Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 55.2

You know, I post my fics everywhere but Tumblr and Wattpad and it is really interesting to see how every site is different. (Well, not everywhere, but in all the sites I know)

I honestly believe Will of The Force is my best Fanfic right now, (try it out, it's actually a lot of fun even if it's not the usual SH fic!) not that I'm not trying to make every chapter good in every story, but I just got inspired when I created it.

Still, both here and in Webnovel it has far less readers than the others.

On Webnovel, my Hentai fanfic had a Huge number of readers, but none of them commented or interacted all that much with the fic.

On Spacebattles, QQ (Strange, the NSFW section is far more active there) and Ao3, Will of the Force exploded, it gets far more likes, interactions and readers.

In Fanfiction, Will of the Force is more sucessful, but Dungeon Delving actually has more readers and interaction than Supergirl despite having far less chapters.

Also, of all my fanfics, even my abandoned Naruto FF (Only 5 chapters) the Danmachi fandom is, by far, the most toxic everywhere.

I'm not talking about constructive criticism, that I always apreciate, but people actually insulting me because of the way I wrote the story. It's not why I take so long to update that one, but it was a contributing factor.

This isn't a rant, just something I thought interesting to share with you guys and, perhaps, even an aspiring writer. If your story isn't having much success here, try another site, people's taste vary a lot depending on where you're posting.


“Right,” Kara said, checking the time on the screen of her mask. “Well, I was supposed to meet Dany and Kon 10 minutes ago. Do you mind if we talk there?”

“Not at all, I heard the firecracker was learning how to fly, it will be amusing to watch.”

Together, they started flying at extreme speeds and, twenty-five minutes later, the duo floated over a wide stretch of empty land, no city anywhere in sight. The land looked red, with rocks protruding from the place and very little vegetation but for a thin strip down inside a canyon.

Despite that, the desert looked beautiful from the air, just not what Kara would have chosen. Looking around she heard a loud ‘bang’ and turned to see Kon dragging himself out of a small hole in the ground. “There they are.”

“You’re late,” Kal said, approaching them in the air.

“Sorry about that,” Kara said. “I was busy thinking and then had a fire to stop… did they find anything?”

Kal slightly shook his head in denial. “Their Corps is very busy right now, but Hal managed to take a look, there were no signs of her ship anywhere near Krypton.”

“Well, at least we know she’s not in the same situation as me,” Kara sighed and then gave him a quick smile before turning to the younger El. “Hey, nice crater! I see you’re getting the hang of creating them. Now, have you already started flight training?”

“Great, couldn’t you have arrived later?” Kon grumbled, dusting his clothes in embarrassment. “Now you’re gonna film everything.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she waved his concern away. “Kal had one of my drones filming from the very beginning. I’m sure M’gann is gonna love watching your first attempts when I show her later, don’t think I didn’t notice you two.”

Kon blushed, his eyes shifting away from her to everyone’s amusement. From the side, Dany floated closer, her body moving unsteadily through the air guided by a light breeze, her face a mask of concentration.

“Red Tornado didn’t come?” Alan asked Kal.

“He’s on call for the League,” Kal said as the four of them slowly dropped to the desert floor. “Besides, her flight is distinct enough that he can’t offer much help.”

Dropping close by, Dany lost control of her flight and almost fell, having to hug Kara before to steady herself. “Thanks, the Nth metal you gave me is making flight easier, but it’s not exactly instinctual yet. Hello Alan.”

Giving the android a huge smile, Kara helped get her feet steady. “Good to see you, what have you been doing?”

“I… well, I’m starting college this semester,” Dany said, a happy smile on her face. “I’ll be studying Geology in Metropolis. It’s a little late, but they accepted my application. Besides that, I’ve been going out with Brother, getting used to being a hero again.”

“Great,” Kara said, she was glad to see her friend getting her life back in order. “You know, me and Kori are going out again this weekend, want to come with us?”

“Actually, yeah, I’d really like that.”

“Come on,” Kal said, clapping his hand. “Break’s over, back to flying! Kara, are you gonna help?”

“Oh, no, don’t mind me, I’m just here to enjoy the falls,” she laughed, seeing both Kon and Dany glaring at her in return.

Together with Alan, she watched the two new fliers trying to take off, Kon made a face of concentration, his forehead wrinkled and muscles locked as he slowly rose into the air, then he lost concentration and dropped back on his feet.

Dany was slightly better, she didn’t have as much trouble getting off the ground but, while Kon seemed to have control over his whole body, Dany appeared to simply float up as if gravity no longer affected her, her body wobbling unsteadily as she used small gusts of wind to control her movements.

Watching them with amusement, Kara stood back, giving the pair some space to train before pulling one of her devices from a pocket and letting it float behind her, the small drone filtered any sound from leaving an area of five meters around her and Alan.

The old Green Lantern just gave her a look, but he seemed to understand her need for discretion. With a wave of his hand, he materialized a set of comfortable armchairs in the air, sitting down in one of them and motioning for Kara to follow his example.

“None of us thought we’d ever see her again, you know?” Alan said watching Dani try to move. “Villains? Those always kept coming back, but heroes stayed dead, at least for our generation. Thank you.”

“I can’t say I was completely selfless when I helped her out,” Kara confessed. “Studying T.O. Morrow’s work was a huge part of it, but I’m glad she’s well.”

Alan snorted but didn’t dispute her words. “Regardless, you still helped, if you got something from it, all the better.”

“Very practical of you.”

“Girl, I have been active long enough to have met a LOT of people. Not every hero is as selfless as the current League. As long as they’re doing good, I don’t really care if they have other motives.”

Kara briefly winced as Dany lost control of her flight, the android’s eyes widening as a blast of wind sent her skipping along the desert like a rock through a river. Kon tried to ignore her but still dropped to his feet with an annoyed huff. 

“Alright, you said you could help me?”

“You’re lucky one of the GLs wasn’t on the planet, back in Salem, I mean. I felt your rage, the power of the Red Light inside you, it’s not the same as mine, but you also don’t have a ring.”

“I… don’t want to talk about it.”

“Then don’t, I’m not here to lecture you or demand explanations, I’m here to help you control it,” he said, extending his legs and crossing his ankles. “You know, I don’t actually USE the Green Light. I could, but my source of power is the Starheart, it is pure, chaotic, magic. Still, it requires willpower to wield it and I think my approach would be better than the Corps… I’m also not a blue midget with control issues that may or may not want to put you in a cell.”

Kara lifted an eyebrow at the bitterness in his voice. “Oh? Please, tell me more.”

Alan chuckled. “Let’s just say the Guardians didn’t exactly like that I have possession of the Starheart. It’s one of the reasons I’m here, they don’t take well to others using the emotional spectrum, or even just being able to.”

“Why are the GLs out of the planet anyway? I know they have other duties, but usually at least one is always here.”

“Because of you, I suspect. At least in a roundabout way.”


“Well, John intercepted a Red Ring just orbiting Earth a few weeks ago. —before Salem, but I doubt that was the first time you ever used the Red Light— He and Hal reported back to the Guardians but, imagine their surprise when a Red Lantern showed up after the thing before they could even hear back from the midgets. As I understand, the Green Lantern Corps is currently at war, or at least a huge fight.” 

Well crap, did her connection to the Red Light call a Ring to the planet after all? Guess she HAD attracted Atrocitus's attention in the end, he was just blocked by the GLs… did that mean there were also Orange and Violet Rings floating around without a user.

“Are they after me?”

“Not exactly. As far as the League can figure out, the Red Lanterns came for the Ring, but they stayed for the war. Still, if one of them shows up I’ll personally deal with it,” Alan’s eyes became hard. “They seem to be keeping their war amongst themselves and it better stay that way.”

Damn, for some reason, Kara believed him. Alan’s power had been impressive in Salem, far above what she thought any of the local GLs could do, at least the ones in this dimension.

Kara adjusted herself on the seat, her eyes growing distant as she thought about things. 

So the war between the Lantern Corps had started, probably a lot earlier than it should have since she hadn’t seen it on the Young Justice… or maybe the Team just hadn’t gotten involved in the war, the show was very focused on them after all.

Kara felt no desire to get involved in that, better yet, she felt no particular need to. The Red Lantern’s anger at the Guardians WAS somewhat justified and their battle really wasn’t her problem, even if she had played a small part in making it happen.

Of course, if they showed up and started causing trouble she’d deal with it, but this was a war she had no personal interest in. 

“Alright, how do we do this?” Kara said. She had been eager to learn how to manipulate the Light Spectrum, even if her attempts hadn’t been very successful. “I haven’t been able to use the Green Light of Will at all. I did replicate the Red Light of Rage, briefly, and managed a few slivers of Orange or Violet too.”

“So you can control more than just wrath, good to know,” Alan said, a hand over his mouth in thought. “How exactly are you trying to use the Light?”

“Meditation mostly. I try to isolate a feeling and manifest it, focusing only on Will… or Anger, which seems to come easier. I guess I just don’t have enough willpower to block everything else.”

“Hmmm, it seems you’re trying to take the Guardian's approach, it works for their Corps, but I don’t know if it’s the right thing for you.”

“How so?”

“I’m not exactly an expert on the Guardians and their Corps,” Alan said, steepling his fingers above his chest. “But, as I understand, the midgets purge themselves of all emotion, becoming beings of pure will. I bet their rings don’t just search for those strong on willpower, but those whose willpower is vastly more powerful than every other feeling.”

“You think the way they use the light is wrong?” Kara widened her eyes.

“Heck no girl, it clearly works for them. Still, no insult to Hal or John, but do you really think they had more willpower than Batman? Supes over there? Even some of the old veterans?” Alan shook his head. “Maybe now, after years of use and training, but not back when they first got the rings. Take it from me, willpower requires tempering.”

“Maybe they target potential?”

“Could be and, as I said, I’m not an expert on the Guardians, but it would be just like them to choose people whose other emotions are already much weaker than their willpower and simply... teach them to suppress them. Suppressing the feelings could even work as a way of tempering themselves.”

Kara took a second to think about it, that… didn’t fully ring true for her, she remembered at least Hal and Guy being able to wield the other colors. Still, Earth’s GLs had always been anomalies.

Meanwhile, Alan lifted a hand, creating a green shield around them. Safe from the dust, they winced as Kon hit the ground at near-terminal velocity, his back creating yet another crater and sending rocks and dust flying everywhere.

Kara briefly deactivated the sound barrier on her drone and yelled. “You alright over there!?”

Kon just groaned and sucked in a breath. A second later, Kal dropped by his side. “You sure you don’t want me to catch you next time?”

“No,” the younger Kryptonian managed to growl, slowly pushing himself to a sitting position. “Gives me… motivation… not to fail.”

Shrugging at Kal, Kara reactivated the barrier and saw Alan lower his hand, the shield dropping after the dust settled. “You’re saying I don’t need to focus on only one feeling to manipulate the Light Spectrum?”

“I use my willpower to control the chaos of the Starheart but I still feel anger, fear, and love. I use those feelings, draw on them to fuel my will, they don’t distract me.”

“Yes, but can you use the Green Light while feeling those things?”

“Girl, I use my willpower to hold back and use most of the chaotic magic in the universe, do you really think I can’t touch the Green Light of Will? Or that my willpower is weaker than one of the boys?”

When he put it like that… “Fair enough.”

Over their heads, Kal held on to Dany, helping keep her in the air while she got used to manipulating the air to move, Kon taking a short rest before trying again.

“What you have to understand is that willpower isn’t endless,” Alan said. Pushing against the chair, he got back on his feet and dissipated his construct. “Using your willpower to try and suppress your other feelings will only exhaust you faster. Instead, use it for control, to channel your feelings, give them direction.”

“What about the other Lanterns?”

“I’ll be blocking your attempts, no one will sense them as long as you’re with me.”

“Alright…” Kara said, glancing at her cousin still in the air and back to the Green Lantern at her side. “Alright, when do we start?”

“How about right now?” 


If you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Will of The Force (SFW). - WEEKLY / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) (HIATUS)/ Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) (HIATUS)

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free and you can support me for a single dollar.

Thanks to Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter!

Thanks to my patrons : Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust) Comics, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, camarada fugu, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, AjiTae, khepri, Louis Kasser, JVR, Joseph,  Vegetables, Nisiris, Flashycow, Ryuda, Commander Miggs, Kaleb, Awais, Ty Tuttle, LordChoto, Allison Jolley, Phillip Webster, Glitched Knights, Robolo42, Zistrum, IrishxButter, Journeyman_Mike, Jason Langford, W01F, janember, AlthePal, Elia , Matthew D, rome33, Jesper Samso Birch, Austin, Pedro Belonia, Danny York, Joe Foreman, Duke, Kraxus, Invernos, Kristoffer, john the gamer and ecool for supporting my work!

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