challenges a Shinigami faces daily."

There was a silence as Kazuki absorbed the information, the gravity of the situation settling around him. His gaze lingered on Karakura Town before finally looking up to meet Kengo's stern gaze.

"I'm ready, Captain Shiba," Kazuki said, his voice steady.

The corners of Kengo's mouth twitched upward, a rare, proud smile on his stern visage. "I have no doubt you will be, Kazuki. Remember, you'll be dealing with more than just Hollows. You will interact with humans and other spirits. Each of them will need your help in some way. And it's our duty to provide it."

Kazuki's brows furrowed slightly in surprise. "Humans? Are many of them able to see us?" he asked.

Isshin reclined back in his chair, a thoughtful expression gracing his face. "Karakura Town is special in that regard. In every era, there's a place on Earth that becomes more densely concentrated with Spiritual Energy. In this era, it's Karakura Town. That's why there are more humans who can perceive us there, and that also attracts Hollows to that place."

Kazuki's eyes flickered with understanding. This detail had been mentioned at the Academy. His gaze fell on the map again, scrutinizing the highlighted areas. "Is it the 10th Division's duty to protect this land?" he asked, looking up at Kengo.

Kengo, his normally stern expression softening into a proud smile, nodded. "Yes. It has always been. My predecessor Furuoki Ōtogawa, the first captain of the 10th Division, took on this responsibility, and since then, we've been protecting Karakura Town for over a thousand years."


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