Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch50- Obachan Orihime

As the hazy morning sun hung low in the sky, Kazuki, garbed in the simple attire of the local populace, walked through the nostalgic cobblestone streets of Karakura Town. The usually bustling streets were somewhat quieter at this hour, making it easier for the trio to move around. To his left was Yoruichi, her normally nimble form hampered by the rigidity of the Gigai, yet she moved with an elegance that was her own. On his right was Kukaku, her fiery spirit somewhat dampened by the unfamiliar surroundings, but there was a sense of anticipation in her eyes that told him she was intrigued.

Kazuki noticed the vendors preparing their wares for the day, their actions methodical, borne from years of the same routine. The fragrance of fresh bread wafted from a nearby bakery, a fond smell he had come to associate with this place. Turning his attention back to his companions, he led them deeper into the town, the unfamiliar clink of their wooden sandals on the stone path filling the air.

"Is this the place you've been talking about, Kazuki?" Kukaku asked, peering curiously at the rustic buildings around them. Her question broke the comfortable silence they'd been walking in, and Kazuki nodded in response.

"Yes, it is. I've been coming here lately. There's a charm to this place that I find calming," he explained, his voice blending with the ambient sounds of the town slowly coming to life.

Three months into Kazuki's internship had passed by in the blink of an eye, with countless days spent training, learning, and adjusting to life at the academy. On this rare day off, he had chosen to take Yoruichi and Kukaku to the quaint little Karakura Town that he often visited. Due to the demands of the internship, Yoruichi and he had not been able to spend much time with Kukaku, and he often caught a flicker of longing in her gaze, an unspoken yearning for their company.

The town was still in the throes of its morning routine, a nostalgic charm radiating from the cobblestone streets and rustic buildings that had captured Kazuki's heart. As the trio moved deeper into the heart of the town, the scent of fresh bread drew him to one of open ovens where an old lady was cooking traditional sweet bread.

The proximity was natural between them, so much so that Kazuki didn't give a second thought to guiding the two women through the throng of vendors with a hand on each of their elbows. Despite the modesty of the era, the gesture was merely a testament to their bond. Side by side, they weaved through the cobblestone streets, their steps rhythmically matching the rising pulse of the town.

The old lady's stall was nestled in a narrow alleyway, quaint and unassuming, yet carrying a distinct charm that mirrored the town's own. Her vibrant orange hair, streaked with age, was a striking contrast to her wrinkled face. The scent of freshly baked bread, mixed with the aroma of strange, unidentifiable ingredients, filled the air around her, drawing in curious customers like a siren call.

"Ah, there you are Kazuki, dear. I was wondering when you'd show up." The woman, affectionately known as Obachan Orihime among the locals, greeted Kazuki warmly.

He shot a grin back at the woman, releasing Yoruichi and Kukaku's arms to approach her. "Good morning, Obachan Orihime," he said, "My friends here were looking forward to trying your famous sweet bread."

A chuckle rumbled out of the old woman as she turned to her oven. "Oh, is that so? Well, they're in for a treat then."

Kazuki grinned, "And surprise, right?" The words hummed in the air, causing a twinkle to dance in Kinoe Orihime's eyes.

"Yes, and surprise," she chuckled, her laughter echoed down the quaint alley, bouncing off the worn cobblestones and mixing with the early morning chirping of the birds. The delightful sound resonated with the pleasant anticipation that filled the atmosphere around them.

Kazuki looked back at Yoruichi and Kukaku, who were eagerly waiting. He had shared tales of Orihime's special sweet bread with them, and they were both eager to finally try the famous delicacy. What he had left out of his stories, however, was Orihime's penchant for mixing unexpected ingredients into her bakes.

As the old lady busied herself with wrapping up fresh bread in a parchment paper, Yoruichi and Kukaku scanned the surroundings. Karakura Town's raw authenticity was refreshing to the two women, who were more accustomed to the high-energy life at Soul Society. Yoruichi, with her sharp sense of observation, took note of the intricate pattern on the cobblestone streets. Kukaku, on the other hand, found herself lost in the enchanting symphony of bustling townfolk and chirping birds.

Kazuki quietly watched as his friends absorbed the essence of Karakura. The unassuming town had a magnetic charm, and he could see it was working its magic on Yoruichi and Kukaku as well. It reminded him of his own first encounter with Karakura. The feeling was akin to finding a serene oasis in a bustling desert, an experience that could not be accurately described but had to be lived.

"Here you go, dear," Orihime's voice pulled him back to the present. He moved forward to collect the freshly-baked bread, the aroma of the pastry, and an array of undisclosed ingredients teasing his senses. He thanked Orihime and handed one each to Yoruichi and Kukaku, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

The three friends thanked Orihime before they found a small stone bench nearby to settle and enjoy their breakfast. Kazuki watched as Yoruichi and Kukaku took their first bites, their eyes widening at the burst of unique flavors.

The first bite elicited an immediate reaction, the unusual blend of flavors causing their brows to furrow in surprise. It was Yoruichi who broke the silence, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of surprise and mischief. "Kazuki," she began, her tone almost accusing. "You didn't mention the...unique flavor profile of this sweet bread."

Kukaku, still chewing slowly, glanced at Kazuki with an eyebrow raised in a similar sentiment. There was a momentary pause before she spoke, "This is unlike any sweet bread I've ever tasted," she said, her voice thick with intrigue.

Kazuki simply smiled at them, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "I did say it was special," he countered, watching as both women took another tentative bite of the bread.


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